runtime, cmd/gc, cmd/ld: ignore method wrappers in recover

Bug #1:

Issue 5406 identified an interesting case:
        defer iface.M()
may end up calling a wrapper that copies an indirect receiver
from the iface value and then calls the real M method. That's
two calls down, not just one, and so recover() == nil always
in the real M method, even during a panic.

[For the purposes of this entire discussion, a wrapper's
implementation is a function containing an ordinary call, not
the optimized tail call form that is somtimes possible. The
tail call does not create a second frame, so it is already
handled correctly.]

Fix this bug by introducing g->panicwrap, which counts the
number of bytes on current stack segment that are due to
wrapper calls that should not count against the recover
check. All wrapper functions must now adjust g->panicwrap up
on entry and back down on exit. This adds slightly to their
expense; on the x86 it is a single instruction at entry and
exit; on the ARM it is three. However, the alternative is to
make a call to recover depend on being able to walk the stack,
which I very much want to avoid. We have enough problems
walking the stack for garbage collection and profiling.
Also, if performance is critical in a specific case, it is already
faster to use a pointer receiver and avoid this kind of wrapper

Bug #2:

The old code, which did not consider the possibility of two
calls, already contained a check to see if the call had split
its stack and so the panic-created segment was one behind the
current segment. In the wrapper case, both of the two calls
might split their stacks, so the panic-created segment can be
two behind the current segment.

Fix this by propagating the Stktop.panic flag forward during
stack splits instead of looking backward during recover.

Fixes #5406.

R=golang-dev, iant
diff --git a/test/recover.go b/test/recover.go
index 7c27d7c..dc8bcfe 100644
--- a/test/recover.go
+++ b/test/recover.go
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 import (
+	"reflect"
@@ -26,15 +27,39 @@
+	test8()
+	test9()
+	test9reflect1()
+	test9reflect2()
+	test10()
+	test10reflect1()
+	test10reflect2()
+	test11()
+	test11reflect1()
+	test11reflect2()
+	test12()
+	test12reflect1()
+	test12reflect2()
+	test13()
+	test13reflect1()
+	test13reflect2()
+	test14()
+	test14reflect1()
+	test14reflect2()
+	test15()
 func die() {
 	runtime.Breakpoint() // can't depend on panic
-func mustRecover(x interface{}) {
-	mustNotRecover() // because it's not a defer call
-	v := recover()
+func mustRecoverBody(v1, v2, v3, x interface{}) {
+	v := v1
+	if v != nil {
+		println("spurious recover", v)
+		die()
+	}
+	v = v2
 	if v == nil {
 		println("missing recover")
 		die() // panic is useless here
@@ -45,13 +70,21 @@
 	// the value should be gone now regardless
-	v = recover()
+	v = v3
 	if v != nil {
 		println("recover didn't recover")
+func doubleRecover() interface{} {
+	return recover()
+func mustRecover(x interface{}) {
+	mustRecoverBody(doubleRecover(), recover(), recover(), x)
 func mustNotRecover() {
 	v := recover()
 	if v != nil {
@@ -277,3 +310,178 @@
+type I interface{ M() }
+// pointer receiver, so no wrapper in i.M()
+type T1 struct {}
+func (*T1) M() {
+	mustRecoverBody(doubleRecover(), recover(), recover(), 9)
+func test9() {
+	var i I = &T1{}
+	defer i.M()
+	panic(9)
+func test9reflect1() {
+	f := reflect.ValueOf(&T1{}).Method(0).Interface().(func())
+	defer f()
+	panic(9)
+func test9reflect2() {
+	f := reflect.TypeOf(&T1{}).Method(0).Func.Interface().(func(*T1))
+	defer f(&T1{})
+	panic(9)
+// word-sized value receiver, so no wrapper in i.M()
+type T2 uintptr
+func (T2) M() {
+	mustRecoverBody(doubleRecover(), recover(), recover(), 10)
+func test10() {
+	var i I = T2(0)
+	defer i.M()
+	panic(10)
+func test10reflect1() {
+	f := reflect.ValueOf(T2(0)).Method(0).Interface().(func())
+	defer f()
+	panic(10)
+func test10reflect2() {
+	f := reflect.TypeOf(T2(0)).Method(0).Func.Interface().(func(T2))
+	defer f(T2(0))
+	panic(10)
+// tiny receiver, so basic wrapper in i.M()
+type T3 struct {}
+func (T3) M() {
+	mustRecoverBody(doubleRecover(), recover(), recover(), 11)
+func test11() {
+	var i I = T3{}
+	defer i.M()
+	panic(11)
+func test11reflect1() {
+	f := reflect.ValueOf(T3{}).Method(0).Interface().(func())
+	defer f()
+	panic(11)
+func test11reflect2() {
+	f := reflect.TypeOf(T3{}).Method(0).Func.Interface().(func(T3))
+	defer f(T3{})
+	panic(11)
+// large receiver, so basic wrapper in i.M()
+type T4 [2]string
+func (T4) M() {
+	mustRecoverBody(doubleRecover(), recover(), recover(), 12)
+func test12() {
+	var i I = T4{}
+	defer i.M()
+	panic(12)
+func test12reflect1() {
+	f := reflect.ValueOf(T4{}).Method(0).Interface().(func())
+	defer f()
+	panic(12)
+func test12reflect2() {
+	f := reflect.TypeOf(T4{}).Method(0).Func.Interface().(func(T4))
+	defer f(T4{})
+	panic(12)
+// enormous receiver, so wrapper splits stack to call M
+type T5 [8192]byte
+func (T5) M() {
+	mustRecoverBody(doubleRecover(), recover(), recover(), 13)
+func test13() {
+	var i I = T5{}
+	defer i.M()
+	panic(13)
+func test13reflect1() {
+	f := reflect.ValueOf(T5{}).Method(0).Interface().(func())
+	defer f()
+	panic(13)
+func test13reflect2() {
+	f := reflect.TypeOf(T5{}).Method(0).Func.Interface().(func(T5))
+	defer f(T5{})
+	panic(13)
+// enormous receiver + enormous method frame, so wrapper splits stack to call M,
+// and then M splits stack to allocate its frame.
+// recover must look back two frames to find the panic.
+type T6 [8192]byte
+var global byte
+func (T6) M() {
+	var x [8192]byte
+	x[0] = 1
+	x[1] = 2
+	for i := range x {
+		global += x[i]
+	}
+	mustRecoverBody(doubleRecover(), recover(), recover(), 14)
+func test14() {
+	var i I = T6{}
+	defer i.M()
+	panic(14)
+func test14reflect1() {
+	f := reflect.ValueOf(T6{}).Method(0).Interface().(func())
+	defer f()
+	panic(14)
+func test14reflect2() {
+	f := reflect.TypeOf(T6{}).Method(0).Func.Interface().(func(T6))
+	defer f(T6{})
+	panic(14)
+// function created by reflect.MakeFunc
+func reflectFunc(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
+	mustRecoverBody(doubleRecover(), recover(), recover(), 15)
+	return nil
+func test15() {
+	f := reflect.MakeFunc(reflect.TypeOf((func())(nil)), reflectFunc).Interface().(func())
+	defer f()
+	panic(15)