codereview: fix clpatch with empty diffs

Avoid passing the placeholder diff to hgpatch, so that
clpatch-ing an empty diff grabs the metadata and warns
about it being empty, rather than failing with a
hard-to-debug problem ("mkdir: no such file or dir",
no metadata, etc).

diff --git a/lib/codereview/ b/lib/codereview/
index 96efc85..fa703c7 100644
--- a/lib/codereview/
+++ b/lib/codereview/
@@ -1136,11 +1136,14 @@
 		return missing_codereview
 	cl, patch, err = DownloadCL(ui, repo, clname)
+	if err != "":
+		return err
+	if patch == emptydiff:
+		return "codereview issue %s has no diff" % clname
 	argv = ["hgpatch"]
 	if opts["no_incoming"]:
 		argv += ["--checksync=false"]
-	if err != "":
-		return err
 		cmd = subprocess.Popen(argv, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, close_fds=sys.platform != "win32")
@@ -1151,6 +1154,8 @@
 		return "hgpatch failed"
 	cl.local = True
 	cl.files = out.strip().split()
+	if not cl.files:
+		return "codereview issue %s has no diff" % clname
 	files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, [], opts)
 	extra = Sub(cl.files, files)
 	if extra: