pprof: add goroutine blocking profiling
The profiler collects goroutine blocking information similar to Google Perf Tools.
You may see an example of the profile (converted to svg) attached to
The public API changes are:
+pkg runtime, func BlockProfile([]BlockProfileRecord) (int, bool)
+pkg runtime, func SetBlockProfileRate(int)
+pkg runtime, method (*BlockProfileRecord) Stack() []uintptr
+pkg runtime, type BlockProfileRecord struct
+pkg runtime, type BlockProfileRecord struct, Count int64
+pkg runtime, type BlockProfileRecord struct, Cycles int64
+pkg runtime, type BlockProfileRecord struct, embedded StackRecord
R=rsc, dave, minux.ma, r
CC=gobot, golang-dev, r, remyoudompheng
diff --git a/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h b/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
index 4bcd860..f808b59 100644
--- a/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
+++ b/src/pkg/runtime/runtime.h
@@ -642,6 +642,9 @@
void runtime·setcpuprofilerate(void(*)(uintptr*, int32), int32);
void runtime·usleep(uint32);
int64 runtime·cputicks(void);
+int64 runtime·tickspersecond(void);
+void runtime·blockevent(int64, int32);
+extern int64 runtime·blockprofilerate;
#pragma varargck argpos runtime·printf 1
#pragma varargck type "d" int32