blob: 106e4f10b51245e81745eeee95ff7c2995ed6c8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gob
import (
type typeT struct {
id typeId
str string
var basicTypes = []typeT{
{tBool, "bool"},
{tInt, "int"},
{tUint, "uint"},
{tFloat, "float"},
{tBytes, "bytes"},
{tString, "string"},
func getTypeUnlocked(name string, rt reflect.Type) gobType {
defer typeLock.Unlock()
t, err := getType(name, rt)
if err != nil {
panic("getTypeUnlocked: " + err.String())
return t
// Sanity checks
func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range basicTypes {
if != tt.str {
t.Errorf("checkType: expected %q got %s", tt.str,
if == 0 {
t.Errorf("id for %q is zero", tt.str)
// Reregister some basic types to check registration is idempotent.
func TestReregistration(t *testing.T) {
newtyp := getTypeUnlocked("int", reflect.Typeof(int(0)))
if newtyp != tInt.gobType() {
t.Errorf("reregistration of %s got new type", newtyp.string())
newtyp = getTypeUnlocked("uint", reflect.Typeof(uint(0)))
if newtyp != tUint.gobType() {
t.Errorf("reregistration of %s got new type", newtyp.string())
newtyp = getTypeUnlocked("string", reflect.Typeof("hello"))
if newtyp != tString.gobType() {
t.Errorf("reregistration of %s got new type", newtyp.string())
func TestArrayType(t *testing.T) {
var a3 [3]int
a3int := getTypeUnlocked("foo", reflect.Typeof(a3))
newa3int := getTypeUnlocked("bar", reflect.Typeof(a3))
if a3int != newa3int {
t.Errorf("second registration of [3]int creates new type")
var a4 [4]int
a4int := getTypeUnlocked("goo", reflect.Typeof(a4))
if a3int == a4int {
t.Errorf("registration of [3]int creates same type as [4]int")
var b3 [3]bool
a3bool := getTypeUnlocked("", reflect.Typeof(b3))
if a3int == a3bool {
t.Errorf("registration of [3]bool creates same type as [3]int")
str := a3bool.string()
expected := "[3]bool"
if str != expected {
t.Errorf("array printed as %q; expected %q", str, expected)
func TestSliceType(t *testing.T) {
var s []int
sint := getTypeUnlocked("slice", reflect.Typeof(s))
var news []int
newsint := getTypeUnlocked("slice1", reflect.Typeof(news))
if sint != newsint {
t.Errorf("second registration of []int creates new type")
var b []bool
sbool := getTypeUnlocked("", reflect.Typeof(b))
if sbool == sint {
t.Errorf("registration of []bool creates same type as []int")
str := sbool.string()
expected := "[]bool"
if str != expected {
t.Errorf("slice printed as %q; expected %q", str, expected)
func TestMapType(t *testing.T) {
var m map[string]int
mapStringInt := getTypeUnlocked("map", reflect.Typeof(m))
var newm map[string]int
newMapStringInt := getTypeUnlocked("map1", reflect.Typeof(newm))
if mapStringInt != newMapStringInt {
t.Errorf("second registration of map[string]int creates new type")
var b map[string]bool
mapStringBool := getTypeUnlocked("", reflect.Typeof(b))
if mapStringBool == mapStringInt {
t.Errorf("registration of map[string]bool creates same type as map[string]int")
str := mapStringBool.string()
expected := "map[string]bool"
if str != expected {
t.Errorf("map printed as %q; expected %q", str, expected)
type Bar struct {
x string
// This structure has pointers and refers to itself, making it a good test case.
type Foo struct {
a int
b int32 // will become int
c string
d []byte
e *float // will become float
f ****float64 // will become float
g *Bar
h *Bar // should not interpolate the definition of Bar again
i *Foo // will not explode
func TestStructType(t *testing.T) {
sstruct := getTypeUnlocked("Foo", reflect.Typeof(Foo{}))
str := sstruct.string()
// If we can print it correctly, we built it correctly.
expected := "Foo = struct { a int; b int; c string; d bytes; e float; f float; g Bar = struct { x string; }; h Bar; i Foo; }"
if str != expected {
t.Errorf("struct printed as %q; expected %q", str, expected)