blob: 06386a038988ca9a3bc34dcf5b7b072e1bdaf9ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package web
var urlTests = []struct {
url string
filePath string
canonicalURL string // If empty, assume equal to url.
wantErr string
// Examples from
url: `file://laptop/My%20Documents/FileSchemeURIs.doc`,
filePath: `\\laptop\My Documents\FileSchemeURIs.doc`,
url: `file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/davris/FileSchemeURIs.doc`,
filePath: `C:\Documents and Settings\davris\FileSchemeURIs.doc`,
url: `file:///D:/Program%20Files/Viewer/startup.htm`,
filePath: `D:\Program Files\Viewer\startup.htm`,
url: `file:///C:/Program%20Files/Music/Web%20Sys/main.html?REQUEST=RADIO`,
filePath: `C:\Program Files\Music\Web Sys\main.html`,
canonicalURL: `file:///C:/Program%20Files/Music/Web%20Sys/main.html`,
url: `file://applib/products/a-b/abc_9/4148.920a/media/start.swf`,
filePath: `\\applib\products\a-b\abc_9\4148.920a\media\start.swf`,
url: `file:////applib/products/a%2Db/abc%5F9/4148.920a/media/start.swf`,
wantErr: "file URL missing drive letter",
url: `C:\Program Files\Music\Web Sys\main.html?REQUEST=RADIO`,
wantErr: "non-file URL",
// The example "file://D:\Program Files\Viewer\startup.htm" errors out in
// url.Parse, so we substitute a slash-based path for testing instead.
url: `file://D:/Program Files/Viewer/startup.htm`,
wantErr: "file URL encodes volume in host field: too few slashes?",
// The blog post discourages the use of non-ASCII characters because they
// depend on the user's current codepage. However, when we are working with Go
// strings we assume UTF-8 encoding, and our url package refuses to encode
// URLs to non-ASCII strings.
url: `file:///C:/exampleㄓ.txt`,
filePath: `C:\exampleㄓ.txt`,
canonicalURL: `file:///C:/example%E3%84%93.txt`,
url: `file:///C:/example%E3%84%93.txt`,
filePath: `C:\exampleㄓ.txt`,
// Examples from RFC 8089:
// We allow the drive-letter variation from section E.2, because it is
// simpler to support than not to. However, we do not generate the shorter
// form in the reverse direction.
url: `file:c:/path/to/file`,
filePath: `c:\path\to\file`,
canonicalURL: `file:///c:/path/to/file`,
// We encode the UNC share name as the authority following section E.3.1,
// because that is what the Microsoft blog post explicitly recommends.
url: `file://`,
filePath: `\\\Share\path\to\file.txt`,
// We decline the four- and five-slash variations from section E.3.2.
// The paths in these URLs would change meaning under path.Clean.
url: `file:////`,
wantErr: "file URL missing drive letter",
url: `file://///`,
wantErr: "file URL missing drive letter",