blob: 9ccad7eb5d34cbd9fd49226ca973504e85c81ca1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build linux,amd64
// +build !android
// +build !cmd_go_bootstrap
// +build !msan
package boring
// #include "goboringcrypto.h"
import "C"
import (
const available = true
func init() {
if C._goboringcrypto_FIPS_mode() != 1 {
panic("boringcrypto: not in FIPS mode")
// Unreachable marks code that should be unreachable
// when BoringCrypto is in use. It panics.
func Unreachable() {
panic("boringcrypto: invalid code execution")
// provided by runtime to avoid os import
func runtime_arg0() string
func hasSuffix(s, t string) bool {
return len(s) > len(t) && s[len(s)-len(t):] == t
// UnreachableExceptTests marks code that should be unreachable
// when BoringCrypto is in use. It panics.
func UnreachableExceptTests() {
name := runtime_arg0()
// If BoringCrypto ran on Windows we'd need to allow _test.exe and .test.exe as well.
if !hasSuffix(name, "_test") && !hasSuffix(name, ".test") {
println("boringcrypto: unexpected code execution in", name)
panic("boringcrypto: invalid code execution")
type fail string
func (e fail) Error() string { return "boringcrypto: " + string(e) + " failed" }
func bigToBN(x *big.Int) *C.GO_BIGNUM {
raw := x.Bytes()
return C._goboringcrypto_BN_bin2bn(base(raw), C.size_t(len(raw)), nil)
func bnToBig(bn *C.GO_BIGNUM) *big.Int {
raw := make([]byte, C._goboringcrypto_BN_num_bytes(bn))
n := C._goboringcrypto_BN_bn2bin(bn, base(raw))
return new(big.Int).SetBytes(raw[:n])
func bigToBn(bnp **C.GO_BIGNUM, b *big.Int) bool {
if *bnp != nil {
*bnp = nil
if b == nil {
return true
raw := b.Bytes()
bn := C._goboringcrypto_BN_bin2bn(base(raw), C.size_t(len(raw)), nil)
if bn == nil {
return false
*bnp = bn
return true