blob: d670a38ddde8498a91608834167bec53e55d2e85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// func Log(x float64) float64
TEXT ·Log(SB),7,$0
FLDLN2 // F0=log(2)
FMOVD x+0(FP), F0 // F0=x, F1=log(2)
FYL2X // F0=log(x)=log2(x)*log(2)
FMOVDP F0, r+8(FP)
// func Log10(x float64) float64
TEXT ·Log10(SB),7,$0
FLDLG2 // F0=log10(2)
FMOVD x+0(FP), F0 // F0=x, F1=log10(2)
FYL2X // F0=log10(x)=log2(x)*log10(2)
FMOVDP F0, r+8(FP)