cmd/internal/gc: improve flow of input params to output params

This includes the following information in the per-function summary:

outK = paramJ   encoded in outK bits for paramJ
outK = *paramJ  encoded in outK bits for paramJ
heap = paramJ   EscHeap
heap = *paramJ  EscContentEscapes

Note that (currently) if the address of a parameter is taken and
returned, necessarily a heap allocation occurred to contain that
reference, and the heap can never refer to stack, therefore the
parameter and everything downstream from it escapes to the heap.

The per-function summary information now has a tuneable number of bits
(2 is probably noticeably better than 1, 3 is likely overkill, but it
is now easy to check and the -m debugging output includes information
that allows you to figure out if more would be better.)

A new test was  added to check pointer flow through struct-typed and
*struct-typed parameters and returns; some of these are sensitive to
the number of summary bits, and ought to yield better results with a
more competent escape analysis algorithm.  Another new test checks
(some) correctness with array parameters, results, and operations.

The old analysis inferred a piece of plan9 runtime was non-escaping by
counteracting overconservative analysis with buggy analysis; with the
bug fixed, the result was too conservative (and it's not easy to fix
in this framework) so the source code was tweaked to get the desired
result.  A test was added against the discovered bug.

The escape analysis was further improved splitting the "level" into
3 parts, one tracking the conventional "level" and the other two
computing the highest-level-suffix-from-copy, which is used to
generally model the cancelling effect of indirection applied to

With the improved escape analysis enabled, it was necessary to
modify one of the runtime tests because it now attempts to allocate
too much on the (small, fixed-size) G0 (system) stack and this
failed the test.

Compiling src/std after touching src/runtime/*.go with -m logging
turned on shows 420 fewer heap allocation sites (10538 vs 10968).

Profiling allocations in src/html/template with
for i in {1..5} ;
  do go tool 6g -memprofile=mastx.${i}.prof  -memprofilerate=1 *.go;
  go tool pprof -alloc_objects -text  mastx.${i}.prof ;

showed a 15% reduction in allocations performed by the compiler.

Update #3753
Update #4720
Fixes #10466

Change-Id: I0fd97d5f5ac527b45f49e2218d158a6e89951432
Run-TryBot: David Chase <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: Russ Cox <>
diff --git a/src/cmd/internal/gc/esc.go b/src/cmd/internal/gc/esc.go
index 4a44de7..044bb3d 100644
--- a/src/cmd/internal/gc/esc.go
+++ b/src/cmd/internal/gc/esc.go
@@ -205,6 +205,172 @@
+// There appear to be some loops in the escape graph, causing
+// arbitrary recursion into deeper and deeper levels.
+// Cut this off safely by making minLevel sticky: once you
+// get that deep, you cannot go down any further but you also
+// cannot go up any further. This is a conservative fix.
+// Making minLevel smaller (more negative) would handle more
+// complex chains of indirections followed by address-of operations,
+// at the cost of repeating the traversal once for each additional
+// allowed level when a loop is encountered. Using -2 suffices to
+// pass all the tests we have written so far, which we assume matches
+// the level of complexity we want the escape analysis code to handle.
+const (
+	MinLevel = -2
+// A Level encodes the reference state and context applied to
+// (stack, heap) allocated memory.
+// value is the overall sum of *(1) and &(-1) operations encountered
+// along a path from a destination (sink, return value) to a source
+// (allocation, parameter).
+// suffixValue is the maximum-copy-started-suffix-level applied to a sink.
+// For example:
+// sink = x.left.left --> level=2, x is dereferenced twice and does not escape to sink.
+// sink = &Node{x} --> level=-1, x is accessible from sink via one "address of"
+// sink = &Node{&Node{x}} --> level=-2, x is accessible from sink via two "address of"
+// sink = &Node{&Node{x.left}} --> level=-1, but x is NOT accessible from sink because it was indirected and then copied.
+// (The copy operations are sometimes implicit in the source code; in this case,
+// value of x.left was copied into a field of a newly allocated Node)
+// There's one of these for each Node, and the integer values
+// rarely exceed even what can be stored in 4 bits, never mind 8.
+type Level struct {
+	value, suffixValue int8
+func (l Level) int() int {
+	return int(l.value)
+func levelFrom(i int) Level {
+	if i <= MinLevel {
+		return Level{value: MinLevel}
+	}
+	return Level{value: int8(i)}
+func satInc8(x int8) int8 {
+	if x == 127 {
+		return 127
+	}
+	return x + 1
+func satAdd8(x, y int8) int8 {
+	z := x + y
+	if x^y < 0 || x^z >= 0 {
+		return z
+	}
+	if x < 0 {
+		return -128
+	}
+	return 127
+func min8(a, b int8) int8 {
+	if a < b {
+		return a
+	}
+	return b
+func max8(a, b int8) int8 {
+	if a > b {
+		return a
+	}
+	return b
+// inc returns the level l + 1, representing the effect of an indirect (*) operation.
+func (l Level) inc() Level {
+	if l.value <= MinLevel {
+		return Level{value: MinLevel}
+	}
+	return Level{value: satInc8(l.value), suffixValue: satInc8(l.suffixValue)}
+// dec returns the level l - 1, representing the effect of an address-of (&) operation.
+func (l Level) dec() Level {
+	if l.value <= MinLevel {
+		return Level{value: MinLevel}
+	}
+	return Level{value: l.value - 1, suffixValue: l.suffixValue - 1}
+// copy returns the level for a copy of a value with level l.
+func (l Level) copy() Level {
+	return Level{value: l.value, suffixValue: max8(l.suffixValue, 0)}
+func (l1 Level) min(l2 Level) Level {
+	return Level{
+		value:       min8(l1.value, l2.value),
+		suffixValue: min8(l1.suffixValue, l2.suffixValue)}
+// guaranteedDereference returns the number of dereferences
+// applied to a pointer before addresses are taken/generated.
+// This is the maximum level computed from path suffixes starting
+// with copies where paths flow from destination to source.
+func (l Level) guaranteedDereference() int {
+	return int(l.suffixValue)
+// Escape constants are numbered in order of increasing "escapiness"
+// to help make inferences be monotonic.  With the exception of
+// EscNever which is sticky, eX < eY means that eY is more exposed
+// than eX, and hence replaces it in a conservative analysis.
+const (
+	EscUnknown = iota
+	EscNone    // Does not escape to heap, result, or parameters.
+	EscReturn  // Is returned or reachable from returned.
+	EscScope   // Allocated in an inner loop scope, assigned to an outer loop scope,
+	// which allows the construction of non-escaping but arbitrarily large linked
+	// data structures (i.e., not eligible for allocation in a fixed-size stack frame).
+	EscHeap           // Reachable from the heap
+	EscNever          // By construction will not escape.
+	EscBits           = 3
+	EscMask           = (1 << EscBits) - 1
+	EscContentEscapes = 1 << EscBits // value obtained by indirect of parameter escapes to heap
+	EscReturnBits     = EscBits + 1
+	// Node.esc encoding = | escapeReturnEncoding:(width-4) | contentEscapes:1 | escEnum:3
+// escMax returns the maximum of an existing escape value
+// (and its additional parameter flow flags) and a new escape type.
+func escMax(e, etype uint16) uint16 {
+	if e&EscMask == EscHeap {
+		// normalize
+		if e != EscHeap {
+			Fatal("Escape information had tag bits combined with 'EscHeap' ")
+		}
+		return EscHeap
+	}
+	if e&EscMask > etype {
+		return e
+	}
+	if etype == EscNone || etype == EscReturn {
+		return (e &^ EscMask) | etype
+	}
+	return etype
+// For each input parameter to a function, the escapeReturnEncoding describes
+// how the parameter may leak to the function's outputs.  This is currently the
+// "level" of the leak where level is 0 or larger (negative level means stored into
+// something whose address is returned -- but that implies stored into the heap,
+// hence EscHeap, which means that the details are not currently relevant. )
+const (
+	bitsPerOutputInTag = 3                                         // For each output, the number of bits for a tag
+	bitsMaskForTag     = uint16(1<<bitsPerOutputInTag) - 1         // The bit mask to extract a single tag.
+	outputsPerTag      = (16 - EscReturnBits) / bitsPerOutputInTag // The number of outputs that can be tagged.
+	maxEncodedLevel    = int(bitsMaskForTag - 1)                   // The largest level that can be stored in a tag.
 type EscState struct {
 	// Fake node that all
 	//   - return values and output variables
@@ -213,13 +379,6 @@
 	// flow to.
 	theSink Node
-	// If an analyzed function is recorded to return
-	// pieces obtained via indirection from a parameter,
-	// and later there is a call f(x) to that function,
-	// we create a link funcParam <- x to record that fact.
-	// The funcParam node is handled specially in escflood.
-	funcParam Node
 	dsts      *NodeList // all dst nodes
 	loopdepth int       // for detecting nested loop scopes
 	pdepth    int       // for debug printing in recursions.
@@ -229,42 +388,6 @@
 	recursive bool      // recursive function or group of mutually recursive functions.
-var tags [16]*string
-// mktag returns the string representation for an escape analysis tag.
-func mktag(mask int) *string {
-	switch mask & EscMask {
-	case EscNone, EscReturn:
-		break
-	default:
-		Fatal("escape mktag")
-	}
-	mask >>= EscBits
-	if mask < len(tags) && tags[mask] != nil {
-		return tags[mask]
-	}
-	s := fmt.Sprintf("esc:0x%x", mask)
-	if mask < len(tags) {
-		tags[mask] = &s
-	}
-	return &s
-func parsetag(note *string) int {
-	if note == nil || !strings.HasPrefix(*note, "esc:") {
-		return EscUnknown
-	}
-	em := atoi((*note)[4:])
-	if em == 0 {
-		return EscNone
-	}
-	return EscReturn | em<<EscBits
 func escAnalyze(all *NodeList, recursive bool) {
 	var es EscState
 	e := &es
@@ -275,12 +398,6 @@
 	e.theSink.Escloopdepth = -1
 	e.recursive = recursive
-	e.funcParam.Op = ONAME
-	e.funcParam.Orig = &e.funcParam
-	e.funcParam.Class = PAUTO
-	e.funcParam.Sym = Lookup(".param")
-	e.funcParam.Escloopdepth = 10000000
 	for l := all; l != nil; l = l.Next {
 		if l.N.Op == ODCLFUNC {
 			l.N.Esc = EscFuncPlanned
@@ -799,7 +916,10 @@
 		} else {
 			tmp = nil
-		fmt.Printf("%v:[%d] %v escassign: %v(%v) = %v(%v)\n", Ctxt.Line(int(lineno)), e.loopdepth, tmp, Nconv(dst, obj.FmtShort), Jconv(dst, obj.FmtShort), Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), Jconv(src, obj.FmtShort))
+		fmt.Printf("%v:[%d] %v escassign: %v(%v)[%v] = %v(%v)[%v]\n",
+			Ctxt.Line(int(lineno)), e.loopdepth, tmp,
+			Nconv(dst, obj.FmtShort), Jconv(dst, obj.FmtShort), Oconv(int(dst.Op), 0),
+			Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), Jconv(src, obj.FmtShort), Oconv(int(src.Op), 0))
@@ -887,7 +1007,7 @@
 		a.Type = Ptrto(src.Type)
 		escflows(e, dst, a)
-		// Flowing multiple returns to a single dst happens when
+	// Flowing multiple returns to a single dst happens when
 	// analyzing "go f(g())": here g() flows to sink (issue 4529).
 		for ll := src.Escretval; ll != nil; ll = ll.Next {
@@ -953,9 +1073,110 @@
 	lineno = int32(lno)
-func escassignfromtag(e *EscState, note *string, dsts *NodeList, src *Node) int {
+// Common case for escapes is 16 bits 000000000xxxEEEE
+// where commonest cases for xxx encoding in-to-out pointer
+//  flow are 000, 001, 010, 011  and EEEE is computed Esc bits.
+// Note width of xxx depends on value of constant
+// bitsPerOutputInTag -- expect 2 or 3, so in practice the
+// tag cache array is 64 or 128 long.  Some entries will
+// never be populated.
+var tags [1 << (bitsPerOutputInTag + EscReturnBits)]string
+// mktag returns the string representation for an escape analysis tag.
+func mktag(mask int) *string {
+	switch mask & EscMask {
+	case EscNone, EscReturn:
+		break
+	default:
+		Fatal("escape mktag")
+	}
+	if mask < len(tags) && tags[mask] != "" {
+		return &tags[mask]
+	}
+	s := fmt.Sprintf("esc:0x%x", mask)
+	if mask < len(tags) {
+		tags[mask] = s
+	}
+	return &s
+// parsetag decodes an escape analysis tag and returns the esc value.
+func parsetag(note *string) uint16 {
+	if note == nil || !strings.HasPrefix(*note, "esc:") {
+		return EscUnknown
+	}
+	em := uint16(atoi((*note)[4:]))
+	if em == 0 {
+		return EscNone
+	}
+	return em
+// describeEscape returns a string describing the escape tag.
+// The result is either one of {EscUnknown, EscNone, EscHeap} which all have no further annotation
+// or a description of parameter flow, which takes the form of an optional "contentToHeap"
+// indicating that the content of this parameter is leaked to the heap, followed by a sequence
+// of level encodings separated by spaces, one for each parameter, where _ means no flow,
+// = means direct flow, and N asterisks (*) encodes content (obtained by indirection) flow.
+// e.g., "contentToHeap _ =" means that a parameter's content (one or more dereferences)
+// escapes to the heap, the parameter does not leak to the first output, but does leak directly
+// to the second output (and if there are more than two outputs, there is no flow to those.)
+func describeEscape(em uint16) string {
+	var s string
+	if em&EscMask == EscUnknown {
+		s = "EscUnknown"
+	}
+	if em&EscMask == EscNone {
+		s = "EscNone"
+	}
+	if em&EscMask == EscHeap {
+		s = "EscHeap"
+	}
+	if em&EscMask == EscReturn {
+		s = "EscReturn"
+	}
+	if em&EscMask == EscScope {
+		s = "EscScope"
+	}
+	if em&EscContentEscapes != 0 {
+		if s != "" {
+			s += " "
+		}
+		s += "contentToHeap"
+	}
+	for em >>= EscReturnBits; em != 0; em = em >> bitsPerOutputInTag {
+		// See encoding description above
+		if s != "" {
+			s += " "
+		}
+		switch embits := em & bitsMaskForTag; embits {
+		case 0:
+			s += "_"
+		case 1:
+			s += "="
+		default:
+			for i := uint16(0); i < embits-1; i++ {
+				s += "*"
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return s
+// escassignfromtag models the input-to-output assignment flow of one of a function
+// calls arguments, where the flow is encoded in "note".
+func escassignfromtag(e *EscState, note *string, dsts *NodeList, src *Node) uint16 {
 	em := parsetag(note)
+	if Debug['m'] > 2 {
+		fmt.Printf("%v::assignfromtag:: src=%v, em=%s\n",
+			Ctxt.Line(int(lineno)), Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), describeEscape(em))
+	}
 	if em == EscUnknown {
 		escassign(e, &e.theSink, src)
 		return em
@@ -966,17 +1187,30 @@
 	// If content inside parameter (reached via indirection)
-	// escapes back to results, mark as such.
+	// escapes to heap, mark as such.
 	if em&EscContentEscapes != 0 {
-		escassign(e, &e.funcParam, src)
+		escassign(e, &e.theSink, addDereference(src))
 	em0 := em
-	for em >>= EscReturnBits; em != 0 && dsts != nil; em, dsts = em>>1, dsts.Next {
-		if em&1 != 0 {
-			escassign(e, dsts.N, src)
+	for em >>= EscReturnBits; em != 0 && dsts != nil; em, dsts = em>>bitsPerOutputInTag, dsts.Next {
+		// Prefer the lowest-level path to the reference (for escape purposes).
+		// Two-bit encoding (for example. 1, 3, and 4 bits are other options)
+		//  01 = 0-level
+		//  10 = 1-level, (content escapes),
+		//  11 = 2-level, (content of content escapes),
+		embits := em & bitsMaskForTag
+		if embits > 0 {
+			n := src
+			for i := uint16(0); i < embits-1; i++ {
+				n = addDereference(n) // encode level>0 as indirections
+			}
+			escassign(e, dsts.N, n)
+	// If there are too many outputs to fit in the tag,
+	// that is handled at the encoding end as EscHeap,
+	// so there is no need to check here.
 	if em != 0 && dsts == nil {
 		Fatal("corrupt esc tag %q or messed up escretval list\n", note)
@@ -984,6 +1218,58 @@
 	return em0
+// addDereference constructs a suitable OIND note applied to src.
+// Because this is for purposes of escape accounting, not execution,
+// some semantically dubious node combinations are (currently) possible.
+func addDereference(n *Node) *Node {
+	ind := Nod(OIND, n, nil)
+	ind.Escloopdepth = n.Escloopdepth
+	ind.Lineno = n.Lineno
+	t := n.Type
+	if Istype(t, Tptr) {
+		// This should model our own sloppy use of OIND to encode
+		// decreasing levels of indirection; i.e., "indirecting" an array
+		// might yield the type of an element.  To be enhanced...
+		t = t.Type
+	}
+	ind.Type = t
+	return ind
+// escNoteOutputParamFlow encodes maxEncodedLevel/.../1/0-level flow to the vargen'th parameter.
+// Levels greater than maxEncodedLevel are replaced with maxEncodedLevel.
+// If the encoding cannot describe the modified input level and output number, then EscHeap is returned.
+func escNoteOutputParamFlow(e uint16, vargen int32, level Level) uint16 {
+	// Flow+level is encoded in two bits.
+	// 00 = not flow, xx = level+1 for 0 <= level <= maxEncodedLevel
+	// 16 bits for Esc allows 6x2bits or 4x3bits or 3x4bits if additional information would be useful.
+	if <= 0 && level.guaranteedDereference() > 0 {
+		return escMax(e|EscContentEscapes, EscNone) // At least one deref, thus only content.
+	}
+	if < 0 {
+		return EscHeap
+	}
+	if > maxEncodedLevel {
+		// Cannot encode larger values than maxEncodedLevel.
+		level = levelFrom(maxEncodedLevel)
+	}
+	encoded := uint16( + 1)
+	shift := uint(bitsPerOutputInTag*(vargen-1) + EscReturnBits)
+	old := (e >> shift) & bitsMaskForTag
+	if old == 0 || encoded != 0 && encoded < old {
+		old = encoded
+	}
+	encodedFlow := old << shift
+	if (encodedFlow>>shift)&bitsMaskForTag != old {
+		// Encoding failure defaults to heap.
+		return EscHeap
+	}
+	return (e &^ (bitsMaskForTag << shift)) | encodedFlow
 // This is a bit messier than fortunate, pulled out of esc's big
 // switch for clarity.	We either have the paramnodes, which may be
 // connected to other things through flows or we have the parameter type
@@ -1022,7 +1308,12 @@
-	if fn != nil && fn.Op == ONAME && fn.Class == PFUNC && fn.Defn != nil && fn.Defn.Nbody != nil && fn.Ntype != nil && fn.Defn.Esc < EscFuncTagged {
+	if fn != nil && fn.Op == ONAME && fn.Class == PFUNC &&
+		fn.Defn != nil && fn.Defn.Nbody != nil && fn.Ntype != nil && fn.Defn.Esc < EscFuncTagged {
+		if Debug['m'] > 2 {
+			fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: %v in recursive group\n", Ctxt.Line(int(lineno)), Nconv(n, obj.FmtShort))
+		}
 		// function in same mutually recursive group.  Incorporate into flow graph.
 		//		print("esc local fn: %N\n", fn->ntype);
 		if fn.Defn.Esc == EscFuncUnknown || n.Escretval != nil {
@@ -1067,6 +1358,9 @@
 		// "..." arguments are untracked
 		for ; ll != nil; ll = ll.Next {
+			if Debug['m'] > 2 {
+				fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: ... <- %v, untracked\n", Ctxt.Line(int(lineno)), Nconv(ll.N, obj.FmtShort))
+			}
 			escassign(e, &e.theSink, ll.N)
@@ -1078,6 +1372,10 @@
 		Fatal("esc already decorated call %v\n", Nconv(n, obj.FmtSign))
+	if Debug['m'] > 2 {
+		fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: %v not recursive\n", Ctxt.Line(int(lineno)), Nconv(n, obj.FmtShort))
+	}
 	// set up out list on this call node with dummy auto ONAMES in the current (calling) function.
 	i := 0
@@ -1085,7 +1383,7 @@
 	var buf string
 	for t := getoutargx(fntype).Type; t != nil; t = t.Down {
 		src = Nod(ONAME, nil, nil)
-		buf = fmt.Sprintf(".dum%d", i)
+		buf = fmt.Sprintf(".out%d", i)
 		src.Sym = Lookup(buf)
 		src.Type = t.Type
@@ -1162,10 +1460,14 @@
 	// "..." arguments are untracked
 	for ; ll != nil; ll = ll.Next {
 		escassign(e, &e.theSink, ll.N)
+		if Debug['m'] > 2 {
+			fmt.Printf("%v::esccall:: ... <- %v, untracked\n", Ctxt.Line(int(lineno)), Nconv(ll.N, obj.FmtShort))
+		}
-// Store the link src->dst in dst, throwing out some quick wins.
+// escflows records the link src->dst in dst, throwing out some quick wins,
+// and also ensuring that dst is noted as a flow destination.
 func escflows(e *EscState, dst *Node, src *Node) {
 	if dst == nil || src == nil || dst == src {
@@ -1220,31 +1522,31 @@
 	for l := dst.Escflowsrc; l != nil; l = l.Next {
-		escwalk(e, 0, dst, l.N)
+		escwalk(e, levelFrom(0), dst, l.N)
-// There appear to be some loops in the escape graph, causing
-// arbitrary recursion into deeper and deeper levels.
-// Cut this off safely by making minLevel sticky: once you
-// get that deep, you cannot go down any further but you also
-// cannot go up any further. This is a conservative fix.
-// Making minLevel smaller (more negative) would handle more
-// complex chains of indirections followed by address-of operations,
-// at the cost of repeating the traversal once for each additional
-// allowed level when a loop is encountered. Using -2 suffices to
-// pass all the tests we have written so far, which we assume matches
-// the level of complexity we want the escape analysis code to handle.
-const (
-	MinLevel = -2
+// funcOutputAndInput reports whether dst and src correspond to output and input parameters of the same function.
+func funcOutputAndInput(dst, src *Node) bool {
+	// Note if dst is marked as escaping, then "returned" is too weak.
+	return dst.Op == ONAME && dst.Class == PPARAMOUT &&
+		src.Op == ONAME && src.Class == PPARAM && src.Curfn == dst.Curfn
-func escwalk(e *EscState, level int, dst *Node, src *Node) {
-	if src.Walkgen == walkgen && src.Esclevel <= int32(level) {
-		return
+func escwalk(e *EscState, level Level, dst *Node, src *Node) {
+	if src.Walkgen == walkgen {
+		// Esclevels are vectors, do not compare as integers,
+		// and must use "min" of old and new to guarantee
+		// convergence.
+		level = level.min(src.Esclevel)
+		if level == src.Esclevel {
+			return
+		}
 	src.Walkgen = walkgen
-	src.Esclevel = int32(level)
+	src.Esclevel = level
 	if Debug['m'] > 1 {
 		var tmp *Sym
@@ -1253,48 +1555,70 @@
 		} else {
 			tmp = nil
-		fmt.Printf("escwalk: level:%d depth:%d %.*s %v(%v) scope:%v[%d]\n", level, e.pdepth, e.pdepth, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), Jconv(src, obj.FmtShort), tmp, src.Escloopdepth)
+		fmt.Printf("escwalk: level:%d depth:%d %.*s op=%v %v(%v) scope:%v[%d]\n",
+			level, e.pdepth, e.pdepth, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t", Oconv(int(src.Op), 0), Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), Jconv(src, obj.FmtShort), tmp, src.Escloopdepth)
 	// Input parameter flowing to output parameter?
 	var leaks bool
-	if dst.Op == ONAME && dst.Class == PPARAMOUT && dst.Vargen <= 20 {
-		if src.Op == ONAME && src.Class == PPARAM && src.Curfn == dst.Curfn && src.Esc != EscScope && src.Esc != EscHeap {
-			if level == 0 {
-				if Debug['m'] != 0 {
-					Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "leaking param: %v to result %v", Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), dst.Sym)
-				}
-				if src.Esc&EscMask != EscReturn {
-					src.Esc = EscReturn
-				}
-				src.Esc |= 1 << uint((dst.Vargen-1)+EscReturnBits)
-				goto recurse
-			} else if level > 0 {
-				if Debug['m'] != 0 {
-					Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "%v leaking param %v content to result %v", src.Curfn.Nname, Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), dst.Sym)
-				}
-				if src.Esc&EscMask != EscReturn {
-					src.Esc = EscReturn
-				}
-				src.Esc |= EscContentEscapes
-				goto recurse
+	if funcOutputAndInput(dst, src) && src.Esc&EscMask != EscScope && src.Esc != EscHeap && dst.Esc != EscHeap {
+		// This case handles:
+		// 1. return in
+		// 2. return &in
+		// 3. tmp := in; return &tmp
+		// 4. return *in
+		if Debug['m'] != 0 {
+			if Debug['m'] == 1 {
+				Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "leaking param: %v to result %v level=%v", Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), dst.Sym,
+			} else {
+				Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "leaking param: %v to result %v level=%v", Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), dst.Sym, level)
+		if src.Esc&EscMask != EscReturn {
+			src.Esc = EscReturn | src.Esc&EscContentEscapes
+		}
+		src.Esc = escNoteOutputParamFlow(src.Esc, dst.Vargen, level)
+		goto recurse
+	}
+	// If parameter content escapes to heap, set EscContentEscapes
+	// Note minor confusion around escape from pointer-to-struct vs escape from struct
+	if dst.Esc == EscHeap &&
+		src.Op == ONAME && src.Class == PPARAM && src.Esc != EscHeap &&
+ > 0 {
+		src.Esc = escMax(EscContentEscapes|src.Esc, EscNone)
+		if Debug['m'] != 0 {
+			Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "mark escaped content: %v", Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort))
+		}
-	// The second clause is for values pointed at by an object passed to a call
-	// that returns something reached via indirect from the object.
-	// We don't know which result it is or how many indirects, so we treat it as leaking.
-	leaks = level <= 0 && dst.Escloopdepth < src.Escloopdepth || level < 0 && dst == &e.funcParam && haspointers(src.Type)
+	leaks = <= 0 && level.guaranteedDereference() <= 0 && dst.Escloopdepth < src.Escloopdepth
 	switch src.Op {
 	case ONAME:
 		if src.Class == PPARAM && (leaks || dst.Escloopdepth < 0) && src.Esc != EscHeap {
-			src.Esc = EscScope
-			if Debug['m'] != 0 {
-				Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "leaking param: %v", Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort))
+			if level.guaranteedDereference() > 0 {
+				src.Esc = escMax(EscContentEscapes|src.Esc, EscNone)
+				if Debug['m'] != 0 {
+					if Debug['m'] == 1 {
+						Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "leaking param content: %v", Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort))
+					} else {
+						Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "leaking param content: %v level=%v dst.eld=%v src.eld=%v dst=%v",
+							Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), level, dst.Escloopdepth, src.Escloopdepth, Nconv(dst, obj.FmtShort))
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				src.Esc = EscScope
+				if Debug['m'] != 0 {
+					if Debug['m'] == 1 {
+						Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "leaking param: %v", Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort))
+					} else {
+						Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "leaking param: %v level=%v dst.eld=%v src.eld=%v dst=%v",
+							Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), level, dst.Escloopdepth, src.Escloopdepth, Nconv(dst, obj.FmtShort))
+					}
+				}
@@ -1316,15 +1640,19 @@
 				if p.Left.Op == OCLOSURE {
 					p = p.Left // merely to satisfy error messages in tests
-				Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "%v escapes to heap", Nconv(p, obj.FmtShort))
+				if Debug['m'] > 1 {
+					Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "%v escapes to heap, level=%v, dst.eld=%v, src.eld=%v",
+						Nconv(p, obj.FmtShort), level, dst.Escloopdepth, src.Escloopdepth)
+				} else {
+					Warnl(int(src.Lineno), "%v escapes to heap", Nconv(p, obj.FmtShort))
+				}
-		newlevel := level
-		if level > MinLevel {
-			newlevel--
-		}
-		escwalk(e, newlevel, dst, src.Left)
+		escwalk(e, level.dec(), dst, src.Left)
+	case OAPPEND:
+		escwalk(e, level, dst, src.List.N)
 		if Isfixedarray(src.Type) {
@@ -1332,7 +1660,6 @@
-		// fall through
 	case ODDDARG,
@@ -1370,17 +1697,27 @@
-		// fall through
-		newlevel := level
+		escwalk(e,, dst, src.Left)
-		if level > MinLevel {
-			newlevel++
+	// In this case a link went directly to a call, but should really go
+	// to the dummy .outN outputs that were created for the call that
+	// themselves link to the inputs with levels adjusted.
+	// See e.g. #10466
+	// This can only happen with functions returning a single result.
+		if src.Escretval != nil {
+			if Debug['m'] > 1 {
+				fmt.Printf("%v:[%d] dst %v escwalk replace src: %v with %v\n",
+					Ctxt.Line(int(lineno)), e.loopdepth,
+					Nconv(dst, obj.FmtShort), Nconv(src, obj.FmtShort), Nconv(src.Escretval.N, obj.FmtShort))
+			}
+			src = src.Escretval.N
-		escwalk(e, newlevel, dst, src.Left)
+	level = level.copy()
 	for ll := src.Escflowsrc; ll != nil; ll = ll.Next {
 		escwalk(e, level, dst, ll.N)
@@ -1409,7 +1746,7 @@
 	Curfn = func_
 	for ll := Curfn.Func.Dcl; ll != nil; ll = ll.Next {
-		if ll.N.Op != ONAME || ll.N.Class != PPARAM {
+		if ll.N.Op != ONAME {
diff --git a/src/cmd/internal/gc/gen.go b/src/cmd/internal/gc/gen.go
index 4c03915..e6af897 100644
--- a/src/cmd/internal/gc/gen.go
+++ b/src/cmd/internal/gc/gen.go
@@ -23,11 +23,10 @@
 	return n
- * the address of n has been taken and might be used after
- * the current function returns.  mark any local vars
- * as needing to move to the heap.
- */
+// addrescapes tags node n as having had its address taken
+// by "increasing" the "value" of n.Esc to EscHeap.
+// Storage is allocated as necessary to allow the address
+// to be taken.
 func addrescapes(n *Node) {
 	switch n.Op {
 	// probably a type error already.
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@
 		case PPARAMREF:
-			// if func param, need separate temporary
+		// if func param, need separate temporary
 		// to hold heap pointer.
 		// the function type has already been checked
 		// (we're in the function body)
@@ -93,12 +92,12 @@
-		// ODOTPTR has already been introduced,
+	// ODOTPTR has already been introduced,
 	// so these are the non-pointer ODOT and OINDEX.
 	// In &x[0], if x is a slice, then x does not
 	// escape--the pointer inside x does, but that
 	// is always a heap pointer anyway.
-	case ODOT, OINDEX:
 		if !Isslice(n.Left.Type) {
diff --git a/src/cmd/internal/gc/go.go b/src/cmd/internal/gc/go.go
index 2d85f585..71bce0b 100644
--- a/src/cmd/internal/gc/go.go
+++ b/src/cmd/internal/gc/go.go
@@ -215,19 +215,6 @@
 const (
-	EscUnknown = iota
-	EscHeap
-	EscScope
-	EscNone
-	EscReturn
-	EscNever
-	EscBits           = 3
-	EscMask           = (1 << EscBits) - 1
-	EscContentEscapes = 1 << EscBits // value obtained by indirect of parameter escapes to some returned result
-	EscReturnBits     = EscBits + 1
-const (
 	SymExport   = 1 << 0 // to be exported
 	SymPackage  = 1 << 1
 	SymExported = 1 << 2 // already written out by export
diff --git a/src/cmd/internal/gc/syntax.go b/src/cmd/internal/gc/syntax.go
index e9593fd..7c9fb8d 100644
--- a/src/cmd/internal/gc/syntax.go
+++ b/src/cmd/internal/gc/syntax.go
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@
 	Isddd       bool // is the argument variadic
 	Readonly    bool
 	Implicit    bool
-	Addrtaken   bool  // address taken, even if not moved to heap
-	Assigned    bool  // is the variable ever assigned to
-	Captured    bool  // is the variable captured by a closure
-	Byval       bool  // is the variable captured by value or by reference
-	Reslice     bool  // this is a reslice x = x[0:y] or x = append(x, ...)
-	Likely      int8  // likeliness of if statement
-	Hasbreak    bool  // has break statement
-	Needzero    bool  // if it contains pointers, needs to be zeroed on function entry
-	Esc         uint8 // EscXXX
+	Addrtaken   bool   // address taken, even if not moved to heap
+	Assigned    bool   // is the variable ever assigned to
+	Captured    bool   // is the variable captured by a closure
+	Byval       bool   // is the variable captured by value or by reference
+	Reslice     bool   // this is a reslice x = x[0:y] or x = append(x, ...)
+	Likely      int8   // likeliness of if statement
+	Hasbreak    bool   // has break statement
+	Needzero    bool   // if it contains pointers, needs to be zeroed on function entry
+	Esc         uint16 // EscXXX
 	Funcdepth   int32
 	// most nodes
@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@
 	Escloopdepth int       // -1: global, 0: return variables, 1:function top level, increased inside function for every loop or label to mark scopes
 	Sym      *Sym  // various
-	Vargen   int32 // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME
+	Vargen   int32 // unique name for OTYPE/ONAME within a function.  Function outputs are numbered starting at one.
 	Lineno   int32
 	Xoffset  int64
 	Stkdelta int64 // offset added by stack frame compaction phase.
 	Ostk     int32 // 6g only
 	Iota     int32
 	Walkgen  uint32
-	Esclevel int32
+	Esclevel Level
 	Opt      interface{} // for optimization passes
diff --git a/src/cmd/internal/gc/walk.go b/src/cmd/internal/gc/walk.go
index bc886d9..37e18ed 100644
--- a/src/cmd/internal/gc/walk.go
+++ b/src/cmd/internal/gc/walk.go
@@ -1777,7 +1777,7 @@
 * package all the arguments that match a ... T parameter into a []T.
 func mkdotargslice(lr0 *NodeList, nn *NodeList, l *Type, fp int, init **NodeList, ddd *Node) *NodeList {
-	esc := uint8(EscUnknown)
+	esc := uint16(EscUnknown)
 	if ddd != nil {
 		esc = ddd.Esc
diff --git a/src/runtime/proc1.go b/src/runtime/proc1.go
index c5c1173..8b87f81 100644
--- a/src/runtime/proc1.go
+++ b/src/runtime/proc1.go
@@ -3531,9 +3531,13 @@
+var pSink *p
 func testSchedLocalQueueSteal() {
 	p1 := new(p)
 	p2 := new(p)
+	pSink = p1 // Force to heap, too large to allocate on system stack ("G0 stack")
+	pSink = p2 // Force to heap, too large to allocate on system stack ("G0 stack")
 	gs := make([]g, len(p1.runq))
 	for i := 0; i < len(p1.runq); i++ {
 		for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
diff --git a/src/runtime/string1.go b/src/runtime/string1.go
index feeb341..4bfa3d9 100644
--- a/src/runtime/string1.go
+++ b/src/runtime/string1.go
@@ -35,10 +35,8 @@
 func gostringnocopy(str *byte) string {
-	var s string
-	sp := (*stringStruct)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
-	sp.str = unsafe.Pointer(str)
-	sp.len = findnull(str)
+	ss := stringStruct{str: unsafe.Pointer(str), len: findnull(str)}
+	s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&ss))
 	for {
 		ms := maxstring
 		if uintptr(len(s)) <= ms || casuintptr(&maxstring, ms, uintptr(len(s))) {
diff --git a/test/escape2.go b/test/escape2.go
index dbb2292..cc71471 100644
--- a/test/escape2.go
+++ b/test/escape2.go
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	return *xx
-func foo9(xx, yy *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: xx to result ~r2$" "leaking param: yy to result ~r2$"
+func foo9(xx, yy *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: xx to result ~r2 level=0$" "leaking param: yy to result ~r2 level=0$"
 	xx = yy
 	return xx
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 // Must treat yyy as leaking because *yyy leaks, and the escape analysis
 // summaries in exported metadata do not distinguish these two cases.
-func foo13(yyy **int) { // ERROR "leaking param: yyy$"
+func foo13(yyy **int) { // ERROR "leaking param content: yyy$"
 	*xxx = *yyy
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 	return &Bar{42, nil} // ERROR "&Bar literal escapes to heap$"
-func NewBarp(x *int) *Bar { // ERROR "leaking param: x$"
+func NewBarp(x *int) *Bar { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=-1$"
 	return &Bar{42, x} // ERROR "&Bar literal escapes to heap$"
@@ -133,25 +133,25 @@
 	return *(b.ii)
-func (b *Bar) Leak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar) Leak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=0$"
 	return &b.i // ERROR "&b.i escapes to heap$"
-func (b *Bar) AlsoNoLeak() *int { // ERROR "\(\*Bar\).AlsoNoLeak leaking param b content to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar) AlsoNoLeak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=1$"
 	return b.ii
-func (b Bar) AlsoLeak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0$"
+func (b Bar) AlsoLeak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=0$"
 	return b.ii
-func (b Bar) LeaksToo() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0$"
+func (b Bar) LeaksToo() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=0$"
 	v := 0    // ERROR "moved to heap: v$"
 	b.ii = &v // ERROR "&v escapes to heap$"
 	return b.ii
-func (b *Bar) LeaksABit() *int { // ERROR "\(\*Bar\).LeaksABit leaking param b content to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar) LeaksABit() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=1$"
 	v := 0    // ERROR "moved to heap: v$"
 	b.ii = &v // ERROR "&v escapes to heap$"
 	return b.ii
@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@
 	return b.i[0]
-func (b *Bar2) Leak() []int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar2) Leak() []int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=0$"
 	return b.i[:] // ERROR "b.i escapes to heap$"
-func (b *Bar2) AlsoNoLeak() []int { // ERROR "\(\*Bar2\).AlsoNoLeak leaking param b content to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar2) AlsoNoLeak() []int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=1$"
 	return b.ii[0:1]
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
 // See foo13 above for explanation of why f leaks.
-func (f *Foo) foo46() { // ERROR "leaking param: f$"
+func (f *Foo) foo46() { // ERROR "leaking param content: f$"
 	F.xx = f.xx
@@ -343,11 +343,11 @@
 	return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap$"
-func indaddr2(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func indaddr2(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return *&x // ERROR "indaddr2 &x does not escape$"
-func indaddr3(x *int32) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func indaddr3(x *int32) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return *(**int)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) // ERROR "indaddr3 &x does not escape$"
@@ -374,11 +374,11 @@
 	return (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&f)) // ERROR "&f escapes to heap$"
-func float64ptrbitsptr(f *float64) *uint64 { // ERROR "leaking param: f to result ~r1$"
+func float64ptrbitsptr(f *float64) *uint64 { // ERROR "leaking param: f to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(f))
-func typesw(i interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1$"
+func typesw(i interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	switch val := i.(type) {
 	case *int:
 		return val
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
 	return nil
-func exprsw(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1$"
+func exprsw(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	switch j := i; *j + 110 {
 	case 12:
 		return j
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
 // assigning to an array element is like assigning to the array
-func foo60(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1$"
+func foo60(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	var a [12]*int
 	a[0] = i
 	return a[1]
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
 // assigning to a struct field  is like assigning to the struct
-func foo61(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1$"
+func foo61(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	type S struct {
 		a, b *int
@@ -611,11 +611,11 @@
-func myprint(y *int, x ...interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: y to result ~r2$" "myprint x does not escape$"
+func myprint(y *int, x ...interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: y to result ~r2 level=0$" "myprint x does not escape$"
 	return y
-func myprint1(y *int, x ...interface{}) *interface{} { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r2$" "myprint1 y does not escape$"
+func myprint1(y *int, x ...interface{}) *interface{} { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r2 level=0$" "myprint1 y does not escape$"
 	return &x[0] // ERROR "&x\[0\] escapes to heap$"
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@
 	return nil
-func tee(p *int) (x, y *int) { return p, p } // ERROR "leaking param: p to result x$" "leaking param: p to result y$"
+func tee(p *int) (x, y *int) { return p, p } // ERROR "leaking param: p to result x level=0$" "leaking param: p to result y level=0$"
 func noop(x, y *int) {} // ERROR "noop x does not escape$" "noop y does not escape$"
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@
 	N int64
-func LimitFooer(r Fooer, n int64) Fooer { // ERROR "leaking param: r$"
+func LimitFooer(r Fooer, n int64) Fooer { // ERROR "leaking param: r to result ~r2 level=-1$"
 	return &LimitedFooer{r, n} // ERROR "&LimitedFooer literal escapes to heap$"
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@
 	return map[*int]*int{x: nil} // ERROR "map\[\*int\]\*int literal escapes to heap$"
-func foo92(x *int) [2]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo92(x *int) [2]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return [2]*int{x, nil}
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@
 // does leak m
-func foo97(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1$"
+func foo97(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return m[0]
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@
 // does leak m
-func foo99(m *[1]*int) []*int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1$"
+func foo99(m *[1]*int) []*int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return m[:]
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@
 // does leak m
-func foo101(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1$"
+func foo101(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	for _, v := range m {
 		return v
@@ -899,22 +899,22 @@
 	return m[0]
-func foo112(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo112(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	m := [1]*int{x}
 	return m[0]
-func foo113(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo113(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	m := Bar{ii: x}
 	return m.ii
-func foo114(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo114(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	m := &Bar{ii: x} // ERROR "foo114 &Bar literal does not escape$"
 	return m.ii
-func foo115(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo115(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(x)) + 1))
@@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@
 	s *string
-func (u *U) String() *string { // ERROR "\(\*U\).String leaking param u content to result ~r0$"
+func (u *U) String() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r0 level=1$"
 	return u.s
@@ -1533,8 +1533,9 @@
 	s *string
-func NewV(u U) *V { // ERROR "leaking param: u$"
-	return &V{u.String()} // ERROR "&V literal escapes to heap$" "NewV u does not escape$"
+// BAD -- level of leak ought to be 0
+func NewV(u U) *V { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r1 level=-1"
+	return &V{u.String()} // ERROR "&V literal escapes to heap$" "NewV u does not escape"
 func foo152() {
@@ -1546,7 +1547,7 @@
 // issue 8176 - &x in type switch body not marked as escaping
-func foo153(v interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: v$"
+func foo153(v interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r1 level=-1$"
 	switch x := v.(type) {
 	case int: // ERROR "moved to heap: x$"
 		return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap$"
@@ -1619,7 +1620,7 @@
 	b.str1 = b.str2[1:2] // ERROR "\(\*Buffer\).baz ignoring self-assignment to b.str1$"
-func (b *Buffer) bat() { // ERROR "leaking param: b$"
+func (b *Buffer) bat() { // ERROR "leaking param content: b$"
 	o := new(Buffer) // ERROR "new\(Buffer\) escapes to heap$"
 	o.buf1 = b.buf1[1:2]
 	sink = o // ERROR "o escapes to heap$"
@@ -1803,7 +1804,7 @@
-func issue10353a(x *int) func() { // ERROR "leaking param: x$"
+func issue10353a(x *int) func() { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=-1$"
 	return func() { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap$"
diff --git a/test/escape2n.go b/test/escape2n.go
index a414add..bf8c534 100644
--- a/test/escape2n.go
+++ b/test/escape2n.go
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	return *xx
-func foo9(xx, yy *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: xx to result ~r2$" "leaking param: yy to result ~r2$"
+func foo9(xx, yy *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: xx to result ~r2 level=0$" "leaking param: yy to result ~r2 level=0$"
 	xx = yy
 	return xx
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 // Must treat yyy as leaking because *yyy leaks, and the escape analysis
 // summaries in exported metadata do not distinguish these two cases.
-func foo13(yyy **int) { // ERROR "leaking param: yyy$"
+func foo13(yyy **int) { // ERROR "leaking param content: yyy$"
 	*xxx = *yyy
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 	return &Bar{42, nil} // ERROR "&Bar literal escapes to heap$"
-func NewBarp(x *int) *Bar { // ERROR "leaking param: x$"
+func NewBarp(x *int) *Bar { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=-1$"
 	return &Bar{42, x} // ERROR "&Bar literal escapes to heap$"
@@ -133,25 +133,25 @@
 	return *(b.ii)
-func (b *Bar) Leak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar) Leak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=0$"
 	return &b.i // ERROR "&b.i escapes to heap$"
-func (b *Bar) AlsoNoLeak() *int { // ERROR "\(\*Bar\).AlsoNoLeak leaking param b content to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar) AlsoNoLeak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=1$"
 	return b.ii
-func (b Bar) AlsoLeak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0$"
+func (b Bar) AlsoLeak() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=0$"
 	return b.ii
-func (b Bar) LeaksToo() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0$"
+func (b Bar) LeaksToo() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=0$"
 	v := 0    // ERROR "moved to heap: v$"
 	b.ii = &v // ERROR "&v escapes to heap$"
 	return b.ii
-func (b *Bar) LeaksABit() *int { // ERROR "\(\*Bar\).LeaksABit leaking param b content to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar) LeaksABit() *int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=1$"
 	v := 0    // ERROR "moved to heap: v$"
 	b.ii = &v // ERROR "&v escapes to heap$"
 	return b.ii
@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@
 	return b.i[0]
-func (b *Bar2) Leak() []int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar2) Leak() []int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=0$"
 	return b.i[:] // ERROR "b.i escapes to heap$"
-func (b *Bar2) AlsoNoLeak() []int { // ERROR "\(\*Bar2\).AlsoNoLeak leaking param b content to result ~r0$"
+func (b *Bar2) AlsoNoLeak() []int { // ERROR "leaking param: b to result ~r0 level=1$"
 	return b.ii[0:1]
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
 // See foo13 above for explanation of why f leaks.
-func (f *Foo) foo46() { // ERROR "leaking param: f$"
+func (f *Foo) foo46() { // ERROR "leaking param content: f$"
 	F.xx = f.xx
@@ -343,11 +343,11 @@
 	return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap$"
-func indaddr2(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func indaddr2(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return *&x // ERROR "indaddr2 &x does not escape$"
-func indaddr3(x *int32) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func indaddr3(x *int32) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return *(**int)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) // ERROR "indaddr3 &x does not escape$"
@@ -374,11 +374,11 @@
 	return (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&f)) // ERROR "&f escapes to heap$"
-func float64ptrbitsptr(f *float64) *uint64 { // ERROR "leaking param: f to result ~r1$"
+func float64ptrbitsptr(f *float64) *uint64 { // ERROR "leaking param: f to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(f))
-func typesw(i interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1$"
+func typesw(i interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	switch val := i.(type) {
 	case *int:
 		return val
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
 	return nil
-func exprsw(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1$"
+func exprsw(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	switch j := i; *j + 110 {
 	case 12:
 		return j
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
 // assigning to an array element is like assigning to the array
-func foo60(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1$"
+func foo60(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	var a [12]*int
 	a[0] = i
 	return a[1]
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
 // assigning to a struct field  is like assigning to the struct
-func foo61(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1$"
+func foo61(i *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: i to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	type S struct {
 		a, b *int
@@ -611,11 +611,11 @@
-func myprint(y *int, x ...interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: y to result ~r2$" "myprint x does not escape$"
+func myprint(y *int, x ...interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: y to result ~r2 level=0$" "myprint x does not escape$"
 	return y
-func myprint1(y *int, x ...interface{}) *interface{} { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r2$" "myprint1 y does not escape$"
+func myprint1(y *int, x ...interface{}) *interface{} { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r2 level=0$" "myprint1 y does not escape$"
 	return &x[0] // ERROR "&x\[0\] escapes to heap$"
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@
 	return nil
-func tee(p *int) (x, y *int) { return p, p } // ERROR "leaking param: p to result x$" "leaking param: p to result y$"
+func tee(p *int) (x, y *int) { return p, p } // ERROR "leaking param: p to result x level=0$" "leaking param: p to result y level=0$"
 func noop(x, y *int) {} // ERROR "noop x does not escape$" "noop y does not escape$"
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@
 	N int64
-func LimitFooer(r Fooer, n int64) Fooer { // ERROR "leaking param: r$"
+func LimitFooer(r Fooer, n int64) Fooer { // ERROR "leaking param: r to result ~r2 level=-1$"
 	return &LimitedFooer{r, n} // ERROR "&LimitedFooer literal escapes to heap$"
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@
 	return map[*int]*int{x: nil} // ERROR "map\[\*int\]\*int literal escapes to heap$"
-func foo92(x *int) [2]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo92(x *int) [2]*int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return [2]*int{x, nil}
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@
 // does leak m
-func foo97(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1$"
+func foo97(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return m[0]
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@
 // does leak m
-func foo99(m *[1]*int) []*int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1$"
+func foo99(m *[1]*int) []*int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return m[:]
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@
 // does leak m
-func foo101(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1$"
+func foo101(m [1]*int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: m to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	for _, v := range m {
 		return v
@@ -899,22 +899,22 @@
 	return m[0]
-func foo112(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo112(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	m := [1]*int{x}
 	return m[0]
-func foo113(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo113(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	m := Bar{ii: x}
 	return m.ii
-func foo114(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo114(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	m := &Bar{ii: x} // ERROR "foo114 &Bar literal does not escape$"
 	return m.ii
-func foo115(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1$"
+func foo115(x *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
 	return (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(x)) + 1))
@@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@
 	s *string
-func (u *U) String() *string { // ERROR "\(\*U\).String leaking param u content to result ~r0$"
+func (u *U) String() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r0 level=1$"
 	return u.s
@@ -1533,8 +1533,9 @@
 	s *string
-func NewV(u U) *V { // ERROR "leaking param: u$"
-	return &V{u.String()} // ERROR "&V literal escapes to heap$" "NewV u does not escape$"
+// BAD -- level of leak ought to be 0
+func NewV(u U) *V { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r1 level=-1"
+	return &V{u.String()} // ERROR "&V literal escapes to heap$" "NewV u does not escape"
 func foo152() {
@@ -1546,7 +1547,7 @@
 // issue 8176 - &x in type switch body not marked as escaping
-func foo153(v interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: v$"
+func foo153(v interface{}) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r1 level=-1$"
 	switch x := v.(type) {
 	case int: // ERROR "moved to heap: x$"
 		return &x // ERROR "&x escapes to heap$"
@@ -1619,7 +1620,7 @@
 	b.str1 = b.str2[1:2] // ERROR "\(\*Buffer\).baz ignoring self-assignment to b.str1$"
-func (b *Buffer) bat() { // ERROR "leaking param: b$"
+func (b *Buffer) bat() { // ERROR "leaking param content: b$"
 	o := new(Buffer) // ERROR "new\(Buffer\) escapes to heap$"
 	o.buf1 = b.buf1[1:2]
 	sink = o // ERROR "o escapes to heap$"
@@ -1803,7 +1804,7 @@
-func issue10353a(x *int) func() { // ERROR "leaking param: x$"
+func issue10353a(x *int) func() { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=-1$"
 	return func() { // ERROR "func literal escapes to heap$"
diff --git a/test/escape_array.go b/test/escape_array.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac51fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/escape_array.go
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// errorcheck -0 -m -l
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Test escape analysis for function parameters.
+// In this test almost everything is BAD except the simplest cases
+// where input directly flows to output.
+package foo
+var Ssink *string
+type U [2]*string
+func bar(a, b *string) U { // ERROR "leaking param: a to result ~r2 level=0$" "leaking param: b to result ~r2 level=0$"
+	return U{a, b}
+func foo(x U) U { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
+	return U{x[1], x[0]}
+func bff(a, b *string) U { // ERROR "leaking param: a to result ~r2 level=0$" "leaking param: b to result ~r2 level=0$"
+	return foo(foo(bar(a, b)))
+func tbff1() *string {
+	a := "cat"
+	b := "dog"       // ERROR "moved to heap: b$"
+	u := bff(&a, &b) // ERROR "tbff1 &a does not escape$" "tbff1 &b does not escape$"
+	_ = u[0]
+	return &b // ERROR "&b escapes to heap$"
+// BAD: need fine-grained analysis to track u[0] and u[1] differently.
+func tbff2() *string {
+	a := "cat"       // ERROR "moved to heap: a$"
+	b := "dog"       // ERROR "moved to heap: b$"
+	u := bff(&a, &b) // ERROR "&a escapes to heap$" "&b escapes to heap$"
+	_ = u[0]
+	return u[1]
+func car(x U) *string { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0$"
+	return x[0]
+// BAD: need fine-grained analysis to track x[0] and x[1] differently.
+func fun(x U, y *string) *string { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r2 level=0$" "leaking param: y to result ~r2 level=0$"
+	x[0] = y
+	return x[1]
+func fup(x *U, y *string) *string { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r2 level=1$" "leaking param: y$"
+	x[0] = y // leaking y to heap is intended
+	return x[1]
+// BAD: would be nice to record that *y (content) is what leaks, not y itself
+func fum(x *U, y **string) *string { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r2 level=1$" "leaking param content: y$"
+	x[0] = *y
+	return x[1]
+// BAD: would be nice to record that y[0] (content) is what leaks, not y itself
+func fuo(x *U, y *U) *string { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r2 level=1$" "leaking param content: y$"
+	x[0] = y[0]
+	return x[1]
diff --git a/test/escape_calls.go b/test/escape_calls.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f289670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/escape_calls.go
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// errorcheck -0 -m -l
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Test escape analysis for function parameters.
+// In this test almost everything is BAD except the simplest cases
+// where input directly flows to output.
+package foo
+func f(buf []byte) []byte { // ERROR "leaking param: buf to result ~r1 level=0$"
+	return buf
+func g(*byte) string
+func h(e int) {
+	var x [32]byte // ERROR "moved to heap: x$"
+	g(&f(x[:])[0]) // ERROR "&f\(x\[:\]\)\[0\] escapes to heap$" "x escapes to heap$"
+type Node struct {
+	s           string
+	left, right *Node
+func walk(np **Node) int { // ERROR "leaking param content: np"
+	n := *np
+	w := len(n.s)
+	if n == nil {
+		return 0
+	}
+	wl := walk(&n.left)  // ERROR "walk &n.left does not escape"
+	wr := walk(&n.right) // ERROR "walk &n.right does not escape"
+	if wl < wr {
+		n.left, n.right = n.right, n.left
+		wl, wr = wr, wl
+	}
+	*np = n
+	return w + wl + wr
diff --git a/test/escape_closure.go b/test/escape_closure.go
index 0a5f326..4cdb06e 100644
--- a/test/escape_closure.go
+++ b/test/escape_closure.go
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 	x := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
 	// BAD: &x should not escape here
 	p := &x                  // ERROR "moved to heap: p" "&x escapes to heap"
-	_ = func(p **int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param p content to result ~r1" "func literal does not escape"
+	_ = func(p **int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: p to result ~r1 level=1" "func literal does not escape"
 		return *p
 		// BAD: p should not escape here
 	}(&p) // ERROR "&p escapes to heap"
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 func ClosureCallArgs15() {
 	x := 0                      // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
 	p := &x                     // ERROR "moved to heap: p" "&x escapes to heap"
-	sink = func(p **int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param p content to result ~r1" "func literal does not escape"
+	sink = func(p **int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: p to result ~r1 level=1" "func literal does not escape"
 		return *p
 		// BAD: p should not escape here
 	}(&p) // ERROR "&p escapes to heap" "\(func literal\)\(&p\) escapes to heap"
diff --git a/test/escape_field.go b/test/escape_field.go
index dcf8a31..16d1e74 100644
--- a/test/escape_field.go
+++ b/test/escape_field.go
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 func field0() {
 	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	var x X
-	x.p1 = &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
+	x.p1 = &i   // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
 	sink = x.p1 // ERROR "x\.p1 escapes to heap"
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	var x X
 	// BAD: &i should not escape
-	x.p1 = &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
+	x.p1 = &i   // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
 	sink = x.p2 // ERROR "x\.p2 escapes to heap"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	var x X
 	x.p1 = &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
-	sink = x // ERROR "x escapes to heap"
+	sink = x  // ERROR "x escapes to heap"
 func field4() {
@@ -54,22 +54,21 @@
 	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	var x X
 	// BAD: &i should not escape here
-	x.a[0] = &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
+	x.a[0] = &i   // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
 	sink = x.a[1] // ERROR "x\.a\[1\] escapes to heap"
 // BAD: we are not leaking param x, only x.p2
-func field6(x *X) { // ERROR "leaking param: x$"
+func field6(x *X) { // ERROR "leaking param content: x$"
 	sink = x.p2 // ERROR "x\.p2 escapes to heap"
 func field6a() {
-	i := 0  // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
-	var x X // ERROR "moved to heap: x$"
+	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
+	var x X
 	// BAD: &i should not escape
-	x.p1 = &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
-	// BAD: &x should not escape
-	field6(&x) // ERROR "&x escapes to heap$"
+	x.p1 = &i  // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
+	field6(&x) // ERROR "field6a &x does not escape"
 func field7() {
@@ -116,40 +115,40 @@
 func field11() {
 	i := 0         // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	x := X{p1: &i} // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
-	sink = x.p1 // ERROR "x\.p1 escapes to heap"
+	sink = x.p1    // ERROR "x\.p1 escapes to heap"
 func field12() {
 	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	// BAD: &i should not escape
 	x := X{p1: &i} // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
-	sink = x.p2 // ERROR "x\.p2 escapes to heap"
+	sink = x.p2    // ERROR "x\.p2 escapes to heap"
 func field13() {
 	i := 0          // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	x := &X{p1: &i} // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "field13 &X literal does not escape$"
-	sink = x.p1 // ERROR "x\.p1 escapes to heap"
+	sink = x.p1     // ERROR "x\.p1 escapes to heap"
 func field14() {
 	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	// BAD: &i should not escape
 	x := &X{p1: &i} // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "field14 &X literal does not escape$"
-	sink = x.p2 // ERROR "x\.p2 escapes to heap"
+	sink = x.p2     // ERROR "x\.p2 escapes to heap"
 func field15() {
 	i := 0          // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	x := &X{p1: &i} // ERROR "&X literal escapes to heap$" "&i escapes to heap$"
-	sink = x // ERROR "x escapes to heap"
+	sink = x        // ERROR "x escapes to heap"
 func field16() {
 	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	var x X
 	// BAD: &i should not escape
-	x.p1 = &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
+	x.p1 = &i                 // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
 	var iface interface{} = x // ERROR "x escapes to heap"
 	x1 := iface.(X)
 	sink = x1.p2 // ERROR "x1\.p2 escapes to heap"
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@
 func field17() {
 	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	var x X
-	x.p1 = &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
+	x.p1 = &i                 // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
 	var iface interface{} = x // ERROR "x escapes to heap"
 	x1 := iface.(X)
 	sink = x1.p1 // ERROR "x1\.p1 escapes to heap"
@@ -168,8 +167,8 @@
 	i := 0 // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	var x X
 	// BAD: &i should not escape
-	x.p1 = &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
+	x.p1 = &i                 // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
 	var iface interface{} = x // ERROR "x escapes to heap"
-	y, _ := iface.(Y) // Put X, but extracted Y. The cast will fail, so y is zero initialized.
-	sink = y // ERROR "y escapes to heap"
+	y, _ := iface.(Y)         // Put X, but extracted Y. The cast will fail, so y is zero initialized.
+	sink = y                  // ERROR "y escapes to heap"
diff --git a/test/escape_indir.go b/test/escape_indir.go
index 7c06ceb..fe03c3f 100644
--- a/test/escape_indir.go
+++ b/test/escape_indir.go
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@
 	i := 0           // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
 	x := &ConstPtr{} // ERROR "&ConstPtr literal escapes to heap"
 	x.p = &i         // ERROR "&i escapes to heap"
-	sink = x // ERROR "x escapes to heap"
+	sink = x         // ERROR "x escapes to heap"
 func constptr2() {
 	i := 0           // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
 	x := &ConstPtr{} // ERROR "&ConstPtr literal does not escape"
 	x.p = &i         // ERROR "&i escapes to heap"
-	sink = *x// ERROR "\*x escapes to heap"
+	sink = *x        // ERROR "\*x escapes to heap"
 func constptr4() *ConstPtr {
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 // BAD: p should not escape here
-func constptr6(p *ConstPtr) { // ERROR "leaking param: p"
+func constptr6(p *ConstPtr) { // ERROR "leaking param content: p"
 	p1 := &ConstPtr{} // ERROR "&ConstPtr literal does not escape"
 	*p1 = *p
 	_ = p1
@@ -151,3 +151,10 @@
 	i := 0  // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
 	*p = &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap"
+var global *byte
+func f() {
+	var x byte    // ERROR "moved to heap: x"
+	global = &*&x // ERROR "&\(\*\(&x\)\) escapes to heap" "&x escapes to heap"
diff --git a/test/escape_level.go b/test/escape_level.go
index 581e4a9..867c81a 100644
--- a/test/escape_level.go
+++ b/test/escape_level.go
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
 func level2() {
-	i := 0    // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
-	p0 := &i  // ERROR "moved to heap: p0" "&i escapes to heap"
-	p1 := &p0 // ERROR "&p0 escapes to heap"
-	p2 := &p1 // ERROR "&p1 does not escape"
+	i := 0     // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
+	p0 := &i   // ERROR "moved to heap: p0" "&i escapes to heap"
+	p1 := &p0  // ERROR "&p0 escapes to heap"
+	p2 := &p1  // ERROR "&p1 does not escape"
 	sink = *p2 // ERROR "\*p2 escapes to heap"
 func level3() {
-	i := 0    // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
-	p0 := &i  // ERROR "&i escapes to heap"
-	p1 := &p0 // ERROR "&p0 does not escape"
-	p2 := &p1 // ERROR "&p1 does not escape"
+	i := 0      // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
+	p0 := &i    // ERROR "&i escapes to heap"
+	p1 := &p0   // ERROR "&p0 does not escape"
+	p2 := &p1   // ERROR "&p1 does not escape"
 	sink = **p2 // ERROR "\* \(\*p2\) escapes to heap"
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@
 func level7() {
-	i := 0     // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
-	p0 := &i   // ERROR "moved to heap: p0" "&i escapes to heap"
-	// BAD: p0 should not escape here
-	p1 := &p0  // ERROR "&p0 escapes to heap"
+	i := 0    // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
+	p0 := &i  // ERROR "&i escapes to heap"
+	p1 := &p0 // ERROR "&p0 does not escape"
+	// note *p1 == &i
 	p2 := *p1  // ERROR "moved to heap: p2"
 	sink = &p2 // ERROR "&p2 escapes to heap"
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 	i := 0
 	p0 := &i // ERROR "&i does not escape"
 	p1 := *p0
-	p2 := &p1 // ERROR "&p1 does not escape"
+	p2 := &p1  // ERROR "&p1 does not escape"
 	sink = *p2 // ERROR "\*p2 escapes to heap"
diff --git a/test/escape_param.go b/test/escape_param.go
index 91ad437..cfbcd51 100644
--- a/test/escape_param.go
+++ b/test/escape_param.go
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 var sink interface{}
 // in -> out
-func param0(p *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: p to result ~r1$"
+func param0(p *int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: p to result ~r1"
 	return p
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 // in, in -> out, out
-func param1(p1, p2 *int) (*int, *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: p1 to result ~r2$" "leaking param: p2 to result ~r3$"
+func param1(p1, p2 *int) (*int, *int) { // ERROR "leaking param: p1 to result ~r2" "leaking param: p2 to result ~r3"
 	return p1, p2
@@ -64,23 +64,23 @@
 	p2 *int
-func param3(p *Pair) { // ERROR "leaking param: p$"
+func param3(p *Pair) { // ERROR "leaking param content: p$"
 	p.p1 = p.p2
 func caller3a() {
 	i := 0            // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	j := 0            // ERROR "moved to heap: j$"
-	p := Pair{&i, &j} // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "&j escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p$"
-	param3(&p)        // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$"
+	p := Pair{&i, &j} // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "&j escapes to heap$"
+	param3(&p)        // ERROR "caller3a &p does not escape"
 	_ = p
 func caller3b() {
 	i := 0            // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	j := 0            // ERROR "moved to heap: j$"
-	p := Pair{&i, &j} // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "&j escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p$"
-	param3(&p)        // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$"
+	p := Pair{&i, &j} // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "&j escapes to heap$"
+	param3(&p)        // ERROR "caller3b &p does not escape"
 	sink = p          // ERROR "p escapes to heap$"
@@ -114,27 +114,27 @@
 // *in -> heap
-func param6(i ***int) { // ERROR "leaking param: i$"
+func param6(i ***int) { // ERROR "leaking param content: i$"
 	sink = *i // ERROR "\*i escapes to heap$"
 func caller6a() {
 	i := 0      // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	p := &i     // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p$"
-	p2 := &p    // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p2$"
-	param6(&p2) // ERROR "&p2 escapes to heap$"
+	p2 := &p    // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$"
+	param6(&p2) // ERROR "caller6a &p2 does not escape"
 // **in -> heap
-func param7(i ***int) { // ERROR "leaking param: i$"
+func param7(i ***int) { // ERROR "leaking param content: i$"
 	sink = **i // ERROR "\* \(\*i\) escapes to heap"
 func caller7() {
 	i := 0      // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	p := &i     // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p$"
-	p2 := &p    // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p2$"
-	param7(&p2) // ERROR "&p2 escapes to heap$"
+	p2 := &p    // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$"
+	param7(&p2) // ERROR "caller7 &p2 does not escape"
 // **in -> heap
@@ -149,14 +149,14 @@
 // *in -> out
-func param9(p ***int) **int { // ERROR "param9 leaking param p content to result ~r1$"
+func param9(p ***int) **int { // ERROR "leaking param: p to result ~r1 level=1"
 	return *p
 func caller9a() {
-	i := 0          // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
-	p := &i         // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p$"
-	p2 := &p        // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$"
+	i := 0
+	p := &i         // ERROR "caller9a &i does not escape"
+	p2 := &p        // ERROR "caller9a &p does not escape"
 	_ = param9(&p2) // ERROR "caller9a &p2 does not escape$"
@@ -168,33 +168,33 @@
 // **in -> out
-func param10(p ***int) *int { // ERROR "param10 leaking param p content to result ~r1$"
+func param10(p ***int) *int { // ERROR "leaking param: p to result ~r1 level=2"
 	return **p
 func caller10a() {
-	i := 0           // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
-	p := &i          // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p$"
-	p2 := &p         // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$"
+	i := 0
+	p := &i          // ERROR "caller10a &i does not escape"
+	p2 := &p         // ERROR "caller10a &p does not escape"
 	_ = param10(&p2) // ERROR "caller10a &p2 does not escape$"
 func caller10b() {
 	i := 0              // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
-	p := &i             // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p$"
-	p2 := &p            // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$"
+	p := &i             // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
+	p2 := &p            // ERROR "caller10b &p does not escape$"
 	sink = param10(&p2) // ERROR "caller10b &p2 does not escape$" "param10\(&p2\) escapes to heap"
-// &in -> out
+// in escapes to heap (address of param taken and returned)
 func param11(i **int) ***int { // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
 	return &i // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
 func caller11a() {
-	i := 0          // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
-	p := &i         // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p$"
-	_ = param11(&p) // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$"
+	i := 0          // ERROR "moved to heap: i"
+	p := &i         // ERROR "moved to heap: p" "&i escapes to heap"
+	_ = param11(&p) // ERROR "&p escapes to heap"
 func caller11b() {
@@ -203,10 +203,17 @@
 	sink = param11(&p) // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$" "param11\(&p\) escapes to heap"
-func caller11c() {
+func caller11c() { // GOOD
 	i := 0              // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
-	p := &i             // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: p$"
-	sink = *param11(&p) // ERROR "&p escapes to heap$" "\*param11\(&p\) escapes to heap"
+	p := &i             // ERROR "moved to heap: p" "&i escapes to heap"
+	sink = *param11(&p) // ERROR "&p escapes to heap" "\*param11\(&p\) escapes to heap"
+func caller11d() {
+	i := 0             // ERROR "moved to heap: i$"
+	p := &i            // ERROR "&i escapes to heap" "moved to heap: p"
+	p2 := &p           // ERROR "&p escapes to heap"
+	sink = param11(p2) // ERROR "param11\(p2\) escapes to heap"
 // &in -> rcvr
@@ -324,3 +331,23 @@
 	v.param13(&i) // ERROR "&i escapes to heap$"
 	sink = **v.p  // ERROR "\* \(\*v\.p\) escapes to heap"
+type Node struct {
+	p *Node
+var Sink *Node
+func f(x *Node) { // ERROR "leaking param content: x"
+	Sink = &Node{x.p} // ERROR "&Node literal escapes to heap"
+func g(x *Node) *Node { // ERROR "leaking param: x to result ~r1 level=0"
+	return &Node{x.p} // ERROR "&Node literal escapes to heap"
+func h(x *Node) { // ERROR "leaking param: x"
+	y := &Node{x} // ERROR "h &Node literal does not escape"
+	Sink = g(y)
+	f(y)
diff --git a/test/escape_struct_param1.go b/test/escape_struct_param1.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e30e327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/escape_struct_param1.go
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// errorcheck -0 -m -l
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Test escape analysis for *struct function parameters.
+// Note companion strict_param2 checks struct function parameters with similar tests.
+package notmain
+var Ssink *string
+type U struct {
+	_sp  *string
+	_spp **string
+type V struct {
+	_u   U
+	_up  *U
+	_upp **U
+func (u *U) SP() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return u._sp
+func (u *U) SPP() **string { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return u._spp
+func (u *U) SPPi() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return *u._spp
+func tSPPi() {
+	s := "cat"        // ERROR "moved to heap: s$"
+	ps := &s          // ERROR "&s escapes to heap$"
+	pps := &ps        // ERROR "tSPPi &ps does not escape$"
+	pu := &U{ps, pps} // ERROR "tSPPi &U literal does not escape$"
+	Ssink = pu.SPPi()
+func tiSPP() {
+	s := "cat"        // ERROR "moved to heap: s$"
+	ps := &s          // ERROR "&s escapes to heap$"
+	pps := &ps        // ERROR "tiSPP &ps does not escape$"
+	pu := &U{ps, pps} // ERROR "tiSPP &U literal does not escape$"
+	Ssink = *pu.SPP()
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of ps
+func tSP() {
+	s := "cat"        // ERROR "moved to heap: s$"
+	ps := &s          // ERROR "&s escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps$"
+	pps := &ps        // ERROR "&ps escapes to heap$"
+	pu := &U{ps, pps} // ERROR "tSP &U literal does not escape$"
+	Ssink = pu.SP()
+func (v *V) u() U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v._u
+func (v *V) UP() *U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v._up
+func (v *V) UPP() **U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v._upp
+func (v *V) UPPia() *U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return *v._upp
+func (v *V) UPPib() *U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return *v.UPP()
+func (v *V) USPa() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v._u._sp
+func (v *V) USPb() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v.u()._sp
+func (v *V) USPPia() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return *v._u._spp
+func (v *V) USPPib() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return v._u.SPPi() // ERROR "\(\*V\).USPPib v._u does not escape$"
+func (v *V) UPiSPa() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return v._up._sp
+func (v *V) UPiSPb() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return v._up.SP()
+func (v *V) UPiSPc() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return v.UP()._sp
+func (v *V) UPiSPd() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return v.UP().SP()
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s3
+func tUPiSPa() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s2$"
+	s3 := "cat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s3$"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "&s2 escapes to heap$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps4$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPa &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPa &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "&ps4 escapes to heap$" "&s3 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPa &U literal does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&U literal escapes to heap$" "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPa &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPa &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPa()   // Ssink = &s3 (only &s3 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s3
+func tUPiSPb() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s2$"
+	s3 := "cat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s3$"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "&s2 escapes to heap$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps4$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPb &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPb &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "&ps4 escapes to heap$" "&s3 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPb &U literal does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&U literal escapes to heap$" "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPb &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPb &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPb()   // Ssink = &s3 (only &s3 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s3
+func tUPiSPc() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s2$"
+	s3 := "cat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s3$"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "&s2 escapes to heap$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps4$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPc &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPc &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "&ps4 escapes to heap$" "&s3 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPc &U literal does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&U literal escapes to heap$" "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPc &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPc &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPc()   // Ssink = &s3 (only &s3 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s3
+func tUPiSPd() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s2$"
+	s3 := "cat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s3$"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "&s2 escapes to heap$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps4$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPd &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPd &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "&ps4 escapes to heap$" "&s3 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPd &U literal does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&U literal escapes to heap$" "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPd &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPd &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPd()   // Ssink = &s3 (only &s3 really escapes)
+func (v V) UPiSPPia() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return *v._up._spp
+func (v V) UPiSPPib() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return v._up.SPPi()
+func (v V) UPiSPPic() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return *v.UP()._spp // ERROR "V.UPiSPPic v does not escape$"
+func (v V) UPiSPPid() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return v.UP().SPPi() // ERROR "V.UPiSPPid v does not escape$"
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s4
+func tUPiSPPia() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "tUPiSPPia &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPPia &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPia &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "tUPiSPPia &U literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPia &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPia &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPPia &U literal does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPPia &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPia &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPPia() // Ssink = *&ps4 = &s4 (only &s4 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s4
+func tUPiSPPib() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "tUPiSPPib &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPPib &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPib &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "tUPiSPPib &U literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPib &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPib &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPPib &U literal does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPPib &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPib &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPPib() // Ssink = *&ps4 = &s4 (only &s4 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s4
+func tUPiSPPic() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "tUPiSPPic &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPPic &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPic &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "tUPiSPPic &U literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPic &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPic &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPPic &U literal does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPPic &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPic &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPPic() // Ssink = *&ps4 = &s4 (only &s4 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s4
+func tUPiSPPid() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "tUPiSPPid &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPPid &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPid &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "tUPiSPPid &U literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPid &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPid &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPPid &U literal does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPPid &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPid &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPPid() // Ssink = *&ps4 = &s4 (only &s4 really escapes)
+func (v *V) UPPiSPPia() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=4$"
+	return *(*v._upp)._spp
+// This test isolates the one value that needs to escape, not because
+// it distinguishes fields but because it knows that &s6 is the only
+// value reachable by two indirects from v.
+// The test depends on the level cap in the escape analysis tags
+// being able to encode that fact.
+func tUPPiSPPia() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"
+	s5 := "emu"
+	s6 := "fox"           // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2            // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4            // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &s4 does not escape$"
+	ps6 := &s6            // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}    // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}   // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &U literal does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}   // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &U literal does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &ps6 does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &s5 does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3}  // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &V literal does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPPiSPPia() // Ssink = *&ps6 = &s6 (only &s6 really escapes)
diff --git a/test/escape_struct_param2.go b/test/escape_struct_param2.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c10c336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/escape_struct_param2.go
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// errorcheck -0 -m -l
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Test escape analysis for struct function parameters.
+// Note companion strict_param1 checks *struct function parameters with similar tests.
+package notmain
+var Ssink *string
+type U struct {
+	_sp  *string
+	_spp **string
+type V struct {
+	_u   U
+	_up  *U
+	_upp **U
+func (u U) SP() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r0 level=0$"
+	return u._sp
+func (u U) SPP() **string { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r0 level=0$"
+	return u._spp
+func (u U) SPPi() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: u to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return *u._spp
+func tSPPi() {
+	s := "cat"        // ERROR "moved to heap: s$"
+	ps := &s          // ERROR "&s escapes to heap$"
+	pps := &ps        // ERROR "tSPPi &ps does not escape$"
+	pu := &U{ps, pps} // ERROR "tSPPi &U literal does not escape$"
+	Ssink = pu.SPPi()
+func tiSPP() {
+	s := "cat"        // ERROR "moved to heap: s$"
+	ps := &s          // ERROR "&s escapes to heap$"
+	pps := &ps        // ERROR "tiSPP &ps does not escape$"
+	pu := &U{ps, pps} // ERROR "tiSPP &U literal does not escape$"
+	Ssink = *pu.SPP()
+// BAD: need fine-grained analysis to avoid spurious escape of ps
+func tSP() {
+	s := "cat"        // ERROR "moved to heap: s$"
+	ps := &s          // ERROR "&s escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps$"
+	pps := &ps        // ERROR "&ps escapes to heap$"
+	pu := &U{ps, pps} // ERROR "tSP &U literal does not escape$"
+	Ssink = pu.SP()
+func (v V) u() U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=0$"
+	return v._u
+func (v V) UP() *U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=0$"
+	return v._up
+func (v V) UPP() **U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=0$"
+	return v._upp
+func (v V) UPPia() *U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return *v._upp
+func (v V) UPPib() *U { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return *v.UPP()
+func (v V) USPa() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=0$"
+	return v._u._sp
+func (v V) USPb() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=0$"
+	return v.u()._sp
+func (v V) USPPia() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return *v._u._spp
+func (v V) USPPib() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v._u.SPPi()
+func (v V) UPiSPa() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v._up._sp
+func (v V) UPiSPb() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v._up.SP()
+func (v V) UPiSPc() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v.UP()._sp
+func (v V) UPiSPd() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=1$"
+	return v.UP().SP()
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s3
+func tUPiSPa() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s2$"
+	s3 := "cat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s3$"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "&s2 escapes to heap$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps4$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPa &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPa &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "&ps4 escapes to heap$" "&s3 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPa &U literal does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&U literal escapes to heap$" "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPa &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPa &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPa()   // Ssink = &s3 (only &s3 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s3
+func tUPiSPb() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s2$"
+	s3 := "cat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s3$"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "&s2 escapes to heap$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps4$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPb &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPb &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "&ps4 escapes to heap$" "&s3 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPb &U literal does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&U literal escapes to heap$" "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPb &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPb &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPb()   // Ssink = &s3 (only &s3 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s3
+func tUPiSPc() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s2$"
+	s3 := "cat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s3$"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "&s2 escapes to heap$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps4$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPc &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPc &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "&ps4 escapes to heap$" "&s3 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPc &U literal does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&U literal escapes to heap$" "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPc &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPc &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPc()   // Ssink = &s3 (only &s3 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s3
+func tUPiSPd() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s2$"
+	s3 := "cat"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s3$"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "&s2 escapes to heap$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps4$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPd &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPd &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "&ps4 escapes to heap$" "&s3 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPd &U literal does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&U literal escapes to heap$" "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPd &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPd &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPd()   // Ssink = &s3 (only &s3 really escapes)
+func (v V) UPiSPPia() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return *v._up._spp
+func (v V) UPiSPPib() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return v._up.SPPi()
+func (v V) UPiSPPic() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return *v.UP()._spp
+func (v V) UPiSPPid() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=2$"
+	return v.UP().SPPi()
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s4
+func tUPiSPPia() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "tUPiSPPia &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPPia &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPia &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "tUPiSPPia &U literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPia &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPia &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPPia &U literal does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPPia &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPia &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPPia() // Ssink = *&ps4 = &s4 (only &s4 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s4
+func tUPiSPPib() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "tUPiSPPib &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPPib &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPib &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "tUPiSPPib &U literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPib &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPib &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPPib &U literal does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPPib &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPib &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPPib() // Ssink = *&ps4 = &s4 (only &s4 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s4
+func tUPiSPPic() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "tUPiSPPic &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPPic &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPic &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "tUPiSPPic &U literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPic &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPic &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPPic &U literal does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPPic &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPic &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPPic() // Ssink = *&ps4 = &s4 (only &s4 really escapes)
+// BAD: need fine-grained (field-sensitive) analysis to avoid spurious escape of all but &s4
+func tUPiSPPid() {
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s4$"
+	s5 := "emu"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s5$"
+	s6 := "fox"          // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2           // ERROR "tUPiSPPid &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4           // ERROR "&s4 escapes to heap$"
+	ps6 := &s6           // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$" "moved to heap: ps6$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}   // ERROR "tUPiSPPid &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPid &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}  // ERROR "tUPiSPPid &U literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPid &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPiSPPid &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}  // ERROR "&ps6 escapes to heap$" "&s5 escapes to heap$" "tUPiSPPid &U literal does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3} // ERROR "tUPiSPPid &V literal does not escape$" "tUPiSPPid &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPiSPPid() // Ssink = *&ps4 = &s4 (only &s4 really escapes)
+func (v V) UPPiSPPia() *string { // ERROR "leaking param: v to result ~r0 level=3$"
+	return *(*v._upp)._spp
+// This test isolates the one value that needs to escape, not because
+// it distinguishes fields but because it knows that &s6 is the only
+// value reachable by two indirects from v.
+// The test depends on the level cap in the escape analysis tags
+// being able to encode that fact.
+func tUPPiSPPia() { // This test is sensitive to the level cap in function summary results.
+	s1 := "ant"
+	s2 := "bat"
+	s3 := "cat"
+	s4 := "dog"
+	s5 := "emu"
+	s6 := "fox"           // ERROR "moved to heap: s6$"
+	ps2 := &s2            // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &s2 does not escape$"
+	ps4 := &s4            // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &s4 does not escape$"
+	ps6 := &s6            // ERROR "&s6 escapes to heap$"
+	u1 := U{&s1, &ps2}    // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &ps2 does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &s1 does not escape$"
+	u2 := &U{&s3, &ps4}   // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &U literal does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &ps4 does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &s3 does not escape$"
+	u3 := &U{&s5, &ps6}   // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &U literal does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &ps6 does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &s5 does not escape$"
+	v := &V{u1, u2, &u3}  // ERROR "tUPPiSPPia &V literal does not escape$" "tUPPiSPPia &u3 does not escape$"
+	Ssink = v.UPPiSPPia() // Ssink = *&ps6 = &s6 (only &s6 really escapes)
diff --git a/test/escape_struct_return.go b/test/escape_struct_return.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b423ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/escape_struct_return.go
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// errorcheck -0 -m -l
+// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Test escape analysis for function parameters.
+package foo
+var Ssink *string
+type U struct {
+	_sp  *string
+	_spp **string
+func A(sp *string, spp **string) U { // ERROR "leaking param: sp to result ~r2 level=0$" "leaking param: spp to result ~r2 level=0$"
+	return U{sp, spp}
+func B(spp **string) U { // ERROR "leaking param: spp to result ~r1 level=0$" "leaking param: spp to result ~r1 level=1$"
+	return U{*spp, spp}
+func tA1() {
+	s := "cat"
+	sp := &s   // ERROR "tA1 &s does not escape$"
+	spp := &sp // ERROR "tA1 &sp does not escape$"
+	u := A(sp, spp)
+	_ = u
+	println(s)
+func tA2() {
+	s := "cat"
+	sp := &s   // ERROR "tA2 &s does not escape$"
+	spp := &sp // ERROR "tA2 &sp does not escape$"
+	u := A(sp, spp)
+	println(*u._sp)
+func tA3() {
+	s := "cat"
+	sp := &s   // ERROR "tA3 &s does not escape$"
+	spp := &sp // ERROR "tA3 &sp does not escape$"
+	u := A(sp, spp)
+	println(**u._spp)
+func tB1() {
+	s := "cat"
+	sp := &s   // ERROR "tB1 &s does not escape$"
+	spp := &sp // ERROR "tB1 &sp does not escape$"
+	u := B(spp)
+	_ = u
+	println(s)
+func tB2() {
+	s := "cat"
+	sp := &s   // ERROR "tB2 &s does not escape$"
+	spp := &sp // ERROR "tB2 &sp does not escape$"
+	u := B(spp)
+	println(*u._sp)
+func tB3() {
+	s := "cat"
+	sp := &s   // ERROR "tB3 &s does not escape$"
+	spp := &sp // ERROR "tB3 &sp does not escape$"
+	u := B(spp)
+	println(**u._spp)
diff --git a/test/fixedbugs/issue10353.go b/test/fixedbugs/issue10353.go
index 4886337..87771d4 100644
--- a/test/fixedbugs/issue10353.go
+++ b/test/fixedbugs/issue10353.go
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@
 	if x == 0 {
-	growstack(x-1)
+	growstack(x - 1)