blob: 05902e2e33f9494f4eeb096131b9c1d6ad8b0058 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package obj
import (
const (
NSYM = 50
func Linklinefmt(ctxt *Link, lno0 int, showAll, showFullPath bool) string {
var a [HISTSZ]struct {
incl *Hist
idel int32
line *Hist
ldel int32
lno := int32(lno0)
lno1 := lno
var d int32
n := 0
for h := ctxt.Hist; h != nil; h = h.Link {
if h.Offset < 0 {
if lno < h.Line {
if h.Name != "<pop>" {
if h.Offset > 0 {
// #line directive
if n > 0 && n < int(HISTSZ) {
a[n-1].line = h
a[n-1].ldel = h.Line - h.Offset + 1
} else {
// beginning of file
if n < int(HISTSZ) {
a[n].incl = h
a[n].idel = h.Line
a[n].line = nil
if n > 0 && n < int(HISTSZ) {
d = h.Line - a[n].incl.Line
a[n-1].ldel += d
a[n-1].idel += d
if n > int(HISTSZ) {
n = int(HISTSZ)
var fp string
for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if i != n-1 {
if !showAll {
fp += " "
if ctxt.Debugline != 0 || showFullPath {
fp += fmt.Sprintf("%s/", ctxt.Pathname)
if a[i].line != nil {
fp += fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d[%s:%d]", a[i].line.Name, lno-a[i].ldel+1, a[i].incl.Name, lno-a[i].idel+1)
} else {
fp += fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", a[i].incl.Name, lno-a[i].idel+1)
lno = a[i].incl.Line - 1 // now print out start of this file
if n == 0 {
fp += fmt.Sprintf("<unknown line number %d %d %d %s>", lno1, ctxt.Hist.Offset, ctxt.Hist.Line, ctxt.Hist.Name)
return fp
// Does s have t as a path prefix?
// That is, does s == t or does s begin with t followed by a slash?
// For portability, we allow ASCII case folding, so that haspathprefix("a/b/c", "A/B") is true.
// Similarly, we allow slash folding, so that haspathprefix("a/b/c", "a\\b") is true.
func haspathprefix(s string, t string) bool {
if len(t) > len(s) {
return false
var i int
var cs int
var ct int
for i = 0; i < len(t); i++ {
cs = int(s[i])
ct = int(t[i])
if 'A' <= cs && cs <= 'Z' {
cs += 'a' - 'A'
if 'A' <= ct && ct <= 'Z' {
ct += 'a' - 'A'
if cs == '\\' {
cs = '/'
if ct == '\\' {
ct = '/'
if cs != ct {
return false
return i >= len(s) || s[i] == '/' || s[i] == '\\'
// This is a simplified copy of linklinefmt above.
// It doesn't allow printing the full stack, and it returns the file name and line number separately.
// TODO: Unify with linklinefmt somehow.
func linkgetline(ctxt *Link, line int32, f **LSym, l *int32) {
var a [HISTSZ]struct {
incl *Hist
idel int32
line *Hist
ldel int32
var d int32
lno := int32(line)
n := 0
for h := ctxt.Hist; h != nil; h = h.Link {
if h.Offset < 0 {
if lno < h.Line {
if h.Name != "<pop>" {
if h.Offset > 0 {
// #line directive
if n > 0 && n < HISTSZ {
a[n-1].line = h
a[n-1].ldel = h.Line - h.Offset + 1
} else {
// beginning of file
if n < HISTSZ {
a[n].incl = h
a[n].idel = h.Line
a[n].line = nil
if n > 0 && n < HISTSZ {
d = h.Line - a[n].incl.Line
a[n-1].ldel += d
a[n-1].idel += d
if n > HISTSZ {
if n <= 0 {
*f = Linklookup(ctxt, "??", HistVersion)
*l = 0
var dlno int32
var file string
if a[n].line != nil {
file = a[n].line.Name
dlno = a[n].ldel - 1
} else {
file = a[n].incl.Name
dlno = a[n].idel - 1
var buf string
if filepath.IsAbs(file) || strings.HasPrefix(file, "<") {
buf = fmt.Sprintf("%s", file)
} else {
buf = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", ctxt.Pathname, file)
// Remove leading ctxt->trimpath, or else rewrite $GOROOT to $GOROOT_FINAL.
if ctxt.Trimpath != "" && haspathprefix(buf, ctxt.Trimpath) {
if len(buf) == len(ctxt.Trimpath) {
buf = "??"
} else {
buf1 := fmt.Sprintf("%s", buf[len(ctxt.Trimpath)+1:])
if buf1[0] == '\x00' {
buf1 = "??"
buf = buf1
} else if ctxt.Goroot_final != "" && haspathprefix(buf, ctxt.Goroot) {
buf1 := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", ctxt.Goroot_final, buf[len(ctxt.Goroot):])
buf = buf1
lno -= dlno
*f = Linklookup(ctxt, buf, HistVersion)
*l = lno
func Linklinehist(ctxt *Link, lineno int, f string, offset int) {
if false { // debug['f']
if f != "" {
if offset != 0 {
fmt.Printf("%4d: %s (#line %d)\n", lineno, f, offset)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%4d: %s\n", lineno, f)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%4d: <pop>\n", lineno)
h := new(Hist)
*h = Hist{}
h.Name = f
h.Line = int32(lineno)
h.Offset = int32(offset)
h.Link = nil
if ctxt.Ehist == nil {
ctxt.Hist = h
ctxt.Ehist = h
ctxt.Ehist.Link = h
ctxt.Ehist = h
func Linkprfile(ctxt *Link, line int) {
l := int32(line)
var i int
var a [HISTSZ]Hist
var d int32
n := 0
for h := ctxt.Hist; h != nil; h = h.Link {
if l < h.Line {
if h.Name != "<pop>" {
if h.Offset == 0 {
if n >= 0 && n < HISTSZ {
a[n] = *h
if n > 0 && n < HISTSZ {
if a[n-1].Offset == 0 {
a[n] = *h
} else {
a[n-1] = *h
if n >= 0 && n < HISTSZ {
d = h.Line - a[n].Line
for i = 0; i < n; i++ {
a[i].Line += d
if n > HISTSZ {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%s:%d ", a[i].Name, int(l-a[i].Line+a[i].Offset+1))
* start a new Prog list.
func Linknewplist(ctxt *Link) *Plist {
pl := new(Plist)
*pl = Plist{}
if ctxt.Plist == nil {
ctxt.Plist = pl
} else {
ctxt.Plast.Link = pl
ctxt.Plast = pl
return pl