blob: b52cab1a1a2882e3ac16614652fd3628231ae863 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syntax
import (
var parseTests = []struct {
Regexp string
Dump string
// Base cases
{"a", "lit{a}"},
{"a.", "cat{lit{a}dot{}}"},
{"a.b", "cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}}"},
// { "ab", "str{ab}" },
{"ab", "cat{lit{a}lit{b}}"},
{"a.b.c", "cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}dot{}lit{c}}"},
// { "abc", "str{abc}" },
{"abc", "cat{lit{a}lit{b}lit{c}}"},
{"a|^", "alt{lit{a}bol{}}"},
// { "a|b", "cc{0x61-0x62}" },
{"a|b", "alt{lit{a}lit{b}}"},
{"(a)", "cap{lit{a}}"},
{"(a)|b", "alt{cap{lit{a}}lit{b}}"},
{"a*", "star{lit{a}}"},
{"a+", "plus{lit{a}}"},
{"a?", "que{lit{a}}"},
{"a{2}", "rep{2,2 lit{a}}"},
{"a{2,3}", "rep{2,3 lit{a}}"},
{"a{2,}", "rep{2,-1 lit{a}}"},
{"a*?", "nstar{lit{a}}"},
{"a+?", "nplus{lit{a}}"},
{"a??", "nque{lit{a}}"},
{"a{2}?", "nrep{2,2 lit{a}}"},
{"a{2,3}?", "nrep{2,3 lit{a}}"},
{"a{2,}?", "nrep{2,-1 lit{a}}"},
{"", "emp{}"},
// { "|", "emp{}" }, // alt{emp{}emp{}} but got factored
{"|", "alt{emp{}emp{}}"},
{"|x|", "alt{emp{}lit{x}emp{}}"},
{".", "dot{}"},
{"^", "bol{}"},
{"$", "eol{}"},
{"\\|", "lit{|}"},
{"\\(", "lit{(}"},
{"\\)", "lit{)}"},
{"\\*", "lit{*}"},
{"\\+", "lit{+}"},
{"\\?", "lit{?}"},
{"{", "lit{{}"},
{"}", "lit{}}"},
{"\\.", "lit{.}"},
{"\\^", "lit{^}"},
{"\\$", "lit{$}"},
{"\\\\", "lit{\\}"},
{"[ace]", "cc{0x61 0x63 0x65}"},
{"[abc]", "cc{0x61-0x63}"},
{"[a-z]", "cc{0x61-0x7a}"},
// { "[a]", "lit{a}" },
{"[a]", "cc{0x61}"},
{"\\-", "lit{-}"},
{"-", "lit{-}"},
{"\\_", "lit{_}"},
// Posix and Perl extensions
{"[[:lower:]]", "cc{0x61-0x7a}"},
{"[a-z]", "cc{0x61-0x7a}"},
{"[^[:lower:]]", "cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}"},
{"[[:^lower:]]", "cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}"},
// { "(?i)[[:lower:]]", "cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}" },
// { "(?i)[a-z]", "cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}" },
// { "(?i)[^[:lower:]]", "cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}" },
// { "(?i)[[:^lower:]]", "cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}" },
{"\\d", "cc{0x30-0x39}"},
{"\\D", "cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x10ffff}"},
{"\\s", "cc{0x9-0xa 0xc-0xd 0x20}"},
{"\\S", "cc{0x0-0x8 0xb 0xe-0x1f 0x21-0x10ffff}"},
{"\\w", "cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a}"},
{"\\W", "cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}"},
// { "(?i)\\w", "cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}" },
// { "(?i)\\W", "cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}" },
{"[^\\\\]", "cc{0x0-0x5b 0x5d-0x10ffff}"},
// { "\\C", "byte{}" },
// Unicode, negatives, and a double negative.
{"\\p{Braille}", "cc{0x2800-0x28ff}"},
{"\\P{Braille}", "cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}"},
{"\\p{^Braille}", "cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}"},
{"\\P{^Braille}", "cc{0x2800-0x28ff}"},
{"\\pZ", "cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x180e 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}"},
{"[\\p{Braille}]", "cc{0x2800-0x28ff}"},
{"[\\P{Braille}]", "cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}"},
{"[\\p{^Braille}]", "cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}"},
{"[\\P{^Braille}]", "cc{0x2800-0x28ff}"},
{"[\\pZ]", "cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x180e 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}"},
// More interesting regular expressions.
// { "a{,2}", "str{a{,2}}" },
// { "\\.\\^\\$\\\\", "str{.^$\\}" },
{"[a-zABC]", "cc{0x41-0x43 0x61-0x7a}"},
{"[^a]", "cc{0x0-0x60 0x62-0x10ffff}"},
{"[\xce\xb1-\xce\xb5\xe2\x98\xba]", "cc{0x3b1-0x3b5 0x263a}"}, // utf-8
{"a*{", "cat{star{lit{a}}lit{{}}"},
// Test precedences
// { "(?:ab)*", "star{str{ab}}" },
// { "(ab)*", "star{cap{str{ab}}}" },
// { "ab|cd", "alt{str{ab}str{cd}}" },
// { "a(b|c)d", "cat{lit{a}cap{cc{0x62-0x63}}lit{d}}" },
{"(?:ab)*", "star{cat{lit{a}lit{b}}}"},
{"(ab)*", "star{cap{cat{lit{a}lit{b}}}}"},
{"ab|cd", "alt{cat{lit{a}lit{b}}cat{lit{c}lit{d}}}"},
{"a(b|c)d", "cat{lit{a}cap{alt{lit{b}lit{c}}}lit{d}}"},
// Test flattening.
{"(?:a)", "lit{a}"},
// { "(?:ab)(?:cd)", "str{abcd}" },
// { "(?:a|b)|(?:c|d)", "cc{0x61-0x64}" },
// { "a|.", "dot{}" },
// { ".|a", "dot{}" },
// Test Perl quoted literals
{"\\Q+|*?{[\\E", "str{+|*?{[}"},
{"\\Q+\\E+", "plus{lit{+}}"},
{"\\Q\\\\E", "lit{\\}"},
{"\\Q\\\\\\E", "str{\\\\}"},
// Test Perl \A and \z
{"(?m)^", "bol{}"},
{"(?m)$", "eol{}"},
{"(?-m)^", "bot{}"},
{"(?-m)$", "eot{}"},
{"(?m)\\A", "bot{}"},
{"(?m)\\z", "eot{\\z}"},
{"(?-m)\\A", "bot{}"},
{"(?-m)\\z", "eot{\\z}"},
// Test named captures
{"(?P<name>a)", "cap{name:lit{a}}"},
// Case-folded literals
// { "[Aa]", "litfold{a}" },
// Strings
// { "abcde", "str{abcde}" },
// { "[Aa][Bb]cd", "cat{strfold{ab}str{cd}}" },
const testFlags = MatchNL | PerlX | UnicodeGroups
// Test Parse -> Dump.
func TestParseDump(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range parseTests {
re, err := Parse(tt.Regexp, testFlags)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q): %v", tt.Regexp, err)
d := dump(re)
if d != tt.Dump {
t.Errorf("Parse(%#q).Dump() = %#q want %#q", tt.Regexp, d, tt.Dump)
// dump prints a string representation of the regexp showing
// the structure explicitly.
func dump(re *Regexp) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
dumpRegexp(&b, re)
return b.String()
var opNames = []string{
OpNoMatch: "no",
OpEmptyMatch: "emp",
OpLiteral: "lit",
OpCharClass: "cc",
OpAnyCharNotNL: "dnl",
OpAnyChar: "dot",
OpBeginLine: "bol",
OpEndLine: "eol",
OpBeginText: "bot",
OpEndText: "eot",
OpWordBoundary: "wb",
OpNoWordBoundary: "nwb",
OpCapture: "cap",
OpStar: "star",
OpPlus: "plus",
OpQuest: "que",
OpRepeat: "rep",
OpConcat: "cat",
OpAlternate: "alt",
// dumpRegexp writes an encoding of the syntax tree for the regexp re to b.
// It is used during testing to distinguish between parses that might print
// the same using re's String method.
func dumpRegexp(b *bytes.Buffer, re *Regexp) {
if int(re.Op) >= len(opNames) || opNames[re.Op] == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "op%d", re.Op)
} else {
switch re.Op {
case OpStar, OpPlus, OpQuest, OpRepeat:
if re.Flags&NonGreedy != 0 {
case OpLiteral:
if len(re.Rune) > 1 {
} else {
if re.Flags&FoldCase != 0 {
for _, r := range re.Rune {
if unicode.ToUpper(r) != r {
switch re.Op {
case OpEndText:
if re.Flags&WasDollar == 0 {
case OpLiteral:
for _, r := range re.Rune {
case OpConcat, OpAlternate:
for _, sub := range re.Sub {
dumpRegexp(b, sub)
case OpStar, OpPlus, OpQuest:
dumpRegexp(b, re.Sub[0])
case OpRepeat:
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%d,%d ", re.Min, re.Max)
dumpRegexp(b, re.Sub[0])
case OpCapture:
if re.Name != "" {
dumpRegexp(b, re.Sub[0])
case OpCharClass:
sep := ""
for i := 0; i < len(re.Rune); i += 2 {
sep = " "
lo, hi := re.Rune[i], re.Rune[i+1]
if lo == hi {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%#x", lo)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%#x-%#x", lo, hi)