blob: 57780df879ba7b7059a4e0c60729f25a1d409384 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Go definitions of internal structures. Master is hashmap.[c,h]
package runtime
type hash_hash uintptr
type hash_entry struct {
hash hash_hash
key byte // dwarf.c substitutes the real type
val byte // for key and val
type hash_subtable struct {
power uint8
used uint8
datasize uint8
max_probes uint8
limit_bytes int16
end *hash_entry
entry hash_entry // TODO: [0]hash_entry
type hash struct {
count uint32
datasize uint8
max_power uint8
max_probes uint8
indirectval uint8
changes int32
data_hash func(uint32, uintptr) hash_hash
data_eq func(uint32, uintptr, uintptr) uint32
data_del func(uint32, uintptr, uintptr)
st *hash_subtable
keysize uint32
valsize uint32
datavo uint32
ko0 uint32
vo0 uint32
ko1 uint32
vo1 uint32
po1 uint32
ko2 uint32
vo2 uint32
po2 uint32
keyalg *alg
valalg *alg