go /
go /
b8babed7c23a38e4267f432c54909dd89c5f6c30 new import/export format
package flag
export type flag.Flag struct { name flag.string; usage flag.string; \
value flag.Value; next *flag.Flag }
type flag.string string
type flag.Value interface { AsBool () (? *flag.BoolValue); \
AsInt () (? *flag.IntValue); AsString () (? *flag.StringValue); \
IsBool () (? flag.bool); IsInt () (? flag.bool); IsString () (? flag.bool); \
Str () (? flag.string); ValidValue (str flag.string) (? flag.bool) }
type flag.BoolValue struct { val flag.bool; p *flag.bool }
type flag.IntValue struct { val flag.int64; p *flag.int64 }
type flag.StringValue struct { val flag.string; p *flag.string }
type flag.bool bool
func (e *flag.StringValue) AsBool () (? *flag.BoolValue)
func (e *flag.StringValue) AsInt () (? *flag.IntValue)
the \ continuations are for this message, not real.
changed delimiter for import from (( )) to $$ $$.
replaced mksys.bash with mksys.c
changed sys.go to use leading export,
fake package name is now SYS not foop
don't always require ; on forward func decls
DELTA=1827 (446 added, 1083 deleted, 298 changed)
13 files changed