blob: 763f9e44d14d082cfef7815cc9b17aea0dd190ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
package doc
import (
var badSynopsis = []string{
"+build !release",
"COPYRIGHT Jimmy Bob",
"### Markdown heading",
"-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-",
"vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et ai ft=go:",
func TestBadSynopsis(t *testing.T) {
for _, s := range badSynopsis {
if synopsis(s) != "" {
t.Errorf(`synopsis(%q) did not return ""`, s)
const readme = `
$ go get
Build Status: [![Build Status](](
'go get' will install package1.
( "Package2's documentation on GoPkgDoc").
import ""
var expectedReferences = []string{
func TestReferences(t *testing.T) {
references := make(map[string]bool)
addReferences(references, []byte(readme))
for _, r := range expectedReferences {
if !references[r] {
t.Errorf("missing %s", r)
delete(references, r)
for r := range references {
t.Errorf("extra %s", r)
var simpleImporterTests = []struct {
path string
name string
// Last element with .suffix removed.
{"", "name"},
{"", "name"},
{"", "name"},
{"", "name"},
{"", "name"},
{"", "name"},
// Last element with "go" prefix or suffix removed.
{"", "name"},
{"", "name"},
{"", "name"},
{"", "name"},
// Special cases for popular repos.
{"", "name"},
{"", "name"},
// Use last element of path.
{"", "name.other"},
{"", ".v0"},
{"", "name"},
{"", "namev0"},
{"", "goname"},
{"", "namego"},
{"", "name"},
{"name", "name"},
{"user/name", "name"},
func TestSimpleImporter(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range simpleImporterTests {
m := make(map[string]*ast.Object)
obj, _ := simpleImporter(m, tt.path)
if obj.Name != {
t.Errorf("simpleImporter(%q) = %q, want %q", tt.path, obj.Name,
// TestNewPackageRedirect tests that newPackage redirects
// and does not redirect as expected, in various situations.
// See
// and
func TestNewPackageRedirect(t *testing.T) {
// package.
// Vanity import path, hosted on GitHub, with import path comment.
ivy := gosrc.Directory{
Files: []*gosrc.File{
{Name: "main.go", Data: []byte("package main // import \"\"\n")},
ResolvedGitHubPath: "",
// package.
// Vanity import path, hosted on GitHub, without import path comment.
go4sort := gosrc.Directory{
Files: []*gosrc.File{
{Name: "main.go", Data: []byte("package sort\n")},
ResolvedGitHubPath: "",
// package.
// Hosted on GitHub, with import path comment that doesn't match canonical GitHub case.
// See issue
gtv := gosrc.Directory{
Files: []*gosrc.File{
{Name: "main.go", Data: []byte("package validate // import \"\"\n")},
ResolvedGitHubPath: "", // Note that this differs from import path comment.
tests := []struct {
name string
repo gosrc.Directory
requestPath string
wantRedirect string // Empty string means no redirect.
// ivy.
repo: ivy, name: "ivy repo: access canonical path -> no redirect",
requestPath: "",
repo: ivy, name: "ivy repo: access GitHub path -> redirect to import comment",
requestPath: "",
wantRedirect: "",
repo: ivy, name: "ivy repo: access GitHub path with weird casing -> redirect to import comment",
requestPath: "",
wantRedirect: "",
// go4sort.
repo: go4sort, name: "go4sort repo: access canonical path -> no redirect",
requestPath: "",
repo: go4sort, name: "go4sort repo: access GitHub path -> no redirect",
requestPath: "",
repo: go4sort, name: "go4sort repo: access GitHub path with weird casing -> redirect to resolved GitHub case",
requestPath: "",
wantRedirect: "",
// gtv.
repo: gtv, name: "gtv repo: access canonical path -> no redirect",
requestPath: "",
repo: gtv, name: "gtv repo: access canonical GitHub path -> redirect to import comment",
requestPath: "",
wantRedirect: "",
repo: gtv, name: "gtv repo: access GitHub path with weird casing -> redirect to import comment",
requestPath: "",
wantRedirect: "",
for _, tt := range tests {
dir := tt.repo
dir.ImportPath = tt.requestPath
var want error
if tt.wantRedirect != "" {
want = gosrc.NotFoundError{
Message: "not at canonical import path",
Redirect: tt.wantRedirect,
_, got := newPackage(&dir)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("%s: got error %v, want %v",, got, want)