blob: 9a166cae541c3086e6d0c64cfbbf08b1afb2febb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modload
import (
var modFile *modfile.File
// A modFileIndex is an index of data corresponding to a modFile
// at a specific point in time.
type modFileIndex struct {
data []byte
dataNeedsFix bool // true if fixVersion applied a change while parsing data
module module.Version
goVersionV string // GoVersion with "v" prefix
require map[module.Version]requireMeta
replace map[module.Version]module.Version
exclude map[module.Version]bool
// index is the index of the go.mod file as of when it was last read or written.
var index *modFileIndex
type requireMeta struct {
indirect bool
// Allowed reports whether module m is allowed (not excluded) by the main module's go.mod.
func Allowed(m module.Version) bool {
return index == nil || !index.exclude[m]
// Replacement returns the replacement for mod, if any, from go.mod.
// If there is no replacement for mod, Replacement returns
// a module.Version with Path == "".
func Replacement(mod module.Version) module.Version {
if index != nil {
if r, ok := index.replace[mod]; ok {
return r
if r, ok := index.replace[module.Version{Path: mod.Path}]; ok {
return r
return module.Version{}
// indexModFile rebuilds the index of modFile.
// If modFile has been changed since it was first read,
// modFile.Cleanup must be called before indexModFile.
func indexModFile(data []byte, modFile *modfile.File, needsFix bool) *modFileIndex {
i := new(modFileIndex) = data
i.dataNeedsFix = needsFix
i.module = module.Version{}
if modFile.Module != nil {
i.module = modFile.Module.Mod
i.goVersionV = ""
if modFile.Go != nil {
// We're going to use the semver package to compare Go versions, so go ahead
// and add the "v" prefix it expects once instead of every time.
i.goVersionV = "v" + modFile.Go.Version
i.require = make(map[module.Version]requireMeta, len(modFile.Require))
for _, r := range modFile.Require {
i.require[r.Mod] = requireMeta{indirect: r.Indirect}
i.replace = make(map[module.Version]module.Version, len(modFile.Replace))
for _, r := range modFile.Replace {
if prev, dup := i.replace[r.Old]; dup && prev != r.New {
base.Fatalf("go: conflicting replacements for %v:\n\t%v\n\t%v", r.Old, prev, r.New)
i.replace[r.Old] = r.New
i.exclude = make(map[module.Version]bool, len(modFile.Exclude))
for _, x := range modFile.Exclude {
i.exclude[x.Mod] = true
return i
// modFileIsDirty reports whether the go.mod file differs meaningfully
// from what was indexed.
// If modFile has been changed (even cosmetically) since it was first read,
// modFile.Cleanup must be called before modFileIsDirty.
func (i *modFileIndex) modFileIsDirty(modFile *modfile.File) bool {
if i == nil {
return modFile != nil
if i.dataNeedsFix {
return true
if modFile.Module == nil {
if i.module != (module.Version{}) {
return true
} else if modFile.Module.Mod != i.module {
return true
if modFile.Go == nil {
if i.goVersionV != "" {
return true
} else if "v"+modFile.Go.Version != i.goVersionV {
if i.goVersionV == "" && cfg.BuildMod == "readonly" {
// go.mod files did not always require a 'go' version, so do not error out
// if one is missing — we may be inside an older module in the module
// cache, and should bias toward providing useful behavior.
} else {
return true
if len(modFile.Require) != len(i.require) ||
len(modFile.Replace) != len(i.replace) ||
len(modFile.Exclude) != len(i.exclude) {
return true
for _, r := range modFile.Require {
if meta, ok := i.require[r.Mod]; !ok {
return true
} else if r.Indirect != meta.indirect {
if cfg.BuildMod == "readonly" {
// The module's requirements are consistent; only the "// indirect"
// comments that are wrong. But those are only guaranteed to be accurate
// after a "go mod tidy" — it's a good idea to run those before
// committing a change, but it's certainly not mandatory.
} else {
return true
for _, r := range modFile.Replace {
if r.New != i.replace[r.Old] {
return true
for _, x := range modFile.Exclude {
if !i.exclude[x.Mod] {
return true
return false