gob: do not encode or decode unexported fields
Such fields are simply ignored.

R=rsc, r2
diff --git a/src/pkg/gob/codec_test.go b/src/pkg/gob/codec_test.go
index 3fe5fe2..686fd2d 100644
--- a/src/pkg/gob/codec_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/gob/codec_test.go
@@ -599,35 +599,35 @@
 func TestEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
 	type T2 struct {
-		t string
+		T string
 	s1 := "string1"
 	s2 := "string2"
 	type T1 struct {
-		a, b, c int
-		m       map[string]*float
-		n       *[3]float
-		strs    *[2]string
-		int64s  *[]int64
-		ri      complex64
-		s       string
-		y       []byte
-		t       *T2
+		A, B, C int
+		M       map[string]*float
+		N       *[3]float
+		Strs    *[2]string
+		Int64s  *[]int64
+		RI      complex64
+		S       string
+		Y       []byte
+		T       *T2
 	pi := 3.14159
 	e := 2.71828
 	t1 := &T1{
-		a:      17,
-		b:      18,
-		c:      -5,
-		m:      map[string]*float{"pi": &pi, "e": &e},
-		n:      &[3]float{1.5, 2.5, 3.5},
-		strs:   &[2]string{s1, s2},
-		int64s: &[]int64{77, 89, 123412342134},
-		ri:     17 - 23i,
-		s:      "Now is the time",
-		y:      []byte("hello, sailor"),
-		t:      &T2{"this is T2"},
+		A:      17,
+		B:      18,
+		C:      -5,
+		M:      map[string]*float{"pi": &pi, "e": &e},
+		N:      &[3]float{1.5, 2.5, 3.5},
+		Strs:   &[2]string{s1, s2},
+		Int64s: &[]int64{77, 89, 123412342134},
+		RI:     17 - 23i,
+		S:      "Now is the time",
+		Y:      []byte("hello, sailor"),
+		T:      &T2{"this is T2"},
 	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
 	err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(t1)
@@ -646,13 +646,13 @@
 func TestOverflow(t *testing.T) {
 	type inputT struct {
-		maxi int64
-		mini int64
-		maxu uint64
-		maxf float64
-		minf float64
-		maxc complex128
-		minc complex128
+		Maxi int64
+		Mini int64
+		Maxu uint64
+		Maxf float64
+		Minf float64
+		Maxc complex128
+		Minc complex128
 	var it inputT
 	var err os.Error
@@ -663,152 +663,152 @@
 	// int8
 	it = inputT{
-		maxi: math.MaxInt8 + 1,
+		Maxi: math.MaxInt8 + 1,
 	type outi8 struct {
-		maxi int8
-		mini int8
+		Maxi int8
+		Mini int8
 	var o1 outi8
 	err = dec.Decode(&o1)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "maxi" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Maxi" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong overflow error for int8:", err)
 	it = inputT{
-		mini: math.MinInt8 - 1,
+		Mini: math.MinInt8 - 1,
 	err = dec.Decode(&o1)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "mini" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Mini" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong underflow error for int8:", err)
 	// int16
 	it = inputT{
-		maxi: math.MaxInt16 + 1,
+		Maxi: math.MaxInt16 + 1,
 	type outi16 struct {
-		maxi int16
-		mini int16
+		Maxi int16
+		Mini int16
 	var o2 outi16
 	err = dec.Decode(&o2)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "maxi" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Maxi" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong overflow error for int16:", err)
 	it = inputT{
-		mini: math.MinInt16 - 1,
+		Mini: math.MinInt16 - 1,
 	err = dec.Decode(&o2)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "mini" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Mini" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong underflow error for int16:", err)
 	// int32
 	it = inputT{
-		maxi: math.MaxInt32 + 1,
+		Maxi: math.MaxInt32 + 1,
 	type outi32 struct {
-		maxi int32
-		mini int32
+		Maxi int32
+		Mini int32
 	var o3 outi32
 	err = dec.Decode(&o3)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "maxi" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Maxi" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong overflow error for int32:", err)
 	it = inputT{
-		mini: math.MinInt32 - 1,
+		Mini: math.MinInt32 - 1,
 	err = dec.Decode(&o3)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "mini" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Mini" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong underflow error for int32:", err)
 	// uint8
 	it = inputT{
-		maxu: math.MaxUint8 + 1,
+		Maxu: math.MaxUint8 + 1,
 	type outu8 struct {
-		maxu uint8
+		Maxu uint8
 	var o4 outu8
 	err = dec.Decode(&o4)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "maxu" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Maxu" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong overflow error for uint8:", err)
 	// uint16
 	it = inputT{
-		maxu: math.MaxUint16 + 1,
+		Maxu: math.MaxUint16 + 1,
 	type outu16 struct {
-		maxu uint16
+		Maxu uint16
 	var o5 outu16
 	err = dec.Decode(&o5)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "maxu" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Maxu" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong overflow error for uint16:", err)
 	// uint32
 	it = inputT{
-		maxu: math.MaxUint32 + 1,
+		Maxu: math.MaxUint32 + 1,
 	type outu32 struct {
-		maxu uint32
+		Maxu uint32
 	var o6 outu32
 	err = dec.Decode(&o6)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "maxu" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Maxu" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong overflow error for uint32:", err)
 	// float32
 	it = inputT{
-		maxf: math.MaxFloat32 * 2,
+		Maxf: math.MaxFloat32 * 2,
 	type outf32 struct {
-		maxf float32
-		minf float32
+		Maxf float32
+		Minf float32
 	var o7 outf32
 	err = dec.Decode(&o7)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "maxf" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Maxf" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong overflow error for float32:", err)
 	// complex64
 	it = inputT{
-		maxc: cmplx(math.MaxFloat32*2, math.MaxFloat32*2),
+		Maxc: cmplx(math.MaxFloat32*2, math.MaxFloat32*2),
 	type outc64 struct {
-		maxc complex64
-		minc complex64
+		Maxc complex64
+		Minc complex64
 	var o8 outc64
 	err = dec.Decode(&o8)
-	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "maxc" out of range` {
+	if err == nil || err.String() != `value for "Maxc" out of range` {
 		t.Error("wrong overflow error for complex64:", err)
@@ -816,92 +816,92 @@
 func TestNesting(t *testing.T) {
 	type RT struct {
-		a    string
-		next *RT
+		A    string
+		Next *RT
 	rt := new(RT)
-	rt.a = "level1"
-	rt.next = new(RT)
-	rt.next.a = "level2"
+	rt.A = "level1"
+	rt.Next = new(RT)
+	rt.Next.A = "level2"
 	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
 	var drt RT
 	dec := NewDecoder(b)
 	err := dec.Decode(&drt)
 	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("decoder error:", err)
+		t.Fatal("decoder error:", err)
-	if drt.a != rt.a {
+	if drt.A != rt.A {
 		t.Errorf("nesting: encode expected %v got %v", *rt, drt)
-	if drt.next == nil {
+	if drt.Next == nil {
 		t.Errorf("nesting: recursion failed")
-	if drt.next.a != rt.next.a {
-		t.Errorf("nesting: encode expected %v got %v", *rt.next, *drt.next)
+	if drt.Next.A != rt.Next.A {
+		t.Errorf("nesting: encode expected %v got %v", *rt.Next, *drt.Next)
 // These three structures have the same data with different indirections
 type T0 struct {
-	a int
-	b int
-	c int
-	d int
+	A int
+	B int
+	C int
+	D int
 type T1 struct {
-	a int
-	b *int
-	c **int
-	d ***int
+	A int
+	B *int
+	C **int
+	D ***int
 type T2 struct {
-	a ***int
-	b **int
-	c *int
-	d int
+	A ***int
+	B **int
+	C *int
+	D int
 func TestAutoIndirection(t *testing.T) {
 	// First transfer t1 into t0
 	var t1 T1
-	t1.a = 17
-	t1.b = new(int)
-	*t1.b = 177
-	t1.c = new(*int)
-	*t1.c = new(int)
-	**t1.c = 1777
-	t1.d = new(**int)
-	*t1.d = new(*int)
-	**t1.d = new(int)
-	***t1.d = 17777
+	t1.A = 17
+	t1.B = new(int)
+	*t1.B = 177
+	t1.C = new(*int)
+	*t1.C = new(int)
+	**t1.C = 1777
+	t1.D = new(**int)
+	*t1.D = new(*int)
+	**t1.D = new(int)
+	***t1.D = 17777
 	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
 	enc := NewEncoder(b)
 	dec := NewDecoder(b)
 	var t0 T0
-	if t0.a != 17 || t0.b != 177 || t0.c != 1777 || t0.d != 17777 {
+	if t0.A != 17 || t0.B != 177 || t0.C != 1777 || t0.D != 17777 {
 		t.Errorf("t1->t0: expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got %v", t0)
 	// Now transfer t2 into t0
 	var t2 T2
-	t2.d = 17777
-	t2.c = new(int)
-	*t2.c = 1777
-	t2.b = new(*int)
-	*t2.b = new(int)
-	**t2.b = 177
-	t2.a = new(**int)
-	*t2.a = new(*int)
-	**t2.a = new(int)
-	***t2.a = 17
+	t2.D = 17777
+	t2.C = new(int)
+	*t2.C = 1777
+	t2.B = new(*int)
+	*t2.B = new(int)
+	**t2.B = 177
+	t2.A = new(**int)
+	*t2.A = new(*int)
+	**t2.A = new(int)
+	***t2.A = 17
 	t0 = T0{}
-	if t0.a != 17 || t0.b != 177 || t0.c != 1777 || t0.d != 17777 {
+	if t0.A != 17 || t0.B != 177 || t0.C != 1777 || t0.D != 17777 {
 		t.Errorf("t2->t0 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got %v", t0)
@@ -911,8 +911,8 @@
 	t1 = T1{}
-	if t1.a != 17 || *t1.b != 177 || **t1.c != 1777 || ***t1.d != 17777 {
-		t.Errorf("t0->t1 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", t1.a, *t1.b, **t1.c, ***t1.d)
+	if t1.A != 17 || *t1.B != 177 || **t1.C != 1777 || ***t1.D != 17777 {
+		t.Errorf("t0->t1 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", t1.A, *t1.B, **t1.C, ***t1.D)
 	// Now transfer t0 into t2
@@ -920,40 +920,40 @@
 	t2 = T2{}
-	if ***t2.a != 17 || **t2.b != 177 || *t2.c != 1777 || t2.d != 17777 {
-		t.Errorf("t0->t2 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", ***t2.a, **t2.b, *t2.c, t2.d)
+	if ***t2.A != 17 || **t2.B != 177 || *t2.C != 1777 || t2.D != 17777 {
+		t.Errorf("t0->t2 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", ***t2.A, **t2.B, *t2.C, t2.D)
 	// Now do t2 again but without pre-allocated pointers.
-	***t2.a = 0
-	**t2.b = 0
-	*t2.c = 0
-	t2.d = 0
+	***t2.A = 0
+	**t2.B = 0
+	*t2.C = 0
+	t2.D = 0
-	if ***t2.a != 17 || **t2.b != 177 || *t2.c != 1777 || t2.d != 17777 {
-		t.Errorf("t0->t2 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", ***t2.a, **t2.b, *t2.c, t2.d)
+	if ***t2.A != 17 || **t2.B != 177 || *t2.C != 1777 || t2.D != 17777 {
+		t.Errorf("t0->t2 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", ***t2.A, **t2.B, *t2.C, t2.D)
 type RT0 struct {
-	a int
-	b string
-	c float
+	A int
+	B string
+	C float
 type RT1 struct {
-	c      float
-	b      string
-	a      int
-	notSet string
+	C      float
+	B      string
+	A      int
+	NotSet string
 func TestReorderedFields(t *testing.T) {
 	var rt0 RT0
-	rt0.a = 17
-	rt0.b = "hello"
-	rt0.c = 3.14159
+	rt0.A = 17
+	rt0.B = "hello"
+	rt0.C = 3.14159
 	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
 	dec := NewDecoder(b)
@@ -961,41 +961,41 @@
 	// Wire type is RT0, local type is RT1.
 	err := dec.Decode(&rt1)
 	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("decode error:", err)
+		t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
-	if rt0.a != rt1.a || rt0.b != rt1.b || rt0.c != rt1.c {
+	if rt0.A != rt1.A || rt0.B != rt1.B || rt0.C != rt1.C {
 		t.Errorf("rt1->rt0: expected %v; got %v", rt0, rt1)
 // Like an RT0 but with fields we'll ignore on the decode side.
 type IT0 struct {
-	a        int64
-	b        string
-	ignore_d []int
-	ignore_e [3]float
-	ignore_f bool
-	ignore_g string
-	ignore_h []byte
-	ignore_i *RT1
-	ignore_m map[string]int
-	c        float
+	A        int64
+	B        string
+	Ignore_d []int
+	Ignore_e [3]float
+	Ignore_f bool
+	Ignore_g string
+	Ignore_h []byte
+	Ignore_i *RT1
+	Ignore_m map[string]int
+	C        float
 func TestIgnoredFields(t *testing.T) {
 	var it0 IT0
-	it0.a = 17
-	it0.b = "hello"
-	it0.c = 3.14159
-	it0.ignore_d = []int{1, 2, 3}
-	it0.ignore_e[0] = 1.0
-	it0.ignore_e[1] = 2.0
-	it0.ignore_e[2] = 3.0
-	it0.ignore_f = true
-	it0.ignore_g = "pay no attention"
-	it0.ignore_h = []byte("to the curtain")
-	it0.ignore_i = &RT1{3.1, "hi", 7, "hello"}
-	it0.ignore_m = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
+	it0.A = 17
+	it0.B = "hello"
+	it0.C = 3.14159
+	it0.Ignore_d = []int{1, 2, 3}
+	it0.Ignore_e[0] = 1.0
+	it0.Ignore_e[1] = 2.0
+	it0.Ignore_e[2] = 3.0
+	it0.Ignore_f = true
+	it0.Ignore_g = "pay no attention"
+	it0.Ignore_h = []byte("to the curtain")
+	it0.Ignore_i = &RT1{3.1, "hi", 7, "hello"}
+	it0.Ignore_m = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
 	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
@@ -1006,8 +1006,8 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		t.Error("error: ", err)
-	if int(it0.a) != rt1.a || it0.b != rt1.b || it0.c != rt1.c {
-		t.Errorf("rt1->rt0: expected %v; got %v", it0, rt1)
+	if int(it0.A) != rt1.A || it0.B != rt1.B || it0.C != rt1.C {
+		t.Errorf("rt0->rt1: expected %v; got %v", it0, rt1)
@@ -1031,33 +1031,33 @@
 type Indirect struct {
-	a ***[3]int
-	s ***[]int
-	m ****map[string]int
+	A ***[3]int
+	S ***[]int
+	M ****map[string]int
 type Direct struct {
-	a [3]int
-	s []int
-	m map[string]int
+	A [3]int
+	S []int
+	M map[string]int
 func TestIndirectSliceMapArray(t *testing.T) {
 	// Marshal indirect, unmarshal to direct.
 	i := new(Indirect)
-	i.a = new(**[3]int)
-	*i.a = new(*[3]int)
-	**i.a = new([3]int)
-	***i.a = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
-	i.s = new(**[]int)
-	*i.s = new(*[]int)
-	**i.s = new([]int)
-	***i.s = []int{4, 5, 6}
-	i.m = new(***map[string]int)
-	*i.m = new(**map[string]int)
-	**i.m = new(*map[string]int)
-	***i.m = new(map[string]int)
-	****i.m = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
+	i.A = new(**[3]int)
+	*i.A = new(*[3]int)
+	**i.A = new([3]int)
+	***i.A = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
+	i.S = new(**[]int)
+	*i.S = new(*[]int)
+	**i.S = new([]int)
+	***i.S = []int{4, 5, 6}
+	i.M = new(***map[string]int)
+	*i.M = new(**map[string]int)
+	**i.M = new(*map[string]int)
+	***i.M = new(map[string]int)
+	****i.M = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
 	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
 	dec := NewDecoder(b)
@@ -1066,35 +1066,35 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		t.Error("error: ", err)
-	if len(d.a) != 3 || d.a[0] != 1 || d.a[1] != 2 || d.a[2] != 3 {
-		t.Errorf("indirect to direct: d.a is %v not %v", d.a, ***i.a)
+	if len(d.A) != 3 || d.A[0] != 1 || d.A[1] != 2 || d.A[2] != 3 {
+		t.Errorf("indirect to direct: d.A is %v not %v", d.A, ***i.A)
-	if len(d.s) != 3 || d.s[0] != 4 || d.s[1] != 5 || d.s[2] != 6 {
-		t.Errorf("indirect to direct: d.s is %v not %v", d.s, ***i.s)
+	if len(d.S) != 3 || d.S[0] != 4 || d.S[1] != 5 || d.S[2] != 6 {
+		t.Errorf("indirect to direct: d.S is %v not %v", d.S, ***i.S)
-	if len(d.m) != 3 || d.m["one"] != 1 || d.m["two"] != 2 || d.m["three"] != 3 {
-		t.Errorf("indirect to direct: d.m is %v not %v", d.m, ***i.m)
+	if len(d.M) != 3 || d.M["one"] != 1 || d.M["two"] != 2 || d.M["three"] != 3 {
+		t.Errorf("indirect to direct: d.M is %v not %v", d.M, ***i.M)
 	// Marshal direct, unmarshal to indirect.
-	d.a = [3]int{11, 22, 33}
-	d.s = []int{44, 55, 66}
-	d.m = map[string]int{"four": 4, "five": 5, "six": 6}
+	d.A = [3]int{11, 22, 33}
+	d.S = []int{44, 55, 66}
+	d.M = map[string]int{"four": 4, "five": 5, "six": 6}
 	i = new(Indirect)
 	dec = NewDecoder(b)
 	err = dec.Decode(&i)
 	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("error: ", err)
+		t.Fatal("error: ", err)
-	if len(***i.a) != 3 || (***i.a)[0] != 11 || (***i.a)[1] != 22 || (***i.a)[2] != 33 {
-		t.Errorf("direct to indirect: ***i.a is %v not %v", ***i.a, d.a)
+	if len(***i.A) != 3 || (***i.A)[0] != 11 || (***i.A)[1] != 22 || (***i.A)[2] != 33 {
+		t.Errorf("direct to indirect: ***i.A is %v not %v", ***i.A, d.A)
-	if len(***i.s) != 3 || (***i.s)[0] != 44 || (***i.s)[1] != 55 || (***i.s)[2] != 66 {
-		t.Errorf("direct to indirect: ***i.s is %v not %v", ***i.s, ***i.s)
+	if len(***i.S) != 3 || (***i.S)[0] != 44 || (***i.S)[1] != 55 || (***i.S)[2] != 66 {
+		t.Errorf("direct to indirect: ***i.S is %v not %v", ***i.S, ***i.S)
-	if len(****i.m) != 3 || (****i.m)["four"] != 4 || (****i.m)["five"] != 5 || (****i.m)["six"] != 6 {
-		t.Errorf("direct to indirect: ****i.m is %v not %v", ****i.m, d.m)
+	if len(****i.M) != 3 || (****i.M)["four"] != 4 || (****i.M)["five"] != 5 || (****i.M)["six"] != 6 {
+		t.Errorf("direct to indirect: ****i.M is %v not %v", ****i.M, d.M)
@@ -1135,16 +1135,16 @@
 // A struct with interfaces in it.
 type InterfaceItem struct {
-	i             int
-	sq1, sq2, sq3 Squarer
-	f             float
-	sq            []Squarer
+	I             int
+	Sq1, Sq2, Sq3 Squarer
+	F             float
+	Sq            []Squarer
 // The same struct without interfaces
 type NoInterfaceItem struct {
-	i int
-	f float
+	I int
+	F float
 func TestInterface(t *testing.T) {
@@ -1169,27 +1169,27 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		t.Fatal("decode:", err)
-	if item2.i != item1.i {
+	if item2.I != item1.I {
 		t.Error("normal int did not decode correctly")
-	if item2.sq1 == nil || item2.sq1.Square() != iVal.Square() {
+	if item2.Sq1 == nil || item2.Sq1.Square() != iVal.Square() {
 		t.Error("Int did not decode correctly")
-	if item2.sq2 == nil || item2.sq2.Square() != fVal.Square() {
+	if item2.Sq2 == nil || item2.Sq2.Square() != fVal.Square() {
 		t.Error("Float did not decode correctly")
-	if item2.sq3 == nil || item2.sq3.Square() != vVal.Square() {
+	if item2.Sq3 == nil || item2.Sq3.Square() != vVal.Square() {
 		t.Error("Vector did not decode correctly")
-	if item2.f != item1.f {
+	if item2.F != item1.F {
 		t.Error("normal float did not decode correctly")
 	// Now check that we received a slice of Squarers correctly, including a nil element
-	if len(item1.sq) != len(item2.sq) {
-		t.Fatalf("[]Squarer length wrong: got %d; expected %d", len(item2.sq), len(item1.sq))
+	if len(item1.Sq) != len(item2.Sq) {
+		t.Fatalf("[]Squarer length wrong: got %d; expected %d", len(item2.Sq), len(item1.Sq))
-	for i, v1 := range item1.sq {
-		v2 := item2.sq[i]
+	for i, v1 := range item1.Sq {
+		v2 := item2.Sq[i]
 		if v1 == nil || v2 == nil {
 			if v1 != nil || v2 != nil {
 				t.Errorf("item %d inconsistent nils", i)
@@ -1250,8 +1250,8 @@
 type String string
 type PtrInterfaceItem struct {
-	str interface{} // basic
-	Str interface{} // derived
+	Str1 interface{} // basic
+	Str2 interface{} // derived
 // We'll send pointers; should receive values.
@@ -1277,10 +1277,10 @@
 		t.Fatal("decode:", err)
 	// Hand test for correct types and values.
-	if v, ok := item2.str.(string); !ok || v != str1 {
+	if v, ok := item2.Str1.(string); !ok || v != str1 {
 		t.Errorf("basic string failed: %q should be %q", v, str1)
-	if v, ok := item2.Str.(String); !ok || v != str2 {
+	if v, ok := item2.Str2.(String); !ok || v != str2 {
 		t.Errorf("derived type String failed: %q should be %q", v, str2)
@@ -1307,30 +1307,60 @@
 	if err != nil {
 		t.Fatal("decode:", err)
-	if item2.i != item1.i {
+	if item2.I != item1.I {
 		t.Error("normal int did not decode correctly")
-	if item2.f != item2.f {
+	if item2.F != item2.F {
 		t.Error("normal float did not decode correctly")
+type U struct {
+	A int
+	B string
+	c float
+	D uint
+func TestUnexportedFields(t *testing.T) {
+	var u0 U
+	u0.A = 17
+	u0.B = "hello"
+	u0.c = 3.14159
+	u0.D = 23
+	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
+	NewEncoder(b).Encode(u0)
+	dec := NewDecoder(b)
+	var u1 U
+	u1.c = 1234.
+	err := dec.Decode(&u1)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
+	}
+	if u0.A != u0.A || u0.B != u1.B || u0.D != u1.D {
+		t.Errorf("u1->u0: expected %v; got %v", u0, u1)
+	}
+	if u1.c != 1234. {
+		t.Error("u1.c modified")
+	}
 // A type that won't be defined in the gob until we send it in an interface value.
 type OnTheFly struct {
-	a int
+	A int
 type DT struct {
 	//	X OnTheFly
-	a     int
-	b     string
-	c     float
-	i     interface{}
-	j     interface{}
-	i_nil interface{}
-	m     map[string]int
-	r     [3]int
-	s     []string
+	A     int
+	B     string
+	C     float
+	I     interface{}
+	J     interface{}
+	I_nil interface{}
+	M     map[string]int
+	T     [3]int
+	S     []string
 func TestDebug(t *testing.T) {
@@ -1339,15 +1369,15 @@
 	var dt DT
-	dt.a = 17
-	dt.b = "hello"
-	dt.c = 3.14159
-	dt.i = 271828
-	dt.j = OnTheFly{3}
-	dt.i_nil = nil
-	dt.m = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
-	dt.r = [3]int{11, 22, 33}
-	dt.s = []string{"hi", "joe"}
+	dt.A = 17
+	dt.B = "hello"
+	dt.C = 3.14159
+	dt.I = 271828
+	dt.J = OnTheFly{3}
+	dt.I_nil = nil
+	dt.M = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
+	dt.T = [3]int{11, 22, 33}
+	dt.S = []string{"hi", "joe"}
 	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
 	err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(dt)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/src/pkg/gob/debug.go b/src/pkg/gob/debug.go
index 1daf3b9..c1636a7 100644
--- a/src/pkg/gob/debug.go
+++ b/src/pkg/gob/debug.go
@@ -137,32 +137,32 @@
 func printWireType(wire *wireType) {
 	fmt.Printf("type definition {\n")
 	switch {
-	case wire.arrayT != nil:
-		printCommonType("array", &wire.arrayT.commonType)
-		fmt.Printf("\tlen %d\n\telemid %d\n", wire.arrayT.Len, wire.arrayT.Elem)
-	case wire.mapT != nil:
-		printCommonType("map", &wire.mapT.commonType)
-		fmt.Printf("\tkeyid %d\n", wire.mapT.Key)
-		fmt.Printf("\telemid %d\n", wire.mapT.Elem)
-	case wire.sliceT != nil:
-		printCommonType("slice", &wire.sliceT.commonType)
-		fmt.Printf("\telemid %d\n", wire.sliceT.Elem)
-	case wire.structT != nil:
-		printCommonType("struct", &wire.structT.commonType)
-		for i, field := range wire.structT.field {
-			fmt.Printf("\tfield %d:\t%s\tid=%d\n", i, field.name, field.id)
+	case wire.ArrayT != nil:
+		printCommonType("array", &wire.ArrayT.CommonType)
+		fmt.Printf("\tlen %d\n\telemid %d\n", wire.ArrayT.Len, wire.ArrayT.Elem)
+	case wire.MapT != nil:
+		printCommonType("map", &wire.MapT.CommonType)
+		fmt.Printf("\tkeyid %d\n", wire.MapT.Key)
+		fmt.Printf("\telemid %d\n", wire.MapT.Elem)
+	case wire.SliceT != nil:
+		printCommonType("slice", &wire.SliceT.CommonType)
+		fmt.Printf("\telemid %d\n", wire.SliceT.Elem)
+	case wire.StructT != nil:
+		printCommonType("struct", &wire.StructT.CommonType)
+		for i, field := range wire.StructT.Field {
+			fmt.Printf("\tfield %d:\t%s\tid=%d\n", i, field.Name, field.Id)
-func printCommonType(kind string, common *commonType) {
-	fmt.Printf("\t%s %q\n\tid: %d\n", kind, common.name, common._id)
+func printCommonType(kind string, common *CommonType) {
+	fmt.Printf("\t%s %q\n\tid: %d\n", kind, common.Name, common.Id)
 func (dec *Decoder) debugPrint(indent int, id typeId) {
 	wire, ok := dec.wireType[id]
-	if ok && wire.structT != nil {
+	if ok && wire.StructT != nil {
 		dec.debugStruct(indent+1, id, wire)
 	} else {
 		dec.debugSingle(indent+1, id, wire)
@@ -193,32 +193,32 @@
 		errorf("type id %d not defined\n", id)
 	switch {
-	case wire.arrayT != nil:
+	case wire.ArrayT != nil:
 		dec.printArray(indent, wire)
-	case wire.mapT != nil:
+	case wire.MapT != nil:
 		dec.printMap(indent, wire)
-	case wire.sliceT != nil:
+	case wire.SliceT != nil:
 		dec.printSlice(indent, wire)
-	case wire.structT != nil:
+	case wire.StructT != nil:
 		dec.debugStruct(indent, id, wire)
 func (dec *Decoder) printArray(indent int, wire *wireType) {
-	elemId := wire.arrayT.Elem
+	elemId := wire.ArrayT.Elem
 	n := int(decodeUint(dec.state))
 	for i := 0; i < n && dec.err == nil; i++ {
 		dec.printItem(indent, elemId)
-	if n != wire.arrayT.Len {
+	if n != wire.ArrayT.Len {
-		fmt.Printf("(wrong length for array: %d should be %d)\n", n, wire.arrayT.Len)
+		fmt.Printf("(wrong length for array: %d should be %d)\n", n, wire.ArrayT.Len)
 func (dec *Decoder) printMap(indent int, wire *wireType) {
-	keyId := wire.mapT.Key
-	elemId := wire.mapT.Elem
+	keyId := wire.MapT.Key
+	elemId := wire.MapT.Elem
 	n := int(decodeUint(dec.state))
 	for i := 0; i < n && dec.err == nil; i++ {
 		dec.printItem(indent, keyId)
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
 func (dec *Decoder) printSlice(indent int, wire *wireType) {
-	elemId := wire.sliceT.Elem
+	elemId := wire.SliceT.Elem
 	n := int(decodeUint(dec.state))
 	for i := 0; i < n && dec.err == nil; i++ {
 		dec.printItem(indent, elemId)
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@
 func (dec *Decoder) debugStruct(indent int, id typeId, wire *wireType) {
-	fmt.Printf("%s struct {\n", id.Name())
-	strct := wire.structT
+	fmt.Printf("%s struct {\n", id.name())
+	strct := wire.StructT
 	state := newDecodeState(dec, dec.state.b)
 	state.fieldnum = -1
 	for dec.err == nil {
@@ -286,17 +286,17 @@
 		fieldNum := state.fieldnum + delta
-		if fieldNum < 0 || fieldNum >= len(strct.field) {
+		if fieldNum < 0 || fieldNum >= len(strct.Field) {
 			errorf("field number out of range")
-		fmt.Printf("%s(%d):\n", wire.structT.field[fieldNum].name, fieldNum)
-		dec.printItem(indent+1, strct.field[fieldNum].id)
+		fmt.Printf("%s(%d):\n", wire.StructT.Field[fieldNum].Name, fieldNum)
+		dec.printItem(indent+1, strct.Field[fieldNum].Id)
 		state.fieldnum = fieldNum
-	fmt.Printf(" } // end %s struct\n", id.Name())
+	fmt.Printf(" } // end %s struct\n", id.name())
 func tab(indent int) {
diff --git a/src/pkg/gob/decode.go b/src/pkg/gob/decode.go
index 5791f62..6509e7d 100644
--- a/src/pkg/gob/decode.go
+++ b/src/pkg/gob/decode.go
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@
+	"unicode"
+	"utf8"
 var (
@@ -684,7 +686,7 @@
 		switch t := typ.(type) {
 		case *reflect.ArrayType:
 			name = "element of " + name
-			elemId := dec.wireType[wireId].arrayT.Elem
+			elemId := dec.wireType[wireId].ArrayT.Elem
 			elemOp, elemIndir := dec.decOpFor(elemId, t.Elem(), name)
 			ovfl := overflow(name)
 			op = func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
@@ -693,8 +695,8 @@
 		case *reflect.MapType:
 			name = "element of " + name
-			keyId := dec.wireType[wireId].mapT.Key
-			elemId := dec.wireType[wireId].mapT.Elem
+			keyId := dec.wireType[wireId].MapT.Key
+			elemId := dec.wireType[wireId].MapT.Elem
 			keyOp, keyIndir := dec.decOpFor(keyId, t.Key(), name)
 			elemOp, elemIndir := dec.decOpFor(elemId, t.Elem(), name)
 			ovfl := overflow(name)
@@ -713,7 +715,7 @@
 			if tt, ok := builtinIdToType[wireId]; ok {
 				elemId = tt.(*sliceType).Elem
 			} else {
-				elemId = dec.wireType[wireId].sliceT.Elem
+				elemId = dec.wireType[wireId].SliceT.Elem
 			elemOp, elemIndir := dec.decOpFor(elemId, t.Elem(), name)
 			ovfl := overflow(name)
@@ -763,30 +765,30 @@
 		switch {
 		case wire == nil:
 			panic("internal error: can't find ignore op for type " + wireId.string())
-		case wire.arrayT != nil:
-			elemId := wire.arrayT.Elem
+		case wire.ArrayT != nil:
+			elemId := wire.ArrayT.Elem
 			elemOp := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(elemId)
 			op = func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
-				state.dec.ignoreArray(state, elemOp, wire.arrayT.Len)
+				state.dec.ignoreArray(state, elemOp, wire.ArrayT.Len)
-		case wire.mapT != nil:
-			keyId := dec.wireType[wireId].mapT.Key
-			elemId := dec.wireType[wireId].mapT.Elem
+		case wire.MapT != nil:
+			keyId := dec.wireType[wireId].MapT.Key
+			elemId := dec.wireType[wireId].MapT.Elem
 			keyOp := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(keyId)
 			elemOp := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(elemId)
 			op = func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
 				state.dec.ignoreMap(state, keyOp, elemOp)
-		case wire.sliceT != nil:
-			elemId := wire.sliceT.Elem
+		case wire.SliceT != nil:
+			elemId := wire.SliceT.Elem
 			elemOp := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(elemId)
 			op = func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
 				state.dec.ignoreSlice(state, elemOp)
-		case wire.structT != nil:
+		case wire.StructT != nil:
 			// Generate a closure that calls out to the engine for the nested type.
 			enginePtr, err := dec.getIgnoreEnginePtr(wireId)
 			if err != nil {
@@ -829,18 +831,18 @@
 		return fw == tInterface
 	case *reflect.ArrayType:
 		wire, ok := dec.wireType[fw]
-		if !ok || wire.arrayT == nil {
+		if !ok || wire.ArrayT == nil {
 			return false
-		array := wire.arrayT
+		array := wire.ArrayT
 		return t.Len() == array.Len && dec.compatibleType(t.Elem(), array.Elem)
 	case *reflect.MapType:
 		wire, ok := dec.wireType[fw]
-		if !ok || wire.mapT == nil {
+		if !ok || wire.MapT == nil {
 			return false
-		mapType := wire.mapT
-		return dec.compatibleType(t.Key(), mapType.Key) && dec.compatibleType(t.Elem(), mapType.Elem)
+		MapType := wire.MapT
+		return dec.compatibleType(t.Key(), MapType.Key) && dec.compatibleType(t.Elem(), MapType.Elem)
 	case *reflect.SliceType:
 		// Is it an array of bytes?
 		if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
@@ -851,7 +853,7 @@
 		if tt, ok := builtinIdToType[fw]; ok {
 			sw = tt.(*sliceType)
 		} else {
-			sw = dec.wireType[fw].sliceT
+			sw = dec.wireType[fw].SliceT
 		elem, _ := indirect(t.Elem())
 		return sw != nil && dec.compatibleType(elem, sw.Elem)
@@ -885,6 +887,12 @@
+// Is this an exported - upper case - name?
+func isExported(name string) bool {
+	rune, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
+	return unicode.IsUpper(rune)
 func (dec *Decoder) compileDec(remoteId typeId, rt reflect.Type) (engine *decEngine, err os.Error) {
 	defer catchError(&err)
 	srt, ok := rt.(*reflect.StructType)
@@ -897,29 +905,32 @@
 	if t, ok := builtinIdToType[remoteId]; ok {
 		wireStruct, _ = t.(*structType)
 	} else {
-		wireStruct = dec.wireType[remoteId].structT
+		wireStruct = dec.wireType[remoteId].StructT
 	if wireStruct == nil {
 		errorf("gob: type mismatch in decoder: want struct type %s; got non-struct", rt.String())
 	engine = new(decEngine)
-	engine.instr = make([]decInstr, len(wireStruct.field))
+	engine.instr = make([]decInstr, len(wireStruct.Field))
 	// Loop over the fields of the wire type.
-	for fieldnum := 0; fieldnum < len(wireStruct.field); fieldnum++ {
-		wireField := wireStruct.field[fieldnum]
+	for fieldnum := 0; fieldnum < len(wireStruct.Field); fieldnum++ {
+		wireField := wireStruct.Field[fieldnum]
+		if wireField.Name == "" {
+			errorf("gob: empty name for remote field of type %s", wireStruct.Name)
+		}
+		ovfl := overflow(wireField.Name)
 		// Find the field of the local type with the same name.
-		localField, present := srt.FieldByName(wireField.name)
-		ovfl := overflow(wireField.name)
+		localField, present := srt.FieldByName(wireField.Name)
 		// TODO(r): anonymous names
-		if !present {
-			op := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(wireField.id)
+		if !present || !isExported(wireField.Name) {
+			op := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(wireField.Id)
 			engine.instr[fieldnum] = decInstr{op, fieldnum, 0, 0, ovfl}
-		if !dec.compatibleType(localField.Type, wireField.id) {
-			errorf("gob: wrong type (%s) for received field %s.%s", localField.Type, wireStruct.name, wireField.name)
+		if !dec.compatibleType(localField.Type, wireField.Id) {
+			errorf("gob: wrong type (%s) for received field %s.%s", localField.Type, wireStruct.Name, wireField.Name)
-		op, indir := dec.decOpFor(wireField.id, localField.Type, localField.Name)
+		op, indir := dec.decOpFor(wireField.Id, localField.Type, localField.Name)
 		engine.instr[fieldnum] = decInstr{op, fieldnum, indir, uintptr(localField.Offset), ovfl}
@@ -972,7 +983,7 @@
 	engine := *enginePtr
 	if st, ok := rt.(*reflect.StructType); ok {
-		if engine.numInstr == 0 && st.NumField() > 0 && len(dec.wireType[wireId].structT.field) > 0 {
+		if engine.numInstr == 0 && st.NumField() > 0 && len(dec.wireType[wireId].StructT.Field) > 0 {
 			name := rt.Name()
 			return os.ErrorString("gob: type mismatch: no fields matched compiling decoder for " + name)
diff --git a/src/pkg/gob/doc.go b/src/pkg/gob/doc.go
index 5d9eb51..31253f1 100644
--- a/src/pkg/gob/doc.go
+++ b/src/pkg/gob/doc.go
@@ -149,31 +149,34 @@
 description, constructed from these types:
 	type wireType struct {
-		s structType
+		ArrayT  *ArrayType
+		SliceT  *SliceType
+		StructT *StructType
+		MapT    *MapType
-	type arrayType struct {
-		commonType
+	type ArrayType struct {
+		CommonType
 		Elem typeId
 		Len  int
-	type commonType {
-		name string // the name of the struct type
-		_id  int    // the id of the type, repeated for so it's inside the type
+	type CommonType {
+		Name string // the name of the struct type
+		Id  int    // the id of the type, repeated so it's inside the type
-	type sliceType struct {
-		commonType
+	type SliceType struct {
+		CommonType
 		Elem typeId
-	type structType struct {
-		commonType
-		field []*fieldType // the fields of the struct.
+	type StructType struct {
+		CommonType
+		Field []*fieldType // the fields of the struct.
-	type fieldType struct {
-		name string // the name of the field.
-		id   int    // the type id of the field, which must be already defined
+	type FieldType struct {
+		Name string // the name of the field.
+		Id   int    // the type id of the field, which must be already defined
-	type mapType struct {
-		commonType
+	type MapType struct {
+		CommonType
 		Key  typeId
 		Elem typeId
@@ -193,14 +196,14 @@
 	complex     7
 	interface   8
 	// gap for reserved ids.
-	wireType    16
-	arrayType   17
-	commonType  18
-	sliceType   19
-	structType  20
-	fieldType   21
+	WireType    16
+	ArrayType   17
+	CommonType  18
+	SliceType   19
+	StructType  20
+	FieldType   21
 	// 22 is slice of fieldType.
-	mapType     23
+	MapType     23
 Finally, each message created by a call to Encode is preceded by an encoded
 unsigned integer count of the number of bytes remaining in the message.  After
diff --git a/src/pkg/gob/encode.go b/src/pkg/gob/encode.go
index db1f136..e767094 100644
--- a/src/pkg/gob/encode.go
+++ b/src/pkg/gob/encode.go
@@ -284,6 +284,9 @@
+func encNoOp(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
 // Byte arrays are encoded as an unsigned count followed by the raw bytes.
 func encUint8Array(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
 	b := *(*[]byte)(p)
@@ -539,6 +542,9 @@
 		for fieldnum := 0; fieldnum < srt.NumField(); fieldnum++ {
 			f := srt.Field(fieldnum)
 			op, indir := enc.encOpFor(f.Type)
+			if !isExported(f.Name) {
+				op = encNoOp
+			}
 			engine.instr[fieldnum] = encInstr{op, fieldnum, indir, uintptr(f.Offset)}
 		engine.instr[srt.NumField()] = encInstr{encStructTerminator, 0, 0, 0}
diff --git a/src/pkg/gob/encoder_test.go b/src/pkg/gob/encoder_test.go
index e5fc808..db0b7db 100644
--- a/src/pkg/gob/encoder_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/gob/encoder_test.go
@@ -14,35 +14,35 @@
 type ET2 struct {
-	x string
+	X string
 type ET1 struct {
-	a    int
-	et2  *ET2
-	next *ET1
+	A    int
+	Et2  *ET2
+	Next *ET1
 // Like ET1 but with a different name for a field
 type ET3 struct {
-	a             int
-	et2           *ET2
-	differentNext *ET1
+	A             int
+	Et2           *ET2
+	DifferentNext *ET1
 // Like ET1 but with a different type for a field
 type ET4 struct {
-	a    int
-	et2  float
-	next int
+	A    int
+	Et2  float
+	Next int
 func TestEncoderDecoder(t *testing.T) {
 	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
 	enc := NewEncoder(b)
 	et1 := new(ET1)
-	et1.a = 7
-	et1.et2 = new(ET2)
+	et1.A = 7
+	et1.Et2 = new(ET2)
 	err := enc.Encode(et1)
 	if err != nil {
 		t.Error("encoder fail:", err)
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
 	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
 	enc := NewEncoder(b)
 	et1 := new(ET1)
-	et1.a = 7
-	et1.et2 = new(ET2)
+	et1.A = 7
+	et1.Et2 = new(ET2)
 	err := enc.Encode(et1)
 	if err != nil {
 		t.Error("encoder fail:", err)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 func TestTypeToPtrType(t *testing.T) {
 	// Encode a T, decode a *T
 	type Type0 struct {
-		a int
+		A int
 	t0 := Type0{7}
 	t0p := (*Type0)(nil)
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
 func TestPtrTypeToType(t *testing.T) {
 	// Encode a *T, decode a T
 	type Type1 struct {
-		a uint
+		A uint
 	t1p := &Type1{17}
 	var t1 Type1
@@ -189,26 +189,26 @@
 func TestTypeToPtrPtrPtrPtrType(t *testing.T) {
 	type Type2 struct {
-		a ****float
+		A ****float
 	t2 := Type2{}
-	t2.a = new(***float)
-	*t2.a = new(**float)
-	**t2.a = new(*float)
-	***t2.a = new(float)
-	****t2.a = 27.4
+	t2.A = new(***float)
+	*t2.A = new(**float)
+	**t2.A = new(*float)
+	***t2.A = new(float)
+	****t2.A = 27.4
 	t2pppp := new(***Type2)
 	if err := encAndDec(t2, t2pppp); err != nil {
-		t.Error(err)
+		t.Fatal(err)
-	if ****(****t2pppp).a != ****t2.a {
-		t.Errorf("wrong value after decode: %g not %g", ****(****t2pppp).a, ****t2.a)
+	if ****(****t2pppp).A != ****t2.A {
+		t.Errorf("wrong value after decode: %g not %g", ****(****t2pppp).A, ****t2.A)
 func TestSlice(t *testing.T) {
 	type Type3 struct {
-		a []string
+		A []string
 	t3p := &Type3{[]string{"hello", "world"}}
 	var t3 Type3
@@ -231,11 +231,11 @@
 func TestArray(t *testing.T) {
 	type Type5 struct {
-		a [3]string
-		b [3]byte
+		A [3]string
+		B [3]byte
 	type Type6 struct {
-		a [2]string // can't hold t5.a
+		A [2]string // can't hold t5.a
 	t5 := Type5{[3]string{"hello", ",", "world"}, [3]byte{1, 2, 3}}
 	var t5p Type5
@@ -251,10 +251,10 @@
 // Regression test for bug: must send zero values inside arrays
 func TestDefaultsInArray(t *testing.T) {
 	type Type7 struct {
-		b []bool
-		i []int
-		s []string
-		f []float
+		B []bool
+		I []int
+		S []string
+		F []float
 	t7 := Type7{
 		[]bool{false, false, true},
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
 func TestStructNonStruct(t *testing.T) {
 	type Struct struct {
-		a string
+		A string
 	type NonStruct string
 	s := Struct{"hello"}
diff --git a/src/pkg/gob/type.go b/src/pkg/gob/type.go
index 2ca96ce..c00af87 100644
--- a/src/pkg/gob/type.go
+++ b/src/pkg/gob/type.go
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 type gobType interface {
 	id() typeId
 	setId(id typeId)
-	Name() string
+	name() string
 	string() string // not public; only for debugging
 	safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string
@@ -60,30 +60,30 @@
 // Name returns the name of the type associated with the typeId.
-func (t typeId) Name() string {
+func (t typeId) name() string {
 	if t.gobType() == nil {
 		return "<nil>"
-	return t.gobType().Name()
+	return t.gobType().name()
 // Common elements of all types.
-type commonType struct {
-	name string
-	_id  typeId
+type CommonType struct {
+	Name string
+	Id   typeId
-func (t *commonType) id() typeId { return t._id }
+func (t *CommonType) id() typeId { return t.Id }
-func (t *commonType) setId(id typeId) { t._id = id }
+func (t *CommonType) setId(id typeId) { t.Id = id }
-func (t *commonType) string() string { return t.name }
+func (t *CommonType) string() string { return t.Name }
-func (t *commonType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
-	return t.name
+func (t *CommonType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
+	return t.Name
-func (t *commonType) Name() string { return t.name }
+func (t *CommonType) name() string { return t.Name }
 // Create and check predefined types
 // The string for tBytes is "bytes" not "[]byte" to signify its specialness.
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
 	// Some magic numbers to make sure there are no surprises.
 	checkId(16, tWireType)
 	checkId(17, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(arrayType{})).id)
-	checkId(18, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(commonType{})).id)
+	checkId(18, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(CommonType{})).id)
 	checkId(19, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(sliceType{})).id)
 	checkId(20, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(structType{})).id)
 	checkId(21, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(fieldType{})).id)
@@ -137,22 +137,22 @@
 // Array type
 type arrayType struct {
-	commonType
+	CommonType
 	Elem typeId
 	Len  int
 func newArrayType(name string, elem gobType, length int) *arrayType {
-	a := &arrayType{commonType{name: name}, elem.id(), length}
+	a := &arrayType{CommonType{Name: name}, elem.id(), length}
 	return a
 func (a *arrayType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
-	if seen[a._id] {
-		return a.name
+	if seen[a.Id] {
+		return a.Name
-	seen[a._id] = true
+	seen[a.Id] = true
 	return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]%s", a.Len, a.Elem.gobType().safeString(seen))
@@ -160,22 +160,22 @@
 // Map type
 type mapType struct {
-	commonType
+	CommonType
 	Key  typeId
 	Elem typeId
 func newMapType(name string, key, elem gobType) *mapType {
-	m := &mapType{commonType{name: name}, key.id(), elem.id()}
+	m := &mapType{CommonType{Name: name}, key.id(), elem.id()}
 	return m
 func (m *mapType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
-	if seen[m._id] {
-		return m.name
+	if seen[m.Id] {
+		return m.Name
-	seen[m._id] = true
+	seen[m.Id] = true
 	key := m.Key.gobType().safeString(seen)
 	elem := m.Elem.gobType().safeString(seen)
 	return fmt.Sprintf("map[%s]%s", key, elem)
@@ -185,21 +185,21 @@
 // Slice type
 type sliceType struct {
-	commonType
+	CommonType
 	Elem typeId
 func newSliceType(name string, elem gobType) *sliceType {
-	s := &sliceType{commonType{name: name}, elem.id()}
+	s := &sliceType{CommonType{Name: name}, elem.id()}
 	return s
 func (s *sliceType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
-	if seen[s._id] {
-		return s.name
+	if seen[s.Id] {
+		return s.Name
-	seen[s._id] = true
+	seen[s.Id] = true
 	return fmt.Sprintf("[]%s", s.Elem.gobType().safeString(seen))
@@ -207,26 +207,26 @@
 // Struct type
 type fieldType struct {
-	name string
-	id   typeId
+	Name string
+	Id   typeId
 type structType struct {
-	commonType
-	field []*fieldType
+	CommonType
+	Field []*fieldType
 func (s *structType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
 	if s == nil {
 		return "<nil>"
-	if _, ok := seen[s._id]; ok {
-		return s.name
+	if _, ok := seen[s.Id]; ok {
+		return s.Name
-	seen[s._id] = true
-	str := s.name + " = struct { "
-	for _, f := range s.field {
-		str += fmt.Sprintf("%s %s; ", f.name, f.id.gobType().safeString(seen))
+	seen[s.Id] = true
+	str := s.Name + " = struct { "
+	for _, f := range s.Field {
+		str += fmt.Sprintf("%s %s; ", f.Name, f.Id.gobType().safeString(seen))
 	str += "}"
 	return str
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
 func (s *structType) string() string { return s.safeString(make(map[typeId]bool)) }
 func newStructType(name string) *structType {
-	s := &structType{commonType{name: name}, nil}
+	s := &structType{CommonType{Name: name}, nil}
 	return s
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
 			field[i] = &fieldType{f.Name, gt.id()}
-		strType.field = field
+		strType.Field = field
 		return strType, nil
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
 func checkId(want, got typeId) {
 	if want != got {
 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "checkId: %d should be %d\n", int(want), int(got))
-		panic("bootstrap type wrong id: " + got.Name() + " " + got.string() + " not " + want.string())
+		panic("bootstrap type wrong id: " + got.name() + " " + got.string() + " not " + want.string())
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
 	if present {
 		panic("bootstrap type already present: " + name + ", " + rt.String())
-	typ := &commonType{name: name}
+	typ := &CommonType{Name: name}
 	types[rt] = typ
 	checkId(expect, nextId)
@@ -386,10 +386,10 @@
 // To maintain binary compatibility, if you extend this type, always put
 // the new fields last.
 type wireType struct {
-	arrayT  *arrayType
-	sliceT  *sliceType
-	structT *structType
-	mapT    *mapType
+	ArrayT  *arrayType
+	SliceT  *sliceType
+	StructT *structType
+	MapT    *mapType
 func (w *wireType) string() string {
@@ -398,14 +398,14 @@
 		return unknown
 	switch {
-	case w.arrayT != nil:
-		return w.arrayT.name
-	case w.sliceT != nil:
-		return w.sliceT.name
-	case w.structT != nil:
-		return w.structT.name
-	case w.mapT != nil:
-		return w.mapT.name
+	case w.ArrayT != nil:
+		return w.ArrayT.Name
+	case w.SliceT != nil:
+		return w.SliceT.Name
+	case w.StructT != nil:
+		return w.StructT.Name
+	case w.MapT != nil:
+		return w.MapT.Name
 	return unknown
@@ -436,16 +436,16 @@
 		t := info.id.gobType()
 		switch typ := rt.(type) {
 		case *reflect.ArrayType:
-			info.wire = &wireType{arrayT: t.(*arrayType)}
+			info.wire = &wireType{ArrayT: t.(*arrayType)}
 		case *reflect.MapType:
-			info.wire = &wireType{mapT: t.(*mapType)}
+			info.wire = &wireType{MapT: t.(*mapType)}
 		case *reflect.SliceType:
 			// []byte == []uint8 is a special case handled separately
 			if typ.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
-				info.wire = &wireType{sliceT: t.(*sliceType)}
+				info.wire = &wireType{SliceT: t.(*sliceType)}
 		case *reflect.StructType:
-			info.wire = &wireType{structT: t.(*structType)}
+			info.wire = &wireType{StructT: t.(*structType)}
 		typeInfoMap[rt] = info