blob: 4ec89079fb2a17f279bf282bbcd79952c0498a3d [file] [log] [blame]
package p
// Here the same alias refers to different types in old and new.
// We correctly detect the problem, but the message is poor.
// both
type t1 int
type t2 bool
// old
type A = t1
// new
// i t1: changed from int to bool
type A = t2
// old
type B = int
// new
// i B: changed from int to B
type B int
// old
type C int
// new
// OK: merging types
type C = int
// both
// OK: identical (but this fails on 07ab4e7)
type TypedBucketRateLimiter[T comparable] struct{}
type BucketRateLimiter = TypedBucketRateLimiter[any]