- allow for multiple method names per function type in an interface decl.
- added some initial language with respect to exports

DELTA=95  (47 added, 31 deleted, 17 changed)
diff --git a/doc/go_spec.txt b/doc/go_spec.txt
index 34d532d..5315c8a 100644
--- a/doc/go_spec.txt
+++ b/doc/go_spec.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson
-(November 13, 2008)
+(November 17, 2008)
 This document is a semi-formal specification of the Go systems
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
 	(require ()'s in control clauses)
 [ ] global var decls: "var a, b, c int = 0, 0, 0" is ok, but "var a, b, c = 0, 0, 0" is not
 	(seems inconsistent with "var a = 0", and ":=" notation)
+[ ] const decls: "const a, b = 1, 2" is not allowed - why not? Should be symmetric to vars.
 Decisions in need of integration into the doc:
@@ -142,6 +143,8 @@
 		Reserved words
 	Declarations and scope rules
+		Predeclared identifiers
+		Exported declarations
 		Const declarations
 		Type declarations
 		Variable declarations
@@ -556,7 +559,7 @@
 	List<P> = P { ";" P } [ ";" ] .
 Every identifier in a program must be declared; some identifiers, such as "int"
-and "true", are predeclared.
+and "true", are predeclared (§Predeclared identifiers).
 The ``scope'' of an identifier is the extent of source text within which the
 identifier denotes the bound entity. No identifier may be declared twice in a
@@ -595,51 +598,61 @@
 An entity is said to be ``local'' to its scope. Declarations in the package
 scope are ``global'' declarations.
-Global declarations optionally may be marked for export with the reserved word
-"export". Local declarations can never be exported.
-Identifiers declared in exported declarations (and no other identifiers)
-are made visible to clients of this package, that is, other packages that import
-this package.
-If the declaration defines a type, the type structure is exported as well. In
-particular, if the declaration defines a new "struct" or "interface" type,
-all structure fields and all structure and interface methods are exported also.
+Predeclared identifiers
+The following identifiers are predeclared:
+All basic types:
+	bool, byte, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64,
+	float32, float64, float80, string
+A set of platform-specific convenience types:
+	uint, int, float, uintptr
+The predeclared constants:
+	true, false, iota, nil
+The predeclared functions (note: this list is likely to change):
+	cap(), convert(), len(), new(), panic(), panicln(), print(), println(), typeof(), ...
+Exported declarations
+Global declarations optionally may be marked for ``export'', thus making the
+declared identifier accessible outside the current source file. Another source
+file may then import the package (§Packages) and access exported identifiers
+via qualified identifiers (§Qualified identifiers). Local declarations can
+never be marked for export.
+There are two kinds of exports: If a declaration in a package P is marked with
+the keyword "export", the declared identifier is accessible in any file
+importing P; this is called ``unrestricted export''. If a declaration is
+marked with the keyword "package", the declared identifier is only accessible
+in files belonging to the same package P; this is called ``package-restricted''
+If the identifier represents a type, it must be a complete type (§Types) and
+the type structure is exported as well. In particular, if the declaration
+defines a "struct" or "interface" type, all structure fields and all structure
+and interface methods are exported also.
 	export const pi float = 3.14159265
 	export func Parse(source string);
-Note that at the moment the old-style export via ExportDecl is still supported.
+	package type Node *struct { val int; next *Node }
 TODO: Eventually we need to be able to restrict visibility of fields and methods.
 (gri) The default should be no struct fields and methods are automatically exported.
 Export should be identifier-based: an identifier is either exported or not, and thus
 visible or not in importing package.
-TODO: Need some text with respect to QualifiedIdents.
-	QualifiedIdent = [ PackageName "." ] identifier .
-	PackageName = identifier .
-The following identifiers are predeclared:
-- all basic types:
-	bool, byte, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64,
-	float32, float64, float80, string
-- a set of platform-specific convenience types:
-	uint, int, float, uintptr
-- the predeclared constants:
-	true, false, iota, nil
-- the predeclared functions (note: this list is likely to change):
-	cap(), convert(), len(), new(), panic(), panicln(), print(), println(), typeof(), ...
 Const declarations
@@ -807,6 +820,10 @@
 Export declarations
+1) rephrase this section (much of it covered by Exported declarations)
+2) rethink need for this kind of export
 Global identifiers may be exported, thus making the
 exported identifier visible outside the package.  Another package may
 then import the identifier to use it.
@@ -830,10 +847,6 @@
 	export sin, cos
 	export math.abs
-TODO: complete this section
-TODO: export as a mechanism for public and private struct fields?
@@ -1319,13 +1332,12 @@
 the set of methods specified by the interface type, and the value "nil".
 	InterfaceType = "interface" [ "{" [ List<MethodSpec> ] "}" ] .
-	MethodSpec = identifier FunctionType .
+	MethodSpec = IdentifierList FunctionType .
 	// A basic file interface.
 	interface {
-		Read(b Buffer) bool;
-		Write(b Buffer) bool;
-		Close();
+		Read, Write	(b Buffer) bool;
+		Close		();
 Any type (including interface types) whose interface has, possibly as a
@@ -1348,8 +1360,7 @@
 For instance, consider the interface
 	type Lock interface {
-		lock();
-		unlock();
+		lock, unlock	();
 If S1 and S2 also implement
@@ -1538,7 +1549,12 @@
 Qualified identifiers
-TODO(gri) write this section
+A qualified identifier is an identifier qualified by a package name.
+TODO(gri) expand this section.
+	QualifiedIdent = { PackageName "." } identifier .
+	PackageName = identifier .