blob: 57ddb0084fa6a5f225a68b0f79f38607e4a188f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package template
import (
// Template is the representation of a parsed template.
type Template struct {
// TODO: At the moment, these are all internal to parsing.
name string
root *listNode
lex *lexer
tokens chan item
token item // token lookahead for parser
havePeek bool
// next returns the next token.
func (t *Template) next() item {
if t.havePeek {
t.havePeek = false
} else {
t.token = <-t.tokens
return t.token
// backup backs the input stream up one token.
func (t *Template) backup() {
t.havePeek = true
// peek returns but does not consume the next token.
func (t *Template) peek() item {
if t.havePeek {
return t.token
t.token = <-t.tokens
t.havePeek = true
return t.token
// A node is an element in the parse tree. The interface is trivial.
type node interface {
typ() nodeType
String() string
type nodeType int
func (t nodeType) typ() nodeType {
return t
const (
nodeText nodeType = iota
// Nodes.
// listNode holds a sequence of nodes.
type listNode struct {
nodes []node
func newList() *listNode {
return &listNode{nodeType: nodeList}
func (l *listNode) append(n node) {
l.nodes = append(l.nodes, n)
func (l *listNode) String() string {
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprint(b, "[")
for _, n := range l.nodes {
fmt.Fprint(b, n)
fmt.Fprint(b, "]")
return b.String()
// textNode holds plain text.
type textNode struct {
text string
func newText(text string) *textNode {
return &textNode{nodeType: nodeText, text: text}
func (t *textNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(text: %q)", t.text)
// actionNode holds an action (something bounded by metacharacters).
type actionNode struct {
pipeline []*commandNode
func newAction() *actionNode {
return &actionNode{nodeType: nodeAction}
func (a *actionNode) append(command *commandNode) {
a.pipeline = append(a.pipeline, command)
func (a *actionNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(action: %v)", a.pipeline)
// commandNode holds a command (a pipeline inside an evaluating action).
type commandNode struct {
args []node // identifier, string, or number
func newCommand() *commandNode {
return &commandNode{nodeType: nodeCommand}
func (c *commandNode) append(arg node) {
c.args = append(c.args, arg)
func (c *commandNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("(command: %v)", c.args)
// identifierNode holds an identifier.
type identifierNode struct {
ident string
func newIdentifier(ident string) *identifierNode {
return &identifierNode{nodeType: nodeIdentifier, ident: ident}
func (i *identifierNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("I=%s", i.ident)
// fieldNode holds a field (identifier starting with '.'). The period is dropped from the ident.
type fieldNode struct {
ident string
func newField(ident string) *fieldNode {
return &fieldNode{nodeType: nodeField, ident: ident[1:]} //drop period
func (f *fieldNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("F=.%s", f.ident)
// numberNode holds a number, signed or unsigned, integer, floating, or imaginary.
// The value is parsed and stored under all the types that can represent the value.
// This simulates in a small amount of code the behavior of Go's ideal constants.
// TODO: booleans, complex numbers.
type numberNode struct {
isInt bool // number has an integral value
isUint bool // number has an unsigned integral value
isFloat bool // number has a floating-point value
imaginary bool // number is imaginary
int64 // the signed integer value
uint64 // the unsigned integer value
float64 // the positive floating-point value
text string
func newNumber(text string) (*numberNode, os.Error) {
n := &numberNode{nodeType: nodeNumber, text: text}
// Imaginary constants can only be floating-point.
if len(text) > 0 && text[len(text)-1] == 'i' {
f, err := strconv.Atof64(text[:len(text)-1])
if err == nil {
n.imaginary = true
n.isFloat = true
n.float64 = f
return n, nil
// Do integer test first so we get 0x123 etc.
u, err := strconv.Btoui64(text, 0) // will fail for -0; fixed below.
if err == nil {
n.isUint = true
n.uint64 = u
i, err := strconv.Btoi64(text, 0)
if err == nil {
n.isInt = true
n.int64 = i
if i == 0 {
n.isUint = true // in case of -0.
n.uint64 = u
// If an integer extraction succeeded, promote the float.
if n.isInt {
n.isFloat = true
n.float64 = float64(n.int64)
} else if n.isUint {
n.isFloat = true
n.float64 = float64(n.uint64)
} else {
f, err := strconv.Atof64(text)
if err == nil {
n.isFloat = true
n.float64 = f
// If a floating-point extraction succeeded, extract the int if needed.
if !n.isInt && float64(int64(f)) == f {
n.isInt = true
n.int64 = int64(f)
if !n.isUint && float64(uint64(f)) == f {
n.isUint = true
n.uint64 = uint64(f)
if !n.isInt && !n.isUint && !n.isFloat {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal number syntax: %q", text)
return n, nil
func (n *numberNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("N=%s", n.text)
// stringNode holds a quoted string.
type stringNode struct {
text string
func newString(text string) *stringNode {
return &stringNode{nodeType: nodeString, text: text}
func (s *stringNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("S=%#q", s.text)
// endNode represents an {{end}} action. It is represented by a nil pointer.
type endNode bool
func newEnd() *endNode {
return nil
func (e *endNode) typ() nodeType {
return nodeEnd
func (e *endNode) String() string {
return "{{end}}"
// elseNode represents an {{else}} action. It is represented by a nil pointer.
type elseNode bool
func newElse() *elseNode {
return nil
func (e *elseNode) typ() nodeType {
return nodeElse
func (e *elseNode) String() string {
return "{{else}}"
// rangeNode represents an {{range}} action and its commands.
type rangeNode struct {
field node
list *listNode
elseList *listNode
func newRange(field node, list *listNode) *rangeNode {
return &rangeNode{nodeType: nodeRange, field: field, list: list}
func (r *rangeNode) String() string {
if r.elseList != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("({{range %s}} %s {{else}} %s)", r.field, r.list, r.elseList)
return fmt.Sprintf("({{range %s}} %s)", r.field, r.list)
// Parsing.
// New allocates a new template with the given name.
func New(name string) *Template {
return &Template{
name: name,
// errorf formats the error and terminates processing.
func (t *Template) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
format = fmt.Sprintf("template: %s:%d: %s",, t.lex.lineNumber(), format)
panic(fmt.Errorf(format, args...))
// error terminates processing.
func (t *Template) error(err os.Error) {
t.errorf("%s", err)
// expect consumes the next token and guarantees it has the required type.
func (t *Template) expect(expected itemType, context string) item {
token :=
if token.typ != expected {
t.errorf("expected %s in %s; got %s", expected, context, token)
return token
// unexpected complains about the token and terminates processing.
func (t *Template) unexpected(token item, context string) {
t.errorf("unexpected %s in %s", token, context)
// Parse parses the template definition string and constructs an efficient representation of the template.
func (t *Template) Parse(s string) (err os.Error) {
t.lex, t.tokens = lex(, s)
defer func() {
e := recover()
if e != nil {
if _, ok := e.(runtime.Error); ok {
err = e.(os.Error)
var next node
t.root, next = t.itemList(true)
if next != nil {
t.errorf("unexpected %s", next)
return nil
// itemList:
// textOrAction*
// Terminates at EOF and at {{end}} or {{else}}, which is returned separately.
// The toEOF flag tells whether we expect to reach EOF.
func (t *Template) itemList(toEOF bool) (list *listNode, next node) {
list = newList()
for t.peek().typ != itemEOF {
n := t.textOrAction()
switch n.typ() {
case nodeEnd, nodeElse:
return list, n
if !toEOF {
t.unexpected(, "input")
return list, nil
// textOrAction:
// text | action
func (t *Template) textOrAction() node {
switch token :=; token.typ {
case itemText:
return newText(token.val)
case itemLeftMeta:
return t.action()
t.unexpected(token, "input")
return nil
// Action:
// control
// command ("|" command)*
// Left meta is past. Now get actions.
func (t *Template) action() (n node) {
action := newAction()
switch token :=; token.typ {
case itemRange:
return t.rangeControl()
case itemElse:
return t.elseControl()
case itemEnd:
return t.endControl()
for {
switch token :=; token.typ {
case itemRightMeta:
break Loop
case itemIdentifier, itemField:
cmd, err := t.command()
if err != nil {
t.unexpected(token, "command")
return action
// Range:
// {{range field}} itemList {{end}}
// {{range field}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
// Range keyword is past.
func (t *Template) rangeControl() node {
field := t.expect(itemField, "range")
t.expect(itemRightMeta, "range")
list, next := t.itemList(false)
r := newRange(newField(field.val), list)
switch next.typ() {
case nodeEnd: //done
case nodeElse:
elseList, next := t.itemList(false)
if next.typ() != nodeEnd {
t.errorf("expected end; found %s", next)
r.elseList = elseList
return r
// End:
// {{end}}
// End keyword is past.
func (t *Template) endControl() node {
t.expect(itemRightMeta, "end")
return newEnd()
// Else:
// {{else}}
// Else keyword is past.
func (t *Template) elseControl() node {
t.expect(itemRightMeta, "else")
return newElse()
// command:
// space-separated arguments up to a pipeline character or right metacharacter.
// we consume the pipe character but leave the right meta to terminate the action.
func (t *Template) command() (*commandNode, os.Error) {
cmd := newCommand()
for {
switch token :=; token.typ {
case itemRightMeta:
break Loop
case itemPipe:
break Loop
case itemError:
return nil, os.NewError(token.val)
case itemIdentifier:
case itemField:
case itemNumber:
if len(cmd.args) == 0 {
t.errorf("command cannot be %q", token.val)
number, err := newNumber(token.val)
if err != nil {
case itemString, itemRawString:
if len(cmd.args) == 0 {
t.errorf("command cannot be %q", token.val)
s, err := strconv.Unquote(token.val)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t.unexpected(token, "command")
return cmd, nil