cmd/compile: remove unused carry related ssa ops in ppc64

The intermediate SSA opcodes* are no longer generated during the
lowering pass.  The shifting rules have been improved using ISEL.
Therefore, we can remove them and the rules which expand them.

* The removed opcodes are:


Change-Id: I1ebe2726ed988f29ed4800c8f57b428f7a214cd0
Run-TryBot: Lynn Boger <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: Lynn Boger <>
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ppc64/ssa.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ppc64/ssa.go
index 4d2ad48..9c4c01e 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ppc64/ssa.go
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ppc64/ssa.go
@@ -629,23 +629,6 @@
 		p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
 		p.To.Reg = r
-	case ssa.OpPPC64MaskIfNotCarry:
-		r := v.Reg()
-		p := s.Prog(v.Op.Asm())
-		p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
-		p.From.Reg = ppc64.REGZERO
-		p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
-		p.To.Reg = r
-	case ssa.OpPPC64ADDconstForCarry:
-		r1 := v.Args[0].Reg()
-		p := s.Prog(v.Op.Asm())
-		p.Reg = r1
-		p.From.Type = obj.TYPE_CONST
-		p.From.Offset = v.AuxInt
-		p.To.Type = obj.TYPE_REG
-		p.To.Reg = ppc64.REGTMP // Ignored; this is for the carry effect.
 	case ssa.OpPPC64NEG, ssa.OpPPC64FNEG, ssa.OpPPC64FSQRT, ssa.OpPPC64FSQRTS, ssa.OpPPC64FFLOOR, ssa.OpPPC64FTRUNC, ssa.OpPPC64FCEIL,
@@ -1802,7 +1785,7 @@
 		v.Fatalf("Pseudo-op should not make it to codegen: %s ###\n", v.LongString())
 	case ssa.OpPPC64InvertFlags:
 		v.Fatalf("InvertFlags should never make it to codegen %v", v.LongString())
-	case ssa.OpPPC64FlagEQ, ssa.OpPPC64FlagLT, ssa.OpPPC64FlagGT, ssa.OpPPC64FlagCarrySet, ssa.OpPPC64FlagCarryClear:
+	case ssa.OpPPC64FlagEQ, ssa.OpPPC64FlagLT, ssa.OpPPC64FlagGT:
 		v.Fatalf("Flag* ops should never make it to codegen %v", v.LongString())
 	case ssa.OpClobber:
 		// TODO: implement for clobberdead experiment. Nop is ok for now.
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/gen/PPC64.rules b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/gen/PPC64.rules
index 14942d5..509cfe1 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/gen/PPC64.rules
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/gen/PPC64.rules
@@ -276,18 +276,11 @@
 (Rsh8Ux8 x y) => (SRW  (ZeroExt8to32 x) (ISEL [0] y (MOVDconst [-1]) (CMPU (ZeroExt8to64 y) (MOVDconst [8]))))
 (Lsh8x8 x y)  => (SLW  x                (ISEL [0] y (MOVDconst [-1]) (CMPU (ZeroExt8to64 y) (MOVDconst [8]))))
-// Cleaning up shift ops when input is masked
-(MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [c] (ANDconst [d] _))) && c < 0 && d > 0 && int64(c) + d < 0 => (MOVDconst [-1])
+// Cleaning up shift ops
 (ISEL [0] (ANDconst [d] y) (MOVDconst [-1]) (CMPU (ANDconst [d] y) (MOVDconst [c]))) && c >= d => (ANDconst [d] y)
 (ISEL [0] (ANDconst [d] y) (MOVDconst [-1]) (CMPUconst [c] (ANDconst [d] y))) && c >= d => (ANDconst [d] y)
 (ORN x (MOVDconst [-1])) => x
-(ADDconstForCarry [c] (MOVDconst [d])) && c < 0 && (c <  0 || int64(c) + d >= 0) => (FlagCarryClear)
-(ADDconstForCarry [c] (MOVDconst [d])) && c < 0 &&  c >= 0 && int64(c) + d <  0  => (FlagCarrySet)
-(MaskIfNotCarry (FlagCarrySet)) => (MOVDconst [0])
-(MaskIfNotCarry (FlagCarryClear)) => (MOVDconst [-1])
 (S(RAD|RD|LD) x (MOVDconst [c])) => (S(RAD|RD|LD)const [c&63 | (c>>6&1*63)] x)
 (S(RAW|RW|LW) x (MOVDconst [c])) => (S(RAW|RW|LW)const [c&31 | (c>>5&1*31)] x)
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/gen/PPC64Ops.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/gen/PPC64Ops.go
index 825d0fa..f912224 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/gen/PPC64Ops.go
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/gen/PPC64Ops.go
@@ -206,9 +206,7 @@
 		{name: "ROTL", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "ROTL"},   // arg0 rotate left by arg1 mod 64
 		{name: "ROTLW", argLength: 2, reg: gp21, asm: "ROTLW"}, // uint32(arg0) rotate left by arg1 mod 32
-		{name: "LoweredAdd64Carry", argLength: 3, reg: gp32, resultNotInArgs: true},                                                                     // arg0 + arg1 + carry, returns (sum, carry)
-		{name: "ADDconstForCarry", argLength: 1, reg: regInfo{inputs: []regMask{gp | sp | sb}, clobbers: tmp}, aux: "Int16", asm: "ADDC", typ: "Flags"}, // _, carry := arg0 + auxint
-		{name: "MaskIfNotCarry", argLength: 1, reg: crgp, asm: "ADDME", typ: "Int64"},                                                                   // carry - 1 (if carry then 0 else -1)
+		{name: "LoweredAdd64Carry", argLength: 3, reg: gp32, resultNotInArgs: true}, // arg0 + arg1 + carry, returns (sum, carry)
 		{name: "SRADconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SRAD", aux: "Int64"}, // signed arg0 >> auxInt, 0 <= auxInt < 64, 64 bit width
 		{name: "SRAWconst", argLength: 1, reg: gp11, asm: "SRAW", aux: "Int64"}, // signed arg0 >> auxInt, 0 <= auxInt < 32, 32 bit width
@@ -674,11 +672,9 @@
 		// These ops are for temporary use by rewrite rules. They
 		// cannot appear in the generated assembly.
-		{name: "FlagEQ"},         // equal
-		{name: "FlagLT"},         // signed < or unsigned <
-		{name: "FlagGT"},         // signed > or unsigned >
-		{name: "FlagCarrySet"},   // carry flag set
-		{name: "FlagCarryClear"}, // carry flag clear
+		{name: "FlagEQ"}, // equal
+		{name: "FlagLT"}, // signed < or unsigned <
+		{name: "FlagGT"}, // signed > or unsigned >
 	blocks := []blockData{
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/opGen.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/opGen.go
index 4cd7279..e181174 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/opGen.go
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/opGen.go
@@ -1853,8 +1853,6 @@
-	OpPPC64ADDconstForCarry
-	OpPPC64MaskIfNotCarry
@@ -2027,8 +2025,6 @@
-	OpPPC64FlagCarrySet
-	OpPPC64FlagCarryClear
@@ -24684,28 +24680,6 @@
-		name:    "ADDconstForCarry",
-		auxType: auxInt16,
-		argLen:  1,
-		asm:     ppc64.AADDC,
-		reg: regInfo{
-			inputs: []inputInfo{
-				{0, 1073733630}, // SP SB R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29
-			},
-			clobbers: 2147483648, // R31
-		},
-	},
-	{
-		name:   "MaskIfNotCarry",
-		argLen: 1,
-		asm:    ppc64.AADDME,
-		reg: regInfo{
-			outputs: []outputInfo{
-				{0, 1073733624}, // R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29
-			},
-		},
-	},
-	{
 		name:    "SRADconst",
 		auxType: auxInt64,
 		argLen:  1,
@@ -26964,16 +26938,6 @@
 		argLen: 0,
 		reg:    regInfo{},
-	{
-		name:   "FlagCarrySet",
-		argLen: 0,
-		reg:    regInfo{},
-	},
-	{
-		name:   "FlagCarryClear",
-		argLen: 0,
-		reg:    regInfo{},
-	},
 		name:        "ADD",
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/rewritePPC64.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/rewritePPC64.go
index 7704b80..1a0b03e 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/rewritePPC64.go
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/ssa/rewritePPC64.go
@@ -428,8 +428,6 @@
 		return rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64ADD(v)
 	case OpPPC64ADDconst:
 		return rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64ADDconst(v)
-	case OpPPC64ADDconstForCarry:
-		return rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64ADDconstForCarry(v)
 	case OpPPC64AND:
 		return rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64AND(v)
 	case OpPPC64ANDN:
@@ -570,8 +568,6 @@
 		return rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64MOVWstorezero(v)
 	case OpPPC64MTVSRD:
 		return rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64MTVSRD(v)
-	case OpPPC64MaskIfNotCarry:
-		return rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64MaskIfNotCarry(v)
 	case OpPPC64NOR:
 		return rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64NOR(v)
 	case OpPPC64NotEqual:
@@ -4075,40 +4071,6 @@
 	return false
-func rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64ADDconstForCarry(v *Value) bool {
-	v_0 := v.Args[0]
-	// match: (ADDconstForCarry [c] (MOVDconst [d]))
-	// cond: c < 0 && (c < 0 || int64(c) + d >= 0)
-	// result: (FlagCarryClear)
-	for {
-		c := auxIntToInt16(v.AuxInt)
-		if v_0.Op != OpPPC64MOVDconst {
-			break
-		}
-		d := auxIntToInt64(v_0.AuxInt)
-		if !(c < 0 && (c < 0 || int64(c)+d >= 0)) {
-			break
-		}
-		v.reset(OpPPC64FlagCarryClear)
-		return true
-	}
-	// match: (ADDconstForCarry [c] (MOVDconst [d]))
-	// cond: c < 0 && c >= 0 && int64(c) + d < 0
-	// result: (FlagCarrySet)
-	for {
-		c := auxIntToInt16(v.AuxInt)
-		if v_0.Op != OpPPC64MOVDconst {
-			break
-		}
-		d := auxIntToInt64(v_0.AuxInt)
-		if !(c < 0 && c >= 0 && int64(c)+d < 0) {
-			break
-		}
-		v.reset(OpPPC64FlagCarrySet)
-		return true
-	}
-	return false
 func rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64AND(v *Value) bool {
 	v_1 := v.Args[1]
 	v_0 := v.Args[0]
@@ -10374,50 +10336,6 @@
 	return false
-func rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64MaskIfNotCarry(v *Value) bool {
-	v_0 := v.Args[0]
-	// match: (MaskIfNotCarry (ADDconstForCarry [c] (ANDconst [d] _)))
-	// cond: c < 0 && d > 0 && int64(c) + d < 0
-	// result: (MOVDconst [-1])
-	for {
-		if v_0.Op != OpPPC64ADDconstForCarry {
-			break
-		}
-		c := auxIntToInt16(v_0.AuxInt)
-		v_0_0 := v_0.Args[0]
-		if v_0_0.Op != OpPPC64ANDconst {
-			break
-		}
-		d := auxIntToInt64(v_0_0.AuxInt)
-		if !(c < 0 && d > 0 && int64(c)+d < 0) {
-			break
-		}
-		v.reset(OpPPC64MOVDconst)
-		v.AuxInt = int64ToAuxInt(-1)
-		return true
-	}
-	// match: (MaskIfNotCarry (FlagCarrySet))
-	// result: (MOVDconst [0])
-	for {
-		if v_0.Op != OpPPC64FlagCarrySet {
-			break
-		}
-		v.reset(OpPPC64MOVDconst)
-		v.AuxInt = int64ToAuxInt(0)
-		return true
-	}
-	// match: (MaskIfNotCarry (FlagCarryClear))
-	// result: (MOVDconst [-1])
-	for {
-		if v_0.Op != OpPPC64FlagCarryClear {
-			break
-		}
-		v.reset(OpPPC64MOVDconst)
-		v.AuxInt = int64ToAuxInt(-1)
-		return true
-	}
-	return false
 func rewriteValuePPC64_OpPPC64NOR(v *Value) bool {
 	v_1 := v.Args[1]
 	v_0 := v.Args[0]