runtime: ,s/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/runtime·&/g, almost
Prefix all external symbols in runtime by runtime·,
to avoid conflicts with possible symbols of the same
name in linked-in C libraries. The obvious conflicts
are printf, malloc, and free, but hide everything to
avoid future pain.
The symbols left alone are:
** known to cgo **
** known to linker **
** known to C compiler **
etc (arch specific)
Tested on darwin/386, darwin/amd64, linux/386, linux/amd64.
Built (but not tested) for freebsd/386, freebsd/amd64, linux/arm, windows/386.
R=r, PeterGo
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h b/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
index 0a36d27..3f6fb77 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
@@ -351,112 +351,108 @@
* external data
-extern Alg algarray[Amax];
-extern String emptystring;
-G* allg;
-M* allm;
-int32 goidgen;
-extern int32 gomaxprocs;
-extern int32 panicking;
-extern int32 maxround;
-extern int32 fd; // usually 1; set to 2 when panicking
-extern int32 gcwaiting; // gc is waiting to run
-int8* goos;
+extern Alg runtime·algarray[Amax];
+extern String runtime·emptystring;
+G* runtime·allg;
+M* runtime·allm;
+int32 runtime·goidgen;
+extern int32 runtime·gomaxprocs;
+extern int32 runtime·panicking;
+extern int32 runtime·fd; // usually 1; set to 2 when panicking
+extern int32 runtime·gcwaiting; // gc is waiting to run
+int8* runtime·goos;
* common functions and data
-int32 strcmp(byte*, byte*);
-int32 findnull(byte*);
-int32 findnullw(uint16*);
-void dump(byte*, int32);
-int32 runetochar(byte*, int32);
-int32 charntorune(int32*, uint8*, int32);
+int32 runtime·strcmp(byte*, byte*);
+int32 runtime·findnull(byte*);
+int32 runtime·findnullw(uint16*);
+void runtime·dump(byte*, int32);
+int32 runtime·runetochar(byte*, int32);
+int32 runtime·charntorune(int32*, uint8*, int32);
* very low level c-called
-void gogo(Gobuf*, uintptr);
-void gogocall(Gobuf*, void(*)(void));
-uintptr gosave(Gobuf*);
-void ·lessstack(void);
-void goargs(void);
-void FLUSH(void*);
-void* getu(void);
-void throw(int8*);
-void panicstring(int8*);
-uint32 rnd(uint32, uint32);
-void prints(int8*);
-void printf(int8*, ...);
-byte* mchr(byte*, byte, byte*);
-void mcpy(byte*, byte*, uint32);
-int32 mcmp(byte*, byte*, uint32);
-void memmove(void*, void*, uint32);
-void* mal(uintptr);
-uint32 cmpstring(String, String);
-String catstring(String, String);
-String concatstring(int32, String*);
-String gostring(byte*);
-String gostringn(byte*, int32);
-String gostringnocopy(byte*);
-String gostringw(uint16*);
-void initsig(int32);
-int32 gotraceback(void);
-void traceback(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, uint8 *lr, G* gp);
-void tracebackothers(G*);
-int32 open(byte*, int32, ...);
-int32 write(int32, void*, int32);
-bool cas(uint32*, uint32, uint32);
-bool casp(void**, void*, void*);
-uint32 xadd(uint32 volatile*, int32);
-void jmpdefer(byte*, void*);
-void exit1(int32);
-void ready(G*);
-byte* getenv(int8*);
-int32 atoi(byte*);
-void newosproc(M *m, G *g, void *stk, void (*fn)(void));
-void signalstack(byte*, int32);
-G* malg(int32);
-void minit(void);
-Func* findfunc(uintptr);
-int32 funcline(Func*, uint64);
-void* stackalloc(uint32);
-void stackfree(void*);
-MCache* allocmcache(void);
-void mallocinit(void);
-bool ifaceeq(Iface, Iface);
-bool efaceeq(Eface, Eface);
-uintptr ifacehash(Iface);
-uintptr efacehash(Eface);
-uintptr nohash(uint32, void*);
-uint32 noequal(uint32, void*, void*);
-void* malloc(uintptr size);
-void free(void *v);
-void addfinalizer(void*, void(*fn)(void*), int32);
-void walkfintab(void (*fn)(void*));
-void runpanic(Panic*);
-void* getcallersp(void*);
+#define FLUSH(x) USED(x)
-void exit(int32);
-void breakpoint(void);
-void gosched(void);
-void goexit(void);
-void runcgo(void (*fn)(void*), void*);
-void runcgocallback(G*, void*, void (*fn)());
-void ·entersyscall(void);
-void ·exitsyscall(void);
-void startcgocallback(G*);
-void endcgocallback(G*);
-G* newproc1(byte*, byte*, int32, int32);
-void siginit(void);
-bool sigsend(int32 sig);
-void gettime(int64*, int32*);
-int32 callers(int32, uintptr*, int32);
-int64 nanotime(void);
-void panic(int32);
+void runtime·gogo(Gobuf*, uintptr);
+void runtime·gogocall(Gobuf*, void(*)(void));
+uintptr runtime·gosave(Gobuf*);
+void runtime·lessstack(void);
+void runtime·goargs(void);
+void* runtime·getu(void);
+void runtime·throw(int8*);
+void runtime·panicstring(int8*);
+uint32 runtime·rnd(uint32, uint32);
+void runtime·prints(int8*);
+void runtime·printf(int8*, ...);
+byte* runtime·mchr(byte*, byte, byte*);
+void runtime·mcpy(byte*, byte*, uint32);
+int32 runtime·mcmp(byte*, byte*, uint32);
+void runtime·memmove(void*, void*, uint32);
+void* runtime·mal(uintptr);
+String runtime·catstring(String, String);
+String runtime·gostring(byte*);
+String runtime·gostringn(byte*, int32);
+String runtime·gostringnocopy(byte*);
+String runtime·gostringw(uint16*);
+void runtime·initsig(int32);
+int32 runtime·gotraceback(void);
+void runtime·traceback(uint8 *pc, uint8 *sp, uint8 *lr, G* gp);
+void runtime·tracebackothers(G*);
+int32 runtime·write(int32, void*, int32);
+bool runtime·cas(uint32*, uint32, uint32);
+bool runtime·casp(void**, void*, void*);
+uint32 runtime·xadd(uint32 volatile*, int32);
+void runtime·jmpdefer(byte*, void*);
+void runtime·exit1(int32);
+void runtime·ready(G*);
+byte* runtime·getenv(int8*);
+int32 runtime·atoi(byte*);
+void runtime·newosproc(M *m, G *g, void *stk, void (*fn)(void));
+void runtime·signalstack(byte*, int32);
+G* runtime·malg(int32);
+void runtime·minit(void);
+Func* runtime·findfunc(uintptr);
+int32 runtime·funcline(Func*, uint64);
+void* runtime·stackalloc(uint32);
+void runtime·stackfree(void*);
+MCache* runtime·allocmcache(void);
+void runtime·mallocinit(void);
+bool runtime·ifaceeq_c(Iface, Iface);
+bool runtime·efaceeq_c(Eface, Eface);
+uintptr runtime·ifacehash(Iface);
+uintptr runtime·efacehash(Eface);
+uintptr runtime·nohash(uint32, void*);
+uint32 runtime·noequal(uint32, void*, void*);
+void* runtime·malloc(uintptr size);
+void runtime·free(void *v);
+void runtime·addfinalizer(void*, void(*fn)(void*), int32);
+void runtime·walkfintab(void (*fn)(void*));
+void runtime·runpanic(Panic*);
+void* runtime·getcallersp(void*);
-#pragma varargck argpos printf 1
+void runtime·exit(int32);
+void runtime·breakpoint(void);
+void runtime·gosched(void);
+void runtime·goexit(void);
+void runtime·runcgo(void (*fn)(void*), void*);
+void runtime·runcgocallback(G*, void*, void (*fn)());
+void runtime·entersyscall(void);
+void runtime·exitsyscall(void);
+void runtime·startcgocallback(G*);
+void runtime·endcgocallback(G*);
+G* runtime·newproc1(byte*, byte*, int32, int32);
+void runtime·siginit(void);
+bool runtime·sigsend(int32 sig);
+void runtime·gettime(int64*, int32*);
+int32 runtime·callers(int32, uintptr*, int32);
+int64 runtime·nanotime(void);
+void runtime·dopanic(int32);
+#pragma varargck argpos runtime·printf 1
#pragma varargck type "d" int32
#pragma varargck type "d" uint32
#pragma varargck type "D" int64
@@ -473,8 +469,8 @@
// TODO(rsc): Remove. These are only temporary,
// for the mark and sweep collector.
-void stoptheworld(void);
-void starttheworld(void);
+void runtime·stoptheworld(void);
+void runtime·starttheworld(void);
* mutual exclusion locks. in the uncontended case,
@@ -482,9 +478,9 @@
* but on the contention path they sleep in the kernel.
* a zeroed Lock is unlocked (no need to initialize each lock).
-void lock(Lock*);
-void unlock(Lock*);
-void destroylock(Lock*);
+void runtime·lock(Lock*);
+void runtime·unlock(Lock*);
+void runtime·destroylock(Lock*);
* sleep and wakeup on one-time events.
@@ -495,33 +491,9 @@
* once notewakeup has been called, all the notesleeps
* will return. future notesleeps will return immediately.
-void noteclear(Note*);
-void notesleep(Note*);
-void notewakeup(Note*);
- * Redefine methods for the benefit of gcc, which does not support
- * UTF-8 characters in identifiers.
- */
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-#define runtime_memclr ·memclr
-#define runtime_getcallerpc ·getcallerpc
-#define runtime_mmap ·mmap
-#define runtime_munmap ·munmap
-#define runtime_printslice ·printslice
-#define runtime_printbool ·printbool
-#define runtime_printfloat ·printfloat
-#define runtime_printhex ·printhex
-#define runtime_printint ·printint
-#define runtime_printiface ·printiface
-#define runtime_printeface ·printeface
-#define runtime_printpc ·printpc
-#define runtime_printpointer ·printpointer
-#define runtime_printstring ·printstring
-#define runtime_printuint ·printuint
-#define runtime_printcomplex ·printcomplex
-#define runtime_setcallerpc ·setcallerpc
+void runtime·noteclear(Note*);
+void runtime·notesleep(Note*);
+void runtime·notewakeup(Note*);
* This is consistent across Linux and BSD.
@@ -533,84 +505,83 @@
* low level go-called
-uint8* runtime_mmap(byte*, uintptr, int32, int32, int32, uint32);
-void runtime_munmap(uint8*, uintptr);
-void runtime_memclr(byte*, uint32);
-void runtime_setcallerpc(void*, void*);
-void* runtime_getcallerpc(void*);
+uint8* runtime·mmap(byte*, uintptr, int32, int32, int32, uint32);
+void runtime·munmap(uint8*, uintptr);
+void runtime·memclr(byte*, uint32);
+void runtime·setcallerpc(void*, void*);
+void* runtime·getcallerpc(void*);
* runtime go-called
-void runtime_printbool(bool);
-void runtime_printfloat(float64);
-void runtime_printint(int64);
-void runtime_printiface(Iface);
-void runtime_printeface(Eface);
-void runtime_printstring(String);
-void runtime_printpc(void*);
-void runtime_printpointer(void*);
-void runtime_printuint(uint64);
-void runtime_printhex(uint64);
-void runtime_printslice(Slice);
-void runtime_printcomplex(Complex128);
+void runtime·printbool(bool);
+void runtime·printfloat(float64);
+void runtime·printint(int64);
+void runtime·printiface(Iface);
+void runtime·printeface(Eface);
+void runtime·printstring(String);
+void runtime·printpc(void*);
+void runtime·printpointer(void*);
+void runtime·printuint(uint64);
+void runtime·printhex(uint64);
+void runtime·printslice(Slice);
+void runtime·printcomplex(Complex128);
void reflect·call(byte*, byte*, uint32);
-void ·panic(Eface);
-void ·panicindex(void);
-void ·panicslice(void);
+void runtime·panic(Eface);
+void runtime·panicindex(void);
+void runtime·panicslice(void);
* runtime c-called (but written in Go)
-void ·newError(String, Eface*);
-void ·printany(Eface);
-void ·newTypeAssertionError(Type*, Type*, Type*, String*, String*, String*, String*, Eface*);
-void ·newErrorString(String, Eface*);
-void ·fadd64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
-void ·fsub64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
-void ·fmul64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
-void ·fdiv64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
-void ·fneg64c(uint64, uint64*);
-void ·f32to64c(uint32, uint64*);
-void ·f64to32c(uint64, uint32*);
-void ·fcmp64c(uint64, uint64, int32*, bool*);
-void ·fintto64c(int64, uint64*);
-void ·f64tointc(uint64, int64*, bool*);
+void runtime·newError(String, Eface*);
+void runtime·printany(Eface);
+void runtime·newTypeAssertionError(Type*, Type*, Type*, String*, String*, String*, String*, Eface*);
+void runtime·newErrorString(String, Eface*);
+void runtime·fadd64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
+void runtime·fsub64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
+void runtime·fmul64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
+void runtime·fdiv64c(uint64, uint64, uint64*);
+void runtime·fneg64c(uint64, uint64*);
+void runtime·f32to64c(uint32, uint64*);
+void runtime·f64to32c(uint64, uint32*);
+void runtime·fcmp64c(uint64, uint64, int32*, bool*);
+void runtime·fintto64c(int64, uint64*);
+void runtime·f64tointc(uint64, int64*, bool*);
* wrapped for go users
-float64 Inf(int32 sign);
-float64 NaN(void);
-float32 float32frombits(uint32 i);
-uint32 float32tobits(float32 f);
-float64 float64frombits(uint64 i);
-uint64 float64tobits(float64 f);
-float64 frexp(float64 d, int32 *ep);
-bool isInf(float64 f, int32 sign);
-bool isNaN(float64 f);
-float64 ldexp(float64 d, int32 e);
-float64 modf(float64 d, float64 *ip);
-void semacquire(uint32*);
-void semrelease(uint32*);
-String signame(int32 sig);
-int32 gomaxprocsfunc(int32 n);
+float64 runtime·Inf(int32 sign);
+float64 runtime·NaN(void);
+float32 runtime·float32frombits(uint32 i);
+uint32 runtime·float32tobits(float32 f);
+float64 runtime·float64frombits(uint64 i);
+uint64 runtime·float64tobits(float64 f);
+float64 runtime·frexp(float64 d, int32 *ep);
+bool runtime·isInf(float64 f, int32 sign);
+bool runtime·isNaN(float64 f);
+float64 runtime·ldexp(float64 d, int32 e);
+float64 runtime·modf(float64 d, float64 *ip);
+void runtime·semacquire(uint32*);
+void runtime·semrelease(uint32*);
+String runtime·signame(int32 sig);
+int32 runtime·gomaxprocsfunc(int32 n);
+void runtime·mapassign(Hmap*, byte*, byte*);
+void runtime·mapaccess(Hmap*, byte*, byte*, bool*);
+struct hash_iter* runtime·newmapiterinit(Hmap*);
+void runtime·mapiternext(struct hash_iter*);
+bool runtime·mapiterkey(struct hash_iter*, void*);
+void runtime·mapiterkeyvalue(struct hash_iter*, void*, void*);
+Hmap* runtime·makemap_c(Type*, Type*, int64);
-void mapassign(Hmap*, byte*, byte*);
-void mapaccess(Hmap*, byte*, byte*, bool*);
-struct hash_iter* mapiterinit(Hmap*);
-void mapiternext(struct hash_iter*);
-bool mapiterkey(struct hash_iter*, void*);
-void mapiterkeyvalue(struct hash_iter*, void*, void*);
-Hmap* makemap(Type*, Type*, int64);
+Hchan* runtime·makechan_c(Type*, int64);
+void runtime·chansend(Hchan*, void*, bool*);
+void runtime·chanrecv(Hchan*, void*, bool*);
+void runtime·chanclose(Hchan*);
+bool runtime·chanclosed(Hchan*);
+int32 runtime·chanlen(Hchan*);
+int32 runtime·chancap(Hchan*);
-Hchan* makechan(Type*, int64);
-void chansend(Hchan*, void*, bool*);
-void chanrecv(Hchan*, void*, bool*);
-void chanclose(Hchan*);
-bool chanclosed(Hchan*);
-int32 chanlen(Hchan*);
-int32 chancap(Hchan*);
-void ifaceE2I(struct InterfaceType*, Eface, Iface*);
+void runtime·ifaceE2I(struct InterfaceType*, Eface, Iface*);