blob: 857c6c31e67522655e61b8f0a0562f37762f4653 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !disable_events
package event_test
import (
var (
l1 = keys.Int("l1").Of(1)
l2 = keys.Int("l2").Of(2)
l3 = keys.Int("l3").Of(3)
counter = event.NewCounter("hits", "cache hits")
gauge = event.NewFloatGauge("temperature", "CPU board temperature in Celsius")
latency = event.NewDuration("latency", "how long it took")
func TestPrint(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
events func(context.Context)
expect string
name: "simple",
events: func(ctx context.Context) { event.Log(ctx, "a message") },
expect: `time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" msg="a message"
`}, {
name: "log 1",
events: func(ctx context.Context) { event.Log(ctx, "a message", l1) },
expect: `time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" l1=1 msg="a message"`,
}, {
name: "log 2",
events: func(ctx context.Context) { event.Log(ctx, "a message", l1, l2) },
expect: `time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" l1=1 l2=2 msg="a message"`,
}, {
name: "log 3",
events: func(ctx context.Context) { event.Log(ctx, "a message", l1, l2, l3) },
expect: `time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" l1=1 l2=2 l3=3 msg="a message"`,
}, {
name: "span",
events: func(ctx context.Context) {
ctx = event.Start(ctx, "span")
expect: `
time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" trace=1 name=span
time="2020/03/05 14:27:49" parent=1 end
`}, {
name: "span nested",
events: func(ctx context.Context) {
ctx = event.Start(ctx, "parent")
defer event.End(ctx)
child := event.Start(ctx, "child")
defer event.End(child)
event.Log(child, "message")
expect: `
time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" trace=1 name=parent
time="2020/03/05 14:27:49" parent=1 trace=2 name=child
time="2020/03/05 14:27:50" parent=2 msg=message
time="2020/03/05 14:27:51" parent=2 end
time="2020/03/05 14:27:52" parent=1 end
`}, {
name: "counter",
events: func(ctx context.Context) { counter.Record(ctx, 2, l1) },
expect: `time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" metricValue=2 metric="Metric(\"\")" l1=1`,
}, {
name: "gauge",
events: func(ctx context.Context) { gauge.Record(ctx, 98.6, l1) },
expect: `time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" metricValue=98.6 metric="Metric(\"\")" l1=1`,
}, {
name: "duration",
events: func(ctx context.Context) {
latency.Record(ctx, 3*time.Second, l1, l2)
expect: `time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" metricValue=3s metric="Metric(\"\")" l1=1 l2=2`,
}, {
name: "annotate",
events: func(ctx context.Context) { event.Annotate(ctx, l1) },
expect: `time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" l1=1`,
}, {
name: "annotate 2",
events: func(ctx context.Context) { event.Annotate(ctx, l1, l2) },
expect: `time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" l1=1 l2=2`,
}, {
name: "multiple events",
events: func(ctx context.Context) {
/*TODO: this is supposed to be using a cached target
t := event.To(ctx)
p := event.Prototype{}.As(event.LogKind)
t.With(p).Int("myInt", 6).Message("my event").Send()
t.With(p).String("myString", "some string value").Message("string event").Send()
event.Log(ctx, "my event", keys.Int("myInt").Of(6))
event.Log(ctx, "string event", keys.String("myString").Of("some string value"))
expect: `
time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" myInt=6 msg="my event"
time="2020/03/05 14:27:49" myString="some string value" msg="string event"
`}} {
buf := &strings.Builder{}
ctx := event.WithExporter(ctx, event.NewExporter(logfmt.NewHandler(buf), eventtest.ExporterOptions()))
got := strings.TrimSpace(buf.String())
expect := strings.TrimSpace(test.expect)
if got != expect {
t.Errorf("%s failed\ngot : %s\nexpect: %s",, got, expect)
func ExampleLog() {
ctx := event.WithExporter(context.Background(), event.NewExporter(logfmt.NewHandler(os.Stdout), eventtest.ExporterOptions()))
event.Log(ctx, "my event", keys.Int("myInt").Of(6))
event.Log(ctx, "error event", keys.String("myString").Of("some string value"))
// Output:
// time="2020/03/05 14:27:48" myInt=6 msg="my event"
// time="2020/03/05 14:27:49" myString="some string value" msg="error event"
func TestLogEventf(t *testing.T) {
eventtest.TestBenchmark(t, eventPrint, eventLogf, eventtest.LogfOutput)
func TestLogEvent(t *testing.T) {
eventtest.TestBenchmark(t, eventPrint, eventLog, eventtest.LogfmtOutput)
func TestTraceBuilder(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that the context returned from the handler is also returned from Start,
// and is the context passed to End.
ctx := event.WithExporter(context.Background(), event.NewExporter(&testTraceHandler{t: t}, eventtest.ExporterOptions()))
ctx = event.Start(ctx, "s")
val := ctx.Value("x")
if val != 1 {
t.Fatal("context not returned from Start")
type testTraceHandler struct {
t *testing.T
func (t *testTraceHandler) Event(ctx context.Context, ev *event.Event) context.Context {
switch ev.Kind {
case event.StartKind:
return context.WithValue(ctx, "x", 1)
case event.EndKind:
val := ctx.Value("x")
if val != 1 {
t.t.Fatal("Start context not passed to End")
return ctx
return ctx
func TestTraceDuration(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that a trace can can emit a latency metric.
dur := event.NewDuration("test", "")
want := time.Second
check := func(t *testing.T, h *testTraceDurationHandler) {
if ! {
t.Fatal("no metric value")
got :=
if got != want {
t.Fatalf("got %s, want %s", got, want)
t.Run("returned builder", func(t *testing.T) {
h := &testTraceDurationHandler{}
ctx := event.WithExporter(context.Background(), event.NewExporter(h, eventtest.ExporterOptions()))
ctx = event.Start(ctx, "s")
event.End(ctx, event.DurationMetric.Of(dur))
check(t, h)
//TODO: come back and fix this
t.Run("separate builder", func(t *testing.T) {
h := &testTraceDurationHandler{}
ctx := event.WithExporter(context.Background(), event.NewExporter(h, eventtest.ExporterOptions()))
ctx = event.Start(ctx, "s")
event.End(ctx, event.DurationMetric.Of(dur))
check(t, h)
type testTraceDurationHandler struct {
got event.Value
func (t *testTraceDurationHandler) Event(ctx context.Context, ev *event.Event) context.Context {
if ev.Kind == event.MetricKind {, _ = event.MetricVal.Find(ev)
return ctx
func BenchmarkBuildContext(b *testing.B) {
// How long does it take to deliver an event from a nested context?
c := event.NewCounter("c", "")
for _, depth := range []int{1, 5, 7, 10} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("depth %d", depth), func(b *testing.B) {
ctx := event.WithExporter(context.Background(), event.NewExporter(nopHandler{}, eventtest.ExporterOptions()))
for i := 0; i < depth; i++ {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, i, i)
b.Run("direct", func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
c.Record(ctx, 1)
/*TODO: work out how we do cached labels
b.Run("cloned", func(b *testing.B) {
bu := event.To(ctx)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
c.RecordTB(bu, 1).Name("foo").Send()