Test balloon: Changed the spec to see the implications of changing the
syntax of function types and making them "reference types" like slice,
map, and chan. First step in Russ' proposal.

DELTA=111  (32 added, 15 deleted, 64 changed)
diff --git a/doc/go_spec.txt b/doc/go_spec.txt
index 15a3512..2516942 100644
--- a/doc/go_spec.txt
+++ b/doc/go_spec.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson
-(January 27, 2009)
+(January 30, 2009)
@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@
 	StructType = "struct" [ "{" [ FieldDeclList ] "}" ] .
 	FieldDeclList = FieldDecl { ";" FieldDecl } [ ";" ] .
 	FieldDecl = (IdentifierList CompleteType | TypeName) [ Tag ] .
-	Tag = string_lit .
+	Tag = StringLit .
 	// An empty struct.
 	struct {}
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@
 		x, y int;
 		u float;
 		A *[]int;
-		F *();
+		F func();
 A struct may contain ``anonymous fields'', which are declared with a type
@@ -1326,9 +1326,10 @@
 A function type denotes the set of all functions with the same parameter
-and result types.
+and result types, and the value "nil".
-	FunctionType = "(" [ ParameterList ] ")" [ Result ] .
+	FunctionType = "func" Signature .
+	Signature = "(" [ ParameterList ] ")" [ Result ] .
 	ParameterList = ParameterDecl { "," ParameterDecl } .
 	ParameterDecl = [ IdentifierList ] ( Type | "..." ) .
 	Result = Type | "(" ParameterList ")" .
@@ -1345,22 +1346,32 @@
 list immediately preceding "..." must contain only one identifier (the
 name of the last parameter).
-	()
-	(x int)
-	() int
-	(string, float, ...)
-	(a, b int, z float) bool
-	(a, b int, z float) (bool)
-	(a, b int, z float, opt ...) (success bool)
-	(int, int, float) (float, *[]int)
+	func ()
+	func (x int)
+	func () int
+	func (string, float, ...)
+	func (a, b int, z float) bool
+	func (a, b int, z float) (bool)
+	func (a, b int, z float, opt ...) (success bool)
+	func (int, int, float) (float, *[]int)
-A variable can hold only a pointer to a function, not a function value.
-In particular, v := func() {} creates a variable of type *(). To call the
-function referenced by v, one writes v(). It is illegal to dereference a
-function pointer.
+If the result type of a function is itself a function type, the result type
+must be parenthesized to resolve a parsing ambiguity:
-Assignment compatibility: A function pointer can be assigned to a function
-(pointer) variable only if both function types are equal.
+	func (n int) (func (p* T))
+Assignment compatibility: A function can be assigned to a function
+variable only if both function types are equal.
+Comparisons: A variable of function type can be compared against "nil" with the
+operators "==" and "!=" (§Comparison operators). The variable is
+"nil" only if "nil" is assigned explicitly to the variable (§Assignments), or
+if the variable has not been modified since creation (§Program initialization
+and execution).
+Two variables of equal function type can be tested for equality with the
+operators "==" and "!=" (§Comparison operators). The variables are equal
+if they refer to the same function.
 Interface types
@@ -1372,7 +1383,7 @@
 	InterfaceType = "interface" [ "{" [ MethodSpecList ] "}" ] .
 	MethodSpecList = MethodSpec { ";" MethodSpec } [ ";" ] .
-	MethodSpec = IdentifierList FunctionType .
+	MethodSpec = IdentifierList Signature .
 	// An interface specifying a basic File type.
 	interface {
@@ -1704,8 +1715,8 @@
 		T1 []string
 		T2 struct { a, b int };
 		T3 struct { a, c int };
-		T4 *(int, float) *T0
-		T5 *(x int, y float) *[]string
+		T4 func (int, float) *T0
+		T5 func (x int, y float) *[]string
 these are some types that are equal
@@ -1759,7 +1770,8 @@
 	Operand  = Literal | QualifiedIdent | "(" Expression ")" .
 	Literal  = BasicLit | CompositeLit | FunctionLit .
-	BasicLit = int_lit | float_lit | char_lit | string_lit .
+	BasicLit = int_lit | float_lit | char_lit | StringLit .
+	StringLit = string_lit { string_lit } .
@@ -1848,15 +1860,15 @@
 specification of the function type and the function body. The parameter
 and result types of the function type must all be complete types (§Types).
-	FunctionLit = "func" FunctionType Block .
+	FunctionLit = "func" Signature Block .
 	Block = "{" [ StatementList ] "}" .
-The type of a function literal is a pointer to the function type.
+The type of a function literal is the function type specified.
 	func (a, b int, z float) bool { return a*b < int(z); }
 A function literal can be assigned to a variable of the
-corresponding function pointer type, or invoked directly.
+corresponding function type, or invoked directly.
 	f := func(x, y int) int { return x + y; }
 	func(ch chan int) { ch <- ACK; } (reply_chan)
@@ -2073,7 +2085,9 @@
-Given a function pointer, one writes
+TODO: This needs to be expanded and cleaned up.
+Given a function or a function variable p, one writes
@@ -2083,7 +2097,7 @@
-where receiver is a value of the receive type of the method.
+where receiver is a value of the receiver type of the method.
 For instance, given a *Point variable pt, one may call
@@ -2357,26 +2371,11 @@
 TODO: Need to talk about unary "*", clean up section below.
-Given a function f, declared as
+TODO: This text needs to be cleaned up and go elsewhere, there are no address
+operators involved.
-	func f(a int) int;
-taking the address of f with the expression
-	&f
-creates a pointer to the function that may be stored in a value of type pointer
-to function:
-	var fp *(a int) int = &f;
-The function pointer may be invoked with the usual syntax; no explicit
-indirection is required:
-	fp(7)
-Methods are a form of function, and the address of a method has the type
-pointer to function.  Consider the type T with method M:
+Methods are a form of function, and a method ``value'' has a function type.
+Consider the type T with method M:
 	type T struct {
 		a int;
@@ -2384,45 +2383,62 @@
 	func (tp *T) M(a int) int;
 	var t *T;
-To construct the address of method M, one writes
+To construct the value of method M, one writes
-	&t.M
+	t.M
-using the variable t (not the type T).  The expression is a pointer to a
-function, with type
+using the variable t (not the type T).
+TODO: It makes perfect sense to be able to say T.M (in fact, it makes more
+sense then t.M, since only the type T is needed to find the method M, i.e.,
+its address). TBD.
-	*(t *T, a int) int
+The expression t.M is a function value with type
-and may be invoked only as a function, not a method:
+	func (t *T, a int) int
-	var f *(t *T, a int) int;
-	f = &t.M;
+and may be invoked only as a function, not as a method:
+	var f func (t *T, a int) int;
+	f = t.M;
 	x := f(t, 7);
-Note that one does not write t.f(7); taking the address of a method demotes
+Note that one does not write t.f(7); taking the value of a method demotes
 it to a function.
-In general, given type T with method M and variable t of type *T,
+In general, given type T with method M and variable t of type T,
 the method invocation
 is equivalent to the function call
-	(&t.M)(t, args)
+	(t.M)(t, args)
-If T is an interface type, the expression &t.M does not determine which
+TODO: should probably describe the effect of (t.m) under §Expressions if t.m
+denotes a method: Effect is as described above, converts into function.
+If T is an interface type, the expression t.M does not determine which
 underlying type's M is called until the point of the call itself. Thus given
 T1 and T2, both implementing interface I with interface M, the sequence
 	var t1 *T1;
 	var t2 *T2;
 	var i I = t1;
-	m := &i.M;
-	m(t2);
+	m := i.M;
+	m(t2, 7);
 will invoke t2.M() even though m was constructed with an expression involving
+t1. Effectively, the value of m is a function literal
+	func (recv I, a int) {
+		recv.M(a);
+	}
+that is automatically created.
+TODO: Document implementation restriction: It is illegal to take the address
+of a result parameter (e.g.: func f() (x int, p *int) { return 2, &x }).
+(TBD: is it an implementation restriction or fact?)
 Communication operators
@@ -2643,7 +2659,7 @@
 the "if" branch is executed. Otherwise the "else" branch is executed if present.
 If Condition is omitted, it is equivalent to true.
-	IfStat = "if" [ [ Simplestat ] ";" ] [ Expression ] Block [ "else" Statement ] .
+	IfStat = "if" [ [ SimpleStat ] ";" ] [ Expression ] Block [ "else" Statement ] .
 	if x > 0 {
 		return true;
@@ -2666,7 +2682,7 @@
 TODO: gri thinks that Statement needs to be changed as follows:
 	IfStat =
-	       "if" [ [ Simplestat ] ";" ] [ Expression ] Block
+	       "if" [ [ SimpleStat ] ";" ] [ Expression ] Block
 	       [ "else" ( IfStat | Block ) ] .
 To facilitate the "if else if" code pattern, if the "else" branch is
@@ -2688,7 +2704,7 @@
 Switches provide multi-way execution.
-	SwitchStat = "switch" [ [ Simplestat ] ";" ] [ Expression ] "{" { CaseClause } "}" .
+	SwitchStat = "switch" [ [ SimpleStat ] ";" ] [ Expression ] "{" { CaseClause } "}" .
 	CaseClause = SwitchCase ":" [ StatementList ] .
 	SwitchCase = "case" ExpressionList | "default" .
@@ -3069,9 +3085,9 @@
 A function declaration binds an identifier to a function.
 Functions contain declarations and statements.  They may be
 recursive. Except for forward declarations (see below), the parameter
-and result types of the function type must all be complete types (§Type declarations).
+and result types of the signature must all be complete types (§Type declarations).
-	FunctionDecl = "func" identifier FunctionType [ Block ] .
+	FunctionDecl = "func" identifier Signature [ Block ] .
 	func min(x int, y int) int {
 		if x < y {
@@ -3102,7 +3118,7 @@
 receiver value is not needed inside the method, its identifier may be omitted
 in the declaration.
-	MethodDecl = "func" Receiver identifier FunctionType [ Block ] .
+	MethodDecl = "func" Receiver identifier Signature [ Block ] .
 	Receiver = "(" [ identifier ] [ "*" ] TypeName ")" .
 All methods bound to a receiver base type must have the same receiver type:
@@ -3296,6 +3312,7 @@
 	ImportDecl = "import" ( ImportSpec | "(" [ ImportSpecList ] ")" ) .
 	ImportSpecList = ImportSpec { ";" ImportSpec } [ ";" ] .
 	ImportSpec = [ "." | PackageName ] PackageFileName .
+	PackageFileName = StringLit .
 An import statement makes the exported top-level identifiers of the named
 package file accessible to this package.