blob: dc7ffb06cfc83b7d7742a5b48d0774e753893fee [file] [log] [blame]
[short] skip
go test -c -o mainpanic.exe ./mainpanic &
go test -c -o mainexit0.exe ./mainexit0 &
go test -c -o testpanic.exe ./testpanic &
go test -c -o testbgpanic.exe ./testbgpanic &
# Test binaries that panic in TestMain should be marked as failing.
! go test -json ./mainpanic
stdout '"Action":"fail"'
! stdout '"Action":"pass"'
! go tool test2json ./mainpanic.exe
stdout '"Action":"fail"'
! stdout '"Action":"pass"'
# Test binaries that exit with status 0 should be marked as passing.
go test -json ./mainexit0
stdout '"Action":"pass"'
! stdout '"Action":"fail"'
go tool test2json ./mainexit0.exe
stdout '"Action":"pass"'
! stdout '"Action":"fail"'
# Test functions that panic should never be marked as passing
# (
! go test -json ./testpanic
stdout '"Action":"fail"'
! stdout '"Action":"pass"'
! go tool test2json ./testpanic.exe -test.v
stdout '"Action":"fail"'
! stdout '"Action":"pass"'
! go tool test2json ./testpanic.exe
stdout '"Action":"fail"'
! stdout '"Action":"pass"'
# Tests that panic in a background goroutine should be marked as failing.
! go test -json ./testbgpanic
stdout '"Action":"fail"'
! stdout '"Action":"pass"'
! go tool test2json ./testbgpanic.exe -test.v
stdout '"Action":"fail"'
! stdout '"Action":"pass"'
! go tool test2json ./testbgpanic.exe
stdout '"Action":"fail"'
! stdout '"Action":"pass"'
-- go.mod --
module m
go 1.14
-- mainpanic/mainpanic_test.go --
package mainpanic_test
import "testing"
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
panic("haha no")
-- mainexit0/mainexit0_test.go --
package mainexit0_test
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
fmt.Println("nothing to do")
-- testpanic/testpanic_test.go --
package testpanic_test
import "testing"
func TestPanic(*testing.T) {
panic("haha no")
-- testbgpanic/testbgpanic_test.go --
package testbgpanic_test
import "testing"
func TestPanicInBackground(*testing.T) {
c := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
panic("haha no")