blob: 6459e716b77930406558018cbdc5dbed1f521b21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modload
import (
type ImportMissingError struct {
Path string
Module module.Version
QueryErr error
// newMissingVersion is set to a newer version of Module if one is present
// in the build list. When set, we can't automatically upgrade.
newMissingVersion string
var _ load.ImportPathError = (*ImportMissingError)(nil)
func (e *ImportMissingError) Error() string {
if e.Module.Path == "" {
if search.IsStandardImportPath(e.Path) {
return fmt.Sprintf("package %s is not in GOROOT (%s)", e.Path, filepath.Join(cfg.GOROOT, "src", e.Path))
if e.QueryErr != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("cannot find module providing package %s: %v", e.Path, e.QueryErr)
return "cannot find module providing package " + e.Path
return fmt.Sprintf("missing module for import: %s@%s provides %s", e.Module.Path, e.Module.Version, e.Path)
func (e *ImportMissingError) Unwrap() error {
return e.QueryErr
func (e *ImportMissingError) ImportPath() string {
return e.Path
// An AmbiguousImportError indicates an import of a package found in multiple
// modules in the build list, or found in both the main module and its vendor
// directory.
type AmbiguousImportError struct {
importPath string
Dirs []string
Modules []module.Version // Either empty or 1:1 with Dirs.
func (e *AmbiguousImportError) ImportPath() string {
return e.importPath
func (e *AmbiguousImportError) Error() string {
locType := "modules"
if len(e.Modules) == 0 {
locType = "directories"
var buf strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "ambiguous import: found package %s in multiple %s:", e.importPath, locType)
for i, dir := range e.Dirs {
if i < len(e.Modules) {
m := e.Modules[i]
if m.Version != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s", m.Version)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " (%s)", dir)
} else {
return buf.String()
var _ load.ImportPathError = &AmbiguousImportError{}
// Import finds the module and directory in the build list
// containing the package with the given import path.
// The answer must be unique: Import returns an error
// if multiple modules attempt to provide the same package.
// Import can return a module with an empty m.Path, for packages in the standard library.
// Import can return an empty directory string, for fake packages like "C" and "unsafe".
// If the package cannot be found in the current build list,
// Import returns an ImportMissingError as the error.
// If Import can identify a module that could be added to supply the package,
// the ImportMissingError records that module.
func Import(ctx context.Context, path string) (m module.Version, dir string, err error) {
if strings.Contains(path, "@") {
return module.Version{}, "", fmt.Errorf("import path should not have @version")
if build.IsLocalImport(path) {
return module.Version{}, "", fmt.Errorf("relative import not supported")
if path == "C" || path == "unsafe" {
// There's no directory for import "C" or import "unsafe".
return module.Version{}, "", nil
// Is the package in the standard library?
pathIsStd := search.IsStandardImportPath(path)
if pathIsStd && goroot.IsStandardPackage(cfg.GOROOT, cfg.BuildContext.Compiler, path) {
if targetInGorootSrc {
if dir, ok, err := dirInModule(path, targetPrefix, ModRoot(), true); err != nil {
return module.Version{}, dir, err
} else if ok {
return Target, dir, nil
dir := filepath.Join(cfg.GOROOT, "src", path)
return module.Version{}, dir, nil
// -mod=vendor is special.
// Everything must be in the main module or the main module's vendor directory.
if cfg.BuildMod == "vendor" {
mainDir, mainOK, mainErr := dirInModule(path, targetPrefix, ModRoot(), true)
vendorDir, vendorOK, _ := dirInModule(path, "", filepath.Join(ModRoot(), "vendor"), false)
if mainOK && vendorOK {
return module.Version{}, "", &AmbiguousImportError{importPath: path, Dirs: []string{mainDir, vendorDir}}
// Prefer to return main directory if there is one,
// Note that we're not checking that the package exists.
// We'll leave that for load.
if !vendorOK && mainDir != "" {
return Target, mainDir, nil
if mainErr != nil {
return module.Version{}, "", mainErr
return vendorPkgModule[path], vendorDir, nil
// Check each module on the build list.
var dirs []string
var mods []module.Version
for _, m := range buildList {
if !maybeInModule(path, m.Path) {
// Avoid possibly downloading irrelevant modules.
root, isLocal, err := fetch(ctx, m)
if err != nil {
// Report fetch error.
// Note that we don't know for sure this module is necessary,
// but it certainly _could_ provide the package, and even if we
// continue the loop and find the package in some other module,
// we need to look at this module to make sure the import is
// not ambiguous.
return module.Version{}, "", err
if dir, ok, err := dirInModule(path, m.Path, root, isLocal); err != nil {
return module.Version{}, "", err
} else if ok {
mods = append(mods, m)
dirs = append(dirs, dir)
if len(mods) == 1 {
return mods[0], dirs[0], nil
if len(mods) > 0 {
return module.Version{}, "", &AmbiguousImportError{importPath: path, Dirs: dirs, Modules: mods}
// Look up module containing the package, for addition to the build list.
// Goal is to determine the module, download it to dir, and return m, dir, ErrMissing.
if cfg.BuildMod == "readonly" {
var queryErr error
if !pathIsStd {
if cfg.BuildModReason == "" {
queryErr = fmt.Errorf("import lookup disabled by -mod=%s", cfg.BuildMod)
} else {
queryErr = fmt.Errorf("import lookup disabled by -mod=%s\n\t(%s)", cfg.BuildMod, cfg.BuildModReason)
return module.Version{}, "", &ImportMissingError{Path: path, QueryErr: queryErr}
if modRoot == "" && !allowMissingModuleImports {
return module.Version{}, "", &ImportMissingError{
Path: path,
QueryErr: errors.New("working directory is not part of a module"),
// Not on build list.
// To avoid spurious remote fetches, next try the latest replacement for each module.
// (
if modFile != nil {
latest := map[string]string{} // path -> version
for _, r := range modFile.Replace {
if maybeInModule(path, r.Old.Path) {
// Don't use semver.Max here; need to preserve +incompatible suffix.
v := latest[r.Old.Path]
if semver.Compare(r.Old.Version, v) > 0 {
v = r.Old.Version
latest[r.Old.Path] = v
mods = make([]module.Version, 0, len(latest))
for p, v := range latest {
// If the replacement didn't specify a version, synthesize a
// pseudo-version with an appropriate major version and a timestamp below
// any real timestamp. That way, if the main module is used from within
// some other module, the user will be able to upgrade the requirement to
// any real version they choose.
if v == "" {
if _, pathMajor, ok := module.SplitPathVersion(p); ok && len(pathMajor) > 0 {
v = modfetch.PseudoVersion(pathMajor[1:], "", time.Time{}, "000000000000")
} else {
v = modfetch.PseudoVersion("v0", "", time.Time{}, "000000000000")
mods = append(mods, module.Version{Path: p, Version: v})
// Every module path in mods is a prefix of the import path.
// As in QueryPackage, prefer the longest prefix that satisfies the import.
sort.Slice(mods, func(i, j int) bool {
return len(mods[i].Path) > len(mods[j].Path)
for _, m := range mods {
root, isLocal, err := fetch(ctx, m)
if err != nil {
// Report fetch error as above.
return module.Version{}, "", err
if _, ok, err := dirInModule(path, m.Path, root, isLocal); err != nil {
return m, "", err
} else if ok {
return m, "", &ImportMissingError{Path: path, Module: m}
if len(mods) > 0 && module.CheckPath(path) != nil {
// The package path is not valid to fetch remotely,
// so it can only exist if in a replaced module,
// and we know from the above loop that it is not.
return module.Version{}, "", &PackageNotInModuleError{
Mod: mods[0],
Query: "latest",
Pattern: path,
Replacement: Replacement(mods[0]),
if pathIsStd {
// This package isn't in the standard library, isn't in any module already
// in the build list, and isn't in any other module that the user has
// shimmed in via a "replace" directive.
// Moreover, the import path is reserved for the standard library, so
// QueryPackage cannot possibly find a module containing this package.
// Instead of trying QueryPackage, report an ImportMissingError immediately.
return module.Version{}, "", &ImportMissingError{Path: path}
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "go: finding module for package %s\n", path)
candidates, err := QueryPackage(ctx, path, "latest", CheckAllowed)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
// Return "cannot find module providing package […]" instead of whatever
// low-level error QueryPackage produced.
return module.Version{}, "", &ImportMissingError{Path: path, QueryErr: err}
} else {
return module.Version{}, "", err
m = candidates[0].Mod
newMissingVersion := ""
for _, c := range candidates {
cm := c.Mod
for _, bm := range buildList {
if bm.Path == cm.Path && semver.Compare(bm.Version, cm.Version) > 0 {
// QueryPackage proposed that we add module cm to provide the package,
// but we already depend on a newer version of that module (and we don't
// have the package).
// This typically happens when a package is present at the "@latest"
// version (e.g., v1.0.0) of a module, but we have a newer version
// of the same module in the build list (e.g., v1.0.1-beta), and
// the package is not present there.
m = cm
newMissingVersion = bm.Version
return m, "", &ImportMissingError{Path: path, Module: m, newMissingVersion: newMissingVersion}
// maybeInModule reports whether, syntactically,
// a package with the given import path could be supplied
// by a module with the given module path (mpath).
func maybeInModule(path, mpath string) bool {
return mpath == path ||
len(path) > len(mpath) && path[len(mpath)] == '/' && path[:len(mpath)] == mpath
var (
haveGoModCache par.Cache // dir → bool
haveGoFilesCache par.Cache // dir → goFilesEntry
type goFilesEntry struct {
haveGoFiles bool
err error
// dirInModule locates the directory that would hold the package named by the given path,
// if it were in the module with module path mpath and root mdir.
// If path is syntactically not within mpath,
// or if mdir is a local file tree (isLocal == true) and the directory
// that would hold path is in a sub-module (covered by a go.mod below mdir),
// dirInModule returns "", false, nil.
// Otherwise, dirInModule returns the name of the directory where
// Go source files would be expected, along with a boolean indicating
// whether there are in fact Go source files in that directory.
// A non-nil error indicates that the existence of the directory and/or
// source files could not be determined, for example due to a permission error.
func dirInModule(path, mpath, mdir string, isLocal bool) (dir string, haveGoFiles bool, err error) {
// Determine where to expect the package.
if path == mpath {
dir = mdir
} else if mpath == "" { // vendor directory
dir = filepath.Join(mdir, path)
} else if len(path) > len(mpath) && path[len(mpath)] == '/' && path[:len(mpath)] == mpath {
dir = filepath.Join(mdir, path[len(mpath)+1:])
} else {
return "", false, nil
// Check that there aren't other modules in the way.
// This check is unnecessary inside the module cache
// and important to skip in the vendor directory,
// where all the module trees have been overlaid.
// So we only check local module trees
// (the main module, and any directory trees pointed at by replace directives).
if isLocal {
for d := dir; d != mdir && len(d) > len(mdir); {
haveGoMod := haveGoModCache.Do(d, func() interface{} {
fi, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(d, "go.mod"))
return err == nil && !fi.IsDir()
if haveGoMod {
return "", false, nil
parent := filepath.Dir(d)
if parent == d {
// Break the loop, as otherwise we'd loop
// forever if d=="." and mdir=="".
d = parent
// Now committed to returning dir (not "").
// Are there Go source files in the directory?
// We don't care about build tags, not even "+build ignore".
// We're just looking for a plausible directory.
res := haveGoFilesCache.Do(dir, func() interface{} {
ok, err := isDirWithGoFiles(dir)
return goFilesEntry{haveGoFiles: ok, err: err}
return dir, res.haveGoFiles, res.err
func isDirWithGoFiles(dir string) (bool, error) {
f, err := os.Open(dir)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, err
defer f.Close()
names, firstErr := f.Readdirnames(-1)
if firstErr != nil {
if fi, err := f.Stat(); err == nil && !fi.IsDir() {
return false, nil
// Rewrite the error from ReadDirNames to include the path if not present.
// See
var pe *os.PathError
if !errors.As(firstErr, &pe) {
firstErr = &os.PathError{Op: "readdir", Path: dir, Err: firstErr}
for _, name := range names {
if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".go") {
info, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, name))
if err == nil && info.Mode().IsRegular() {
// If any .go source file exists, the package exists regardless of
// errors for other source files. Leave further error reporting for
// later.
return true, nil
if firstErr == nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// If the file was concurrently deleted, or was a broken symlink,
// convert the error to an opaque error instead of one matching
// os.IsNotExist.
err = errors.New(err.Error())
firstErr = err
return false, firstErr