blob: 9cc8c617adb478f5b30058c0474abe78a5bf0305 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package runtimeconfig provides a limited set of client-side APIs for the Cloud Runtime
// Configurator. The Cloud Runtime Configurator service allows projects to store runtime
// configurations in the cloud and have clients fetch and get notified of changes to configuration
// values during runtime.
// This package provides a Client that sets up a Watcher for detecting updates on a Runtime
// Configurator variable.
package runtimeconfig
import (
transport ""
pb ""
const (
// endpoint is the address of the GCP Runtime Configurator API.
endPoint = ""
// defaultWaitTimeout is the default value for WatchOptions.WaitTime if not set.
defaultWaitTimeout = 10 * time.Minute
// List of authentication scopes required for using the Runtime Configurator API.
var authScopes = []string{
// Client is a RuntimeConfigManager client. It wraps the gRPC client stub and currently exposes
// only a few APIs primarily for fetching and watching over configuration variables.
type Client struct {
conn *grpc.ClientConn
// The gRPC API client.
client pb.RuntimeConfigManagerClient
// NewClient constructs a Client instance from given gRPC connection.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, opts ...option.ClientOption) (*Client, error) {
opts = append(opts, option.WithEndpoint(endPoint), option.WithScopes(authScopes...))
conn, err := transport.Dial(ctx, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Client{
conn: conn,
client: pb.NewRuntimeConfigManagerClient(conn),
}, nil
// Close tears down the gRPC connection used by this Client.
func (c *Client) Close() error {
return c.conn.Close()
// NewWatcher will fetch variable for given projectID, configName and varName, then constructs a
// Watcher object containing the fetched variable. Users can then use the Watcher to retrieve the
// variable as well as wait for changes.
func (c *Client) NewWatcher(ctx context.Context, projectID, configName, varName string,
opts *WatchOptions) (*Watcher, error) {
name := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/configs/%s/variables/%s", projectID, configName, varName)
vpb, err := c.client.GetVariable(ctx, &pb.GetVariableRequest{Name: name})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if opts == nil {
opts = &WatchOptions{}
waitTime := opts.WaitTime
switch {
case waitTime == 0:
waitTime = defaultWaitTimeout
case waitTime < 0:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot have negative WaitTime option value: %v", waitTime)
// Make sure update time is valid before copying.
updateTime, err := parseUpdateTime(vpb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w := &Watcher{
client: c.client,
waitTime: waitTime,
lastRPCTime: time.Now(),
copyFromProto(vpb, &w.vrbl, updateTime)
return w, nil
// WatchOptions provide optional configurations to the Watcher.
type WatchOptions struct {
// WaitTime controls the frequency of making RPC and checking for updates by the Watch method.
// A Watcher keeps track of the last time it made an RPC, when Watch is called, it waits for
// configured WaitTime from the last RPC before making another RPC. The smaller the value, the
// higher the frequency of making RPCs, which also means faster rate of hitting the API quota.
// If this option is not set or set to 0, it uses defaultWaitTimeout value.
WaitTime time.Duration
// Watcher caches a variable in memory and listens for updates from the Runtime Configurator
// service.
type Watcher struct {
client pb.RuntimeConfigManagerClient
waitTime time.Duration
lastRPCTime time.Time
mu sync.Mutex
vrbl Variable
// Variable returns a shallow copy of the associated variable of this Watcher object. It is safe to
// use from multiple goroutines.
func (w *Watcher) Variable() Variable {
return w.vrbl
var errDeleted = errors.New("deleted variable")
// IsDeleted returns true if variable has been deleted.
func IsDeleted(err error) bool {
return err == errDeleted
// Watch blocks until the variable changes, the Context's Done channel closes, or an RPC
// error occurs.
// If the variable has a new value, then method returns nil and the value can be retrieved by
// calling Variable.
// If the variable is deleted, then method returns an error that will be matched by IsDeleted.
// Subsequent calls to this method will block until the variable is restored or another error
// occurs.
// It is NOT safe to call this method from multiple goroutines.
// To stop this function from blocking, caller can passed in Context object constructed via
// WithCancel and call the cancel function.
func (w *Watcher) Watch(ctx context.Context) error {
// Loop to check for changes or continue waiting.
for {
// Block until waitTime or context cancelled/timed out.
waitTime := w.waitTime - time.Now().Sub(w.lastRPCTime)
select {
case <-time.After(waitTime):
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// Use GetVariables RPC and check for deltas based on the response. May consider using
// ListVariables RPC with Filter=<key> and ReturnValues=false to identify deltas before
// doing a GetVariable to potentially save on response size. However, even with
// Filter=<key>, the response on ListVariables may return more than one matching variable
// and this code will need to iterate through calling more ListVariables RPCs.
vpb, err := w.client.GetVariable(ctx, &pb.GetVariableRequest{Name: w.vrbl.Name})
w.lastRPCTime = time.Now()
if err == nil {
updateTime, err := parseUpdateTime(vpb)
if err != nil {
return err
// Determine if there are any changes based on update_time field. If there are, update
// cache and return nil, else continue on.
// TODO(herbie): It is currently possible to have update_time changed but without any
// changes in the content. Need to re-evaluate if this should instead check for actual
// content changes.
if !w.vrbl.UpdateTime.Equal(updateTime) {
copyFromProto(vpb, &w.vrbl, updateTime)
return nil
} else {
if st, ok := status.FromError(err); !ok || st.Code() != codes.NotFound {
return err
// For RPC not found error, if last known state is not deleted, update and return
// errDeleted, else treat as no change has occurred.
if !w.vrbl.IsDeleted {
w.vrbl.IsDeleted = true
w.vrbl.UpdateTime = time.Now().UTC()
return errDeleted
// Variable contains the runtime configuration data.
// Treat Value field as read-only. Writes to it may affect other Variable objects containing
// reference to the same backing array.
type Variable struct {
Name string
Value []byte
IsDeleted bool
UpdateTime time.Time
func copyFromProto(vpb *pb.Variable, vrbl *Variable, updateTime time.Time) {
vrbl.Name = vpb.Name
vrbl.UpdateTime = updateTime
vrbl.IsDeleted = false
vrbl.Value = vpb.GetValue()
// We currently only expose content in []byte. If proto contains text content, convert that to
// []byte.
if _, isText := vpb.GetContents().(*pb.Variable_Text); isText {
vrbl.Value = []byte(vpb.GetText())
func parseUpdateTime(vpb *pb.Variable) (time.Time, error) {
updateTime, err := ptypes.Timestamp(vpb.GetUpdateTime())
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, fmt.Errorf(
"variable message for name=%q contains invalid timestamp: %v", vpb.Name, err)
return updateTime, nil