test for panic and recover
R=r, adg
diff --git a/test/recover.go b/test/recover.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b47b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/recover.go
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
+// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Test of basic recover functionality.
+package main
+import "runtime"
+func main() {
+ test1()
+ test1WithClosures()
+ test2()
+ test3()
+ test4()
+ test5()
+ test6()
+ test6WithClosures()
+ test7()
+func die() {
+ runtime.Breakpoint() // can't depend on panic
+func mustRecover(x interface{}) {
+ mustNotRecover() // because it's not a defer call
+ v := recover()
+ if v == nil {
+ println("missing recover")
+ die() // panic is useless here
+ }
+ if v != x {
+ println("wrong value", v, x)
+ die()
+ }
+ // the value should be gone now regardless
+ v = recover()
+ if v != nil {
+ println("recover didn't recover")
+ die()
+ }
+func mustNotRecover() {
+ v := recover()
+ if v != nil {
+ println("spurious recover")
+ die()
+ }
+func withoutRecover() {
+ mustNotRecover() // because it's a sub-call
+func test1() {
+ defer mustNotRecover() // because mustRecover will squelch it
+ defer mustRecover(1) // because of panic below
+ defer withoutRecover() // should be no-op, leaving for mustRecover to find
+ panic(1)
+// Repeat test1 with closures instead of standard function.
+// Interesting because recover bases its decision
+// on the frame pointer of its caller, and a closure's
+// frame pointer is in the middle of its actual arguments
+// (after the hidden ones for the closed-over variables).
+func test1WithClosures() {
+ defer func() {
+ v := recover()
+ if v != nil {
+ println("spurious recover in closure")
+ die()
+ }
+ }()
+ defer func(x interface{}) {
+ mustNotRecover()
+ v := recover()
+ if v == nil {
+ println("missing recover")
+ die()
+ }
+ if v != x {
+ println("wrong value", v, x)
+ die()
+ }
+ }(1)
+ defer func() {
+ mustNotRecover()
+ }()
+ panic(1)
+func test2() {
+ // Recover only sees the panic argument
+ // if it is called from a deferred call.
+ // It does not see the panic when called from a call within a deferred call (too late)
+ // nor does it see the panic when it *is* the deferred call (too early).
+ defer mustRecover(2)
+ defer recover() // should be no-op
+ panic(2)
+func test3() {
+ defer mustNotRecover()
+ defer func() {
+ recover() // should squelch
+ }()
+ panic(3)
+func test4() {
+ // Equivalent to test3 but using defer to make the call.
+ defer mustNotRecover()
+ defer func() {
+ defer recover() // should squelch
+ }()
+ panic(4)
+// Check that closures can set output arguments.
+// Run g(). If it panics, return x; else return deflt.
+func try(g func(), deflt interface{}) (x interface{}) {
+ defer func() {
+ if v := recover(); v != nil {
+ x = v
+ }
+ }()
+ defer g()
+ return deflt
+// Check that closures can set output arguments.
+// Run g(). If it panics, return x; else return deflt.
+func try1(g func(), deflt interface{}) (x interface{}) {
+ defer func() {
+ if v := recover(); v != nil {
+ x = v
+ }
+ }()
+ defer g()
+ x = deflt
+ return
+func test5() {
+ v := try(func() { panic(5) }, 55).(int)
+ if v != 5 {
+ println("wrong value", v, 5)
+ die()
+ }
+ s := try(func() { }, "hi").(string)
+ if s != "hi" {
+ println("wrong value", s, "hi")
+ die()
+ }
+ v = try1(func() { panic(5) }, 55).(int)
+ if v != 5 {
+ println("try1 wrong value", v, 5)
+ die()
+ }
+ s = try1(func() { }, "hi").(string)
+ if s != "hi" {
+ println("try1 wrong value", s, "hi")
+ die()
+ }
+// When a deferred big call starts, it must first
+// create yet another stack segment to hold the
+// giant frame for x. Make sure that doesn't
+// confuse recover.
+func big(mustRecover bool) {
+ var x [100000]int
+ x[0] = 1
+ x[99999] = 1
+ _ = x
+ v := recover()
+ if mustRecover {
+ if v == nil {
+ println("missing big recover")
+ die()
+ }
+ } else {
+ if v != nil {
+ println("spurious big recover")
+ die()
+ }
+ }
+func test6() {
+ defer big(false)
+ defer big(true)
+ panic(6)
+func test6WithClosures() {
+ defer func() {
+ var x [100000]int
+ x[0] = 1
+ x[99999] = 1
+ _ = x
+ if recover() != nil {
+ println("spurious big closure recover")
+ die()
+ }
+ }()
+ defer func() {
+ var x [100000]int
+ x[0] = 1
+ x[99999] = 1
+ _ = x
+ if recover() == nil {
+ println("missing big closure recover")
+ die()
+ }
+ }()
+ panic("6WithClosures")
+func test7() {
+ ok := false
+ func() {
+ // should panic, then call mustRecover 7, which stops the panic.
+ // then should keep processing ordinary defers earlier than that one
+ // before returning.
+ // this test checks that the defer func on the next line actually runs.
+ defer func() { ok = true }()
+ defer mustRecover(7)
+ panic(7)
+ }()
+ if !ok {
+ println("did not run ok func")
+ die()
+ }