blob: 1e93412796954ace692a9092e602893aba669693 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package audit finds vulnerabilities affecting Go packages.
package audit
import (
// Preamble with types and common functionality used by vulnerability detection mechanisms in detect_*.go files.
// Finding represents a finding for the use of a vulnerable symbol or an imported vulnerable package.
// Provides info on symbol location, trace leading up to the symbol use, and associated vulnerabilities.
type Finding struct {
Symbol string
Position *token.Position `json:",omitempty"`
Type SymbolType
Vulns []osv.Entry
Trace []TraceElem
// Approximate measure for indicating how useful the finding might be to the audit client.
// The smaller the weight, the more useful is the finding.
weight int
// SymbolType represents a type of a symbol use: function, global, or an import statement.
type SymbolType int
// enum values for SymbolType.
const (
FunctionType SymbolType = iota
// TraceElem represents an entry in the finding trace. Represents a function call or an import statement.
type TraceElem struct {
Description string
Position *token.Position `json:",omitempty"`
// Env encapsulates information for querying if an imported symbol/package is vulnerable:
// - platform info
// - package versions
// - vulnerability db
type Env struct {
OS string
Arch string
PkgVersions map[string]string
Vulns []*osv.Entry
// Write method for findings showing the trace and the associated vulnerabilities.
func (f Finding) Write(w io.Writer) {
var pos string
if f.Position != nil {
pos = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", f.Position)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Trace:\n%s%s\n", f.Symbol, pos)
writeTrace(w, f.Trace)
io.WriteString(w, "\n")
writeVulns(w, f.Vulns)
io.WriteString(w, "\n")
// writeTrace in reverse order, e.g., entry point is written last.
func writeTrace(w io.Writer, trace []TraceElem) {
for i := len(trace) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
io.WriteString(w, "\n")
func writeVulns(w io.Writer, vulns []osv.Entry) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Vulnerabilities:\n")
for _, v := range vulns {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s (%s)\n", v.Package.Name, v.EcosystemSpecific.URL)
func (e TraceElem) Write(w io.Writer) {
var pos string
if e.Position != nil {
pos = fmt.Sprintf(" (%s)", e.Position)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s%s", e.Description, pos)
// MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
func (s SymbolType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
var name string
switch s {
name = "unrecognized"
case FunctionType:
name = "function"
case ImportType:
name = "import"
case GlobalType:
name = "global"
return []byte(name), nil
func matchingVulns(os, arch, version string, vulns []*osv.Entry) []*osv.Entry {
var matches []*osv.Entry
for _, vuln := range vulns {
if matchesPlatformAndVersion(os, arch, version, vuln) {
matches = append(matches, vuln)
return matches
// matchesPlatformAndVersion checks if `os`, `arch`, and `version` match the vulnerability `vuln`.
func matchesPlatformAndVersion(os, arch, version string, vuln *osv.Entry) bool {
return matchesPlatform(os, vuln.EcosystemSpecific.GOOS) && matchesPlatform(arch, vuln.EcosystemSpecific.GOARCH) && vuln.Affects.AffectsSemver(version)
// matchesPlatform checks if `platform`, typically os or system architecture,
// matches `platforms`. Empty `platforms` is also a match.
func matchesPlatform(platform string, platforms []string) bool {
if len(platforms) == 0 {
return true
for _, p := range platforms {
if platform == p {
return true
return false
// pkgVulnerabilities map for fast lookup on vulnerable packages.
// Maps package paths to their vulnerabilities.
type pkgVulnerabilities map[string][]*osv.Entry
// createPkgVulns creates a fast package-vulnerability look-up map for `vulns`.
func createPkgVulns(vulns []*osv.Entry) pkgVulnerabilities {
pkgVulns := make(pkgVulnerabilities)
for _, vuln := range vulns {
pkgVulns[vuln.Package.Name] = append(pkgVulns[vuln.Package.Name], vuln)
return pkgVulns
// vulnerabilities returns a list of vulnerabilities that deem `pkgPath` vulnerable at `version` as well
// as `arch` architecture and `os` operating system. Assumes version strings in `pkgVulns` are well-formed;
// otherwise, the correctness of the results is not guaranteed.
func (pkgVulns pkgVulnerabilities) vulnerabilities(pkgPath, version, arch, os string) []*osv.Entry {
vulns, ok := pkgVulns[pkgPath]
if !ok {
return nil
return matchingVulns(os, arch, version, vulns)
func queryPkgVulns(pkgPath string, env Env, pkgVulns pkgVulnerabilities) []*osv.Entry {
version, ok := env.PkgVersions[pkgPath]
if !ok {
return nil
return pkgVulns.vulnerabilities(pkgPath, version, env.Arch, env.OS)
// symVulnerabilities map for fast lookup on vulnerable symbols.
// Maps package paths to symbols to their vulnerabilities.
type symVulnerabilities map[string]map[string][]*osv.Entry
// Represents any symbol. Used to model vulnerabilities in
// symVulnerabilties that define every symbol as vulnerable.
const symWildCard = "*"
// createSymVulns creates a fast symbol-vulnerability look-up map for `vulns`.
func createSymVulns(vulns []*osv.Entry) symVulnerabilities {
symVulns := make(symVulnerabilities)
for _, vuln := range vulns {
if len(vuln.EcosystemSpecific.Symbols) == 0 {
// If vuln.Symbols is empty, every symbol is vulnerable.
symVulns.add(symWildCard, vuln)
} else {
for _, sym := range vuln.EcosystemSpecific.Symbols {
symVulns.add(sym, vuln)
return symVulns
func (symVulns symVulnerabilities) add(symbol string, v *osv.Entry) {
syms := symVulns[v.Package.Name]
if syms == nil {
syms = make(map[string][]*osv.Entry)
symVulns[v.Package.Name] = syms
syms[symbol] = append(syms[symbol], v)
// vulnerabilities returns a list of vulnerabilities that deem `symbol` from package `pkgPath` vulnerable at
// `version`, architecture `arch`, and operating system `os`. Assumes version strings in `symVulns` are well-formed;
// otherwise, the correctness of the results is not guaranteed.
func (symVulns symVulnerabilities) vulnerabilities(symbol, pkgPath, version, arch, os string) []*osv.Entry {
pkgVulns, ok := symVulns[pkgPath]
if !ok {
return nil
var vulns []*osv.Entry
vulns = append(vulns, pkgVulns[symbol]...)
vulns = append(vulns, pkgVulns[symWildCard]...)
if len(vulns) == 0 {
return nil
return matchingVulns(os, arch, version, vulns)
func querySymbolVulns(symbol, pkgPath string, symVulns symVulnerabilities, env Env) []*osv.Entry {
version, ok := env.PkgVersions[pkgPath]
if !ok {
return nil
return symVulns.vulnerabilities(symbol, pkgPath, version, env.Arch, env.OS)