blob: 8cc12067826bb41e3c7ac4f3497c21610099172d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package event_test
import (
var (
aValue = keys.Int(eventtest.A.Name)
bValue = keys.String(eventtest.B.Name)
aCount = keys.Int64("aCount")
aStat = keys.Int("aValue")
bCount = keys.Int64("B")
bLength = keys.Int("BLen")
eventLog = eventtest.Hooks{
AStart: func(ctx context.Context, a int) context.Context {
severity.Info.Log(ctx, eventtest.A.Msg, aValue.Of(a))
return ctx
AEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
BStart: func(ctx context.Context, b string) context.Context {
severity.Info.Log(ctx, eventtest.B.Msg, bValue.Of(b))
return ctx
BEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
eventLogf = eventtest.Hooks{
AStart: func(ctx context.Context, a int) context.Context {
severity.Info.Logf(ctx, eventtest.A.Msgf, a)
return ctx
AEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
BStart: func(ctx context.Context, b string) context.Context {
severity.Info.Logf(ctx, eventtest.B.Msgf, b)
return ctx
BEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
eventTrace = eventtest.Hooks{
AStart: func(ctx context.Context, a int) context.Context {
ctx = event.Start(ctx, eventtest.A.Msg, aValue.Of(a))
return ctx
AEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {
BStart: func(ctx context.Context, b string) context.Context {
ctx = event.Start(ctx, eventtest.B.Msg, bValue.Of(b))
return ctx
BEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {
eventMetric = eventtest.Hooks{
AStart: func(ctx context.Context, a int) context.Context {
gauge.Record(ctx, 1, aStat.Of(a))
gauge.Record(ctx, 1, aCount.Of(1))
return ctx
AEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
BStart: func(ctx context.Context, b string) context.Context {
gauge.Record(ctx, 1, bLength.Of(len(b)))
gauge.Record(ctx, 1, bCount.Of(1))
return ctx
BEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
func eventNoExporter() context.Context {
return event.WithExporter(context.Background(), nil)
func eventNoop() context.Context {
return event.WithExporter(context.Background(), event.NewExporter(nopHandler{}, eventtest.ExporterOptions()))
func eventPrint(w io.Writer) context.Context {
return event.WithExporter(context.Background(), event.NewExporter(logfmt.NewHandler(w), eventtest.ExporterOptions()))
func eventPrintSource(w io.Writer) context.Context {
opts := eventtest.ExporterOptions()
opts.EnableNamespaces = true
return event.WithExporter(context.Background(), event.NewExporter(logfmt.NewHandler(w), opts))
type nopHandler struct{}
func (nopHandler) Event(ctx context.Context, _ *event.Event) context.Context { return ctx }
func BenchmarkEventLogNoExporter(b *testing.B) {
eventtest.RunBenchmark(b, eventNoExporter(), eventLog)
func BenchmarkEventLogNoop(b *testing.B) {
eventtest.RunBenchmark(b, eventNoop(), eventLog)
func BenchmarkEventLogDiscard(b *testing.B) {
eventtest.RunBenchmark(b, eventPrint(io.Discard), eventLog)
func BenchmarkEventLogSourceDiscard(b *testing.B) {
eventtest.RunBenchmark(b, eventPrintSource(io.Discard), eventLog)
func BenchmarkEventLogfDiscard(b *testing.B) {
eventtest.RunBenchmark(b, eventPrint(io.Discard), eventLogf)
func BenchmarkEventTraceNoop(b *testing.B) {
eventtest.RunBenchmark(b, eventNoop(), eventTrace)
func BenchmarkEventTraceDiscard(b *testing.B) {
eventtest.RunBenchmark(b, eventPrint(io.Discard), eventTrace)
func BenchmarkEventMetricNoop(b *testing.B) {
eventtest.RunBenchmark(b, eventNoop(), eventMetric)
func BenchmarkEventMetricDiscard(b *testing.B) {
eventtest.RunBenchmark(b, eventPrint(io.Discard), eventMetric)