blob: 18ffe08c8a1b27709662232d98d18008a427c7cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
package main
import (
func TestHandlePkgGoDevRedirect(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
name, url, wantLocationHeader, wantSetCookieHeader string
wantStatusCode int
cookie *http.Cookie
name: "test pkggodev-redirect param is on",
url: "",
wantLocationHeader: "",
wantSetCookieHeader: "pkggodev-redirect=on; Path=/",
wantStatusCode: http.StatusFound,
name: "test pkggodev-redirect param is off",
url: "",
wantLocationHeader: "",
wantSetCookieHeader: "pkggodev-redirect=; Path=/; Max-Age=0",
wantStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
name: "test pkggodev-redirect param is unset",
url: "",
wantLocationHeader: "",
wantSetCookieHeader: "",
wantStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
name: "toggle enabled pkggodev-redirect cookie",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "pkggodev-redirect", Value: "true"},
wantLocationHeader: "",
wantSetCookieHeader: "pkggodev-redirect=; Path=/; Max-Age=0",
wantStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
name: "pkggodev-redirect enabled cookie should redirect",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "pkggodev-redirect", Value: "on"},
wantLocationHeader: "",
wantSetCookieHeader: "",
wantStatusCode: http.StatusFound,
name: "do not redirect if user is returning from",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "pkggodev-redirect", Value: "on"},
wantStatusCode: http.StatusOK,
name: "always redirect /-/about",
url: "",
wantLocationHeader: "",
wantStatusCode: http.StatusFound,
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", test.url, nil)
if test.cookie != nil {
handler := pkgGoDevRedirectHandler(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
return nil
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
err := handler(w, req)
if err != nil {
resp := w.Result()
if got, want := resp.Header.Get("Location"), test.wantLocationHeader; got != want {
t.Errorf("Location header mismatch: got %q; want %q", got, want)
if got, want := resp.Header.Get("Set-Cookie"), test.wantSetCookieHeader; got != want {
t.Errorf("Set-Cookie header mismatch: got %q; want %q", got, want)
if got, want := resp.StatusCode, test.wantStatusCode; got != want {
t.Errorf("Status code mismatch: got %d; want %d", got, want)
func TestPkgGoDevURL(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
from, to string
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "",
to: "",
from: "κ",
to: "",
for _, tc := range testCases {
u, err := url.Parse(tc.from)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("url.Parse(%q): %v", tc.from, err)
to := pkgGoDevURL(u)
if got, want := to.String(),; got != want {
t.Errorf("pkgGoDevURL(%q) = %q; want %q", u, got, want)
func TestNewGDDOEvent(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
url string
cookie *http.Cookie
want *gddoEvent
name: "home page request",
url: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "",
UsePkgGoDev: false,
name: "home page request with cookie on should redirect",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "pkggodev-redirect", Value: "on"},
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "",
UsePkgGoDev: true,
name: "about page request",
url: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/-/about",
UsePkgGoDev: false,
name: "request with search query parameter",
url: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/",
UsePkgGoDev: false,
name: "package page request",
url: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/net/http",
UsePkgGoDev: false,
name: "package page request with wrong cookie on should not redirect",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "bogus-cookie", Value: "on"},
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/net/http",
UsePkgGoDev: false,
name: "package page request with query parameter off should not redirect",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "pkggodev-redirect", Value: "on"},
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/net/http",
UsePkgGoDev: false,
name: "package page request with cookie on should redirect",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "pkggodev-redirect", Value: "on"},
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/net/http",
UsePkgGoDev: true,
name: "package page request with query parameter on should redirect",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "pkggodev-redirect", Value: ""},
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/net/http",
UsePkgGoDev: true,
name: "api request",
url: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/imports/net/http",
UsePkgGoDev: false,
name: "api requests should never redirect, even with cookie on",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "pkggodev-redirect", Value: "on"},
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/imports/net/http",
UsePkgGoDev: false,
name: "api requests should never redirect, even with query parameter on",
url: "",
cookie: &http.Cookie{Name: "pkggodev-redirect", Value: ""},
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/imports/net/http",
UsePkgGoDev: false,
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
want := test.want
want.Latency = 100
want.URL = test.url
want.Header = http.Header{}
want.IsRobot = true
r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", test.url, nil)
if test.cookie != nil {
want.Header.Add("Cookie", test.cookie.String())
got := newGDDOEvent(r, want.Latency, want.IsRobot, http.StatusOK)
want.Status = http.StatusOK
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestNewGDDOEventFromRequests(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
requestURI string
host string
want *gddoEvent
name: "absolute index path",
requestURI: "",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "",
URL: "",
name: "absolute index path with trailing slash",
requestURI: "",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/",
URL: "",
name: "relative index path",
requestURI: "/",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/",
URL: "",
name: "absolute about path",
requestURI: "",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/-/about",
URL: "",
name: "relative about path",
requestURI: "/-/about",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/-/about",
URL: "",
name: "absolute package path",
requestURI: "",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/net/http",
URL: "",
name: "relative package path",
requestURI: "/net/http",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/net/http",
URL: "",
name: "absolute path with query parameters",
requestURI: "",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/net/http",
URL: "",
name: "relative path with query parameters",
requestURI: "/net/http?q=test",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/net/http",
URL: "",
name: "absolute api path",
requestURI: "",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/imports/net/http",
URL: "",
name: "relative api path",
requestURI: "/imports/net/http",
host: "",
want: &gddoEvent{
Host: "",
Path: "/imports/net/http",
URL: "",
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
want := test.want
want.Latency = 100
want.Header = http.Header{}
want.IsRobot = false
requestLine := "GET " + test.requestURI + " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + + "\r\n\r\n"
req, err := http.ReadRequest(bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(requestLine)))
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("invalid NewRequest arguments; " + err.Error())
got := newGDDOEvent(req, want.Latency, want.IsRobot, http.StatusOK)
want.Status = http.StatusOK
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestShouldTeeRequest(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
urlPath string
want bool
{"/", true},
{"/-/about", true},
{"/net/http", true},
{"/_ah/ready", false},
{"/_ah/warmup", false},
{"/-/bootstrap.min.css", false},
{"/-/bootstrap.min.js", false},
{"/-/bot", false},
{"/-/jquery-2.0.3.min.js", false},
{"/-/refresh", false},
{"/-/sidebar.css", false},
{"/-/site.css", false},
{"/-/site.js", false},
{"/BingSiteAuth.xml", false},
{"/google3d2f3cd4cc2bb44b.html", false},
{"/humans.txt", false},
{"/robots.txt", false},
{"/third_party/jquery.timeago.js", false},
} {
if got := shouldTeeRequest(test.urlPath); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("shouldTeeRequest(%q): %t; want %t", test.urlPath, got, test.want)