blob: 3327bed65efbd06c5374596da651cd05a7a0e753 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
#include "runtime.h"
#include "arch_GOARCH.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "race.h"
#include "hashmap.h"
#include "typekind.h"
#include "../../cmd/ld/textflag.h"
docheck = 0, // check invariants before and after every op. Slow!!!
debug = 0, // print every operation
checkgc = 0 || docheck, // check interaction of mallocgc() with the garbage collector
static void
check(MapType *t, Hmap *h)
uintptr bucket, oldbucket;
Bucket *b;
uintptr i;
uintptr hash;
uintgo cnt;
uint8 top;
bool eq;
byte *k, *v;
cnt = 0;
// check buckets
for(bucket = 0; bucket < (uintptr)1 << h->B; bucket++) {
for(b = (Bucket*)(h->buckets + bucket * h->bucketsize); b != nil; b = b->overflow) {
for(i = 0, k = (byte*)b->data, v = k + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE; i < BUCKETSIZE; i++, k += h->keysize, v += h->valuesize) {
if(b->tophash[i] == Empty)
if(b->tophash[i] > Empty && b->tophash[i] < MinTopHash)
runtime·throw("evacuated cell in buckets");
t->key->alg->equal(&eq, t->key->size, IK(h, k), IK(h, k));
continue; // NaN!
hash = h->hash0;
t->key->alg->hash(&hash, t->key->size, IK(h, k));
top = hash >> (8*sizeof(uintptr) - 8);
if(top < MinTopHash)
top += MinTopHash;
if(top != b->tophash[i])
runtime·throw("bad hash");
// check oldbuckets
if(h->oldbuckets != nil) {
for(oldbucket = 0; oldbucket < (uintptr)1 << (h->B - 1); oldbucket++) {
b = (Bucket*)(h->oldbuckets + oldbucket * h->bucketsize);
for(; b != nil; b = b->overflow) {
for(i = 0, k = (byte*)b->data, v = k + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE; i < BUCKETSIZE; i++, k += h->keysize, v += h->valuesize) {
if(b->tophash[i] < MinTopHash)
if(oldbucket < h->nevacuate)
runtime·throw("unevacuated entry in an evacuated bucket");
t->key->alg->equal(&eq, t->key->size, IK(h, k), IK(h, k));
continue; // NaN!
hash = h->hash0;
t->key->alg->hash(&hash, t->key->size, IK(h, k));
top = hash >> (8*sizeof(uintptr) - 8);
if(top < MinTopHash)
top += MinTopHash;
if(top != b->tophash[i])
runtime·throw("bad hash (old)");
if(cnt != h->count) {
runtime·printf("%D %D\n", (uint64)cnt, (uint64)h->count);
runtime·throw("entries missing");
static void
hash_init(MapType *t, Hmap *h, uint32 hint)
uint8 B;
byte *buckets;
uintptr keysize, valuesize, bucketsize;
uint8 flags;
flags = 0;
// figure out how big we have to make everything
keysize = t->key->size;
if(keysize > MAXKEYSIZE) {
flags |= IndirectKey;
keysize = sizeof(byte*);
valuesize = t->elem->size;
if(valuesize > MAXVALUESIZE) {
flags |= IndirectValue;
valuesize = sizeof(byte*);
bucketsize = offsetof(Bucket, data[0]) + (keysize + valuesize) * BUCKETSIZE;
if(bucketsize != t->bucket->size) {
runtime·printf("runtime: bucketsize=%p but t->bucket->size=%p; t=%S\n", bucketsize, t->bucket->size, *t->string);
runtime·throw("bucketsize wrong");
// invariants we depend on. We should probably check these at compile time
// somewhere, but for now we'll do it here.
if(t->key->align > BUCKETSIZE)
runtime·throw("key align too big");
if(t->elem->align > BUCKETSIZE)
runtime·throw("value align too big");
if(t->key->size % t->key->align != 0)
runtime·throw("key size not a multiple of key align");
if(t->elem->size % t->elem->align != 0)
runtime·throw("value size not a multiple of value align");
runtime·throw("bucketsize too small for proper alignment");
if((offsetof(Bucket, data[0]) & (t->key->align-1)) != 0)
runtime·throw("need padding in bucket (key)");
if((offsetof(Bucket, data[0]) & (t->elem->align-1)) != 0)
runtime·throw("need padding in bucket (value)");
// find size parameter which will hold the requested # of elements
B = 0;
while(hint > BUCKETSIZE && hint > LOAD * ((uintptr)1 << B))
// allocate initial hash table
// If hint is large zeroing this memory could take a while.
if(checkgc) mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc;
if(B == 0) {
// done lazily later.
buckets = nil;
} else {
buckets = runtime·cnewarray(t->bucket, (uintptr)1 << B);
// initialize Hmap
h->count = 0;
h->B = B;
h->flags = flags;
h->keysize = keysize;
h->valuesize = valuesize;
h->bucketsize = bucketsize;
h->hash0 = runtime·fastrand1();
h->buckets = buckets;
h->oldbuckets = nil;
h->nevacuate = 0;
check(t, h);
// Moves entries in oldbuckets[i] to buckets[i] and buckets[i+2^k].
// We leave the original bucket intact, except for marking the topbits
// entries as evacuated, so that iterators can still iterate through the old buckets.
static void
evacuate(MapType *t, Hmap *h, uintptr oldbucket)
Bucket *b;
Bucket *x, *y;
Bucket *newx, *newy;
uintptr xi, yi;
uintptr newbit;
uintptr hash;
uintptr i;
byte *k, *v;
byte *xk, *yk, *xv, *yv;
uint8 top;
bool eq;
b = (Bucket*)(h->oldbuckets + oldbucket * h->bucketsize);
newbit = (uintptr)1 << (h->B - 1);
if(!evacuated(b)) {
// TODO: reuse overflow buckets instead of using new ones, if there
// is no iterator using the old buckets. (If !OldIterator.)
x = (Bucket*)(h->buckets + oldbucket * h->bucketsize);
y = (Bucket*)(h->buckets + (oldbucket + newbit) * h->bucketsize);
xi = 0;
yi = 0;
xk = (byte*)x->data;
yk = (byte*)y->data;
xv = xk + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE;
yv = yk + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE;
for(; b != nil; b = b->overflow) {
for(i = 0, k = (byte*)b->data, v = k + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE; i < BUCKETSIZE; i++, k += h->keysize, v += h->valuesize) {
top = b->tophash[i];
if(top == Empty) {
b->tophash[i] = EvacuatedEmpty;
if(top < MinTopHash)
runtime·throw("bad state");
// Compute hash to make our evacuation decision (whether we need
// to send this key/value to bucket x or bucket y).
hash = h->hash0;
t->key->alg->hash(&hash, t->key->size, IK(h, k));
if((h->flags & Iterator) != 0) {
t->key->alg->equal(&eq, t->key->size, IK(h, k), IK(h, k));
if(!eq) {
// If key != key (NaNs), then the hash could be (and probably
// will be) entirely different from the old hash. Moreover,
// it isn't reproducible. Reproducibility is required in the
// presence of iterators, as our evacuation decision must
// match whatever decision the iterator made.
// Fortunately, we have the freedom to send these keys either
// way. Also, tophash is meaningless for these kinds of keys.
// We let the low bit of tophash drive the evacuation decision.
// We recompute a new random tophash for the next level so
// these keys will get evenly distributed across all buckets
// after multiple grows.
if((top & 1) != 0)
hash |= newbit;
hash &= ~newbit;
top = hash >> (8*sizeof(uintptr)-8);
if(top < MinTopHash)
top += MinTopHash;
if((hash & newbit) == 0) {
b->tophash[i] = EvacuatedX;
if(xi == BUCKETSIZE) {
if(checkgc) mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc;
newx = runtime·cnew(t->bucket);
x->overflow = newx;
x = newx;
xi = 0;
xk = (byte*)x->data;
xv = xk + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE;
x->tophash[xi] = top;
if((h->flags & IndirectKey) != 0) {
*(byte**)xk = *(byte**)k; // copy pointer
} else {
t->key->alg->copy(t->key->size, xk, k); // copy value
if((h->flags & IndirectValue) != 0) {
*(byte**)xv = *(byte**)v;
} else {
t->elem->alg->copy(t->elem->size, xv, v);
xk += h->keysize;
xv += h->valuesize;
} else {
b->tophash[i] = EvacuatedY;
if(yi == BUCKETSIZE) {
if(checkgc) mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc;
newy = runtime·cnew(t->bucket);
y->overflow = newy;
y = newy;
yi = 0;
yk = (byte*)y->data;
yv = yk + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE;
y->tophash[yi] = top;
if((h->flags & IndirectKey) != 0) {
*(byte**)yk = *(byte**)k;
} else {
t->key->alg->copy(t->key->size, yk, k);
if((h->flags & IndirectValue) != 0) {
*(byte**)yv = *(byte**)v;
} else {
t->elem->alg->copy(t->elem->size, yv, v);
yk += h->keysize;
yv += h->valuesize;
// Unlink the overflow buckets & clear key/value to help GC.
if((h->flags & OldIterator) == 0) {
b = (Bucket*)(h->oldbuckets + oldbucket * h->bucketsize);
b->overflow = nil;
runtime·memclr((byte*)b->data, h->bucketsize - offsetof(Bucket, data[0]));
// Advance evacuation mark
if(oldbucket == h->nevacuate) {
h->nevacuate = oldbucket + 1;
if(oldbucket + 1 == newbit) // newbit == # of oldbuckets
// Growing is all done. Free old main bucket array.
h->oldbuckets = nil;
check(t, h);
static void
grow_work(MapType *t, Hmap *h, uintptr bucket)
uintptr noldbuckets;
noldbuckets = (uintptr)1 << (h->B - 1);
// make sure we evacuate the oldbucket corresponding
// to the bucket we're about to use
evacuate(t, h, bucket & (noldbuckets - 1));
// evacuate one more oldbucket to make progress on growing
if(h->oldbuckets != nil)
evacuate(t, h, h->nevacuate);
static void
hash_grow(MapType *t, Hmap *h)
byte *old_buckets;
byte *new_buckets;
uint8 flags;
// allocate a bigger hash table
if(h->oldbuckets != nil)
runtime·throw("evacuation not done in time");
old_buckets = h->buckets;
if(checkgc) mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc;
new_buckets = runtime·cnewarray(t->bucket, (uintptr)1 << (h->B + 1));
flags = (h->flags & ~(Iterator | OldIterator));
if((h->flags & Iterator) != 0)
flags |= OldIterator;
// commit the grow (atomic wrt gc)
h->flags = flags;
h->oldbuckets = old_buckets;
h->buckets = new_buckets;
h->nevacuate = 0;
// the actual copying of the hash table data is done incrementally
// by grow_work() and evacuate().
check(t, h);
// returns ptr to value associated with key *keyp, or nil if none.
// if it returns non-nil, updates *keyp to point to the currently stored key.
static byte*
hash_lookup(MapType *t, Hmap *h, byte **keyp)
void *key;
uintptr hash;
uintptr bucket, oldbucket;
Bucket *b;
uint8 top;
uintptr i;
bool eq;
byte *k, *k2, *v;
key = *keyp;
check(t, h);
if(h->count == 0)
return nil;
hash = h->hash0;
t->key->alg->hash(&hash, t->key->size, key);
bucket = hash & (((uintptr)1 << h->B) - 1);
if(h->oldbuckets != nil) {
oldbucket = bucket & (((uintptr)1 << (h->B - 1)) - 1);
b = (Bucket*)(h->oldbuckets + oldbucket * h->bucketsize);
if(evacuated(b)) {
b = (Bucket*)(h->buckets + bucket * h->bucketsize);
} else {
b = (Bucket*)(h->buckets + bucket * h->bucketsize);
top = hash >> (sizeof(uintptr)*8 - 8);
if(top < MinTopHash)
top += MinTopHash;
do {
for(i = 0, k = (byte*)b->data, v = k + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE; i < BUCKETSIZE; i++, k += h->keysize, v += h->valuesize) {
if(b->tophash[i] == top) {
k2 = IK(h, k);
t->key->alg->equal(&eq, t->key->size, key, k2);
if(eq) {
*keyp = k2;
return IV(h, v);
b = b->overflow;
} while(b != nil);
return nil;
// Specialized versions of mapaccess1 for specific types.
// See ./hashmap_fast.c and ../../cmd/gc/walk.c.
#define HASH_LOOKUP1 runtime·mapaccess1_fast32
#define HASH_LOOKUP2 runtime·mapaccess2_fast32
#define KEYTYPE uint32
#define HASHFUNC runtime·algarray[AMEM32].hash
#define FASTKEY(x) true
#define QUICK_NE(x,y) ((x) != (y))
#define QUICK_EQ(x,y) true
#define SLOW_EQ(x,y) true
#define MAYBE_EQ(x,y) true
#include "hashmap_fast.c"
#undef KEYTYPE
#undef FASTKEY
#undef QUICK_NE
#undef QUICK_EQ
#undef SLOW_EQ
#undef MAYBE_EQ
#define HASH_LOOKUP1 runtime·mapaccess1_fast64
#define HASH_LOOKUP2 runtime·mapaccess2_fast64
#define KEYTYPE uint64
#define HASHFUNC runtime·algarray[AMEM64].hash
#define FASTKEY(x) true
#define QUICK_NE(x,y) ((x) != (y))
#define QUICK_EQ(x,y) true
#define SLOW_EQ(x,y) true
#define MAYBE_EQ(x,y) true
#include "hashmap_fast.c"
#undef KEYTYPE
#undef FASTKEY
#undef QUICK_NE
#undef QUICK_EQ
#undef SLOW_EQ
#undef MAYBE_EQ
#ifdef GOARCH_amd64
#define CHECKTYPE uint64
#ifdef GOARCH_amd64p32
#define CHECKTYPE uint32
#ifdef GOARCH_386
#define CHECKTYPE uint32
#ifdef GOARCH_arm
// can't use uint32 on arm because our loads aren't aligned.
// TODO: use uint32 for arm v6+?
#define CHECKTYPE uint8
#define HASH_LOOKUP1 runtime·mapaccess1_faststr
#define HASH_LOOKUP2 runtime·mapaccess2_faststr
#define KEYTYPE String
#define HASHFUNC runtime·algarray[ASTRING].hash
#define FASTKEY(x) ((x).len < 32)
#define QUICK_NE(x,y) ((x).len != (y).len)
#define QUICK_EQ(x,y) ((x).str == (y).str)
#define SLOW_EQ(x,y) runtime·memeq((x).str, (y).str, (x).len)
#define MAYBE_EQ(x,y) (*(CHECKTYPE*)(x).str == *(CHECKTYPE*)(y).str && *(CHECKTYPE*)((x).str + (x).len - sizeof(CHECKTYPE)) == *(CHECKTYPE*)((y).str + (x).len - sizeof(CHECKTYPE)))
#include "hashmap_fast.c"
static void
hash_insert(MapType *t, Hmap *h, void *key, void *value)
uintptr hash;
uintptr bucket;
uintptr i;
bool eq;
Bucket *b;
Bucket *newb;
uint8 *inserti;
byte *insertk, *insertv;
uint8 top;
byte *k, *v;
byte *kmem, *vmem;
check(t, h);
hash = h->hash0;
t->key->alg->hash(&hash, t->key->size, key);
if(h->buckets == nil)
h->buckets = runtime·cnewarray(t->bucket, 1);
bucket = hash & (((uintptr)1 << h->B) - 1);
if(h->oldbuckets != nil)
grow_work(t, h, bucket);
b = (Bucket*)(h->buckets + bucket * h->bucketsize);
top = hash >> (sizeof(uintptr)*8 - 8);
if(top < MinTopHash)
top += MinTopHash;
inserti = nil;
insertk = nil;
insertv = nil;
while(true) {
for(i = 0, k = (byte*)b->data, v = k + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE; i < BUCKETSIZE; i++, k += h->keysize, v += h->valuesize) {
if(b->tophash[i] != top) {
if(b->tophash[i] == Empty && inserti == nil) {
inserti = &b->tophash[i];
insertk = k;
insertv = v;
t->key->alg->equal(&eq, t->key->size, key, IK(h, k));
// already have a mapping for key. Update it.
t->key->alg->copy(t->key->size, IK(h, k), key); // Need to update key for keys which are distinct but equal (e.g. +0.0 and -0.0)
t->elem->alg->copy(t->elem->size, IV(h, v), value);
check(t, h);
if(b->overflow == nil)
b = b->overflow;
// did not find mapping for key. Allocate new cell & add entry.
if(h->count >= LOAD * ((uintptr)1 << h->B) && h->count >= BUCKETSIZE) {
hash_grow(t, h);
goto again; // Growing the table invalidates everything, so try again
if(inserti == nil) {
// all current buckets are full, allocate a new one.
if(checkgc) mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc;
newb = runtime·cnew(t->bucket);
b->overflow = newb;
inserti = newb->tophash;
insertk = (byte*)newb->data;
insertv = insertk + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE;
// store new key/value at insert position
if((h->flags & IndirectKey) != 0) {
if(checkgc) mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc;
kmem = runtime·cnew(t->key);
*(byte**)insertk = kmem;
insertk = kmem;
if((h->flags & IndirectValue) != 0) {
if(checkgc) mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc;
vmem = runtime·cnew(t->elem);
*(byte**)insertv = vmem;
insertv = vmem;
t->key->alg->copy(t->key->size, insertk, key);
t->elem->alg->copy(t->elem->size, insertv, value);
*inserti = top;
check(t, h);
static void
hash_remove(MapType *t, Hmap *h, void *key)
uintptr hash;
uintptr bucket;
Bucket *b;
uint8 top;
uintptr i;
byte *k, *v;
bool eq;
check(t, h);
if(h->count == 0)
hash = h->hash0;
t->key->alg->hash(&hash, t->key->size, key);
bucket = hash & (((uintptr)1 << h->B) - 1);
if(h->oldbuckets != nil)
grow_work(t, h, bucket);
b = (Bucket*)(h->buckets + bucket * h->bucketsize);
top = hash >> (sizeof(uintptr)*8 - 8);
if(top < MinTopHash)
top += MinTopHash;
do {
for(i = 0, k = (byte*)b->data, v = k + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE; i < BUCKETSIZE; i++, k += h->keysize, v += h->valuesize) {
if(b->tophash[i] != top)
t->key->alg->equal(&eq, t->key->size, key, IK(h, k));
if((h->flags & IndirectKey) != 0) {
*(byte**)k = nil;
} else {
t->key->alg->copy(t->key->size, k, nil);
if((h->flags & IndirectValue) != 0) {
*(byte**)v = nil;
} else {
t->elem->alg->copy(t->elem->size, v, nil);
b->tophash[i] = Empty;
// TODO: consolidate buckets if they are mostly empty
// can only consolidate if there are no live iterators at this size.
check(t, h);
b = b->overflow;
} while(b != nil);
// TODO: shrink the map, the same way we grow it.
// iterator state:
// bucket: the current bucket ID
// b: the current Bucket in the chain
// i: the next offset to check in the current bucket
static void
hash_iter_init(MapType *t, Hmap *h, Hiter *it)
uint32 old;
if(sizeof(Hiter) / sizeof(uintptr) != 10) {
runtime·throw("hash_iter size incorrect"); // see ../../cmd/gc/reflect.c
it->t = t;
it->h = h;
// grab snapshot of bucket state
it->B = h->B;
it->buckets = h->buckets;
// iterator state
it->bucket = 0;
it->offset = runtime·fastrand1() & (BUCKETSIZE - 1);
it->done = false;
it->bptr = nil;
// Remember we have an iterator.
// Can run concurrently with another hash_iter_init().
for(;;) {
old = h->flags;
if((old&(Iterator|OldIterator)) == (Iterator|OldIterator))
if(runtime·cas(&h->flags, old, old|Iterator|OldIterator))
if(h->buckets == nil) {
// Empty map. Force next hash_next to exit without
// evaluating h->bucket.
it->done = true;
// initializes it->key and it->value to the next key/value pair
// in the iteration, or nil if we've reached the end.
static void
hash_next(Hiter *it)
Hmap *h;
MapType *t;
uintptr bucket, oldbucket;
uintptr hash;
Bucket *b;
uintptr i, offi;
intptr check_bucket;
bool eq;
byte *k, *v;
byte *rk, *rv;
h = it->h;
t = it->t;
bucket = it->bucket;
b = it->bptr;
i = it->i;
check_bucket = it->check_bucket;
if(b == nil) {
if(it->done) {
// end of iteration
it->key = nil;
it->value = nil;
if(h->oldbuckets != nil && it->B == h->B) {
// Iterator was started in the middle of a grow, and the grow isn't done yet.
// If the bucket we're looking at hasn't been filled in yet (i.e. the old
// bucket hasn't been evacuated) then we need to iterate through the old
// bucket and only return the ones that will be migrated to this bucket.
oldbucket = bucket & (((uintptr)1 << (it->B - 1)) - 1);
b = (Bucket*)(h->oldbuckets + oldbucket * h->bucketsize);
if(!evacuated(b)) {
check_bucket = bucket;
} else {
b = (Bucket*)(it->buckets + bucket * h->bucketsize);
check_bucket = -1;
} else {
b = (Bucket*)(it->buckets + bucket * h->bucketsize);
check_bucket = -1;
if(bucket == ((uintptr)1 << it->B)) {
bucket = 0;
it->done = true;
i = 0;
for(; i < BUCKETSIZE; i++) {
offi = (i + it->offset) & (BUCKETSIZE - 1);
k = (byte*)b->data + h->keysize * offi;
v = (byte*)b->data + h->keysize * BUCKETSIZE + h->valuesize * offi;
if(b->tophash[offi] != Empty && b->tophash[offi] != EvacuatedEmpty) {
if(check_bucket >= 0) {
// Special case: iterator was started during a grow and the
// grow is not done yet. We're working on a bucket whose
// oldbucket has not been evacuated yet. Or at least, it wasn't
// evacuated when we started the bucket. So we're iterating
// through the oldbucket, skipping any keys that will go
// to the other new bucket (each oldbucket expands to two
// buckets during a grow).
t->key->alg->equal(&eq, t->key->size, IK(h, k), IK(h, k));
if(eq) {
// If the item in the oldbucket is not destined for
// the current new bucket in the iteration, skip it.
hash = h->hash0;
t->key->alg->hash(&hash, t->key->size, IK(h, k));
if((hash & (((uintptr)1 << it->B) - 1)) != check_bucket) {
} else {
// Hash isn't repeatable if k != k (NaNs). We need a
// repeatable and randomish choice of which direction
// to send NaNs during evacuation. We'll use the low
// bit of tophash to decide which way NaNs go.
// NOTE: this case is why we need two evacuate tophash
// values, evacuatedX and evacuatedY, that differ in
// their low bit.
if(check_bucket >> (it->B - 1) != (b->tophash[offi] & 1)) {
if(b->tophash[offi] != EvacuatedX && b->tophash[offi] != EvacuatedY) {
// this is the golden data, we can return it.
it->key = IK(h, k);
it->value = IV(h, v);
} else {
// The hash table has grown since the iterator was started.
// The golden data for this key is now somewhere else.
t->key->alg->equal(&eq, t->key->size, IK(h, k), IK(h, k));
if(eq) {
// Check the current hash table for the data.
// This code handles the case where the key
// has been deleted, updated, or deleted and reinserted.
// NOTE: we need to regrab the key as it has potentially been
// updated to an equal() but not identical key (e.g. +0.0 vs -0.0).
rk = IK(h, k);
rv = hash_lookup(t, it->h, &rk);
if(rv == nil)
continue; // key has been deleted
it->key = rk;
it->value = rv;
} else {
// if key!=key then the entry can't be deleted or
// updated, so we can just return it. That's lucky for
// us because when key!=key we can't look it up
// successfully in the current table.
it->key = IK(h, k);
it->value = IV(h, v);
it->bucket = bucket;
it->bptr = b;
it->i = i + 1;
it->check_bucket = check_bucket;
b = b->overflow;
i = 0;
goto next;
/// interfaces to go runtime
func reflect·ismapkey(typ *Type) (ret bool) {
ret = typ != nil && typ->alg->hash != runtime·nohash;
static Hmap*
makemap_c(MapType *typ, int64 hint)
Hmap *h;
Type *key;
key = typ->key;
if(sizeof(Hmap) > 48)
runtime·panicstring("hmap too large");
if(hint < 0 || (int32)hint != hint)
runtime·panicstring("makemap: size out of range");
if(key->alg->hash == runtime·nohash)
runtime·throw("runtime.makemap: unsupported map key type");
h = runtime·cnew(typ->hmap);
hash_init(typ, h, hint);
// these calculations are compiler dependent.
// figure out offsets of map call arguments.
if(debug) {
runtime·printf("makemap: map=%p; keysize=%p; valsize=%p; keyalg=%p; valalg=%p\n",
h, key->size, typ->elem->size, key->alg, typ->elem->alg);
return h;
func makemap(typ *MapType, hint int64) (ret *Hmap) {
ret = makemap_c(typ, hint);
func reflect·makemap(t *MapType) (ret *Hmap) {
ret = makemap_c(t, 0);
// NOTE: The returned pointer may keep the whole map live, so don't
// hold onto it for very long.
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func mapaccess1(t *MapType, h *Hmap, key *byte) (val *byte) {
if(raceenabled && h != nil) {
runtime·racereadpc(h, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapaccess1);
runtime·racereadobjectpc(key, t->key, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapaccess1);
if(h == nil || h->count == 0) {
val = t->elem->zero;
} else {
val = hash_lookup(t, h, &key);
if(val == nil)
val = t->elem->zero;
if(debug) {
runtime·prints("runtime.mapaccess1: map=");
runtime·prints("; key=");
t->key->alg->print(t->key->size, key);
runtime·prints("; val=");
t->elem->alg->print(t->elem->size, val);
// NOTE: The returned pointer keeps the whole map live, so don't
// hold onto it for very long.
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func mapaccess2(t *MapType, h *Hmap, key *byte) (val *byte, pres bool) {
if(raceenabled && h != nil) {
runtime·racereadpc(h, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapaccess2);
runtime·racereadobjectpc(key, t->key, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapaccess2);
if(h == nil || h->count == 0) {
val = t->elem->zero;
pres = false;
} else {
val = hash_lookup(t, h, &key);
if(val == nil) {
val = t->elem->zero;
pres = false;
} else {
pres = true;
if(debug) {
runtime·prints("runtime.mapaccess2: map=");
runtime·prints("; key=");
t->key->alg->print(t->key->size, key);
runtime·prints("; val=");
t->elem->alg->print(t->elem->size, val);
runtime·prints("; pres=");
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func reflect·mapaccess(t *MapType, h *Hmap, key *byte) (val *byte) {
if(h == nil)
val = nil;
else {
if(raceenabled) {
runtime·racereadpc(h, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), reflect·mapaccess);
runtime·racereadobjectpc(key, t->key, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), reflect·mapaccess);
val = hash_lookup(t, h, &key);
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func mapassign1(t *MapType, h *Hmap, key *byte, val *byte) {
if(h == nil)
runtime·panicstring("assignment to entry in nil map");
if(raceenabled) {
runtime·racewritepc(h, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapassign1);
runtime·racereadobjectpc(key, t->key, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapassign1);
runtime·racereadobjectpc(val, t->elem, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapassign1);
hash_insert(t, h, key, val);
if(debug) {
runtime·prints("mapassign1: map=");
runtime·prints("; key=");
t->key->alg->print(t->key->size, key);
runtime·prints("; val=");
t->elem->alg->print(t->elem->size, val);
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func mapdelete(t *MapType, h *Hmap, key *byte) {
if(h == nil)
if(raceenabled) {
runtime·racewritepc(h, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapdelete);
runtime·racereadobjectpc(key, t->key, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapdelete);
hash_remove(t, h, key);
if(debug) {
runtime·prints("mapdelete: map=");
runtime·prints("; key=");
t->key->alg->print(t->key->size, key);
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func reflect·mapassign(t *MapType, h *Hmap, key *byte, val *byte) {
if(h == nil)
runtime·panicstring("assignment to entry in nil map");
if(raceenabled) {
runtime·racewritepc(h, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), reflect·mapassign);
runtime·racereadobjectpc(key, t->key, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), reflect·mapassign);
runtime·racereadobjectpc(val, t->elem, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), reflect·mapassign);
hash_insert(t, h, key, val);
if(debug) {
runtime·prints("mapassign: map=");
runtime·prints("; key=");
t->key->alg->print(t->key->size, key);
runtime·prints("; val=");
t->elem->alg->print(t->elem->size, val);
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func reflect·mapdelete(t *MapType, h *Hmap, key *byte) {
if(h == nil)
return; // see bug 8051
if(raceenabled) {
runtime·racewritepc(h, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), reflect·mapdelete);
runtime·racereadobjectpc(key, t->key, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), reflect·mapdelete);
hash_remove(t, h, key);
if(debug) {
runtime·prints("mapdelete: map=");
runtime·prints("; key=");
t->key->alg->print(t->key->size, key);
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func mapiterinit(t *MapType, h *Hmap, it *Hiter) {
// Clear pointer fields so garbage collector does not complain.
it->key = nil;
it->value = nil;
it->t = nil;
it->h = nil;
it->buckets = nil;
it->bptr = nil;
if(h == nil || h->count == 0) {
it->key = nil;
runtime·racereadpc(h, runtime·getcallerpc(&t), runtime·mapiterinit);
hash_iter_init(t, h, it);
if(debug) {
runtime·prints("runtime.mapiterinit: map=");
runtime·prints("; iter=");
runtime·prints("; key=");
func reflect·mapiterinit(t *MapType, h *Hmap) (it *Hiter) {
it = runtime·mal(sizeof *it);
runtime·mapiterinit(t, h, it);
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func mapiternext(it *Hiter) {
runtime·racereadpc(it->h, runtime·getcallerpc(&it), runtime·mapiternext);
if(debug) {
runtime·prints("runtime.mapiternext: iter=");
runtime·prints("; key=");
func reflect·mapiternext(it *Hiter) {
func reflect·mapiterkey(it *Hiter) (key *byte) {
key = it->key;
#pragma textflag NOSPLIT
func reflect·maplen(h *Hmap) (len int) {
if(h == nil)
len = 0;
else {
len = h->count;
runtime·racereadpc(h, runtime·getcallerpc(&h), reflect·maplen);
// exported value for testing
float64 runtime·hashLoad = LOAD;