cmd/compile: separate data and function LSyms

Currently, obj.Ctxt's symbol table does not distinguish between ABI0
and ABIInternal symbols. This is *almost* okay, since a given symbol
name in the final object file is only going to belong to one ABI or
the other, but it requires that the compiler mark a Sym as being a
function symbol before it retrieves its LSym. If it retrieves the LSym
first, that LSym will be created as ABI0, and later marking the Sym as
a function symbol won't change the LSym's ABI.

Marking a Sym as a function symbol before looking up its LSym sounds
easy, except Syms have a dual purpose: they are used just as interned
strings (every function, variable, parameter, etc with the same
textual name shares a Sym), and *also* to store state for whatever
package global has that name. As a result, it's easy to slip up and
look up an LSym when a Sym is serving as the name of a local variable,
and then later mark it as a function when it's serving as the global
with the name.

In general, we were careful to avoid this, but #29610 demonstrates one
case where we messed up. Because of on-demand importing from indexed
export data, it's possible to compile a method wrapper for a type
imported from another package before importing an init function from
that package. If the argument of the method is named "init", the
"init" LSym will be created as a data symbol when compiling the
wrapper, before it gets marked as a function symbol.

To fix this, we separate obj.Ctxt's symbol tables for ABI0 and
ABIInternal symbols. This way, the compiler will simply get a
different LSym once the Sym takes on its package-global meaning as a

This fixes the above ordering issue, and means we no longer need to go
out of our way to create the "init" function early and mark it as a
function symbol.

Fixes #29610.
Updates #27539.

Change-Id: Id9458b40017893d46ef9e4a3f9b47fc49e1ce8df
Run-TryBot: Austin Clements <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: Robert Griesemer <>
12 files changed
tree: eff2e017bef825a5bfcb740d09b515cf973f377b
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  13. favicon.ico
  17. robots.txt

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