math/big: improved documentation
- moved existing package documentation from nat.go to doc.go
- expanded on it
For #11241.
Change-Id: Ie75a2b0178a8904a4154307a1f5080d7efc5489a
Reviewed-by: Alan Donovan <>
diff --git a/src/math/big/doc.go b/src/math/big/doc.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71d2199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/math/big/doc.go
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+Package big implements arbitrary-precision arithmetic (big numbers).
+The following numeric types are supported:
+ Int signed integers
+ Rat rational numbers
+ Float floating-point numbers
+Declaration: The zero value for an Int, Rat, or Float (not the pointers
+*Int, *Rat, *Float!) correspond to 0. Thus, new values can be declared
+in the usual ways and denote 0 without further initialization:
+ var x Int // &x is an *Int of value 0
+ var r = &Rat{} // r is a *Rat of value 0
+ y := new(Float) // y is a *Float of value 0
+Arithmetic: Setters, numeric operations and predicates are represented
+as methods of the form:
+ func (z *T) SetV(v V) *T // z = v
+ func (z *T) Unary(x *T) *T // z = unary x
+ func (z *T) Binary(x, y *T) *T // z = x binary y
+ func (x *T) Pred() T1 // v = pred(x)
+with T one of Int, Rat, or Float. For unary and binary operations, the
+result is the receiver (usually named z in that case); if it is one of
+the operands x or y it may be safely overwritten (and its memory reused).
+Arithmetic expressions are typically written as a sequence of individual
+method calls, with each call corresponding to an operation. The receiver
+denotes the result and the method arguments are the operation's operands.
+For instance, given three *Int values a, b and c, the invocation
+ c.Add(a, b)
+computes the sum a + b and stores the result in c, overwriting whatever
+value was held in c before. Unless specified otherwise, operations permit
+aliasing of parameters, so it is perfectly ok to write
+ sum.Add(sum, x)
+to accumulate values x in a sum.
+Rationale: By always passing in a result value via the receiver, memory
+use can be much better controlled. Instead of having to allocate new memory
+for each result, an operation can reuse the space allocated for the result
+value, and overwrite that value with the new result in the process.
+Notational convention: Incoming method parameters (including the receiver)
+are named consistently in the API to clarify their use. Incoming operands
+are usually named x, y, a, b, and so on, but never z. A parameter specifying
+the result is named z (typically the receiver).
+For instance, the arguments for (*Int).Add are named x and y, and because
+the receiver specifies the result destination, it is called z:
+ func (z *Int) Add(x, y *Int) *Int
+Methods of this form typically return the incoming receiver as well, to
+enable simple call chaining.
+Methods which don't require a result value to be passed in (for instance,
+Int.Sign), simply return the result. In this case, the receiver is typically
+the first operand, named x:
+ func (x *Int) Sign() int
+package big
diff --git a/src/math/big/nat.go b/src/math/big/nat.go
index 6545bc1..121daec 100644
--- a/src/math/big/nat.go
+++ b/src/math/big/nat.go
@@ -2,31 +2,11 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package big implements multi-precision arithmetic (big numbers).
-// The following numeric types are supported:
-// Int signed integers
-// Rat rational numbers
-// Float floating-point numbers
-// Methods are typically of the form:
-// func (z *T) Unary(x *T) *T // z = op x
-// func (z *T) Binary(x, y *T) *T // z = x op y
-// func (x *T) M() T1 // v = x.M()
-// with T one of Int, Rat, or Float. For unary and binary operations, the
-// result is the receiver (usually named z in that case); if it is one of
-// the operands x or y it may be overwritten (and its memory reused).
-// To enable chaining of operations, the result is also returned. Methods
-// returning a result other than *Int, *Rat, or *Float take an operand as
-// the receiver (usually named x in that case).
-package big
+// This file implements unsigned multi-precision integers (natural
+// numbers). They are the building blocks for the implementation
+// of signed integers, rationals, and floating-point numbers.
-// This file contains operations on unsigned multi-precision integers.
-// These are the building blocks for the operations on signed integers
-// and rationals.
+package big
import "math/rand"