blob: 15c9bf09f9dfccc8910369422b1218f341535621 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build typeparams
// +build typeparams
package types_test
import (
. "go/types"
func TestInferredInfo(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
src string
fun string
targs []string
sig string
{genericPkg + `p0; func f[T any](T); func _() { f(42) }`,
{genericPkg + `p1; func f[T any](T) T; func _() { f('@') }`,
`func(rune) rune`,
{genericPkg + `p2; func f[T any](...T) T; func _() { f(0i) }`,
`func(...complex128) complex128`,
{genericPkg + `p3; func f[A, B, C any](A, *B, []C); func _() { f(1.2, new(string), []byte{}) }`,
[]string{`float64`, `string`, `byte`},
`func(float64, *string, []byte)`,
{genericPkg + `p4; func f[A, B any](A, *B, ...[]B); func _() { f(1.2, new(byte)) }`,
[]string{`float64`, `byte`},
`func(float64, *byte, ...[]byte)`,
{genericPkg + `s1; func f[T any, P interface{type *T}](x T); func _(x string) { f(x) }`,
[]string{`string`, `*string`},
`func(x string)`,
{genericPkg + `s2; func f[T any, P interface{type *T}](x []T); func _(x []int) { f(x) }`,
[]string{`int`, `*int`},
`func(x []int)`,
{genericPkg + `s3; type C[T any] interface{type chan<- T}; func f[T any, P C[T]](x []T); func _(x []int) { f(x) }`,
[]string{`int`, `chan<- int`},
`func(x []int)`,
{genericPkg + `s4; type C[T any] interface{type chan<- T}; func f[T any, P C[T], Q C[[]*P]](x []T); func _(x []int) { f(x) }`,
[]string{`int`, `chan<- int`, `chan<- []*chan<- int`},
`func(x []int)`,
{genericPkg + `t1; func f[T any, P interface{type *T}]() T; func _() { _ = f[string] }`,
[]string{`string`, `*string`},
`func() string`,
{genericPkg + `t2; type C[T any] interface{type chan<- T}; func f[T any, P C[T]]() []T; func _() { _ = f[int] }`,
[]string{`int`, `chan<- int`},
`func() []int`,
{genericPkg + `t3; type C[T any] interface{type chan<- T}; func f[T any, P C[T], Q C[[]*P]]() []T; func _() { _ = f[int] }`,
[]string{`int`, `chan<- int`, `chan<- []*chan<- int`},
`func() []int`,
for _, test := range tests {
info := Info{}
info.Inferred = make(map[ast.Expr]Inferred)
name, err := mayTypecheck(t, "InferredInfo", test.src, &info)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("package %s: %v", name, err)
// look for inferred type arguments and signature
var targs []Type
var sig *Signature
for call, inf := range info.Inferred {
var fun ast.Expr
switch x := call.(type) {
case *ast.CallExpr:
fun = x.Fun
case *ast.IndexExpr:
fun = x.X
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected call expression type %T", call))
if ExprString(fun) == {
targs = inf.Targs
sig = inf.Sig
if targs == nil {
t.Errorf("package %s: no inferred information found for %s", name,
// check that type arguments are correct
if len(targs) != len(test.targs) {
t.Errorf("package %s: got %d type arguments; want %d", name, len(targs), len(test.targs))
for i, targ := range targs {
if got := targ.String(); got != test.targs[i] {
t.Errorf("package %s, %d. type argument: got %s; want %s", name, i, got, test.targs[i])
// check that signature is correct
if got := sig.String(); got != test.sig {
t.Errorf("package %s: got %s; want %s", name, got, test.sig)