runtime: implement cmpstring and bytes.Compare in assembly for ppc64

Change-Id: I15bf55aa5ac3588c05f0a253f583c52bab209892
Reviewed-by: Dave Cheney <>
diff --git a/src/runtime/asm_ppc64x.s b/src/runtime/asm_ppc64x.s
index 60e6b8c..6646dd8 100644
--- a/src/runtime/asm_ppc64x.s
+++ b/src/runtime/asm_ppc64x.s
@@ -1115,6 +1115,65 @@
 	MOVD	R3, ret+24(FP)
+TEXT runtime·cmpstring(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-40
+	MOVD	s1_base+0(FP), R5
+	MOVD	s1_len+8(FP), R3
+	MOVD	s2_base+16(FP), R6
+	MOVD	s2_len+24(FP), R4
+	MOVD	$ret+32(FP), R7
+	BR	runtime·cmpbody<>(SB)
+TEXT bytes·Compare(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-56
+	MOVD	s1+0(FP), R5
+	MOVD	s1+8(FP), R3
+	MOVD	s2+24(FP), R6
+	MOVD	s2+32(FP), R4
+	MOVD	$ret+48(FP), R7
+	BR	runtime·cmpbody<>(SB)
+// On entry:
+// R3 is the length of s1
+// R4 is the length of s2
+// R5 points to the start of s1
+// R6 points to the start of s2
+// R7 points to return value (-1/0/1 will be written here)
+// On exit:
+// R5, R6, R8, R9 and R10 are clobbered
+TEXT runtime·cmpbody<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4-0
+	CMP	R5, R6
+	BEQ	samebytes // same starting pointers; compare lengths
+	SUB	$1, R5
+	SUB	$1, R6
+	MOVD	R4, R8
+	CMP	R3, R4
+	BGE	2(PC)
+	MOVD	R3, R8	// R8 is min(R3, R4)
+	ADD	R5, R8	// R5 is current byte in s1, R8 is last byte in s1 to compare
+	CMP	R5, R8
+	BEQ	samebytes // all compared bytes were the same; compare lengths
+	MOVBZU	1(R5), R9
+	MOVBZU	1(R6), R10
+	CMP	R9, R10
+	BEQ	loop
+	// bytes differed
+	MOVD	$1, R4
+	BGT	2(PC)
+	NEG	R4
+	MOVD	R4, (R7)
+	MOVD	$1, R8
+	CMP	R3, R4
+	BNE	3(PC)
+	MOVD	R0, (R7)
+	BGT	2(PC)
+	NEG	R8
+	MOVD	R8, (R7)
 TEXT runtime·fastrand1(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-4
 	MOVD	g_m(g), R4
 	MOVWZ	m_fastrand(R4), R3
diff --git a/src/runtime/noasm.go b/src/runtime/noasm.go
index 218e121b..30fa31c 100644
--- a/src/runtime/noasm.go
+++ b/src/runtime/noasm.go
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Routines that are implemented in assembly in asm_{amd64,386,arm,arm64}.s
+// Routines that are implemented in assembly in asm_{amd64,386,arm,arm64,ppc64x}.s
-// +build ppc64 ppc64le
+// +build ignore
 package runtime