blob: d7004ff26afc641f420a63a23346dcfe8a43501b [file] [log] [blame]
package main
var failed = false
func testSliceLenCap12_ssa(a [10]int, i, j int) (int, int) {
switch { // prevent inlining
b := a[i:j]
return len(b), cap(b)
func testSliceLenCap1_ssa(a [10]int, i, j int) (int, int) {
switch { // prevent inlining
b := a[i:]
return len(b), cap(b)
func testSliceLenCap2_ssa(a [10]int, i, j int) (int, int) {
switch { // prevent inlining
b := a[:j]
return len(b), cap(b)
func testSliceLenCap() {
a := [10]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
tests := [...]struct {
fn func(a [10]int, i, j int) (int, int)
i, j int // slice range
l, c int // len, cap
// -1 means the value is not used.
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 0, 0, 0, 10},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 0, 1, 1, 10},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 0, 10, 10, 10},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 10, 10, 0, 0},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 0, 5, 5, 10},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 5, 5, 0, 5},
{testSliceLenCap12_ssa, 5, 10, 5, 5},
{testSliceLenCap1_ssa, 0, -1, 0, 10},
{testSliceLenCap1_ssa, 5, -1, 5, 5},
{testSliceLenCap1_ssa, 10, -1, 0, 0},
{testSliceLenCap2_ssa, -1, 0, 0, 10},
{testSliceLenCap2_ssa, -1, 5, 5, 10},
{testSliceLenCap2_ssa, -1, 10, 10, 10},
for i, t := range tests {
if l, c := t.fn(a, t.i, t.j); l != t.l && c != t.c {
println("#", i, " len(a[", t.i, ":", t.j, "]), cap(a[", t.i, ":", t.j, "]) =", l, c,
", want", t.l, t.c)
failed = true
func testSliceGetElement_ssa(a [10]int, i, j, p int) int {
switch { // prevent inlining
return a[i:j][p]
func testSliceGetElement() {
a := [10]int{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
tests := [...]struct {
i, j, p int
want int // a[i:j][p]
{0, 10, 2, 20},
{0, 5, 4, 40},
{5, 10, 3, 80},
{1, 9, 7, 80},
for i, t := range tests {
if got := testSliceGetElement_ssa(a, t.i, t.j, t.p); got != t.want {
println("#", i, " a[", t.i, ":", t.j, "][", t.p, "] = ", got, " wanted ", t.want)
failed = true
func testSliceSetElement_ssa(a *[10]int, i, j, p, x int) {
switch { // prevent inlining
(*a)[i:j][p] = x
func testSliceSetElement() {
a := [10]int{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
tests := [...]struct {
i, j, p int
want int // a[i:j][p]
{0, 10, 2, 17},
{0, 5, 4, 11},
{5, 10, 3, 28},
{1, 9, 7, 99},
for i, t := range tests {
testSliceSetElement_ssa(&a, t.i, t.j, t.p, t.want)
if got := a[t.i+t.p]; got != t.want {
println("#", i, " a[", t.i, ":", t.j, "][", t.p, "] = ", got, " wanted ", t.want)
failed = true
func testSlicePanic1() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
println("paniced as expected")
a := [10]int{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
testSliceLenCap12_ssa(a, 3, 12)
println("expected to panic, but didn't")
failed = true
func testSlicePanic2() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
println("paniced as expected")
a := [10]int{0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
testSliceGetElement_ssa(a, 3, 7, 4)
println("expected to panic, but didn't")
failed = true
func main() {
if failed {