blob: 312e3d1b9890e788c844048bbfc5f0a5568ddeb7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for Go
// packages.
package ast
import (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interfaces
// There are 3 main classes of nodes: Expressions and type nodes,
// statement nodes, and declaration nodes. The node names usually
// match the corresponding Go spec production names to which they
// correspond. The node fields correspond to the individual parts
// of the respective productions.
// All nodes contain position information marking the beginning of
// the corresponding source text segment; it is accessible via the
// Pos accessor method. Nodes may contain additional position info
// for language constructs where comments may be found between parts
// of the construct (typically any larger, parenthesized subpart).
// That position information is needed to properly position comments
// when printing the construct.
// All node types implement the Node interface.
type Node interface {
Pos() token.Pos // position of first character belonging to the node
End() token.Pos // position of first character immediately after the node
// All expression nodes implement the Expr interface.
type Expr interface {
// All statement nodes implement the Stmt interface.
type Stmt interface {
// All declaration nodes implement the Decl interface.
type Decl interface {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Comments
// A Comment node represents a single //-style or /*-style comment.
type Comment struct {
Slash token.Pos // position of "/" starting the comment
Text string // comment text (excluding '\n' for //-style comments)
func (c *Comment) Pos() token.Pos { return c.Slash }
func (c *Comment) End() token.Pos { return token.Pos(int(c.Slash) + len(c.Text)) }
// A CommentGroup represents a sequence of comments
// with no other tokens and no empty lines between.
type CommentGroup struct {
List []*Comment // len(List) > 0
func (g *CommentGroup) Pos() token.Pos { return g.List[0].Pos() }
func (g *CommentGroup) End() token.Pos { return g.List[len(g.List)-1].End() }
func isWhitespace(ch byte) bool { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' }
func stripTrailingWhitespace(s string) string {
i := len(s)
for i > 0 && isWhitespace(s[i-1]) {
return s[0:i]
// Text returns the text of the comment.
// Comment markers (//, /*, and */), the first space of a line comment, and
// leading and trailing empty lines are removed. Multiple empty lines are
// reduced to one, and trailing space on lines is trimmed. Unless the result
// is empty, it is newline-terminated.
func (g *CommentGroup) Text() string {
if g == nil {
return ""
comments := make([]string, len(g.List))
for i, c := range g.List {
comments[i] = string(c.Text)
lines := make([]string, 0, 10) // most comments are less than 10 lines
for _, c := range comments {
// Remove comment markers.
// The parser has given us exactly the comment text.
switch c[1] {
case '/':
//-style comment (no newline at the end)
c = c[2:]
// strip first space - required for Example tests
if len(c) > 0 && c[0] == ' ' {
c = c[1:]
case '*':
/*-style comment */
c = c[2 : len(c)-2]
// Split on newlines.
cl := strings.Split(c, "\n")
// Walk lines, stripping trailing white space and adding to list.
for _, l := range cl {
lines = append(lines, stripTrailingWhitespace(l))
// Remove leading blank lines; convert runs of
// interior blank lines to a single blank line.
n := 0
for _, line := range lines {
if line != "" || n > 0 && lines[n-1] != "" {
lines[n] = line
lines = lines[0:n]
// Add final "" entry to get trailing newline from Join.
if n > 0 && lines[n-1] != "" {
lines = append(lines, "")
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expressions and types
// A Field represents a Field declaration list in a struct type,
// a method list in an interface type, or a parameter/result declaration
// in a signature.
type Field struct {
Doc *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
Names []*Ident // field/method/parameter names; or nil if anonymous field
Type Expr // field/method/parameter type
Tag *BasicLit // field tag; or nil
Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil
func (f *Field) Pos() token.Pos {
if len(f.Names) > 0 {
return f.Names[0].Pos()
return f.Type.Pos()
func (f *Field) End() token.Pos {
if f.Tag != nil {
return f.Tag.End()
return f.Type.End()
// A FieldList represents a list of Fields, enclosed by parentheses or braces.
type FieldList struct {
Opening token.Pos // position of opening parenthesis/brace, if any
List []*Field // field list; or nil
Closing token.Pos // position of closing parenthesis/brace, if any
func (f *FieldList) Pos() token.Pos {
if f.Opening.IsValid() {
return f.Opening
// the list should not be empty in this case;
// be conservative and guard against bad ASTs
if len(f.List) > 0 {
return f.List[0].Pos()
return token.NoPos
func (f *FieldList) End() token.Pos {
if f.Closing.IsValid() {
return f.Closing + 1
// the list should not be empty in this case;
// be conservative and guard against bad ASTs
if n := len(f.List); n > 0 {
return f.List[n-1].End()
return token.NoPos
// NumFields returns the number of (named and anonymous fields) in a FieldList.
func (f *FieldList) NumFields() int {
n := 0
if f != nil {
for _, g := range f.List {
m := len(g.Names)
if m == 0 {
m = 1 // anonymous field
n += m
return n
// An expression is represented by a tree consisting of one
// or more of the following concrete expression nodes.
type (
// A BadExpr node is a placeholder for expressions containing
// syntax errors for which no correct expression nodes can be
// created.
BadExpr struct {
From, To token.Pos // position range of bad expression
// An Ident node represents an identifier.
Ident struct {
NamePos token.Pos // identifier position
Name string // identifier name
Obj *Object // denoted object; or nil
// An Ellipsis node stands for the "..." type in a
// parameter list or the "..." length in an array type.
Ellipsis struct {
Ellipsis token.Pos // position of "..."
Elt Expr // ellipsis element type (parameter lists only); or nil
// A BasicLit node represents a literal of basic type.
BasicLit struct {
ValuePos token.Pos // literal position
Kind token.Token // token.INT, token.FLOAT, token.IMAG, token.CHAR, or token.STRING
Value string // literal string; e.g. 42, 0x7f, 3.14, 1e-9, 2.4i, 'a', '\x7f', "foo" or `\m\n\o`
// A FuncLit node represents a function literal.
FuncLit struct {
Type *FuncType // function type
Body *BlockStmt // function body
// A CompositeLit node represents a composite literal.
CompositeLit struct {
Type Expr // literal type; or nil
Lbrace token.Pos // position of "{"
Elts []Expr // list of composite elements; or nil
Rbrace token.Pos // position of "}"
// A ParenExpr node represents a parenthesized expression.
ParenExpr struct {
Lparen token.Pos // position of "("
X Expr // parenthesized expression
Rparen token.Pos // position of ")"
// A SelectorExpr node represents an expression followed by a selector.
SelectorExpr struct {
X Expr // expression
Sel *Ident // field selector
// An IndexExpr node represents an expression followed by an index.
IndexExpr struct {
X Expr // expression
Lbrack token.Pos // position of "["
Index Expr // index expression
Rbrack token.Pos // position of "]"
// An SliceExpr node represents an expression followed by slice indices.
SliceExpr struct {
X Expr // expression
Lbrack token.Pos // position of "["
Low Expr // begin of slice range; or nil
High Expr // end of slice range; or nil
Max Expr // maximum capacity of slice; or nil
Slice3 bool // true if 3-index slice (2 colons present)
Rbrack token.Pos // position of "]"
// A TypeAssertExpr node represents an expression followed by a
// type assertion.
TypeAssertExpr struct {
X Expr // expression
Lparen token.Pos // position of "("
Type Expr // asserted type; nil means type switch X.(type)
Rparen token.Pos // position of ")"
// A CallExpr node represents an expression followed by an argument list.
CallExpr struct {
Fun Expr // function expression
Lparen token.Pos // position of "("
Args []Expr // function arguments; or nil
Ellipsis token.Pos // position of "...", if any
Rparen token.Pos // position of ")"
// A StarExpr node represents an expression of the form "*" Expression.
// Semantically it could be a unary "*" expression, or a pointer type.
StarExpr struct {
Star token.Pos // position of "*"
X Expr // operand
// A UnaryExpr node represents a unary expression.
// Unary "*" expressions are represented via StarExpr nodes.
UnaryExpr struct {
OpPos token.Pos // position of Op
Op token.Token // operator
X Expr // operand
// A BinaryExpr node represents a binary expression.
BinaryExpr struct {
X Expr // left operand
OpPos token.Pos // position of Op
Op token.Token // operator
Y Expr // right operand
// A KeyValueExpr node represents (key : value) pairs
// in composite literals.
KeyValueExpr struct {
Key Expr
Colon token.Pos // position of ":"
Value Expr
// The direction of a channel type is indicated by one
// of the following constants.
type ChanDir int
const (
SEND ChanDir = 1 << iota
// A type is represented by a tree consisting of one
// or more of the following type-specific expression
// nodes.
type (
// An ArrayType node represents an array or slice type.
ArrayType struct {
Lbrack token.Pos // position of "["
Len Expr // Ellipsis node for [...]T array types, nil for slice types
Elt Expr // element type
// A StructType node represents a struct type.
StructType struct {
Struct token.Pos // position of "struct" keyword
Fields *FieldList // list of field declarations
Incomplete bool // true if (source) fields are missing in the Fields list
// Pointer types are represented via StarExpr nodes.
// A FuncType node represents a function type.
FuncType struct {
Func token.Pos // position of "func" keyword (token.NoPos if there is no "func")
Params *FieldList // (incoming) parameters; non-nil
Results *FieldList // (outgoing) results; or nil
// An InterfaceType node represents an interface type.
InterfaceType struct {
Interface token.Pos // position of "interface" keyword
Methods *FieldList // list of methods
Incomplete bool // true if (source) methods are missing in the Methods list
// A MapType node represents a map type.
MapType struct {
Map token.Pos // position of "map" keyword
Key Expr
Value Expr
// A ChanType node represents a channel type.
ChanType struct {
Begin token.Pos // position of "chan" keyword or "<-" (whichever comes first)
Arrow token.Pos // position of "<-" (token.NoPos if there is no "<-")
Dir ChanDir // channel direction
Value Expr // value type
// Pos and End implementations for expression/type nodes.
func (x *BadExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.From }
func (x *Ident) Pos() token.Pos { return x.NamePos }
func (x *Ellipsis) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Ellipsis }
func (x *BasicLit) Pos() token.Pos { return x.ValuePos }
func (x *FuncLit) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Type.Pos() }
func (x *CompositeLit) Pos() token.Pos {
if x.Type != nil {
return x.Type.Pos()
return x.Lbrace
func (x *ParenExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Lparen }
func (x *SelectorExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.X.Pos() }
func (x *IndexExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.X.Pos() }
func (x *SliceExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.X.Pos() }
func (x *TypeAssertExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.X.Pos() }
func (x *CallExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Fun.Pos() }
func (x *StarExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Star }
func (x *UnaryExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.OpPos }
func (x *BinaryExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.X.Pos() }
func (x *KeyValueExpr) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Key.Pos() }
func (x *ArrayType) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Lbrack }
func (x *StructType) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Struct }
func (x *FuncType) Pos() token.Pos {
if x.Func.IsValid() || x.Params == nil { // see issue 3870
return x.Func
return x.Params.Pos() // interface method declarations have no "func" keyword
func (x *InterfaceType) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Interface }
func (x *MapType) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Map }
func (x *ChanType) Pos() token.Pos { return x.Begin }
func (x *BadExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.To }
func (x *Ident) End() token.Pos { return token.Pos(int(x.NamePos) + len(x.Name)) }
func (x *Ellipsis) End() token.Pos {
if x.Elt != nil {
return x.Elt.End()
return x.Ellipsis + 3 // len("...")
func (x *BasicLit) End() token.Pos { return token.Pos(int(x.ValuePos) + len(x.Value)) }
func (x *FuncLit) End() token.Pos { return x.Body.End() }
func (x *CompositeLit) End() token.Pos { return x.Rbrace + 1 }
func (x *ParenExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.Rparen + 1 }
func (x *SelectorExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.Sel.End() }
func (x *IndexExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.Rbrack + 1 }
func (x *SliceExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.Rbrack + 1 }
func (x *TypeAssertExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.Rparen + 1 }
func (x *CallExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.Rparen + 1 }
func (x *StarExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.X.End() }
func (x *UnaryExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.X.End() }
func (x *BinaryExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.Y.End() }
func (x *KeyValueExpr) End() token.Pos { return x.Value.End() }
func (x *ArrayType) End() token.Pos { return x.Elt.End() }
func (x *StructType) End() token.Pos { return x.Fields.End() }
func (x *FuncType) End() token.Pos {
if x.Results != nil {
return x.Results.End()
return x.Params.End()
func (x *InterfaceType) End() token.Pos { return x.Methods.End() }
func (x *MapType) End() token.Pos { return x.Value.End() }
func (x *ChanType) End() token.Pos { return x.Value.End() }
// exprNode() ensures that only expression/type nodes can be
// assigned to an ExprNode.
func (*BadExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*Ident) exprNode() {}
func (*Ellipsis) exprNode() {}
func (*BasicLit) exprNode() {}
func (*FuncLit) exprNode() {}
func (*CompositeLit) exprNode() {}
func (*ParenExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*SelectorExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*IndexExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*SliceExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*TypeAssertExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*CallExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*StarExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*UnaryExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*BinaryExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*KeyValueExpr) exprNode() {}
func (*ArrayType) exprNode() {}
func (*StructType) exprNode() {}
func (*FuncType) exprNode() {}
func (*InterfaceType) exprNode() {}
func (*MapType) exprNode() {}
func (*ChanType) exprNode() {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Convenience functions for Idents
// NewIdent creates a new Ident without position.
// Useful for ASTs generated by code other than the Go parser.
func NewIdent(name string) *Ident { return &Ident{token.NoPos, name, nil} }
// IsExported reports whether name is an exported Go symbol
// (that is, whether it begins with an upper-case letter).
func IsExported(name string) bool {
ch, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
return unicode.IsUpper(ch)
// IsExported reports whether id is an exported Go symbol
// (that is, whether it begins with an uppercase letter).
func (id *Ident) IsExported() bool { return IsExported(id.Name) }
func (id *Ident) String() string {
if id != nil {
return id.Name
return "<nil>"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Statements
// A statement is represented by a tree consisting of one
// or more of the following concrete statement nodes.
type (
// A BadStmt node is a placeholder for statements containing
// syntax errors for which no correct statement nodes can be
// created.
BadStmt struct {
From, To token.Pos // position range of bad statement
// A DeclStmt node represents a declaration in a statement list.
DeclStmt struct {
Decl Decl // *GenDecl with CONST, TYPE, or VAR token
// An EmptyStmt node represents an empty statement.
// The "position" of the empty statement is the position
// of the immediately preceding semicolon.
EmptyStmt struct {
Semicolon token.Pos // position of preceding ";"
// A LabeledStmt node represents a labeled statement.
LabeledStmt struct {
Label *Ident
Colon token.Pos // position of ":"
Stmt Stmt
// An ExprStmt node represents a (stand-alone) expression
// in a statement list.
ExprStmt struct {
X Expr // expression
// A SendStmt node represents a send statement.
SendStmt struct {
Chan Expr
Arrow token.Pos // position of "<-"
Value Expr
// An IncDecStmt node represents an increment or decrement statement.
IncDecStmt struct {
X Expr
TokPos token.Pos // position of Tok
Tok token.Token // INC or DEC
// An AssignStmt node represents an assignment or
// a short variable declaration.
AssignStmt struct {
Lhs []Expr
TokPos token.Pos // position of Tok
Tok token.Token // assignment token, DEFINE
Rhs []Expr
// A GoStmt node represents a go statement.
GoStmt struct {
Go token.Pos // position of "go" keyword
Call *CallExpr
// A DeferStmt node represents a defer statement.
DeferStmt struct {
Defer token.Pos // position of "defer" keyword
Call *CallExpr
// A ReturnStmt node represents a return statement.
ReturnStmt struct {
Return token.Pos // position of "return" keyword
Results []Expr // result expressions; or nil
// A BranchStmt node represents a break, continue, goto,
// or fallthrough statement.
BranchStmt struct {
TokPos token.Pos // position of Tok
Tok token.Token // keyword token (BREAK, CONTINUE, GOTO, FALLTHROUGH)
Label *Ident // label name; or nil
// A BlockStmt node represents a braced statement list.
BlockStmt struct {
Lbrace token.Pos // position of "{"
List []Stmt
Rbrace token.Pos // position of "}"
// An IfStmt node represents an if statement.
IfStmt struct {
If token.Pos // position of "if" keyword
Init Stmt // initialization statement; or nil
Cond Expr // condition
Body *BlockStmt
Else Stmt // else branch; or nil
// A CaseClause represents a case of an expression or type switch statement.
CaseClause struct {
Case token.Pos // position of "case" or "default" keyword
List []Expr // list of expressions or types; nil means default case
Colon token.Pos // position of ":"
Body []Stmt // statement list; or nil
// A SwitchStmt node represents an expression switch statement.
SwitchStmt struct {
Switch token.Pos // position of "switch" keyword
Init Stmt // initialization statement; or nil
Tag Expr // tag expression; or nil
Body *BlockStmt // CaseClauses only
// An TypeSwitchStmt node represents a type switch statement.
TypeSwitchStmt struct {
Switch token.Pos // position of "switch" keyword
Init Stmt // initialization statement; or nil
Assign Stmt // x := y.(type) or y.(type)
Body *BlockStmt // CaseClauses only
// A CommClause node represents a case of a select statement.
CommClause struct {
Case token.Pos // position of "case" or "default" keyword
Comm Stmt // send or receive statement; nil means default case
Colon token.Pos // position of ":"
Body []Stmt // statement list; or nil
// An SelectStmt node represents a select statement.
SelectStmt struct {
Select token.Pos // position of "select" keyword
Body *BlockStmt // CommClauses only
// A ForStmt represents a for statement.
ForStmt struct {
For token.Pos // position of "for" keyword
Init Stmt // initialization statement; or nil
Cond Expr // condition; or nil
Post Stmt // post iteration statement; or nil
Body *BlockStmt
// A RangeStmt represents a for statement with a range clause.
RangeStmt struct {
For token.Pos // position of "for" keyword
Key, Value Expr // Key, Value may be nil
TokPos token.Pos // position of Tok; invalid if Key == nil
Tok token.Token // ILLEGAL if Key == nil, ASSIGN, DEFINE
X Expr // value to range over
Body *BlockStmt
// Pos and End implementations for statement nodes.
func (s *BadStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.From }
func (s *DeclStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Decl.Pos() }
func (s *EmptyStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Semicolon }
func (s *LabeledStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Label.Pos() }
func (s *ExprStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.X.Pos() }
func (s *SendStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Chan.Pos() }
func (s *IncDecStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.X.Pos() }
func (s *AssignStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Lhs[0].Pos() }
func (s *GoStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Go }
func (s *DeferStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Defer }
func (s *ReturnStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Return }
func (s *BranchStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.TokPos }
func (s *BlockStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Lbrace }
func (s *IfStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.If }
func (s *CaseClause) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Case }
func (s *SwitchStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Switch }
func (s *TypeSwitchStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Switch }
func (s *CommClause) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Case }
func (s *SelectStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Select }
func (s *ForStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.For }
func (s *RangeStmt) Pos() token.Pos { return s.For }
func (s *BadStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.To }
func (s *DeclStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Decl.End() }
func (s *EmptyStmt) End() token.Pos {
return s.Semicolon + 1 /* len(";") */
func (s *LabeledStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Stmt.End() }
func (s *ExprStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.X.End() }
func (s *SendStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Value.End() }
func (s *IncDecStmt) End() token.Pos {
return s.TokPos + 2 /* len("++") */
func (s *AssignStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Rhs[len(s.Rhs)-1].End() }
func (s *GoStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Call.End() }
func (s *DeferStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Call.End() }
func (s *ReturnStmt) End() token.Pos {
if n := len(s.Results); n > 0 {
return s.Results[n-1].End()
return s.Return + 6 // len("return")
func (s *BranchStmt) End() token.Pos {
if s.Label != nil {
return s.Label.End()
return token.Pos(int(s.TokPos) + len(s.Tok.String()))
func (s *BlockStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Rbrace + 1 }
func (s *IfStmt) End() token.Pos {
if s.Else != nil {
return s.Else.End()
return s.Body.End()
func (s *CaseClause) End() token.Pos {
if n := len(s.Body); n > 0 {
return s.Body[n-1].End()
return s.Colon + 1
func (s *SwitchStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Body.End() }
func (s *TypeSwitchStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Body.End() }
func (s *CommClause) End() token.Pos {
if n := len(s.Body); n > 0 {
return s.Body[n-1].End()
return s.Colon + 1
func (s *SelectStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Body.End() }
func (s *ForStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Body.End() }
func (s *RangeStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Body.End() }
// stmtNode() ensures that only statement nodes can be
// assigned to a StmtNode.
func (*BadStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*DeclStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*EmptyStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*LabeledStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*ExprStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*SendStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*IncDecStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*AssignStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*GoStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*DeferStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*ReturnStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*BranchStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*BlockStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*IfStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*CaseClause) stmtNode() {}
func (*SwitchStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*TypeSwitchStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*CommClause) stmtNode() {}
func (*SelectStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*ForStmt) stmtNode() {}
func (*RangeStmt) stmtNode() {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations
// A Spec node represents a single (non-parenthesized) import,
// constant, type, or variable declaration.
type (
// The Spec type stands for any of *ImportSpec, *ValueSpec, and *TypeSpec.
Spec interface {
// An ImportSpec node represents a single package import.
ImportSpec struct {
Doc *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
Name *Ident // local package name (including "."); or nil
Path *BasicLit // import path
Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil
EndPos token.Pos // end of spec (overrides Path.Pos if nonzero)
// A ValueSpec node represents a constant or variable declaration
// (ConstSpec or VarSpec production).
ValueSpec struct {
Doc *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
Names []*Ident // value names (len(Names) > 0)
Type Expr // value type; or nil
Values []Expr // initial values; or nil
Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil
// A TypeSpec node represents a type declaration (TypeSpec production).
TypeSpec struct {
Doc *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
Name *Ident // type name
Type Expr // *Ident, *ParenExpr, *SelectorExpr, *StarExpr, or any of the *XxxTypes
Comment *CommentGroup // line comments; or nil
// Pos and End implementations for spec nodes.
func (s *ImportSpec) Pos() token.Pos {
if s.Name != nil {
return s.Name.Pos()
return s.Path.Pos()
func (s *ValueSpec) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Names[0].Pos() }
func (s *TypeSpec) Pos() token.Pos { return s.Name.Pos() }
func (s *ImportSpec) End() token.Pos {
if s.EndPos != 0 {
return s.EndPos
return s.Path.End()
func (s *ValueSpec) End() token.Pos {
if n := len(s.Values); n > 0 {
return s.Values[n-1].End()
if s.Type != nil {
return s.Type.End()
return s.Names[len(s.Names)-1].End()
func (s *TypeSpec) End() token.Pos { return s.Type.End() }
// specNode() ensures that only spec nodes can be
// assigned to a Spec.
func (*ImportSpec) specNode() {}
func (*ValueSpec) specNode() {}
func (*TypeSpec) specNode() {}
// A declaration is represented by one of the following declaration nodes.
type (
// A BadDecl node is a placeholder for declarations containing
// syntax errors for which no correct declaration nodes can be
// created.
BadDecl struct {
From, To token.Pos // position range of bad declaration
// A GenDecl node (generic declaration node) represents an import,
// constant, type or variable declaration. A valid Lparen position
// (Lparen.Line > 0) indicates a parenthesized declaration.
// Relationship between Tok value and Specs element type:
// token.IMPORT *ImportSpec
// token.CONST *ValueSpec
// token.TYPE *TypeSpec
// token.VAR *ValueSpec
GenDecl struct {
Doc *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
TokPos token.Pos // position of Tok
Tok token.Token // IMPORT, CONST, TYPE, VAR
Lparen token.Pos // position of '(', if any
Specs []Spec
Rparen token.Pos // position of ')', if any
// A FuncDecl node represents a function declaration.
FuncDecl struct {
Doc *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
Recv *FieldList // receiver (methods); or nil (functions)
Name *Ident // function/method name
Type *FuncType // function signature: parameters, results, and position of "func" keyword
Body *BlockStmt // function body; or nil (forward declaration)
// Pos and End implementations for declaration nodes.
func (d *BadDecl) Pos() token.Pos { return d.From }
func (d *GenDecl) Pos() token.Pos { return d.TokPos }
func (d *FuncDecl) Pos() token.Pos { return d.Type.Pos() }
func (d *BadDecl) End() token.Pos { return d.To }
func (d *GenDecl) End() token.Pos {
if d.Rparen.IsValid() {
return d.Rparen + 1
return d.Specs[0].End()
func (d *FuncDecl) End() token.Pos {
if d.Body != nil {
return d.Body.End()
return d.Type.End()
// declNode() ensures that only declaration nodes can be
// assigned to a DeclNode.
func (*BadDecl) declNode() {}
func (*GenDecl) declNode() {}
func (*FuncDecl) declNode() {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Files and packages
// A File node represents a Go source file.
// The Comments list contains all comments in the source file in order of
// appearance, including the comments that are pointed to from other nodes
// via Doc and Comment fields.
type File struct {
Doc *CommentGroup // associated documentation; or nil
Package token.Pos // position of "package" keyword
Name *Ident // package name
Decls []Decl // top-level declarations; or nil
Scope *Scope // package scope (this file only)
Imports []*ImportSpec // imports in this file
Unresolved []*Ident // unresolved identifiers in this file
Comments []*CommentGroup // list of all comments in the source file
func (f *File) Pos() token.Pos { return f.Package }
func (f *File) End() token.Pos {
if n := len(f.Decls); n > 0 {
return f.Decls[n-1].End()
return f.Name.End()
// A Package node represents a set of source files
// collectively building a Go package.
type Package struct {
Name string // package name
Scope *Scope // package scope across all files
Imports map[string]*Object // map of package id -> package object
Files map[string]*File // Go source files by filename
func (p *Package) Pos() token.Pos { return token.NoPos }
func (p *Package) End() token.Pos { return token.NoPos }