remove uses of string concatenation from src and misc directory

diff --git a/src/cmd/godoc/main.go b/src/cmd/godoc/main.go
index 51be3e9..b8967e4 100644
--- a/src/cmd/godoc/main.go
+++ b/src/cmd/godoc/main.go
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 func usage() {
-		"usage: godoc package [name ...]\n"
+		"usage: godoc package [name ...]\n"+
 			"	godoc -http=:6060\n");
diff --git a/src/cmd/goyacc/goyacc.go b/src/cmd/goyacc/goyacc.go
index 0d8d885..719c6de 100644
--- a/src/cmd/goyacc/goyacc.go
+++ b/src/cmd/goyacc/goyacc.go
@@ -2174,7 +2174,7 @@
 				} else if temp1[k] < 0 {	// reduce/reduce conflict
 					if foutput != nil {
-							"\n %v: reduce/reduce conflict  (red'ns "
+							"\n %v: reduce/reduce conflict  (red'ns "+
 								"%v and %v) on %v",
 							i, -temp1[k], lastred, symnam(k))
@@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@
 					// states are equal
 					indgo[i] = n;
 					if adb > 1 {
-						fmt.Fprintf(ftable, "State %v: entry at"
+						fmt.Fprintf(ftable, "State %v: entry at"+
 							"%v equals state %v\n",
 							i, n, j)
diff --git a/src/pkg/big/int_test.go b/src/pkg/big/int_test.go
index 4ce40ef..e5ed221a 100644
--- a/src/pkg/big/int_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/big/int_test.go
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
 	2: "2",
 	10: "3628800",
 	20: "2432902008176640000",
-	100: "933262154439441526816992388562667004907159682643816214685929"
-		"638952175999932299156089414639761565182862536979208272237582"
+	100: "933262154439441526816992388562667004907159682643816214685929" +
+		"638952175999932299156089414639761565182862536979208272237582" +
diff --git a/src/pkg/bignum/bignum_test.go b/src/pkg/bignum/bignum_test.go
index 35539b8..73edc93 100644
--- a/src/pkg/bignum/bignum_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/bignum/bignum_test.go
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 const (
 	sa	= "991";
 	sb	= "2432902008176640000";	// 20!
-	sc	= "933262154439441526816992388562667004907159682643816214685929"
-		"638952175999932299156089414639761565182862536979208272237582"
+	sc	= "933262154439441526816992388562667004907159682643816214685929" +
+		"638952175999932299156089414639761565182862536979208272237582" +
 		"51185210916864000000000000000000000000";	// 100!
 	sp	= "170141183460469231731687303715884105727";	// prime
diff --git a/src/pkg/compress/gzip/gunzip_test.go b/src/pkg/compress/gzip/gunzip_test.go
index 84286ee..67b3b3c 100644
--- a/src/pkg/compress/gzip/gunzip_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/compress/gzip/gunzip_test.go
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 	gzipTest{	// concatenation
 		"hello.txt x2",
-		"hello world\n"
+		"hello world\n" +
 			"hello world\n",
 			0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x08, 0xc8, 0x58, 0x13, 0x4a,
@@ -86,34 +86,34 @@
 	gzipTest{	// has dynamic huffman blocks
-		"  Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on\n"
-			"this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated\n"
-			"to the proposition that all men are created equal.\n"
-			"  Now we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that\n"
-			"nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long\n"
-			"endure.\n"
-			"  We are met on a great battle-field of that war.\n"
-			"  We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final\n"
-			"resting place for those who here gave their lives that that\n"
-			"nation might live.  It is altogether fitting and proper that\n"
-			"we should do this.\n"
-			"  But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not\n"
-			"consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground.\n"
-			"  The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have\n"
-			"consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.\n"
-			"The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here,\n"
-			"but it can never forget what they did here.\n"
-			"  It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the\n"
-			"unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so\n"
-			"nobly advanced.  It is rather for us to be here dedicated to\n"
-			"the great task remaining before us — that from these honored\n"
-			"dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they\n"
-			"gave the last full measure of devotion —\n"
-			"  that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have\n"
-			"died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new\n"
-			"birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the\n"
-			"people, for the people, shall not perish from this earth.\n"
-			"\n"
+		"  Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on\n" +
+			"this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated\n" +
+			"to the proposition that all men are created equal.\n" +
+			"  Now we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that\n" +
+			"nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long\n" +
+			"endure.\n" +
+			"  We are met on a great battle-field of that war.\n" +
+			"  We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final\n" +
+			"resting place for those who here gave their lives that that\n" +
+			"nation might live.  It is altogether fitting and proper that\n" +
+			"we should do this.\n" +
+			"  But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not\n" +
+			"consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground.\n" +
+			"  The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have\n" +
+			"consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.\n" +
+			"The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here,\n" +
+			"but it can never forget what they did here.\n" +
+			"  It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the\n" +
+			"unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so\n" +
+			"nobly advanced.  It is rather for us to be here dedicated to\n" +
+			"the great task remaining before us — that from these honored\n" +
+			"dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they\n" +
+			"gave the last full measure of devotion —\n" +
+			"  that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have\n" +
+			"died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new\n" +
+			"birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the\n" +
+			"people, for the people, shall not perish from this earth.\n" +
+			"\n" +
 			"Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania\n",
 			0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x08, 0xd1, 0x12, 0x2b, 0x4a,
diff --git a/src/pkg/container/vector/vector_test.go b/src/pkg/container/vector/vector_test.go
index 24486c5..f187f72 100644
--- a/src/pkg/container/vector/vector_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/container/vector/vector_test.go
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 	checkSize(t, a.Resize(10, 0), 10, 10);
 	for i := 4; i < a.Len(); i++ {
 		if a.At(i) != "" {
-			t.Errorf("expected a.At(%d) == " "; found %s", i, a.At(i))
+			t.Errorf("expected a.At(%d) == "+"; found %s", i, a.At(i))
diff --git a/src/pkg/crypto/x509/x509_test.go b/src/pkg/crypto/x509/x509_test.go
index 17244d6..c6a6325 100644
--- a/src/pkg/crypto/x509/x509_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/crypto/x509/x509_test.go
@@ -100,45 +100,45 @@
-var certBytes = "308203223082028ba00302010202106edf0d9499fd4533dd1297fc42a93be1300d06092a864886"
-	"f70d0101050500304c310b3009060355040613025a4131253023060355040a131c546861777465"
-	"20436f6e73756c74696e67202850747929204c74642e311630140603550403130d546861777465"
-	"20534743204341301e170d3039303332353136343932395a170d3130303332353136343932395a"
-	"3069310b3009060355040613025553311330110603550408130a43616c69666f726e6961311630"
-	"140603550407130d4d6f756e7461696e205669657731133011060355040a130a476f6f676c6520"
-	"496e63311830160603550403130f6d61696c2e676f6f676c652e636f6d30819f300d06092a8648"
-	"86f70d010101050003818d0030818902818100c5d6f892fccaf5614b064149e80a2c9581a218ef"
-	"41ec35bd7a58125ae76f9ea54ddc893abbeb029f6b73616bf0ffd868791fba7af9c4aebf3706ba"
-	"3eeaeed27435b4ddcfb157c05f351d66aa87fee0de072d66d773affbd36ab78bef090e0cc861a9"
-	"03ac90dd98b51c9c41566c017f0beec3bff391051ffba0f5cc6850ad2a590203010001a381e730"
-	"81e430280603551d250421301f06082b0601050507030106082b06010505070302060960864801"
-	"86f842040130360603551d1f042f302d302ba029a0278625687474703a2f2f63726c2e74686177"
-	"74652e636f6d2f54686177746553474343412e63726c307206082b060105050701010466306430"
-	"2206082b060105050730018616687474703a2f2f6f6373702e7468617774652e636f6d303e0608"
-	"2b060105050730028632687474703a2f2f7777772e7468617774652e636f6d2f7265706f736974"
-	"6f72792f5468617774655f5347435f43412e637274300c0603551d130101ff04023000300d0609"
-	"2a864886f70d01010505000381810062f1f3050ebc105e497c7aedf87e24d2f4a986bb3b837bd1"
-	"9b91ebcad98b065992f6bd2b49b7d6d3cb2e427a99d606c7b1d46352527fac39e6a8b6726de5bf"
-	"70212a52cba07634a5e332011bd1868e78eb5e3c93cf03072276786f207494feaa0ed9d53b2110"
-	"a76571f90209cdae884385c882587030ee15f33d761e2e45a6bc308203233082028ca003020102"
-	"020430000002300d06092a864886f70d0101050500305f310b3009060355040613025553311730"
-	"15060355040a130e566572695369676e2c20496e632e31373035060355040b132e436c61737320"
-	"33205075626c6963205072696d6172792043657274696669636174696f6e20417574686f726974"
-	"79301e170d3034303531333030303030305a170d3134303531323233353935395a304c310b3009"
-	"060355040613025a4131253023060355040a131c54686177746520436f6e73756c74696e672028"
-	"50747929204c74642e311630140603550403130d5468617774652053474320434130819f300d06"
-	"092a864886f70d010101050003818d0030818902818100d4d367d08d157faecd31fe7d1d91a13f"
-	"0b713cacccc864fb63fc324b0794bd6f80ba2fe10493c033fc093323e90b742b71c403c6d2cde2"
-	"2ff50963cdff48a500bfe0e7f388b72d32de9836e60aad007bc4644a3b847503f270927d0e62f5"
-	"21ab693684317590f8bfc76c881b06957cc9e5a8de75a12c7a68dfd5ca1c875860190203010001"
-	"a381fe3081fb30120603551d130101ff040830060101ff020100300b0603551d0f040403020106"
-	"301106096086480186f842010104040302010630280603551d110421301fa41d301b3119301706"
-	"035504031310507269766174654c6162656c332d313530310603551d1f042a30283026a024a022"
-	"8620687474703a2f2f63726c2e766572697369676e2e636f6d2f706361332e63726c303206082b"
-	"0601050507010104263024302206082b060105050730018616687474703a2f2f6f6373702e7468"
-	"617774652e636f6d30340603551d25042d302b06082b0601050507030106082b06010505070302"
-	"06096086480186f8420401060a6086480186f845010801300d06092a864886f70d010105050003"
-	"81810055ac63eadea1ddd2905f9f0bce76be13518f93d9052bc81b774bad6950a1eededcfddb07"
-	"e9e83994dcab72792f06bfab8170c4a8edea5334edef1e53d906c7562bd15cf4d18a8eb42bb137"
-	"9048084225c53e8acb7feb6f04d16dc574a2f7a27c7b603c77cd0ece48027f012fb69b37e02a2a"
+var certBytes = "308203223082028ba00302010202106edf0d9499fd4533dd1297fc42a93be1300d06092a864886" +
+	"f70d0101050500304c310b3009060355040613025a4131253023060355040a131c546861777465" +
+	"20436f6e73756c74696e67202850747929204c74642e311630140603550403130d546861777465" +
+	"20534743204341301e170d3039303332353136343932395a170d3130303332353136343932395a" +
+	"3069310b3009060355040613025553311330110603550408130a43616c69666f726e6961311630" +
+	"140603550407130d4d6f756e7461696e205669657731133011060355040a130a476f6f676c6520" +
+	"496e63311830160603550403130f6d61696c2e676f6f676c652e636f6d30819f300d06092a8648" +
+	"86f70d010101050003818d0030818902818100c5d6f892fccaf5614b064149e80a2c9581a218ef" +
+	"41ec35bd7a58125ae76f9ea54ddc893abbeb029f6b73616bf0ffd868791fba7af9c4aebf3706ba" +
+	"3eeaeed27435b4ddcfb157c05f351d66aa87fee0de072d66d773affbd36ab78bef090e0cc861a9" +
+	"03ac90dd98b51c9c41566c017f0beec3bff391051ffba0f5cc6850ad2a590203010001a381e730" +
+	"81e430280603551d250421301f06082b0601050507030106082b06010505070302060960864801" +
+	"86f842040130360603551d1f042f302d302ba029a0278625687474703a2f2f63726c2e74686177" +
+	"74652e636f6d2f54686177746553474343412e63726c307206082b060105050701010466306430" +
+	"2206082b060105050730018616687474703a2f2f6f6373702e7468617774652e636f6d303e0608" +
+	"2b060105050730028632687474703a2f2f7777772e7468617774652e636f6d2f7265706f736974" +
+	"6f72792f5468617774655f5347435f43412e637274300c0603551d130101ff04023000300d0609" +
+	"2a864886f70d01010505000381810062f1f3050ebc105e497c7aedf87e24d2f4a986bb3b837bd1" +
+	"9b91ebcad98b065992f6bd2b49b7d6d3cb2e427a99d606c7b1d46352527fac39e6a8b6726de5bf" +
+	"70212a52cba07634a5e332011bd1868e78eb5e3c93cf03072276786f207494feaa0ed9d53b2110" +
+	"a76571f90209cdae884385c882587030ee15f33d761e2e45a6bc308203233082028ca003020102" +
+	"020430000002300d06092a864886f70d0101050500305f310b3009060355040613025553311730" +
+	"15060355040a130e566572695369676e2c20496e632e31373035060355040b132e436c61737320" +
+	"33205075626c6963205072696d6172792043657274696669636174696f6e20417574686f726974" +
+	"79301e170d3034303531333030303030305a170d3134303531323233353935395a304c310b3009" +
+	"060355040613025a4131253023060355040a131c54686177746520436f6e73756c74696e672028" +
+	"50747929204c74642e311630140603550403130d5468617774652053474320434130819f300d06" +
+	"092a864886f70d010101050003818d0030818902818100d4d367d08d157faecd31fe7d1d91a13f" +
+	"0b713cacccc864fb63fc324b0794bd6f80ba2fe10493c033fc093323e90b742b71c403c6d2cde2" +
+	"2ff50963cdff48a500bfe0e7f388b72d32de9836e60aad007bc4644a3b847503f270927d0e62f5" +
+	"21ab693684317590f8bfc76c881b06957cc9e5a8de75a12c7a68dfd5ca1c875860190203010001" +
+	"a381fe3081fb30120603551d130101ff040830060101ff020100300b0603551d0f040403020106" +
+	"301106096086480186f842010104040302010630280603551d110421301fa41d301b3119301706" +
+	"035504031310507269766174654c6162656c332d313530310603551d1f042a30283026a024a022" +
+	"8620687474703a2f2f63726c2e766572697369676e2e636f6d2f706361332e63726c303206082b" +
+	"0601050507010104263024302206082b060105050730018616687474703a2f2f6f6373702e7468" +
+	"617774652e636f6d30340603551d25042d302b06082b0601050507030106082b06010505070302" +
+	"06096086480186f8420401060a6086480186f845010801300d06092a864886f70d010105050003" +
+	"81810055ac63eadea1ddd2905f9f0bce76be13518f93d9052bc81b774bad6950a1eededcfddb07" +
+	"e9e83994dcab72792f06bfab8170c4a8edea5334edef1e53d906c7562bd15cf4d18a8eb42bb137" +
+	"9048084225c53e8acb7feb6f04d16dc574a2f7a27c7b603c77cd0ece48027f012fb69b37e02a2a" +
diff --git a/src/pkg/encoding/ascii85/ascii85_test.go b/src/pkg/encoding/ascii85/ascii85_test.go
index 294f638..5ac49c6 100644
--- a/src/pkg/encoding/ascii85/ascii85_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/encoding/ascii85/ascii85_test.go
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 var pairs = []testpair{
 	// Wikipedia example
-		"Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion from "
-			"other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in "
-			"the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short "
+		"Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion from " +
+			"other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in " +
+			"the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short " +
 			"vehemence of any carnal pleasure.",
-		"9jqo^BlbD-BleB1DJ+*+F(f,q/0JhKF<GL>Cj@.4Gp$d7F!,L7@<6@)/0JDEF<G%<+EV:2F!,\n"
-			"O<DJ+*.@<*K0@<6L(Df-\\0Ec5e;DffZ(EZee.Bl.9pF\"AGXBPCsi+DGm>@3BB/F*&OCAfu2/AKY\n"
-			"i(DIb:@FD,*)+C]U=@3BN#EcYf8ATD3s@q?d$AftVqCh[NqF<G:8+EV:.+Cf>-FD5W8ARlolDIa\n"
-			"l(DId<j@<?3r@:F%a+D58'ATD4$Bl@l3De:,-DJs`8ARoFb/0JMK@qB4^F!,R<AKZ&-DfTqBG%G\n"
+		"9jqo^BlbD-BleB1DJ+*+F(f,q/0JhKF<GL>Cj@.4Gp$d7F!,L7@<6@)/0JDEF<G%<+EV:2F!,\n" +
+			"O<DJ+*.@<*K0@<6L(Df-\\0Ec5e;DffZ(EZee.Bl.9pF\"AGXBPCsi+DGm>@3BB/F*&OCAfu2/AKY\n" +
+			"i(DIb:@FD,*)+C]U=@3BN#EcYf8ATD3s@q?d$AftVqCh[NqF<G:8+EV:.+Cf>-FD5W8ARlolDIa\n" +
+			"l(DId<j@<?3r@:F%a+D58'ATD4$Bl@l3De:,-DJs`8ARoFb/0JMK@qB4^F!,R<AKZ&-DfTqBG%G\n" +
diff --git a/src/pkg/encoding/git85/git_test.go b/src/pkg/encoding/git85/git_test.go
index 07367dd..564b491 100644
--- a/src/pkg/encoding/git85/git_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/encoding/git85/git_test.go
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@
 var gitPairs = []testpair{
 	// Wikipedia example, adapted.
-		"Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion from "
-			"other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in "
-			"the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short "
+		"Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion from " +
+			"other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in " +
+			"the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short " +
 			"vehemence of any carnal pleasure.",
-		"zO<`^zX>%ZCX>)XGZfA9Ab7*B`EFf-gbRchTY<VDJc_3(Mb0BhMVRLV8EFfZabRc4R\n"
-			"zAarPHb0BkRZfA9DVR9gFVRLh7Z*CxFa&K)QZ**v7av))DX>DO_b1WctXlY|;AZc?T\n"
-			"zVIXXEb95kYW*~HEWgu;7Ze%PVbZB98AYyqSVIXj2a&u*NWpZI|V`U(3W*}r`Y-wj`\n"
-			"zbRcPNAarPDAY*TCbZKsNWn>^>Ze$>7Ze(R<VRUI{VPb4$AZKN6WpZJ3X>V>IZ)PBC\n"
-			"zZf|#NWn^b%EFfigV`XJzb0BnRWgv5CZ*p`Xc4cT~ZDnp_Wgu^6AYpEKAY);2ZeeU7\n"
+		"zO<`^zX>%ZCX>)XGZfA9Ab7*B`EFf-gbRchTY<VDJc_3(Mb0BhMVRLV8EFfZabRc4R\n" +
+			"zAarPHb0BkRZfA9DVR9gFVRLh7Z*CxFa&K)QZ**v7av))DX>DO_b1WctXlY|;AZc?T\n" +
+			"zVIXXEb95kYW*~HEWgu;7Ze%PVbZB98AYyqSVIXj2a&u*NWpZI|V`U(3W*}r`Y-wj`\n" +
+			"zbRcPNAarPDAY*TCbZKsNWn>^>Ze$>7Ze(R<VRUI{VPb4$AZKN6WpZJ3X>V>IZ)PBC\n" +
+			"zZf|#NWn^b%EFfigV`XJzb0BnRWgv5CZ*p`Xc4cT~ZDnp_Wgu^6AYpEKAY);2ZeeU7\n" +
diff --git a/src/pkg/exp/datafmt/datafmt_test.go b/src/pkg/exp/datafmt/datafmt_test.go
index 9242500..61c0a97 100644
--- a/src/pkg/exp/datafmt/datafmt_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/exp/datafmt/datafmt_test.go
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@
 	a int;
-const F1 = `datafmt "datafmt";`
-	`int = "%d";`
+const F1 = `datafmt "datafmt";` +
+	`int = "%d";` +
 	`datafmt.T1 = "<" a ">";`
 func TestStruct1(t *testing.T)	{ check(t, F1, "<42>", T1{42}) }
@@ -248,14 +248,14 @@
 const F2a = F1 +
-	`string = "%s";`
-		`ptr = *;`
-		`datafmt.T2 = s ["-" p "-"];`
+	`string = "%s";` +
+	`ptr = *;` +
+	`datafmt.T2 = s ["-" p "-"];`
 const F2b = F1 +
-	`string = "%s";`
-		`ptr = *;`
-		`datafmt.T2 = s ("-" p "-" | "empty");`
+	`string = "%s";` +
+	`ptr = *;` +
+	`datafmt.T2 = s ("-" p "-" | "empty");`
 func TestStruct2(t *testing.T) {
 	check(t, F2a, "foo", T2{"foo", nil});
@@ -272,17 +272,17 @@
 	a	[]int;
-const F3a = `datafmt "datafmt";`
-	`default = "%v";`
-	`array = *;`
+const F3a = `datafmt "datafmt";` +
+	`default = "%v";` +
+	`array = *;` +
 	`datafmt.T3 = s  {" " a a / ","};`
-const F3b = `datafmt "datafmt";`
-	`int = "%d";`
-	`string = "%s";`
-	`array = *;`
-	`nil = ;`
-	`empty = *:nil;`
+const F3b = `datafmt "datafmt";` +
+	`int = "%d";` +
+	`string = "%s";` +
+	`array = *;` +
+	`nil = ;` +
+	`empty = *:nil;` +
 	`datafmt.T3 = s [a:empty ": " {a / "-"}]`
 func TestStruct3(t *testing.T) {
@@ -301,20 +301,20 @@
 	a	[]int;
-const F4a = `datafmt "datafmt";`
-	`int = "%d";`
-	`ptr = *;`
-	`array = *;`
-	`nil = ;`
-	`empty = *:nil;`
+const F4a = `datafmt "datafmt";` +
+	`int = "%d";` +
+	`ptr = *;` +
+	`array = *;` +
+	`nil = ;` +
+	`empty = *:nil;` +
 	`datafmt.T4 = "<" (x:empty x | "-") ">" `
-const F4b = `datafmt "datafmt";`
-	`int = "%d";`
-	`ptr = *;`
-	`array = *;`
-	`nil = ;`
-	`empty = *:nil;`
+const F4b = `datafmt "datafmt";` +
+	`int = "%d";` +
+	`ptr = *;` +
+	`array = *;` +
+	`nil = ;` +
+	`empty = *:nil;` +
 	`datafmt.T4 = "<" (a:empty {a / ", "} | "-") ">" `
 func TestStruct4(t *testing.T) {
@@ -334,10 +334,10 @@
 	x, y	int;
-const FPoint = `datafmt "datafmt";`
-	`int = "%d";`
-	`hexInt = "0x%x";`
-	`string = "---%s---";`
+const FPoint = `datafmt "datafmt";` +
+	`int = "%d";` +
+	`hexInt = "0x%x";` +
+	`string = "---%s---";` +
 	`datafmt.Point = name "{" x ", " y:hexInt "}";`
 func TestStructPoint(t *testing.T) {
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Formatting a slice (documentation example)
-const FSlice = `int = "%b";`
+const FSlice = `int = "%b";` +
 	`array = { * / ", " }`
 func TestSlice(t *testing.T)	{ check(t, FSlice, "10, 11, 101, 111", []int{2, 3, 5, 7}) }
diff --git a/src/pkg/go/parser/parser.go b/src/pkg/go/parser/parser.go
index 65b275f..98f57d3 100644
--- a/src/pkg/go/parser/parser.go
+++ b/src/pkg/go/parser/parser.go
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 // Parsing support
 func (p *parser) printTrace(a ...) {
-	const dots = ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "
+	const dots = ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " +
 		". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ";
 	const n = uint(len(dots));
 	fmt.Printf("%5d:%3d: ", p.pos.Line, p.pos.Column);
diff --git a/src/pkg/go/scanner/scanner_test.go b/src/pkg/go/scanner/scanner_test.go
index 5ce7bd9..c133289 100644
--- a/src/pkg/go/scanner/scanner_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/go/scanner/scanner_test.go
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
 	elt{token.CHAR, "'\\uff16'", literal},
 	elt{token.CHAR, "'\\U0000ff16'", literal},
 	elt{token.STRING, "`foobar`", literal},
-	elt{token.STRING, "`" `foo
-	                        bar`
+	elt{token.STRING, "`" + `foo
+	                        bar` +
@@ -345,16 +345,15 @@
 func TestStdErrorHander(t *testing.T) {
-	const src = "@\n"	// illegal character, cause an error
-		"@ @\n"	// two errors on the same line
-		"//line File2:20\n"
-		"@\n"	// different file, but same line
-		"//line File2:1\n"
-		"@ @\n"	// same file, decreasing line number
-		"//line File1:1\n"
+	const src = "@\n" +	// illegal character, cause an error
+		"@ @\n" +	// two errors on the same line
+		"//line File2:20\n" +
+		"@\n" +	// different file, but same line
+		"//line File2:1\n" +
+		"@ @\n" +	// same file, decreasing line number
+		"//line File1:1\n" +
 		"@ @ @";	// original file, line 1 again
 	v := new(ErrorVector);
 	nerrors := Tokenize("File1", strings.Bytes(src), v, 0,
 		func(pos token.Position, tok token.Token, litb []byte) bool {
diff --git a/src/pkg/io/ioutil/ioutil_test.go b/src/pkg/io/ioutil/ioutil_test.go
index d0720f2..aa57c65 100644
--- a/src/pkg/io/ioutil/ioutil_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/io/ioutil/ioutil_test.go
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 func TestWriteFile(t *testing.T) {
 	filename := "_obj/rumpelstilzchen";
-	data := "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to "
-		"build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying "
+	data := "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to " +
+		"build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying " +
 		"to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.";
 	if err := WriteFile(filename, strings.Bytes(data), 0644); err != nil {
diff --git a/src/pkg/json/struct_test.go b/src/pkg/json/struct_test.go
index 0c7976e..1511bc4 100644
--- a/src/pkg/json/struct_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/json/struct_test.go
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@
 	MapPtrStruct	map[string]*myStruct;
-const encoded = `{"t":true,"f":false,"s":"abc","i8":1,"i16":2,"i32":3,"i64":4,`
-	` "u8":5,"u16":6,"u32":7,"u64":8,`
-	` "i":-9,"u":10,"bogusfield":"should be ignored",`
-	` "fl":11.5,"fl32":12.25,"fl64":13.75,`
-	` "a":["x","y","z"],"my":{"s":"subguy"},`
-	`"map":{"k1":[1,2,3],"k2":[],"k3":[3,4]},`
-	`"mapstruct":{"m1":{"u8":8}},`
+const encoded = `{"t":true,"f":false,"s":"abc","i8":1,"i16":2,"i32":3,"i64":4,` +
+	` "u8":5,"u16":6,"u32":7,"u64":8,` +
+	` "i":-9,"u":10,"bogusfield":"should be ignored",` +
+	` "fl":11.5,"fl32":12.25,"fl64":13.75,` +
+	` "a":["x","y","z"],"my":{"s":"subguy"},` +
+	`"map":{"k1":[1,2,3],"k2":[],"k3":[3,4]},` +
+	`"mapstruct":{"m1":{"u8":8}},` +
 var decodedMap = map[string][]int{
diff --git a/src/pkg/patch/patch_test.go b/src/pkg/patch/patch_test.go
index dd610ee..046ffa8 100644
--- a/src/pkg/patch/patch_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/patch/patch_test.go
@@ -43,340 +43,340 @@
 		"hello, world\n",
 		"goodbye, world\n",
-		"Index: a\n"
-			"--- a/a\n"
-			"+++ b/b\n"
-			"@@ -1 +1 @@\n"
-			"-hello, world\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"--- a/a\n" +
+			"+++ b/b\n" +
+			"@@ -1 +1 @@\n" +
+			"-hello, world\n" +
 			"+goodbye, world\n",
 		"hello, world\n",
 		"goodbye, world\n",
-		"diff a/a b/b\n"
-			"--- a/a\n"
-			"+++ b/b\n"
-			"@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@\n"
-			"-hello, world\n"
+		"diff a/a b/b\n" +
+			"--- a/a\n" +
+			"+++ b/b\n" +
+			"@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@\n" +
+			"-hello, world\n" +
 			"+goodbye, world\n",
 		"hello, world",
 		"goodbye, world\n",
-		"diff --git a/a b/b\n"
-			"--- a/a\n"
-			"+++ b/b\n"
-			"@@ -1 +1 @@\n"
-			"-hello, world\n"
-			"\\ No newline at end of file\n"
+		"diff --git a/a b/b\n" +
+			"--- a/a\n" +
+			"+++ b/b\n" +
+			"@@ -1 +1 @@\n" +
+			"-hello, world\n" +
+			"\\ No newline at end of file\n" +
 			"+goodbye, world\n",
 		"hello, world\n",
 		"goodbye, world",
-		"Index: a\n"
-			"--- a/a\n"
-			"+++ b/b\n"
-			"@@ -1 +1 @@\n"
-			"-hello, world\n"
-			"+goodbye, world\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"--- a/a\n" +
+			"+++ b/b\n" +
+			"@@ -1 +1 @@\n" +
+			"-hello, world\n" +
+			"+goodbye, world\n" +
 			"\\ No newline at end of file\n",
 		"hello, world",
 		"goodbye, world",
-		"Index: a\n"
-			"--- a/a\n"
-			"+++ b/b\n"
-			"@@ -1 +1 @@\n"
-			"-hello, world\n"
-			"\\ No newline at end of file\n"
-			"+goodbye, world\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"--- a/a\n" +
+			"+++ b/b\n" +
+			"@@ -1 +1 @@\n" +
+			"-hello, world\n" +
+			"\\ No newline at end of file\n" +
+			"+goodbye, world\n" +
 			"\\ No newline at end of file\n",
-		"Index: a\n"
-			"--- a/a\n"
-			"+++ b/b\n"
-			"@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@\n"
-			" a\n"
-			"-b\n"
-			"-c\n"
-			"-d\n"
-			"+B\n"
-			"+C\n"
-			"+D\n"
-			" e\n"
-			" f\n"
-			" g\n"
-			"-h\n"
-			"-i\n"
-			" j\n"
-			" k\n"
-			" l\n"
-			" m\n"
-			"-n\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"--- a/a\n" +
+			"+++ b/b\n" +
+			"@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@\n" +
+			" a\n" +
+			"-b\n" +
+			"-c\n" +
+			"-d\n" +
+			"+B\n" +
+			"+C\n" +
+			"+D\n" +
+			" e\n" +
+			" f\n" +
+			" g\n" +
+			"-h\n" +
+			"-i\n" +
+			" j\n" +
+			" k\n" +
+			" l\n" +
+			" m\n" +
+			"-n\n" +
-		"Index: a\n"
-			"--- a/a\n"
-			"+++ b/b\n"
-			"@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@\n"
-			" a\n"
-			" b\n"
-			" c\n"
-			"-d\n"
-			"-e\n"
-			"-f\n"
-			" g\n"
-			" h\n"
-			" i\n"
-			"@@ -11,8 +8,8 @@ j\n"
-			" k\n"
-			" l\n"
-			" m\n"
-			"-n\n"
-			"-o\n"
-			"+N\n"
-			"+O\n"
-			" p\n"
-			" q\n"
-			" r\n"
-			"\n"
-			"@@ -21,6 +18,7 @@ t\n"
-			" u\n"
-			" v\n"
-			" w\n"
-			"+d\n"
-			"+e\n"
-			"+f\n"
-			" x\n"
-			"-y\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"--- a/a\n" +
+			"+++ b/b\n" +
+			"@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@\n" +
+			" a\n" +
+			" b\n" +
+			" c\n" +
+			"-d\n" +
+			"-e\n" +
+			"-f\n" +
+			" g\n" +
+			" h\n" +
+			" i\n" +
+			"@@ -11,8 +8,8 @@ j\n" +
+			" k\n" +
+			" l\n" +
+			" m\n" +
+			"-n\n" +
+			"-o\n" +
+			"+N\n" +
+			"+O\n" +
+			" p\n" +
+			" q\n" +
+			" r\n" +
+			"\n" +
+			"@@ -21,6 +18,7 @@ t\n" +
+			" u\n" +
+			" v\n" +
+			" w\n" +
+			"+d\n" +
+			"+e\n" +
+			"+f\n" +
+			" x\n" +
+			"-y\n" +
-		"Index: a\n"
-			"--- a/b\n"
-			"+++ b/a\n"
-			"@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@\n"
-			" a\n"
-			" b\n"
-			" c\n"
-			"+d\n"
-			"+e\n"
-			"+f\n"
-			" g\n"
-			" h\n"
-			" i\n"
-			"@@ -8,8 +11,8 @@ j\n"
-			" k\n"
-			" l\n"
-			" m\n"
-			"-N\n"
-			"-O\n"
-			"+n\n"
-			"+o\n"
-			" p\n"
-			" q\n"
-			" r\n"
-			"@@ -18,7 +21,6 @@ t\n"
-			" u\n"
-			" v\n"
-			" w\n"
-			"-d\n"
-			"-e\n"
-			"-f\n"
-			" x\n"
-			"+y\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"--- a/b\n" +
+			"+++ b/a\n" +
+			"@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@\n" +
+			" a\n" +
+			" b\n" +
+			" c\n" +
+			"+d\n" +
+			"+e\n" +
+			"+f\n" +
+			" g\n" +
+			" h\n" +
+			" i\n" +
+			"@@ -8,8 +11,8 @@ j\n" +
+			" k\n" +
+			" l\n" +
+			" m\n" +
+			"-N\n" +
+			"-O\n" +
+			"+n\n" +
+			"+o\n" +
+			" p\n" +
+			" q\n" +
+			" r\n" +
+			"@@ -18,7 +21,6 @@ t\n" +
+			" u\n" +
+			" v\n" +
+			" w\n" +
+			"-d\n" +
+			"-e\n" +
+			"-f\n" +
+			" x\n" +
+			"+y\n" +
-		"Index: a\n"
-			"deleted file mode 100644\n"
-			"--- a/a\n"
-			"+++ /dev/null\n"
-			"@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@\n"
-			"-a\n"
-			"-b\n"
-			"-c\n"
-			"-d\n"
-			"-e\n"
-			"-f\n"
-			"-g\n"
-			"-h\n"
-			"-i\n"
-			"-j\n"
-			"-k\n"
-			"-l\n"
-			"-m\n"
-			"-n\n"
-			"-o\n"
-			"-p\n"
-			"-q\n"
-			"-r\n"
-			"-s\n"
-			"-t\n"
-			"-u\n"
-			"-v\n"
-			"-w\n"
-			"-x\n"
-			"-y\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"deleted file mode 100644\n" +
+			"--- a/a\n" +
+			"+++ /dev/null\n" +
+			"@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@\n" +
+			"-a\n" +
+			"-b\n" +
+			"-c\n" +
+			"-d\n" +
+			"-e\n" +
+			"-f\n" +
+			"-g\n" +
+			"-h\n" +
+			"-i\n" +
+			"-j\n" +
+			"-k\n" +
+			"-l\n" +
+			"-m\n" +
+			"-n\n" +
+			"-o\n" +
+			"-p\n" +
+			"-q\n" +
+			"-r\n" +
+			"-s\n" +
+			"-t\n" +
+			"-u\n" +
+			"-v\n" +
+			"-w\n" +
+			"-x\n" +
+			"-y\n" +
-		"Index: a\n"
-			"new file mode 100644\n"
-			"--- /dev/null\n"
-			"+++ b/a\n"
-			"@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@\n"
-			"+a\n"
-			"+b\n"
-			"+c\n"
-			"+d\n"
-			"+e\n"
-			"+f\n"
-			"+g\n"
-			"+h\n"
-			"+i\n"
-			"+j\n"
-			"+k\n"
-			"+l\n"
-			"+m\n"
-			"+n\n"
-			"+o\n"
-			"+p\n"
-			"+q\n"
-			"+r\n"
-			"+s\n"
-			"+t\n"
-			"+u\n"
-			"+v\n"
-			"+w\n"
-			"+x\n"
-			"+y\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"new file mode 100644\n" +
+			"--- /dev/null\n" +
+			"+++ b/a\n" +
+			"@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@\n" +
+			"+a\n" +
+			"+b\n" +
+			"+c\n" +
+			"+d\n" +
+			"+e\n" +
+			"+f\n" +
+			"+g\n" +
+			"+h\n" +
+			"+i\n" +
+			"+j\n" +
+			"+k\n" +
+			"+l\n" +
+			"+m\n" +
+			"+n\n" +
+			"+o\n" +
+			"+p\n" +
+			"+q\n" +
+			"+r\n" +
+			"+s\n" +
+			"+t\n" +
+			"+u\n" +
+			"+v\n" +
+			"+w\n" +
+			"+x\n" +
+			"+y\n" +
-		"\xc2\xd8\xf9\x63\x8c\xf7\xc6\x9b\xb0\x3c\x39\xfa\x08\x8e\x42\x8f"
-			"\x1c\x7c\xaf\x54\x22\x87\xc3\xc5\x68\x9b\xe1\xbd\xbc\xc3\xe0\xda"
-			"\xcc\xe3\x96\xda\xc2\xaf\xbb\x75\x79\x64\x86\x60\x8a\x43\x9e\x07"
-			"\x9c\xaa\x92\x88\xd4\x30\xb9\x8b\x95\x04\x60\x71\xc7\xbb\x2d\x93"
-			"\x66\x73\x01\x24\xf3\x63\xbf\xe6\x1d\x38\x15\x56\x98\xc4\x1f\x85"
-			"\xc3\x60\x39\x3a\x0d\x57\x53\x0c\x29\x3f\xbb\x44\x7e\x56\x56\x9d"
-			"\x87\xcf\xf6\x88\xe8\x98\x05\x85\xf8\xfe\x44\x21\xfa\x33\xc9\xa4"
-			"\x22\xbe\x89\x05\x8b\x82\x76\xc9\x7c\xaf\x48\x28\xc4\x86\x15\x89"
-			"\xb9\x98\xfa\x41\xfc\x3d\x8d\x80\x29\x33\x17\x45\xa5\x7f\x67\x79"
-			"\x7f\x92\x3b\x2e\x4c\xc1\xd2\x1b\x9e\xcf\xed\x53\x56\xb2\x49\x58"
-			"\xd8\xe9\x9f\x98\xa3\xfe\x78\xe1\xe8\x74\x71\x04\x1a\x87\xd9\x68"
-			"\x18\x68\xd0\xae\x7b\xa4\x25\xe3\x06\x03\x7e\x8b\xd3\x50\x1f\xb1"
-			"\x67\x08\xe3\x93\xf4\x4f\xa1\xfb\x31\xcf\x99\x5a\x43\x9f\x4b\xc4"
-			"\xaa\x68\x1a\xf9\x8e\x97\x02\x80\x17\xf1\x25\x21\xdf\x94\xbf\x41"
-			"\x08\x59\x3d\xea\x36\x23\x03\xb5\x62\x4d\xb6\x8f\x9e\xdf\x1f\x03"
+		"\xc2\xd8\xf9\x63\x8c\xf7\xc6\x9b\xb0\x3c\x39\xfa\x08\x8e\x42\x8f" +
+			"\x1c\x7c\xaf\x54\x22\x87\xc3\xc5\x68\x9b\xe1\xbd\xbc\xc3\xe0\xda" +
+			"\xcc\xe3\x96\xda\xc2\xaf\xbb\x75\x79\x64\x86\x60\x8a\x43\x9e\x07" +
+			"\x9c\xaa\x92\x88\xd4\x30\xb9\x8b\x95\x04\x60\x71\xc7\xbb\x2d\x93" +
+			"\x66\x73\x01\x24\xf3\x63\xbf\xe6\x1d\x38\x15\x56\x98\xc4\x1f\x85" +
+			"\xc3\x60\x39\x3a\x0d\x57\x53\x0c\x29\x3f\xbb\x44\x7e\x56\x56\x9d" +
+			"\x87\xcf\xf6\x88\xe8\x98\x05\x85\xf8\xfe\x44\x21\xfa\x33\xc9\xa4" +
+			"\x22\xbe\x89\x05\x8b\x82\x76\xc9\x7c\xaf\x48\x28\xc4\x86\x15\x89" +
+			"\xb9\x98\xfa\x41\xfc\x3d\x8d\x80\x29\x33\x17\x45\xa5\x7f\x67\x79" +
+			"\x7f\x92\x3b\x2e\x4c\xc1\xd2\x1b\x9e\xcf\xed\x53\x56\xb2\x49\x58" +
+			"\xd8\xe9\x9f\x98\xa3\xfe\x78\xe1\xe8\x74\x71\x04\x1a\x87\xd9\x68" +
+			"\x18\x68\xd0\xae\x7b\xa4\x25\xe3\x06\x03\x7e\x8b\xd3\x50\x1f\xb1" +
+			"\x67\x08\xe3\x93\xf4\x4f\xa1\xfb\x31\xcf\x99\x5a\x43\x9f\x4b\xc4" +
+			"\xaa\x68\x1a\xf9\x8e\x97\x02\x80\x17\xf1\x25\x21\xdf\x94\xbf\x41" +
+			"\x08\x59\x3d\xea\x36\x23\x03\xb5\x62\x4d\xb6\x8f\x9e\xdf\x1f\x03" +
-		"\x8e\x5f\xf8\x79\x36\x8d\xbe\x68\xc4\x2c\x78\x8a\x46\x28\x40\x3e"
-			"\xcf\x3b\xb9\x14\xaf\xfa\x04\x9e\x4b\xa2\x52\x51\x51\xf0\xad\xd3"
-			"\x03\x1c\x03\x79\x5f\x53\xc7\x1a\xd5\x28\xe2\xd9\x19\x37\xa4\xfa"
-			"\xdd\xff\xac\xb5\xa9\x42\x4e\x17\xeb\xb4\x0d\x20\x67\x08\x43\x21"
-			"\x7d\x12\x27\xfa\x96\x7a\x85\xf8\x04\x5f\xf4\xfe\xda\x9f\x66\xf2"
-			"\xba\x04\x39\x00\xab\x3f\x23\x20\x84\x53\xb4\x88\xb6\xee\xa2\x9e"
-			"\xc1\xca\xd4\x09\x2a\x27\x89\x2f\xcb\xba\xa6\x41\xb6\xe9\xc5\x08"
-			"\xff\xf5\x95\x35\xab\xbb\x5c\x62\x96\xe7\x7c\x8f\xf2\x40\x12\xc9"
-			"\x2d\xfe\xff\x75\x4f\x70\x47\xc9\xcd\x15\x0a\x1c\x23\xe7\x0f\x15"
-			"\x95\x75\x30\x8f\x6e\x9f\x7e\xa5\x9d\xd1\x65\x1c\x4d\x4e\xf4\x32"
-			"\x49\x9b\xa1\x30\x44\x62\x6f\xe2\xe6\x69\x09\xf8\x7c\x7c\xbe\x07"
-			"\xa9\xb6\x14\x7a\x6b\x85\xe4\xbf\x48\xbe\x5b\x3b\x70\xb3\x79\x3b"
-			"\xc4\x35\x9d\x86\xf1\xfe\x2b\x6f\x80\x74\x50\xf3\x96\x59\x53\x1a"
-			"\x75\x46\x9d\x57\x72\xb3\xb1\x26\xf5\x81\xcd\x96\x08\xbc\x2b\x10"
-			"\xdc\x80\xbd\xd0\xdf\x03\x6d\x8d\xec\x30\x2b\x4c\xdb\x4d\x3b\xef"
+		"\x8e\x5f\xf8\x79\x36\x8d\xbe\x68\xc4\x2c\x78\x8a\x46\x28\x40\x3e" +
+			"\xcf\x3b\xb9\x14\xaf\xfa\x04\x9e\x4b\xa2\x52\x51\x51\xf0\xad\xd3" +
+			"\x03\x1c\x03\x79\x5f\x53\xc7\x1a\xd5\x28\xe2\xd9\x19\x37\xa4\xfa" +
+			"\xdd\xff\xac\xb5\xa9\x42\x4e\x17\xeb\xb4\x0d\x20\x67\x08\x43\x21" +
+			"\x7d\x12\x27\xfa\x96\x7a\x85\xf8\x04\x5f\xf4\xfe\xda\x9f\x66\xf2" +
+			"\xba\x04\x39\x00\xab\x3f\x23\x20\x84\x53\xb4\x88\xb6\xee\xa2\x9e" +
+			"\xc1\xca\xd4\x09\x2a\x27\x89\x2f\xcb\xba\xa6\x41\xb6\xe9\xc5\x08" +
+			"\xff\xf5\x95\x35\xab\xbb\x5c\x62\x96\xe7\x7c\x8f\xf2\x40\x12\xc9" +
+			"\x2d\xfe\xff\x75\x4f\x70\x47\xc9\xcd\x15\x0a\x1c\x23\xe7\x0f\x15" +
+			"\x95\x75\x30\x8f\x6e\x9f\x7e\xa5\x9d\xd1\x65\x1c\x4d\x4e\xf4\x32" +
+			"\x49\x9b\xa1\x30\x44\x62\x6f\xe2\xe6\x69\x09\xf8\x7c\x7c\xbe\x07" +
+			"\xa9\xb6\x14\x7a\x6b\x85\xe4\xbf\x48\xbe\x5b\x3b\x70\xb3\x79\x3b" +
+			"\xc4\x35\x9d\x86\xf1\xfe\x2b\x6f\x80\x74\x50\xf3\x96\x59\x53\x1a" +
+			"\x75\x46\x9d\x57\x72\xb3\xb1\x26\xf5\x81\xcd\x96\x08\xbc\x2b\x10" +
+			"\xdc\x80\xbd\xd0\xdf\x03\x6d\x8d\xec\x30\x2b\x4c\xdb\x4d\x3b\xef" +
 		// From git diff --binary
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-			"GIT binary patch\n"
-			"literal 256\n"
-			"zcmV+b0ssDvU-)@8jlO8aEO?4WC_p~XJGm6E`UIX!qEb;&@U7DW90Pe@Q^y+BDB{@}\n"
-			"zH>CRA|E#sCLQWU!v<)C<2ty%#5-0kWdWHA|U-bUkpJwv91UUe!KO-Q7Q?!V-?xLQ-\n"
-			"z%G3!eCy6i1x~4(4>BR{D^_4ZNyIf+H=X{UyKoZF<{{MAPa7W3_6$%_9=MNQ?buf=^\n"
-			"zpMIsC(PbP>PV_QKo1rj7VsGN+X$kmze7*;%wiJ46h2+0TzFRwRvw1tjHJyg>{wr^Q\n"
-			"zbWrn_SyLKyMx9r3v#}=ifz6f(yekmgfW6S)18t4$Fe^;kO*`*>IyuN%#LOf&-r|)j\n"
-			"G1edVN^?m&S\n"
-			"\n"
-			"literal 256\n"
-			"zcmV+b0ssEO*!g3O_r{yBJURLZjzW(de6Lg@hr`8ao8i5@!{FM?<CfaOue)`5WQJgh\n"
-			"zL!Jkms*;G*Fu9AB1YmK;yDgJua{(mtW54DdI2Bfy#2<yjU^zMsS5pirKf6SJR#u&d\n"
-			"z&-RGum<5IS{zM`AGs&bPzKI2kf_BM#uSh7wh82mqnEFBdJ&k}VGZ#gre`k4rk~=O;\n"
-			"z!O|O^&+SuIvPoFj>7SUR{&?Z&ba4b4huLTtXwa^Eq$T491AdFsP#>{p2;-CVPoeuU\n"
-			"z&zV|7pG(B5Xd3yBmjZwn@g*VOl)pg;Sv~4DBLlT!O}3Ao-yZ{gaNuu72$p$rx2{1e\n"
-			"Gy(*Pb;D3Ms\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"index cb34d9b1743b7c410fa750be8a58eb355987110b..0a01764bc1b2fd29da317f72208f462ad342400f 100644\n" +
+			"GIT binary patch\n" +
+			"literal 256\n" +
+			"zcmV+b0ssDvU-)@8jlO8aEO?4WC_p~XJGm6E`UIX!qEb;&@U7DW90Pe@Q^y+BDB{@}\n" +
+			"zH>CRA|E#sCLQWU!v<)C<2ty%#5-0kWdWHA|U-bUkpJwv91UUe!KO-Q7Q?!V-?xLQ-\n" +
+			"z%G3!eCy6i1x~4(4>BR{D^_4ZNyIf+H=X{UyKoZF<{{MAPa7W3_6$%_9=MNQ?buf=^\n" +
+			"zpMIsC(PbP>PV_QKo1rj7VsGN+X$kmze7*;%wiJ46h2+0TzFRwRvw1tjHJyg>{wr^Q\n" +
+			"zbWrn_SyLKyMx9r3v#}=ifz6f(yekmgfW6S)18t4$Fe^;kO*`*>IyuN%#LOf&-r|)j\n" +
+			"G1edVN^?m&S\n" +
+			"\n" +
+			"literal 256\n" +
+			"zcmV+b0ssEO*!g3O_r{yBJURLZjzW(de6Lg@hr`8ao8i5@!{FM?<CfaOue)`5WQJgh\n" +
+			"zL!Jkms*;G*Fu9AB1YmK;yDgJua{(mtW54DdI2Bfy#2<yjU^zMsS5pirKf6SJR#u&d\n" +
+			"z&-RGum<5IS{zM`AGs&bPzKI2kf_BM#uSh7wh82mqnEFBdJ&k}VGZ#gre`k4rk~=O;\n" +
+			"z!O|O^&+SuIvPoFj>7SUR{&?Z&ba4b4huLTtXwa^Eq$T491AdFsP#>{p2;-CVPoeuU\n" +
+			"z&zV|7pG(B5Xd3yBmjZwn@g*VOl)pg;Sv~4DBLlT!O}3Ao-yZ{gaNuu72$p$rx2{1e\n" +
+			"Gy(*Pb;D3Ms\n" +
-		"\xc2\xd8\xf9\x63\x8c\xf7\xc6\x9b\xb0\x3c\x39\xfa\x08\x8e\x42\x8f"
-			"\x1c\x7c\xaf\x54\x22\x87\xc3\xc5\x68\x9b\xe1\xbd\xbc\xc3\xe0\xda"
-			"\xcc\xe3\x96\xda\xc2\xaf\xbb\x75\x79\x64\x86\x60\x8a\x43\x9e\x07"
-			"\x9c\xaa\x92\x88\xd4\x30\xb9\x8b\x95\x04\x60\x71\xc7\xbb\x2d\x93"
-			"\x66\x73\x01\x24\xf3\x63\xbf\xe6\x1d\x38\x15\x56\x98\xc4\x1f\x85"
-			"\xc3\x60\x39\x3a\x0d\x57\x53\x0c\x29\x3f\xbb\x44\x7e\x56\x56\x9d"
-			"\x87\xcf\xf6\x88\xe8\x98\x05\x85\xf8\xfe\x44\x21\xfa\x33\xc9\xa4"
-			"\x22\xbe\x89\x05\x8b\x82\x76\xc9\x7c\xaf\x48\x28\xc4\x86\x15\x89"
-			"\xb9\x98\xfa\x41\xfc\x3d\x8d\x80\x29\x33\x17\x45\xa5\x7f\x67\x79"
-			"\x7f\x92\x3b\x2e\x4c\xc1\xd2\x1b\x9e\xcf\xed\x53\x56\xb2\x49\x58"
-			"\xd8\xe9\x9f\x98\xa3\xfe\x78\xe1\xe8\x74\x71\x04\x1a\x87\xd9\x68"
-			"\x18\x68\xd0\xae\x7b\xa4\x25\xe3\x06\x03\x7e\x8b\xd3\x50\x1f\xb1"
-			"\x67\x08\xe3\x93\xf4\x4f\xa1\xfb\x31\xcf\x99\x5a\x43\x9f\x4b\xc4"
-			"\xaa\x68\x1a\xf9\x8e\x97\x02\x80\x17\xf1\x25\x21\xdf\x94\xbf\x41"
-			"\x08\x59\x3d\xea\x36\x23\x03\xb5\x62\x4d\xb6\x8f\x9e\xdf\x1f\x03"
+		"\xc2\xd8\xf9\x63\x8c\xf7\xc6\x9b\xb0\x3c\x39\xfa\x08\x8e\x42\x8f" +
+			"\x1c\x7c\xaf\x54\x22\x87\xc3\xc5\x68\x9b\xe1\xbd\xbc\xc3\xe0\xda" +
+			"\xcc\xe3\x96\xda\xc2\xaf\xbb\x75\x79\x64\x86\x60\x8a\x43\x9e\x07" +
+			"\x9c\xaa\x92\x88\xd4\x30\xb9\x8b\x95\x04\x60\x71\xc7\xbb\x2d\x93" +
+			"\x66\x73\x01\x24\xf3\x63\xbf\xe6\x1d\x38\x15\x56\x98\xc4\x1f\x85" +
+			"\xc3\x60\x39\x3a\x0d\x57\x53\x0c\x29\x3f\xbb\x44\x7e\x56\x56\x9d" +
+			"\x87\xcf\xf6\x88\xe8\x98\x05\x85\xf8\xfe\x44\x21\xfa\x33\xc9\xa4" +
+			"\x22\xbe\x89\x05\x8b\x82\x76\xc9\x7c\xaf\x48\x28\xc4\x86\x15\x89" +
+			"\xb9\x98\xfa\x41\xfc\x3d\x8d\x80\x29\x33\x17\x45\xa5\x7f\x67\x79" +
+			"\x7f\x92\x3b\x2e\x4c\xc1\xd2\x1b\x9e\xcf\xed\x53\x56\xb2\x49\x58" +
+			"\xd8\xe9\x9f\x98\xa3\xfe\x78\xe1\xe8\x74\x71\x04\x1a\x87\xd9\x68" +
+			"\x18\x68\xd0\xae\x7b\xa4\x25\xe3\x06\x03\x7e\x8b\xd3\x50\x1f\xb1" +
+			"\x67\x08\xe3\x93\xf4\x4f\xa1\xfb\x31\xcf\x99\x5a\x43\x9f\x4b\xc4" +
+			"\xaa\x68\x1a\xf9\x8e\x97\x02\x80\x17\xf1\x25\x21\xdf\x94\xbf\x41" +
+			"\x08\x59\x3d\xea\x36\x23\x03\xb5\x62\x4d\xb6\x8f\x9e\xdf\x1f\x03" +
-		"\x8e\x5f\xf8\x79\x36\x8d\xbe\x68\xc4\x2c\x78\x8a\x46\x28\x40\x3e"
-			"\xcf\x3b\xb9\x14\xaf\xfa\x04\x9e\x4b\xa2\x52\x51\x51\xf0\xad\xd3"
-			"\x03\x1c\x03\x79\x5f\x53\xc7\x1a\xd5\x28\xe2\xd9\x19\x37\xa4\xfa"
-			"\xdd\xff\xac\xb5\xa9\x42\x4e\x17\xeb\xb4\x0d\x20\x67\x08\x43\x21"
-			"\x7d\x12\x27\xfa\x96\x7a\x85\xf8\x04\x5f\xf4\xfe\xda\x9f\x66\xf2"
-			"\xba\x04\x39\x00\xab\x3f\x23\x20\x84\x53\xb4\x88\xb6\xee\xa2\x9e"
-			"\xc1\xca\xd4\x09\x2a\x27\x89\x2f\xcb\xba\xa6\x41\xb6\xe9\xc5\x08"
-			"\xff\xf5\x95\x35\xab\xbb\x5c\x62\x96\xe7\x7c\x8f\xf2\x40\x12\xc9"
-			"\x2d\xfe\xff\x75\x4f\x70\x47\xc9\xcd\x15\x0a\x1c\x23\xe7\x0f\x15"
-			"\x95\x75\x30\x8f\x6e\x9f\x7e\xa5\x9d\xd1\x65\x1c\x4d\x4e\xf4\x32"
-			"\x49\x9b\xa1\x30\x44\x62\x6f\xe2\xe6\x69\x09\xf8\x7c\x7c\xbe\x07"
-			"\xa9\xb6\x14\x7a\x6b\x85\xe4\xbf\x48\xbe\x5b\x3b\x70\xb3\x79\x3b"
-			"\xc4\x35\x9d\x86\xf1\xfe\x2b\x6f\x80\x74\x50\xf3\x96\x59\x53\x1a"
-			"\x75\x46\x9d\x57\x72\xb3\xb1\x26\xf5\x81\xcd\x96\x08\xbc\x2b\x10"
-			"\xdc\x80\xbd\xd0\xdf\x03\x6d\x8d\xec\x30\x2b\x4c\xdb\x4d\x3b\xef"
+		"\x8e\x5f\xf8\x79\x36\x8d\xbe\x68\xc4\x2c\x78\x8a\x46\x28\x40\x3e" +
+			"\xcf\x3b\xb9\x14\xaf\xfa\x04\x9e\x4b\xa2\x52\x51\x51\xf0\xad\xd3" +
+			"\x03\x1c\x03\x79\x5f\x53\xc7\x1a\xd5\x28\xe2\xd9\x19\x37\xa4\xfa" +
+			"\xdd\xff\xac\xb5\xa9\x42\x4e\x17\xeb\xb4\x0d\x20\x67\x08\x43\x21" +
+			"\x7d\x12\x27\xfa\x96\x7a\x85\xf8\x04\x5f\xf4\xfe\xda\x9f\x66\xf2" +
+			"\xba\x04\x39\x00\xab\x3f\x23\x20\x84\x53\xb4\x88\xb6\xee\xa2\x9e" +
+			"\xc1\xca\xd4\x09\x2a\x27\x89\x2f\xcb\xba\xa6\x41\xb6\xe9\xc5\x08" +
+			"\xff\xf5\x95\x35\xab\xbb\x5c\x62\x96\xe7\x7c\x8f\xf2\x40\x12\xc9" +
+			"\x2d\xfe\xff\x75\x4f\x70\x47\xc9\xcd\x15\x0a\x1c\x23\xe7\x0f\x15" +
+			"\x95\x75\x30\x8f\x6e\x9f\x7e\xa5\x9d\xd1\x65\x1c\x4d\x4e\xf4\x32" +
+			"\x49\x9b\xa1\x30\x44\x62\x6f\xe2\xe6\x69\x09\xf8\x7c\x7c\xbe\x07" +
+			"\xa9\xb6\x14\x7a\x6b\x85\xe4\xbf\x48\xbe\x5b\x3b\x70\xb3\x79\x3b" +
+			"\xc4\x35\x9d\x86\xf1\xfe\x2b\x6f\x80\x74\x50\xf3\x96\x59\x53\x1a" +
+			"\x75\x46\x9d\x57\x72\xb3\xb1\x26\xf5\x81\xcd\x96\x08\xbc\x2b\x10" +
+			"\xdc\x80\xbd\xd0\xdf\x03\x6d\x8d\xec\x30\x2b\x4c\xdb\x4d\x3b\xef" +
 		// From hg diff --git
-		"Index: a\n"
-			"index cb34d9b1743b7c410fa750be8a58eb355987110b..0a01764bc1b2fd29da317f72208f462ad342400f\n"
-			"GIT binary patch\n"
-			"literal 256\n"
-			"zc$@(M0ssDvU-)@8jlO8aEO?4WC_p~XJGm6E`UIX!qEb;&@U7DW90Pe@Q^y+BDB{@}\n"
-			"zH>CRA|E#sCLQWU!v<)C<2ty%#5-0kWdWHA|U-bUkpJwv91UUe!KO-Q7Q?!V-?xLQ-\n"
-			"z%G3!eCy6i1x~4(4>BR{D^_4ZNyIf+H=X{UyKoZF<{{MAPa7W3_6$%_9=MNQ?buf=^\n"
-			"zpMIsC(PbP>PV_QKo1rj7VsGN+X$kmze7*;%wiJ46h2+0TzFRwRvw1tjHJyg>{wr^Q\n"
-			"zbWrn_SyLKyMx9r3v#}=ifz6f(yekmgfW6S)18t4$Fe^;kO*`*>IyuN%#LOf&-r|)j\n"
-			"G1edVN^?m&S\n"
+		"Index: a\n" +
+			"index cb34d9b1743b7c410fa750be8a58eb355987110b..0a01764bc1b2fd29da317f72208f462ad342400f\n" +
+			"GIT binary patch\n" +
+			"literal 256\n" +
+			"zc$@(M0ssDvU-)@8jlO8aEO?4WC_p~XJGm6E`UIX!qEb;&@U7DW90Pe@Q^y+BDB{@}\n" +
+			"zH>CRA|E#sCLQWU!v<)C<2ty%#5-0kWdWHA|U-bUkpJwv91UUe!KO-Q7Q?!V-?xLQ-\n" +
+			"z%G3!eCy6i1x~4(4>BR{D^_4ZNyIf+H=X{UyKoZF<{{MAPa7W3_6$%_9=MNQ?buf=^\n" +
+			"zpMIsC(PbP>PV_QKo1rj7VsGN+X$kmze7*;%wiJ46h2+0TzFRwRvw1tjHJyg>{wr^Q\n" +
+			"zbWrn_SyLKyMx9r3v#}=ifz6f(yekmgfW6S)18t4$Fe^;kO*`*>IyuN%#LOf&-r|)j\n" +
+			"G1edVN^?m&S\n" +
-		"Index: hello\n"
-			"===================================================================\n"
-			"old mode 100644\n"
+		"Index: hello\n" +
+			"===================================================================\n" +
+			"old mode 100644\n" +
 			"new mode 100755\n",
diff --git a/src/pkg/strconv/decimal_test.go b/src/pkg/strconv/decimal_test.go
index b86eec6..9e67aa4 100644
--- a/src/pkg/strconv/decimal_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/strconv/decimal_test.go
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 	shiftTest{0, 100, "0"},
 	shiftTest{1, 100, "1267650600228229401496703205376"},
 	shiftTest{1, -100,
-		"0.00000000000000000000000000000078886090522101180541"
+		"0.00000000000000000000000000000078886090522101180541" +
 	shiftTest{12345678, 8, "3160493568"},
diff --git a/src/pkg/tabwriter/tabwriter_test.go b/src/pkg/tabwriter/tabwriter_test.go
index f60bc18..8503ddd 100644
--- a/src/pkg/tabwriter/tabwriter_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/tabwriter/tabwriter_test.go
@@ -284,40 +284,40 @@
 		1, 0, 0, '.', 0,
-		"1\t2\t3\t4\n"
+		"1\t2\t3\t4\n" +
-		"1.2..3...4\n"
+		"1.2..3...4\n" +
 		1, 0, 0, '.', FilterHTML,
-		"1\t2<!---\f--->\t3\t4\n"	// \f inside HTML is ignored
+		"1\t2<!---\f--->\t3\t4\n" +	// \f inside HTML is ignored
-		"1.2<!---\f--->..3...4\n"
+		"1.2<!---\f--->..3...4\n" +
 		1, 0, 0, '.', 0,
-		"1\t2\t3\t4\f"	// \f causes a newline and flush
+		"1\t2\t3\t4\f" +	// \f causes a newline and flush
-		"1234\n"
+		"1234\n" +
 		"9c debug",
 		1, 0, 0, '.', Debug,
-		"1\t2\t3\t4\f"	// \f causes a newline and flush
+		"1\t2\t3\t4\f" +	// \f causes a newline and flush
-		"1|2|3|4\n"
+		"1|2|3|4\n" +
@@ -338,144 +338,144 @@
 		8, 0, 1, '.', 0,
-		"本\tb\tc\n"
-			"aa\t\u672c\u672c\u672c\tcccc\tddddd\n"
+		"本\tb\tc\n" +
+			"aa\t\u672c\u672c\u672c\tcccc\tddddd\n" +
-		"本.......b.......c\n"
-			"aa......本本本.....cccc....ddddd\n"
+		"本.......b.......c\n" +
+			"aa......本本本.....cccc....ddddd\n" +
 		8, 0, 1, ' ', AlignRight,
-		"a\tè\tc\t\n"
-			"aa\tèèè\tcccc\tddddd\t\n"
+		"a\tè\tc\t\n" +
+			"aa\tèèè\tcccc\tddddd\t\n" +
-		"       a       è       c\n"
-			"      aa     èèè    cccc   ddddd\n"
+		"       a       è       c\n" +
+			"      aa     èèè    cccc   ddddd\n" +
 			"     aaa    èèèè\n",
 		2, 0, 0, ' ', 0,
-		"a\tb\tc\n"
-			"aa\tbbb\tcccc\n"
+		"a\tb\tc\n" +
+			"aa\tbbb\tcccc\n" +
-		"a  b  c\n"
-			"aa bbbcccc\n"
+		"a  b  c\n" +
+			"aa bbbcccc\n" +
 		8, 0, 1, '_', 0,
-		"a\tb\tc\n"
-			"aa\tbbb\tcccc\n"
+		"a\tb\tc\n" +
+			"aa\tbbb\tcccc\n" +
-		"a_______b_______c\n"
-			"aa______bbb_____cccc\n"
+		"a_______b_______c\n" +
+			"aa______bbb_____cccc\n" +
 		4, 0, 1, '-', 0,
-		"4444\t日本語\t22\t1\t333\n"
-			"999999999\t22\n"
-			"7\t22\n"
-			"\t\t\t88888888\n"
-			"\n"
-			"666666\t666666\t666666\t4444\n"
+		"4444\t日本語\t22\t1\t333\n" +
+			"999999999\t22\n" +
+			"7\t22\n" +
+			"\t\t\t88888888\n" +
+			"\n" +
+			"666666\t666666\t666666\t4444\n" +
-		"4444------日本語-22--1---333\n"
-			"999999999-22\n"
-			"7---------22\n"
-			"------------------88888888\n"
-			"\n"
-			"666666-666666-666666----4444\n"
+		"4444------日本語-22--1---333\n" +
+			"999999999-22\n" +
+			"7---------22\n" +
+			"------------------88888888\n" +
+			"\n" +
+			"666666-666666-666666----4444\n" +
 		4, 0, 3, '.', 0,
-		"4444\t333\t22\t1\t333\n"
-			"999999999\t22\n"
-			"7\t22\n"
-			"\t\t\t88888888\n"
-			"\n"
-			"666666\t666666\t666666\t4444\n"
+		"4444\t333\t22\t1\t333\n" +
+			"999999999\t22\n" +
+			"7\t22\n" +
+			"\t\t\t88888888\n" +
+			"\n" +
+			"666666\t666666\t666666\t4444\n" +
-		"4444........333...22...1...333\n"
-			"999999999...22\n"
-			"7...........22\n"
-			"....................88888888\n"
-			"\n"
-			"666666...666666...666666......4444\n"
+		"4444........333...22...1...333\n" +
+			"999999999...22\n" +
+			"7...........22\n" +
+			"....................88888888\n" +
+			"\n" +
+			"666666...666666...666666......4444\n" +
 		8, 8, 1, '\t', FilterHTML,
-		"4444\t333\t22\t1\t333\n"
-			"999999999\t22\n"
-			"7\t22\n"
-			"\t\t\t88888888\n"
-			"\n"
-			"666666\t666666\t666666\t4444\n"
+		"4444\t333\t22\t1\t333\n" +
+			"999999999\t22\n" +
+			"7\t22\n" +
+			"\t\t\t88888888\n" +
+			"\n" +
+			"666666\t666666\t666666\t4444\n" +
 			"1\t1\t<font color=red attr=日本語>999999999</font>\t0000000000\n",
-		"4444\t\t333\t22\t1\t333\n"
-			"999999999\t22\n"
-			"7\t\t22\n"
-			"\t\t\t\t88888888\n"
-			"\n"
-			"666666\t666666\t666666\t\t4444\n"
+		"4444\t\t333\t22\t1\t333\n" +
+			"999999999\t22\n" +
+			"7\t\t22\n" +
+			"\t\t\t\t88888888\n" +
+			"\n" +
+			"666666\t666666\t666666\t\t4444\n" +
 			"1\t1\t<font color=red attr=日本語>999999999</font>\t0000000000\n",
 		1, 0, 2, ' ', AlignRight,
-		".0\t.3\t2.4\t-5.1\t\n"
-			"23.0\t12345678.9\t2.4\t-989.4\t\n"
-			"5.1\t12.0\t2.4\t-7.0\t\n"
-			".0\t0.0\t332.0\t8908.0\t\n"
-			".0\t-.3\t456.4\t22.1\t\n"
+		".0\t.3\t2.4\t-5.1\t\n" +
+			"23.0\t12345678.9\t2.4\t-989.4\t\n" +
+			"5.1\t12.0\t2.4\t-7.0\t\n" +
+			".0\t0.0\t332.0\t8908.0\t\n" +
+			".0\t-.3\t456.4\t22.1\t\n" +
-		"    .0          .3    2.4    -5.1\n"
-			"  23.0  12345678.9    2.4  -989.4\n"
-			"   5.1        12.0    2.4    -7.0\n"
-			"    .0         0.0  332.0  8908.0\n"
-			"    .0         -.3  456.4    22.1\n"
+		"    .0          .3    2.4    -5.1\n" +
+			"  23.0  12345678.9    2.4  -989.4\n" +
+			"   5.1        12.0    2.4    -7.0\n" +
+			"    .0         0.0  332.0  8908.0\n" +
+			"    .0         -.3  456.4    22.1\n" +
 			"    .0         1.2   44.4   -13.3",
 		"14 debug",
 		1, 0, 2, ' ', AlignRight | Debug,
-		".0\t.3\t2.4\t-5.1\t\n"
-			"23.0\t12345678.9\t2.4\t-989.4\t\n"
-			"5.1\t12.0\t2.4\t-7.0\t\n"
-			".0\t0.0\t332.0\t8908.0\t\n"
-			".0\t-.3\t456.4\t22.1\t\n"
+		".0\t.3\t2.4\t-5.1\t\n" +
+			"23.0\t12345678.9\t2.4\t-989.4\t\n" +
+			"5.1\t12.0\t2.4\t-7.0\t\n" +
+			".0\t0.0\t332.0\t8908.0\t\n" +
+			".0\t-.3\t456.4\t22.1\t\n" +
-		"    .0|          .3|    2.4|    -5.1|\n"
-			"  23.0|  12345678.9|    2.4|  -989.4|\n"
-			"   5.1|        12.0|    2.4|    -7.0|\n"
-			"    .0|         0.0|  332.0|  8908.0|\n"
-			"    .0|         -.3|  456.4|    22.1|\n"
+		"    .0|          .3|    2.4|    -5.1|\n" +
+			"  23.0|  12345678.9|    2.4|  -989.4|\n" +
+			"   5.1|        12.0|    2.4|    -7.0|\n" +
+			"    .0|         0.0|  332.0|  8908.0|\n" +
+			"    .0|         -.3|  456.4|    22.1|\n" +
 			"    .0|         1.2|   44.4|   -13.3|",
@@ -510,80 +510,80 @@
 		100, 100, 0, '\t', 0,
-		"a\tb\t\td\n"
-			"a\tb\t\td\te\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\tb\tc\td\n"
+		"a\tb\t\td\n" +
+			"a\tb\t\td\te\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\tb\tc\td\n" +
-		"a\tb\t\td\n"
-			"a\tb\t\td\te\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\tb\tc\td\n"
+		"a\tb\t\td\n" +
+			"a\tb\t\td\te\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\tb\tc\td\n" +
 		100, 100, 0, '\t', DiscardEmptyColumns,
-		"a\vb\v\vd\n"
-			"a\vb\v\vd\ve\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\vb\vc\vd\n"
+		"a\vb\v\vd\n" +
+			"a\vb\v\vd\ve\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\vb\vc\vd\n" +
-		"a\tb\td\n"
-			"a\tb\td\te\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\tb\tc\td\n"
+		"a\tb\td\n" +
+			"a\tb\td\te\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\tb\tc\td\n" +
 		"16b debug",
 		100, 100, 0, '\t', DiscardEmptyColumns | Debug,
-		"a\vb\v\vd\n"
-			"a\vb\v\vd\ve\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\vb\vc\vd\n"
+		"a\vb\v\vd\n" +
+			"a\vb\v\vd\ve\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\vb\vc\vd\n" +
-		"a\t|b\t||d\n"
-			"a\t|b\t||d\t|e\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\t|b\t|c\t|d\n"
+		"a\t|b\t||d\n" +
+			"a\t|b\t||d\t|e\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\t|b\t|c\t|d\n" +
 		100, 100, 0, '\t', DiscardEmptyColumns,
-		"a\tb\t\td\n"	// hard tabs - do not discard column
-			"a\tb\t\td\te\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\tb\tc\td\n"
+		"a\tb\t\td\n" +	// hard tabs - do not discard column
+			"a\tb\t\td\te\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\tb\tc\td\n" +
-		"a\tb\t\td\n"
-			"a\tb\t\td\te\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\tb\tc\td\n"
+		"a\tb\t\td\n" +
+			"a\tb\t\td\te\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\tb\tc\td\n" +
 		"16c debug",
 		100, 100, 0, '\t', DiscardEmptyColumns | Debug,
-		"a\tb\t\td\n"	// hard tabs - do not discard column
-			"a\tb\t\td\te\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\tb\tc\td\n"
+		"a\tb\t\td\n" +	// hard tabs - do not discard column
+			"a\tb\t\td\te\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\tb\tc\td\n" +
-		"a\t|b\t|\t|d\n"
-			"a\t|b\t|\t|d\t|e\n"
-			"a\n"
-			"a\t|b\t|c\t|d\n"
+		"a\t|b\t|\t|d\n" +
+			"a\t|b\t|\t|d\t|e\n" +
+			"a\n" +
+			"a\t|b\t|c\t|d\n" +
diff --git a/src/pkg/template/template_test.go b/src/pkg/template/template_test.go
index 379f0f3..4dfdd71 100644
--- a/src/pkg/template/template_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/template/template_test.go
@@ -97,62 +97,62 @@
 	// Section
-		in: "{.section data }\n"
-			"some text for the section\n"
+		in: "{.section data }\n" +
+			"some text for the section\n" +
 		out: "some text for the section\n",
-		in: "{.section data }\n"
-			"{header}={integer}\n"
+		in: "{.section data }\n" +
+			"{header}={integer}\n" +
 		out: "Header=77\n",
-		in: "{.section pdata }\n"
-			"{header}={integer}\n"
+		in: "{.section pdata }\n" +
+			"{header}={integer}\n" +
 		out: "Header=77\n",
-		in: "{.section pdata }\n"
-			"data present\n"
-			"{.or}\n"
-			"data not present\n"
+		in: "{.section pdata }\n" +
+			"data present\n" +
+			"{.or}\n" +
+			"data not present\n" +
 		out: "data present\n",
-		in: "{.section empty }\n"
-			"data present\n"
-			"{.or}\n"
-			"data not present\n"
+		in: "{.section empty }\n" +
+			"data present\n" +
+			"{.or}\n" +
+			"data not present\n" +
 		out: "data not present\n",
-		in: "{.section null }\n"
-			"data present\n"
-			"{.or}\n"
-			"data not present\n"
+		in: "{.section null }\n" +
+			"data present\n" +
+			"{.or}\n" +
+			"data not present\n" +
 		out: "data not present\n",
-		in: "{.section pdata }\n"
-			"{header}={integer}\n"
-			"{.section @ }\n"
-			"{header}={integer}\n"
-			"{.end}\n"
+		in: "{.section pdata }\n" +
+			"{header}={integer}\n" +
+			"{.section @ }\n" +
+			"{header}={integer}\n" +
+			"{.end}\n" +
-		out: "Header=77\n"
+		out: "Header=77\n" +
@@ -163,69 +163,69 @@
 	// Repeated
-		in: "{.section pdata }\n"
-			"{.repeated section @ }\n"
-			"{item}={value}\n"
-			"{.end}\n"
+		in: "{.section pdata }\n" +
+			"{.repeated section @ }\n" +
+			"{item}={value}\n" +
+			"{.end}\n" +
-		out: "ItemNumber1=ValueNumber1\n"
+		out: "ItemNumber1=ValueNumber1\n" +
-		in: "{.section pdata }\n"
-			"{.repeated section @ }\n"
-			"{item}={value}\n"
-			"{.or}\n"
-			"this should not appear\n"
-			"{.end}\n"
+		in: "{.section pdata }\n" +
+			"{.repeated section @ }\n" +
+			"{item}={value}\n" +
+			"{.or}\n" +
+			"this should not appear\n" +
+			"{.end}\n" +
-		out: "ItemNumber1=ValueNumber1\n"
+		out: "ItemNumber1=ValueNumber1\n" +
-		in: "{.section @ }\n"
-			"{.repeated section empty }\n"
-			"{item}={value}\n"
-			"{.or}\n"
-			"this should appear: empty field\n"
-			"{.end}\n"
+		in: "{.section @ }\n" +
+			"{.repeated section empty }\n" +
+			"{item}={value}\n" +
+			"{.or}\n" +
+			"this should appear: empty field\n" +
+			"{.end}\n" +
 		out: "this should appear: empty field\n",
-		in: "{.repeated section pdata }\n"
-			"{item}\n"
-			"{.alternates with}\n"
-			"is\nover\nmultiple\nlines\n"
+		in: "{.repeated section pdata }\n" +
+			"{item}\n" +
+			"{.alternates with}\n" +
+			"is\nover\nmultiple\nlines\n" +
-		out: "ItemNumber1\n"
-			"is\nover\nmultiple\nlines\n"
+		out: "ItemNumber1\n" +
+			"is\nover\nmultiple\nlines\n" +
-		in: "{.section pdata }\n"
-			"{.repeated section @ }\n"
-			"{item}={value}\n"
-			"{.alternates with}DIVIDER\n"
-			"{.or}\n"
-			"this should not appear\n"
-			"{.end}\n"
+		in: "{.section pdata }\n" +
+			"{.repeated section @ }\n" +
+			"{item}={value}\n" +
+			"{.alternates with}DIVIDER\n" +
+			"{.or}\n" +
+			"this should not appear\n" +
+			"{.end}\n" +
-		out: "ItemNumber1=ValueNumber1\n"
-			"DIVIDER\n"
+		out: "ItemNumber1=ValueNumber1\n" +
+			"DIVIDER\n" +
-		in: "{.repeated section vec }\n"
-			"{@}\n"
+		in: "{.repeated section vec }\n" +
+			"{@}\n" +
-		out: "elt1\n"
+		out: "elt1\n" +
@@ -236,15 +236,15 @@
 	// Nested names
-		in: "{.section @ }\n"
-			"{innerT.item}={innerT.value}\n"
+		in: "{.section @ }\n" +
+			"{innerT.item}={innerT.value}\n" +
 		out: "ItemNumber1=ValueNumber1\n",
-		in: "{.section @ }\n"
-			"{innerT.item}={.section innerT}{.section value}{@}{.end}{.end}\n"
+		in: "{.section @ }\n" +
+			"{innerT.item}={.section innerT}{.section value}{@}{.end}{.end}\n" +
 		out: "ItemNumber1=ValueNumber1\n",
@@ -253,32 +253,32 @@
 	// Formatters
-		in: "{.section pdata }\n"
-			"{header|uppercase}={integer|+1}\n"
-			"{header|html}={integer|str}\n"
+		in: "{.section pdata }\n" +
+			"{header|uppercase}={integer|+1}\n" +
+			"{header|html}={integer|str}\n" +
-		out: "HEADER=78\n"
+		out: "HEADER=78\n" +
-		in: "{raw}\n"
+		in: "{raw}\n" +
-		out: "&<>!@ #$%^\n"
+		out: "&<>!@ #$%^\n" +
 			"&amp;&lt;&gt;!@ #$%^\n",
-		in: "{.section emptystring}emptystring{.end}\n"
+		in: "{.section emptystring}emptystring{.end}\n" +
 			"{.section header}header{.end}\n",
 		out: "\nheader\n",
-		in: "{.section true}1{.or}2{.end}\n"
+		in: "{.section true}1{.or}2{.end}\n" +
 			"{.section false}3{.or}4{.end}\n",
 		out: "1\n4\n",
diff --git a/src/pkg/unicode/maketables.go b/src/pkg/unicode/maketables.go
index c96c12e..486742e 100644
--- a/src/pkg/unicode/maketables.go
+++ b/src/pkg/unicode/maketables.go
@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@
-		"// Generated by running\n"
-			"//	maketables --tables=%s --data=%s\n"
-			"// DO NOT EDIT\n\n"
+		"// Generated by running\n"+
+			"//	maketables --tables=%s --data=%s\n"+
+			"// DO NOT EDIT\n\n"+
 			"package unicode\n\n",
@@ -590,8 +590,8 @@
-		"// Generated by running\n"
-			"//	maketables --%s=%s --url=%s\n"
+		"// Generated by running\n"+
+			"//	maketables --%s=%s --url=%s\n"+
 			"// DO NOT EDIT\n\n",
@@ -777,12 +777,12 @@
-		"// Generated by running\n"
-			"//	maketables --data=%s\n"
-			"// DO NOT EDIT\n\n"
-			"// CaseRanges is the table describing case mappings for all letters with\n"
-			"// non-self mappings.\n"
-			"var CaseRanges = _CaseRanges\n"
+		"// Generated by running\n"+
+			"//	maketables --data=%s\n"+
+			"// DO NOT EDIT\n\n"+
+			"// CaseRanges is the table describing case mappings for all letters with\n"+
+			"// non-self mappings.\n"+
+			"var CaseRanges = _CaseRanges\n"+
 			"var _CaseRanges = []CaseRange {\n",
diff --git a/src/pkg/xml/xml_test.go b/src/pkg/xml/xml_test.go
index 11918428..837385b 100644
--- a/src/pkg/xml/xml_test.go
+++ b/src/pkg/xml/xml_test.go
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-<body xmlns:foo="ns1" xmlns="ns2" xmlns:tag="ns3" `
-	"\r\n\t" `  >
+<body xmlns:foo="ns1" xmlns="ns2" xmlns:tag="ns3" ` +
+	"\r\n\t" + `  >
   <hello lang="en">World &lt;&gt;&apos;&quot; &#x767d;&#40300;翔</hello>
   <goodbye />
   <outer foo:attr="value" xmlns:tag="ns4">