doc/go1.5: mention the change in certificate wildcard handling. shouldn't affect anyone
because it reflects the RFC and behaviour of modern browsers, but it's
probably worth mentioning.
Change-Id: I8a8eedaac5226b1d8018dc56de6b2d41bd82a642
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <>
diff --git a/doc/go1.5.txt b/doc/go1.5.txt
index f70359d..e944e46 100644
--- a/doc/go1.5.txt
+++ b/doc/go1.5.txt
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
crypto/cipher: clarify what will happen if len(src) != len(dst) for the Stream interface. (
crypto/elliptic: add Name field to CurveParams struct (
crypto/tls: change default minimum version to TLS 1.0. (
+crypto/x509: wildcards are now only accepted as the first label (
encoding/base64: add unpadded encodings (
go/ast: add Implicit field to ast.EmptyStmt; changed meaning of ast.EmptyStmt.Semicolon position (
log: add SetOutput functions (,