runtime: stack growth adjustments, cleanup
	* keep coherent SP/PC in gobuf
	  (i.e., SP that would be in use at that PC)
	* gogocall replaces setspgoto,
	  should work better in presence of link registers
	* delete unused system calls

only amd64; 386 is now broken

DELTA=548  (183 added, 183 deleted, 182 changed)
diff --git a/src/libmach_amd64/8db.c b/src/libmach_amd64/8db.c
index 8706d57..b732758 100644
--- a/src/libmach_amd64/8db.c
+++ b/src/libmach_amd64/8db.c
@@ -30,9 +30,15 @@
 #include <libc.h>
 #include <bio.h>
 #include <mach_amd64.h>
+#define Ureg UregAmd64
 #include <ureg_amd64.h>
+#undef Ureg
+#define Ureg Ureg386
+#include <ureg_x86.h>
+#undef Ureg
-typedef struct Ureg Ureg_amd64;
+typedef struct UregAmd64 UregAmd64;
+typedef struct Ureg386 Ureg386;
  * i386-specific debugger interface
@@ -52,7 +58,8 @@
 static	char	GOSTARTSYM[] =	"sys·goexit";
 static	char	PROFSYM[] =	"_mainp";
 static	char	FRAMENAME[] =	".frame";
-static	char	RETFROMNEWSTACK[] = "retfromnewstack";
+static	char	LESSSTACK[] = "sys·lessstack";
+static	char	MORESTACK[] = "sys·morestack";
 static char *excname[] =
 [0]	"divide error",
@@ -124,23 +131,6 @@
 		return excname[c];
-// borrowed from src/runtime/runtime.h
-struct	Stktop
-	uint8*	oldbase;
-	uint8*	oldsp;
-	uint64	magic;
-	uint8*	oldguard;
-struct	G
-	uvlong	stackguard;	// must not move
-	uvlong	stackbase;	// must not move
-	uvlong	stack0;		// first stack segment
-	// rest not needed
 static int
 i386trace(Map *map, uvlong pc, uvlong sp, uvlong link, Tracer trace)
@@ -149,21 +139,35 @@
 	Symbol s, f, s1;
 	extern Mach mamd64;
 	int isamd64;
-	struct Stktop *stktop;
-	struct G g;
-	uvlong r15;
-	uvlong retfromnewstack;
+	uvlong g, m, lessstack, morestack, stktop;
 	isamd64 = (mach == &mamd64);
-	retfromnewstack = 0;
-	if(isamd64) {
-		get8(map, offsetof(Ureg_amd64, r15), &r15);
-		get8(map, r15+offsetof(struct G, stackguard), &g.stackguard);
-		get8(map, r15+offsetof(struct G, stackbase), &g.stackbase);
-		get8(map, r15+offsetof(struct G, stack0), &g.stack0);
-		if(lookup(0, RETFROMNEWSTACK, &s))
-			retfromnewstack = s.value;
+	// ../pkg/runtime/runtime.h
+	// G is
+	//	byte* stackguard
+	//	byte* stackbase (= Stktop*)
+	//	Defer* defer
+	//	Gobuf sched
+	// TODO(rsc): Need some way to get at the g for other threads.
+	// Probably need to pass it into the trace function.
+	g = 0;
+	if(isamd64)
+		geta(map, offsetof(struct UregAmd64, r15), &g);
+	else {
+		// TODO(rsc): How to fetch g on 386?
+	stktop = 0;
+	if(g != 0)
+		geta(map, g+1*mach->szaddr, &stktop);
+	lessstack = 0;
+	if(lookup(0, LESSSTACK, &s))
+		lessstack = s.value;
+	morestack = 0;
+	if(lookup(0, MORESTACK, &s))
+		morestack = s.value;
 	osp = 0;
 	i = 0;
@@ -171,13 +175,19 @@
 	for(;;) {
 		if(!findsym(pc, CTEXT, &s)) {
 			// check for closure return sequence
-			uchar buf[8];
+			uchar buf[8], *p;
 			if(get1(map, pc, buf, 8) < 0)
 			// ADDQ $xxx, SP; RET
-			if(buf[0] != 0x48 || buf[1] != 0x81 || buf[2] != 0xc4 || buf[7] != 0xc3)
+			p = buf;
+			if(mach == &mamd64) {
+				if(p[0] != 0x48)
+					break;
+				p++;
+			}
+			if(p[0] != 0x81 || p[1] != 0xc4 || p[6] != 0xc3)
-			sp += buf[3] | (buf[4]<<8) | (buf[5]<<16) | (buf[6]<<24);
+			sp += p[2] | (p[3]<<8) | (p[4]<<16) | (p[5]<<24);
 			if(geta(map, sp, &pc) < 0)
 			sp += mach->szaddr;
@@ -193,16 +203,53 @@
 		   strcmp(PROFSYM, == 0)
-		if(pc == retfromnewstack) {
-			stktop = (struct Stktop*)g.stackbase;
-			get8(map, (uvlong)&stktop->oldbase, &g.stackbase);
-			get8(map, (uvlong)&stktop->oldguard, &g.stackguard);
-			get8(map, (uvlong)&stktop->oldsp, &sp);
-			get8(map, sp+8, &pc);
-			(*trace)(map, pc, sp +  8, &s1);
-			sp += 16;  // two irrelevant calls on stack - morestack, plus the call morestack made
+		if(s.value == morestack) {
+			// In the middle of morestack.
+			// Caller is m->morepc.
+			// Caller's caller is in m->morearg.
+			// TODO(rsc): 386
+			geta(map, offsetof(struct UregAmd64, r14), &m);
+			pc = 0;
+			sp = 0;
+			pc1 = 0;
+			s1 = s;
+			memset(&s, 0, sizeof s);
+			geta(map, m+1*mach->szaddr, &pc1);	// m->morepc
+			geta(map, m+2*mach->szaddr, &sp);	// m->morebuf.sp
+			geta(map, m+3*mach->szaddr, &pc);	// m->morebuf.pc
+			findsym(pc1, CTEXT, &s);
+			(*trace)(map, pc1, sp-mach->szaddr, &s1);	// morestack symbol; caller's PC/SP
+			// caller's caller
+			s1 = s;
+			findsym(pc, CTEXT, &s);
+			(*trace)(map, pc, sp, &s1);		// morestack's caller; caller's caller's PC/SP
+			continue;
+		} 
+		if(pc == lessstack) {
+			// ../pkg/runtime/runtime.h
+			// Stktop is
+			//	byte* stackguard
+			//	byte* stackbase
+			//	Gobuf gobuf
+			//		byte* sp;
+			//		byte* pc;
+			//		G*	g;
+			if(!isamd64)
+				fprint(2, "warning: cannot unwind stack split on 386\n");
+			if(stktop == 0)
+				break;
+			pc = 0;
+			sp = 0;
+			geta(map, stktop+2*mach->szaddr, &sp);
+			geta(map, stktop+3*mach->szaddr, &pc);
+			geta(map, stktop+1*mach->szaddr, &stktop);
+			(*trace)(map, pc, sp, &s1);
 		s1 = s;
 		pc1 = 0;
 		if(pc != s.value) {	/* not at first instruction */
@@ -227,7 +274,7 @@
 		if(pc == 0)
-		if(pc != retfromnewstack)
+		if(pc != lessstack)
 			(*trace)(map, pc, sp, &s1);
 		sp += mach->szaddr;
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/Makefile b/src/pkg/runtime/Makefile
index cd0bdaa..498bf0b 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/Makefile
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/Makefile
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
+	$(GOARCH)/asm.h\
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.h b/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c32da75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Assembly constants
+#define	g	R15
+#define	m	R14
+// offsets in m
+#define	m_g0		0
+#define	m_morepc	8
+#define	m_morebuf	16
+#define	m_morearg	40
+#define	m_cret		48
+#define	m_procid	56
+#define	m_gsignal	64
+#define	m_tls		72
+#define	m_sched		104
+// offsets in gobuf
+#define	gobuf_sp	0
+#define	gobuf_pc	8
+#define	gobuf_g		16
+// offsets in g
+#define	g_stackguard	0
+#define	g_stackbase	8
+#define	g_defer		16
+#define	g_sched		24
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.s b/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.s
index 6fc01bb..825acc4 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.s
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/asm.s
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "amd64/asm.h"
 TEXT	_rt0_amd64(SB),7,$-8
 	// copy arguments forward on an even stack
 	MOVQ	0(SP), AX		// argc
 	LEAQ	8(SP), BX		// argv
 	SUBQ	$(4*8+7), SP		// 2args 2auto
@@ -15,16 +15,14 @@
 	MOVQ	BX, 24(SP)
 	// set the per-goroutine and per-mach registers
-	LEAQ	m0(SB), R14		// dedicated m. register
-	LEAQ	g0(SB), R15		// dedicated g. register
-	MOVQ	R15, 0(R14)		// m has pointer to its g0
+	LEAQ	m0(SB), m
+	LEAQ	g0(SB), g
+	MOVQ	g, m_g0(m)		// m has pointer to its g0
 	// create istack out of the given (operating system) stack
 	LEAQ	(-8192+104)(SP), AX
-	MOVQ	AX, 0(R15)		// 0(R15) is stack limit (w 104b guard)
-	MOVQ	SP, 8(R15)		// 8(R15) is base
+	MOVQ	AX, g_stackguard(g)
+	MOVQ	SP, g_stackbase(g)
 	CLD				// convention is D is always left cleared
 	CALL	check(SB)
@@ -39,7 +37,7 @@
 	// create a new goroutine to start program
 	PUSHQ	$mainstart(SB)		// entry
-	PUSHQ	$16			// arg size
+	PUSHQ	$0			// arg size
 	CALL	sys·newproc(SB)
@@ -67,57 +65,105 @@
  *  go-routine
-TEXT gogo(SB), 7, $0
-	MOVQ	8(SP), AX		// gobuf
-	MOVQ	0(AX), SP		// restore SP
-	MOVQ	8(AX), AX
-	MOVQ	AX, 0(SP)		// put PC on the stack
-	MOVL	$1, AX			// return 1
+// uintptr gosave(Gobuf*)
+// save state in Gobuf; setjmp
 TEXT gosave(SB), 7, $0
 	MOVQ	8(SP), AX		// gobuf
-	MOVQ	SP, 0(AX)		// save SP
-	MOVQ	0(SP), BX
-	MOVQ	BX, 8(AX)		// save PC
+	LEAQ	8(SP), BX		// caller's SP
+	MOVQ	BX, gobuf_sp(AX)
+	MOVQ	0(SP), BX		// caller's PC
+	MOVQ	BX, gobuf_pc(AX)
+	MOVQ	g, gobuf_g(AX)
 	MOVL	$0, AX			// return 0
+// void gogo(Gobuf*, uintptr)
+// restore state from Gobuf; longjmp
+TEXT gogo(SB), 7, $0
+	MOVQ	16(SP), AX		// return 2nd arg
+	MOVQ	8(SP), BX		// gobuf
+	MOVQ	gobuf_g(BX), g
+	MOVQ	0(g), CX		// make sure g != nil
+	MOVQ	gobuf_sp(BX), SP	// restore SP
+	MOVQ	gobuf_pc(BX), BX
+// void gogocall(Gobuf*, void (*fn)(void))
+// restore state from Gobuf but then call fn.
+// (call fn, returning to state in Gobuf)
+TEXT gogocall(SB), 7, $0
+	MOVQ	16(SP), AX		// fn
+	MOVQ	8(SP), BX		// gobuf
+	MOVQ	gobuf_g(BX), g
+	MOVQ	0(g), CX		// make sure g != nil
+	MOVQ	gobuf_sp(BX), SP	// restore SP
+	MOVQ	gobuf_pc(BX), BX
+	POPQ	BX	// not reached
  * support for morestack
+// Called during function prolog when more stack is needed.
+TEXT sys·morestack(SB),7,$0
+	// Called from f.
+	// Set m->morebuf to f's caller.
+	MOVQ	8(SP), AX	// f's caller's PC
+	MOVQ	AX, (m_morebuf+gobuf_pc)(m)
+	LEAQ	16(SP), AX	// f's caller's SP
+	MOVQ	AX, (m_morebuf+gobuf_sp)(m)
+	MOVQ	g, (m_morebuf+gobuf_g)(m)
+	// Set m->morepc to f's PC.
+	MOVQ	0(SP), AX
+	MOVQ	AX, m_morepc(m)
+	// Call newstack on m's scheduling stack.
+	MOVQ	m_g0(m), g
+	MOVQ	(m_sched+gobuf_sp)(m), SP
+	CALL	newstack(SB)
+	MOVQ	$0, 0x1003	// crash if newstack returns
+// Return point when leaving stack.
+TEXT sys·lessstack(SB), 7, $0
+	// Save return value in m->cret
+	MOVQ	AX, m_cret(m)
+	// Call oldstack on m's scheduling stack.
+	MOVQ	m_g0(m), g
+	MOVQ	(m_sched+gobuf_sp)(m), SP
+	CALL	oldstack(SB)
+	MOVQ	$0, 0x1004	// crash if oldstack returns
 // morestack trampolines
 TEXT	sys·morestack00+0(SB),7,$0
 	MOVQ	$0, AX
-	MOVQ	AX, 8(R14)
+	MOVQ	AX, m_morearg(m)
 	MOVQ	$sys·morestack+0(SB), AX
 TEXT	sys·morestack01+0(SB),7,$0
 	SHLQ	$32, AX
-	MOVQ	AX, 8(R14)
+	MOVQ	AX, m_morearg(m)
 	MOVQ	$sys·morestack+0(SB), AX
 TEXT	sys·morestack10+0(SB),7,$0
-	MOVQ	AX, 8(R14)
+	MOVQ	AX, m_morearg(m)
 	MOVQ	$sys·morestack+0(SB), AX
 TEXT	sys·morestack11+0(SB),7,$0
-	MOVQ	AX, 8(R14)
+	MOVQ	AX, m_morearg(m)
 	MOVQ	$sys·morestack+0(SB), AX
-TEXT	sys·morestackx(SB),7,$0
-	SHLQ	$35, AX
-	MOVQ	AX, 8(R14)
-	MOVQ	$sys·morestack(SB), AX
 // subcases of morestack01
 // with const of 8,16,...48
 TEXT	sys·morestack8(SB),7,$0
@@ -150,31 +196,13 @@
 	MOVQ	$sys·morestackx(SB), AX
-// return point when leaving new stack.  save AX, jmp to lessstack to switch back
-TEXT retfromnewstack(SB), 7, $0
-	MOVQ	AX, 16(R14)	// save AX in m->cret
-	MOVQ	$lessstack(SB), AX
+TEXT	sys·morestackx(SB),7,$0
+	SHLQ	$35, AX
+	MOVQ	AX, m_morearg(m)
+	MOVQ	$sys·morestack(SB), AX
-// gogo, returning 2nd arg instead of 1
-TEXT gogoret(SB), 7, $0
-	MOVQ	16(SP), AX			// return 2nd arg
-	MOVQ	8(SP), BX		// gobuf
-	MOVQ	0(BX), SP		// restore SP
-	MOVQ	8(BX), BX
-	MOVQ	BX, 0(SP)		// put PC on the stack
-TEXT setspgoto(SB), 7, $0
-	MOVQ	8(SP), AX		// SP
-	MOVQ	16(SP), BX		// fn to call
-	MOVQ	24(SP), CX		// fn to return
-	POPQ	AX	// not reached
 // bool cas(int32 *val, int32 old, int32 new)
 // Atomically:
 //	if(*val == old){
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/traceback.c b/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/traceback.c
index 16d7bed..80e79b0 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/traceback.c
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/amd64/traceback.c
@@ -24,12 +24,11 @@
 	stk = (Stktop*)g->stackbase;
 	for(n=0; n<100; n++) {
-		while(pc == (uint64)retfromnewstack) {
+		if(pc == (uint64)sys·lessstack) {
 			// pop to earlier stack block
-			sp = stk->oldsp;
-			stk = (Stktop*)stk->oldbase;
-			pc = *(uint64*)(sp+8);
-			sp += 16;	// two irrelevant calls on stack: morestack plus its call
+			pc = (uintptr)stk->gobuf.pc;
+			sp = stk->gobuf.sp;
+			stk = (Stktop*)stk->stackbase;
 		f = findfunc(pc);
 		if(f == nil) {
@@ -46,8 +45,8 @@
 			printf("%p unknown pc\n", pc);
-		if(f->frame < 8)	// assembly funcs say 0 but lie
-			sp += 8;
+		if(f->frame < sizeof(uintptr))	// assembly funcs say 0 but lie
+			sp += sizeof(uintptr);
 			sp += f->frame;
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@
 		//		main(0x1, 0x2, 0x3)
 		printf("%S", f->name);
 		if(pc > f->entry)
-			printf("+%X", pc - f->entry);
+			printf("+%p", (uintptr)(pc - f->entry));
 		printf(" %S:%d\n", f->src, funcline(f, pc-1));	// -1 to get to CALL instr.
 		printf("\t%S(", f->name);
 		for(i = 0; i < f->args; i++) {
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@
-		pc = *(uint64*)(sp-8);
+		pc = *(uintptr*)(sp-sizeof(uintptr));
 		if(pc <= 0x1000)
@@ -106,20 +105,19 @@
 	// now unwind n levels
 	stk = (Stktop*)g->stackbase;
 	while(n-- > 0) {
-		while(pc == (uint64)retfromnewstack) {
-			sp = stk->oldsp;
-			stk = (Stktop*)stk->oldbase;
-			pc = *(uint64*)(sp+8);
-			sp += 16;
+		while(pc == (uintptr)sys·lessstack) {
+			pc = (uintptr)stk->gobuf.pc;
+			sp = stk->gobuf.sp;
+			stk = (Stktop*)stk->stackbase;
-		if(f->frame < 8)	// assembly functions lie
-			sp += 8;
+		if(f->frame < sizeof(uintptr))	// assembly functions lie
+			sp += sizeof(uintptr);
 			sp += f->frame;
-		pc = *(uint64*)(sp-8);
+		pc = *((uintptr*)sp - 1);
 		if(pc <= 0x1000 || (f = findfunc(pc)) == nil) {
 			// dangerous, but let's try this.
 			// see if it is a closure.
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/darwin/amd64/sys.s b/src/pkg/runtime/darwin/amd64/sys.s
index b46c823..b8f0464 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/darwin/amd64/sys.s
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/darwin/amd64/sys.s
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 // or /usr/include/sys/syscall.h (on a Mac) for system call numbers.
+#include "amd64/asm.h"
 // Exit the entire program (like C exit)
 TEXT	exit(SB),7,$-8
 	MOVL	8(SP), DI		// arg 1 exit status
@@ -25,8 +27,8 @@
 	CALL	notok(SB)
-TEXT	sys·write(SB),7,$-8
-	MOVL	8(SP), DI		// arg 1 fid
+TEXT	write(SB),7,$-8
+	MOVL	8(SP), DI		// arg 1 fd
 	MOVQ	16(SP), SI		// arg 2 buf
 	MOVL	24(SP), DX		// arg 3 count
 	MOVL	$(0x2000000+4), AX	// syscall entry
@@ -35,44 +37,6 @@
 	CALL	notok(SB)
-TEXT	open(SB),7,$-8
-	MOVQ	8(SP), DI
-	MOVL	16(SP), SI
-	MOVL	20(SP), DX
-	MOVQ	$0, R10
-	MOVL	$(0x2000000+5), AX	// syscall entry
-TEXT	close(SB),7,$-8
-	MOVL	8(SP), DI
-	MOVL	$(0x2000000+6), AX	// syscall entry
-TEXT	fstat(SB),7,$-8
-	MOVL	8(SP), DI
-	MOVQ	16(SP), SI
-	MOVL	$(0x2000000+339), AX	// syscall entry; really fstat64
-TEXT	read(SB),7,$-8
-	MOVL	8(SP), DI
-	MOVQ	16(SP), SI
-	MOVL	24(SP), DX
-	MOVL	$(0x2000000+3), AX	// syscall entry
-TEXT	write(SB),7,$-8
-	MOVL	8(SP), DI
-	MOVQ	16(SP), SI
-	MOVL	24(SP), DX
-	MOVL	$(0x2000000+4), AX	// syscall entry
 TEXT	sigaction(SB),7,$-8
 	MOVL	8(SP), DI		// arg 1 sig
 	MOVQ	16(SP), SI		// arg 2 act
@@ -86,10 +50,10 @@
 TEXT sigtramp(SB),7,$40
-	MOVQ	32(R14), R15	// g = m->gsignal
-	MOVQ	R8,16(SP)
+	MOVQ	m_gsignal(m), g
+	MOVL	DX, 0(SP)
+	MOVQ	CX, 8(SP)
+	MOVQ	R8, 16(SP)
 	MOVQ	R8, 24(SP)	// save ucontext
 	MOVQ	SI, 32(SP)	// save infostyle
@@ -154,9 +118,9 @@
 	// The ones in quotes pass through to the thread callback
 	// uninterpreted, so we can put whatever we want there.
 	MOVQ	fn+32(SP), DI	// "func"
-	MOVQ	m+16(SP), SI	// "arg"
+	MOVQ	mm+16(SP), SI	// "arg"
 	MOVQ	stk+8(SP), DX	// stack
-	MOVQ	g+24(SP), R10	// "pthread"
+	MOVQ	gg+24(SP), R10	// "pthread"
 // TODO(rsc): why do we get away with 0 flags here but not on 386?
 	MOVQ	$0, R8	// flags
 	MOVQ	$(0x2000000+360), AX	// bsdthread_create
@@ -176,9 +140,9 @@
 //	R9 = flags (= 0)
 //	SP = stack - C_64_REDZONE_LEN (= stack - 128)
 TEXT bsdthread_start(SB),7,$-8
-	MOVQ	CX, R14	// m
-	MOVQ	DI, R15	// g
-	MOVQ	SI, 24(R14)	// thread port is m->procid
+	MOVQ	CX, m
+	MOVQ	DI, g
+	MOVQ	SI, m_procid(m)	// thread port is m->procid
 	CALL	DX	// fn
 	CALL	exit1(SB)
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/linux/amd64/sys.s b/src/pkg/runtime/linux/amd64/sys.s
index f90c704..8ee0ed2 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/linux/amd64/sys.s
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/linux/amd64/sys.s
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 // System calls and other sys.stuff for AMD64, Linux
+#include "amd64/asm.h"
 TEXT	exit(SB),7,$0-8
 	MOVL	8(SP), DI
 	MOVL	$231, AX	// exitgroup - force all os threads to exi
@@ -26,27 +28,6 @@
-TEXT	close(SB),7,$0-8
-	MOVL	8(SP), DI
-	MOVL	$3, AX			// syscall entry
-TEXT	fstat(SB),7,$0-16
-	MOVL	8(SP), DI
-	MOVQ	16(SP), SI
-	MOVL	$5, AX			// syscall entry
-TEXT	read(SB),7,$0-24
-	MOVL	8(SP), DI
-	MOVQ	16(SP), SI
-	MOVL	24(SP), DX
-	MOVL	$0, AX			// syscall entry
 TEXT	write(SB),7,$0-24
 	MOVL	8(SP), DI
 	MOVQ	16(SP), SI
@@ -73,10 +54,10 @@
 TEXT	sigtramp(SB),7,$24-16
-	MOVQ	32(R14), R15	// g = m->gsignal
-	MOVQ	DX,16(SP)
+	MOVQ	m_gsignal(m), g
+	MOVQ	DI, 0(SP)
+	MOVQ	SI, 8(SP)
+	MOVQ	DX, 16(SP)
 	CALL	sighandler(SB)
@@ -151,8 +132,8 @@
 	// Copy m, g, fn off parent stack for use by child.
 	// Careful: Linux system call clobbers CX and R11.
-	MOVQ	m+24(SP), R8
-	MOVQ	g+32(SP), R9
+	MOVQ	mm+24(SP), R8
+	MOVQ	gg+32(SP), R9
 	MOVQ	fn+40(SP), R12
 	MOVL	$56, AX
@@ -165,13 +146,13 @@
 	// In child, set up new stack
-	MOVQ	R8, R14	// m
-	MOVQ	R9, R15	// g
+	MOVQ	R8, m
+	MOVQ	R9, g
 	// Initialize m->procid to Linux tid
 	MOVL	$186, AX	// gettid
-	MOVQ	AX, 24(R14)
+	MOVQ	AX, m_procid(m)
 	// Call fn
 	CALL	R12
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/mgc0.c b/src/pkg/runtime/mgc0.c
index 75f2003..fedc940 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/mgc0.c
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/mgc0.c
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@
 	Stktop *stk;
 	byte *sp;
-	sp = g->sched.SP;
+	sp = g->sched.sp;
 	stk = (Stktop*)g->stackbase;
 	while(stk) {
 		scanblock(0, sp, (byte*)stk - sp);
-		sp = stk->oldsp;
-		stk = (Stktop*)stk->oldbase;
+		sp = stk->gobuf.sp;
+		stk = (Stktop*)stk->stackbase;
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/print.c b/src/pkg/runtime/print.c
index 5295e33..c7e0903 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/print.c
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/print.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 prints(int8 *s)
-	sys·write(1, s, findnull((byte*)s));
+	write(1, s, findnull((byte*)s));
 // Very simple printf.  Only for debugging prints.
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 		if(*p != '%')
 		if(p > lp)
-			sys·write(1, lp, p-lp);
+			write(1, lp, p-lp);
 		narg = nil;
 		switch(*p) {
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 		lp = p+1;
 	if(p > lp)
-		sys·write(1, lp, p-lp);
+		write(1, lp, p-lp);
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@
 sys·printbool(bool v)
 	if(v) {
-		sys·write(1, (byte*)"true", 4);
+		write(1, (byte*)"true", 4);
-	sys·write(1, (byte*)"false", 5);
+	write(1, (byte*)"false", 5);
@@ -124,15 +124,15 @@
 	float64 h;
 	if(isNaN(v)) {
-		sys·write(1, "NaN", 3);
+		write(1, "NaN", 3);
 	if(isInf(v, 0)) {
-		sys·write(1, "+Inf", 4);
+		write(1, "+Inf", 4);
 	if(isInf(v, -1)) {
-		sys·write(1, "+Inf", 4);
+		write(1, "+Inf", 4);
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
 	buf[n+4] = (e/100) + '0';
 	buf[n+5] = (e/10)%10 + '0';
 	buf[n+6] = (e%10) + '0';
-	sys·write(1, buf, n+7);
+	write(1, buf, n+7);
@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@
 		v = v/10;
-	sys·write(1, buf+i, nelem(buf)-i);
+	write(1, buf+i, nelem(buf)-i);
 sys·printint(int64 v)
 	if(v < 0) {
-		sys·write(1, "-", 1);
+		write(1, "-", 1);
 		v = -v;
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
 		buf[--i] = '0';
 	buf[--i] = 'x';
 	buf[--i] = '0';
-	sys·write(1, buf+i, nelem(buf)-i);
+	write(1, buf+i, nelem(buf)-i);
@@ -248,21 +248,21 @@
 	extern int32 maxstring;
 	if(v.len > maxstring) {
-		sys·write(1, "[invalid string]", 16);
+		write(1, "[invalid string]", 16);
 	if(v.len > 0)
-		sys·write(1, v.str, v.len);
+		write(1, v.str, v.len);
-	sys·write(1, " ", 1);
+	write(1, " ", 1);
-	sys·write(1, "\n", 1);
+	write(1, "\n", 1);
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c b/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c
index ada3efd..87b89f6 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 		if(g == me || g->status == Gdead)
 		printf("\ngoroutine %d:\n", g->goid);
-		traceback(g->sched.PC, g->sched.SP+sizeof(uintptr), g);  // gogo adjusts SP by one word
+		traceback(g->sched.pc, g->sched.sp, g);
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
 			m->id = sched.mcount++;
 			if(debug) {
-				printf("alloc m%d g%d\n", m->id, g->goid);
+				printf("alloc m=%p m%d g%d\n", m, m->id, g->goid);
 			newosproc(m, m->g0, m->g0->stackbase, mstart);
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
 	G* gp;
-	if(gosave(&m->sched)){
+	if(gosave(&m->sched) != 0){
 		// Jumped here via gosave/gogo, so didn't
 		// execute lock(&sched) above.
@@ -446,14 +446,15 @@
 	gp->status = Grunning;
 	if(debug > 1) {
-		printf("m%d run g%d at %p\n", m->id, gp->goid, gp->sched.PC);
-		traceback(gp->sched.PC, gp->sched.SP+sizeof(uintptr), gp);
+		printf("m%d run g%d at %p\n", m->id, gp->goid, gp->sched.pc);
+		traceback(gp->sched.pc, gp->sched.sp, gp);
 	m->curg = gp;
 	gp->m = m;
-	g = gp;
-	gogo(&gp->sched);
+	if(gp->sched.pc == (byte*)goexit)	// kickoff
+		gogocall(&gp->sched, (void(*)(void))gp->entry);
+	gogo(&gp->sched, 1);
 // Enter scheduler.  If g->status is Grunning,
@@ -465,10 +466,8 @@
 	if(g == m->g0)
 		throw("gosched of g0");
-	if(gosave(&g->sched) == 0){
-		g = m->g0;
-		gogo(&m->sched);
-	}
+	if(gosave(&g->sched) == 0)
+		gogo(&m->sched, 1);
 // The goroutine g is about to enter a system call.
@@ -606,53 +605,28 @@
-	Stktop *top;
+	Stktop *top, old;
 	uint32 args;
 	byte *sp;
-	uintptr oldsp, oldpc, oldbase, oldguard;
+	G *g1;
-// printf("oldstack m->cret=%p\n", m->cret);
+//printf("oldstack m->cret=%p\n", m->cret);
-	top = (Stktop*)m->curg->stackbase;
-	args = (top->magic>>32) & 0xffffLL;
+	g1 = m->curg;
+	top = (Stktop*)g1->stackbase;
 	sp = (byte*)top;
+	old = *top;
+	args = old.args;
 	if(args > 0) {
-		args = (args+7) & ~7;
 		sp -= args;
-		mcpy(top->oldsp+2*sizeof(uintptr), sp, args);
+		mcpy(top->gobuf.sp, sp, args);
-	oldsp = (uintptr)top->oldsp + sizeof(uintptr);
-	oldpc = *(uintptr*)oldsp;
-	oldbase = (uintptr)top->oldbase;
-	oldguard = (uintptr)top->oldguard;
+	stackfree((byte*)g1->stackguard - StackGuard);
+	g1->stackbase = old.stackbase;
+	g1->stackguard = old.stackguard;
-	stackfree((byte*)m->curg->stackguard - StackGuard);
-	m->curg->stackbase = (byte*)oldbase;
-	m->curg->stackguard = (byte*)oldguard;
-	m->morestack.SP = (byte*)oldsp;
-	m->morestack.PC = (byte*)oldpc;
-	// These two lines must happen in sequence;
-	// once g has been changed, must switch to g's stack
-	// before calling any non-assembly functions.
-	// TODO(rsc): Perhaps make the new g a parameter
-	// to gogoret and setspgoto, so that g is never
-	// explicitly assigned to without also setting
-	// the stack pointer.
-	g = m->curg;
-	gogoret(&m->morestack, m->cret);
-#pragma textflag 7
-	g = m->g0;
-	setspgoto(m->sched.SP, oldstack, nil);
+	gogo(&old.gobuf, m->cret);
@@ -661,75 +635,49 @@
 	int32 frame, args;
 	Stktop *top;
 	byte *stk, *sp;
-	void (*fn)(void);
+	G *g1;
+	Gobuf label;
-	frame = m->morearg & 0xffffffffLL;
-	args = (m->morearg>>32) & 0xffffLL;
-// printf("newstack frame=%d args=%d moresp=%p morepc=%p\n", frame, args, m->moresp, *(uintptr*)m->moresp);
+	frame = m->moreframe;
+	args = m->moreargs;
+	// Round up to align things nicely.
+	// This is sufficient for both 32- and 64-bit machines.
+	args = (args+7) & ~7;
 	if(frame < StackBig)
 		frame = StackBig;
 	frame += 1024;	// for more functions, Stktop.
 	stk = stackalloc(frame);
+//printf("newstack frame=%d args=%d morepc=%p gobuf=%p, %p newstk=%p\n", frame, args, m->morepc, g->sched.pc, g->sched.sp, stk);
+	g1 = m->curg;
 	top = (Stktop*)(stk+frame-sizeof(*top));
+	top->stackbase = g1->stackbase;
+	top->stackguard = g1->stackguard;
+	top->gobuf = m->morebuf;
+	top->args = args;
-	top->oldbase = m->curg->stackbase;
-	top->oldguard = m->curg->stackguard;
-	top->oldsp = m->moresp;
-	top->magic = m->morearg;
-	m->curg->stackbase = (byte*)top;
-	m->curg->stackguard = stk + StackGuard;
+	g1->stackbase = (byte*)top;
+	g1->stackguard = stk + StackGuard;
 	sp = (byte*)top;
 	if(args > 0) {
-		// Copy args.  There have been two function calls
-		// since they got pushed, so skip over those return
-		// addresses.
-		args = (args+7) & ~7;
 		sp -= args;
-		mcpy(sp, m->moresp+2*sizeof(uintptr), args);
+		mcpy(sp, top->gobuf.sp, args);
-	g = m->curg;
-	// sys.morestack's return address
-	fn = (void(*)(void))(*(uintptr*)m->moresp);
-// printf("fn=%p\n", fn);
-	setspgoto(sp, fn, retfromnewstack);
+	// Continue as if lessstack had just called m->morepc
+	// (the PC that decided to grow the stack).
+	label.sp = sp;
+	label.pc = (byte*)sys·lessstack;
+	label.g = m->curg;
+	gogocall(&label, m->morepc);
 	*(int32*)345 = 123;	// never return
-#pragma textflag 7
-sys·morestack(uintptr u)
-	while(g == m->g0) {
-		// very bad news
-		*(int32*)0x1001 = 123;
-	}
-	// Morestack's frame is about 0x30 bytes on amd64.
-	// If that the frame ends below the stack bottom, we've already
-	// overflowed.  Stop right now.
-	while((byte*)&u - 0x30 < m->curg->stackguard - StackGuard) {
-		// very bad news
-		*(int32*)0x1002 = 123;
-	}
-	g = m->g0;
-	m->moresp = (byte*)(&u-1);
-	setspgoto(m->sched.SP, newstack, nil);
-	*(int32*)0x1003 = 123;	// never return
 malg(int32 stacksize)
@@ -786,12 +734,10 @@
 	sp -= siz;
 	mcpy(sp, (byte*)&arg0, siz);
-	sp -= sizeof(uintptr);
-	*(byte**)sp = (byte*)goexit;
-	sp -= sizeof(uintptr);	// retpc used by gogo
-	newg->sched.SP = sp;
-	newg->sched.PC = fn;
+	newg->sched.sp = sp;
+	newg->sched.pc = (byte*)goexit;
+	newg->sched.g = newg;
+	newg->entry = fn;
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h b/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
index dc80a08..59dba49 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
@@ -134,16 +134,25 @@
 struct	Gobuf
-	byte*	SP;
-	byte*	PC;
+	// Offsets of fields in this struct are known to assembly.
+	// Any changes made here must be reflected in */asm.h.
+	// The debuggers also know the layout of this struct.
+	byte*	sp;
+	byte*	pc;
+	G*	g;
 struct	G
-	byte*	stackguard;	// must not move
-	byte*	stackbase;	// must not move
-	Defer*	defer;		// must not move
+	// Offsets of fields in this block are known to assembly.
+	// Any changes made here must be reflected in */asm.h.
+	byte*	stackguard;	// cannot move - also known to linker, debuggers
+	byte*	stackbase;	// cannot move - also known to debuggers
+	Defer*	defer;
+	Gobuf	sched;		// cannot move - also known to debuggers
+	// Fields not known to assembly.
 	byte*	stack0;		// first stack segment
-	Gobuf	sched;
+	byte*	entry;		// initial function
 	G*	alllink;	// on allg
 	void*	param;		// passed parameter on wakeup
 	int16	status;
@@ -151,7 +160,7 @@
 	int32	selgen;		// valid sudog pointer
 	G*	schedlink;
 	bool	readyonstop;
-	M*	m;		// for debuggers
+	M*	m;		// for debuggers, but offset not hard-coded
 struct	Mem
@@ -162,19 +171,24 @@
 struct	M
-	G*	g0;		// g0 w interrupt stack - must not move
-	uint64	morearg;	// arg to morestack - must not move
-	uint64	cret;		// return value from C - must not move
-	uint64	procid;		// for debuggers - must not move
-	G*	gsignal;	// signal-handling G - must not move
-	G*	curg;		// current running goroutine - must not move
-	G*	lastg;		// last running goroutine - to emulate fifo - must not move
-	uint32	tls[8];		// thread-local storage (for 386 extern register) - must not move
-	Gobuf	sched;
-	Gobuf	morestack;
-	byte*	moresp;
-	int32	siz1;
-	int32	siz2;
+	// Offsets of fields in this block are known to assembly.
+	// Any changes made here must be reflected in */asm.h.
+	// These are known to debuggers.
+	G*	g0;		// goroutine with scheduling stack
+	void	(*morepc)(void);
+	Gobuf	morebuf;	// gobuf arg to morestack
+	// Known to assembly, but not to debuggers.
+	uint32	moreframe;	// size arguments to morestack
+	uint32	moreargs;
+	uintptr	cret;		// return value from C
+	uint64	procid;		// for debuggers, but offset not hard-coded
+	G*	gsignal;	// signal-handling G
+	uint32	tls[8];		// thread-local storage (for 386 extern register)
+	Gobuf	sched;	// scheduling stack
+	G*	curg;		// current running goroutine
+	// Fields not known to assembly.
 	int32	id;
 	int32	mallocing;
 	int32	gcing;
@@ -188,10 +202,11 @@
 struct	Stktop
-	uint8*	oldbase;
-	uint8*	oldsp;
-	uint64	magic;
-	uint8*	oldguard;
+	// The debuggers know the layout of this struct.
+	uint8*	stackguard;
+	uint8*	stackbase;
+	Gobuf	gobuf;
+	uint32	args;
 struct	Alg
@@ -287,12 +302,11 @@
  * very low level c-called
-int32	gogo(Gobuf*);
-int32	gosave(Gobuf*);
-int32	gogoret(Gobuf*, uint64);
-void	retfromnewstack(void);
+void	gogo(Gobuf*, uintptr);
+void	gogocall(Gobuf*, void(*)(void));
+uintptr	gosave(Gobuf*);
+void	sys·lessstack(void);
 void	goargs(void);
-void	setspgoto(byte*, void(*)(void), void(*)(void));
 void	FLUSH(void*);
 void*	getu(void);
 void	throw(int8*);
@@ -311,10 +325,7 @@
 void	traceback(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, G* gp);
 void	tracebackothers(G*);
 int32	open(byte*, int32, ...);
-int32	read(int32, void*, int32);
 int32	write(int32, void*, int32);
-void	close(int32);
-int32	fstat(int32, void*);
 bool	cas(uint32*, uint32, uint32);
 void	jmpdefer(byte*, void*);
 void	exit1(int32);
@@ -395,7 +406,6 @@
 #ifndef __GNUC__
 #define sys_memclr sys·memclr
-#define sys_write sys·write
 #define sys_catstring sys·catstring
 #define sys_cmpstring sys·cmpstring
 #define sys_getcallerpc sys·getcallerpc
@@ -421,7 +431,6 @@
  * low level go-called
-void	sys_write(int32, void*, int32);
 uint8*	sys_mmap(byte*, uint32, int32, int32, int32, uint32);
 void	sys_memclr(byte*, uint32);
 void	sys_setcallerpc(void*, void*);