blob: af0d8061f234cb321bffec868682ca4fe6d31098 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// statements
package stmt0
func _() {
b, i, f, c, s := false, 1, 1.0, 1i, "foo"
b = i /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
i = f /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
f = c /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
c = s /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
s = b /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
v0 /* ERROR "mismatch" */, v1, v2 := 1, 2, 3, 4
b = true
i += 1
i += "foo" /* ERROR "cannot convert.*int" */
f -= 1
f -= "foo" /* ERROR "cannot convert.*float64" */
c *= 1
c /= 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
s += "bar"
s += 1 /* ERROR "cannot convert.*string" */
var u64 uint64
u64 += 1<<u64
undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */ = 991
func incdecs() {
const c = 3.14
c /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ ++
s := "foo"
s /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ --
3.14 /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ ++
var (
x int
y float32
z complex128
func sends() {
var ch chan int
var rch <-chan int
var x int
x /* ERROR "cannot send" */ <- x
rch /* ERROR "cannot send" */ <- x
ch <- "foo" /* ERROR "cannot convert" */
ch <- x
func selects() {
select {}
var (
ch chan int
sc chan <- bool
x int
select {
case <-ch:
ch <- x
case t, ok := <-ch:
x = t
case <-sc /* ERROR "cannot receive from send-only channel" */ :
select {
default /* ERROR "multiple defaults" */ :
func gos() {
go 1 /* ERROR "expected function/method call" */
go gos()
var c chan int
go close(c)
go len(c) // TODO(gri) this should not be legal
func defers() {
defer 1 /* ERROR "expected function/method call" */
defer defers()
var c chan int
defer close(c)
defer len(c) // TODO(gri) this should not be legal
func switches() {
var x int
switch x {
default /* ERROR "multiple defaults" */ :
switch {
case 1 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ :
switch int32(x) {
case 1, 2:
case x /* ERROR "cannot compare" */ :
switch x {
case 1 /* ERROR "overflows" */ << 100:
switch x {
case 1:
case 1 /* ERROR "duplicate case" */ :
case 2, 3, 4:
case 1 /* ERROR "duplicate case" */ :
// TODO(gri) duplicate 64bit values that don't fit into an int64 are not yet detected
switch uint64(x) {
case 1<<64-1:
case 1<<64-1:
type I interface {
type I2 interface {
type T struct{}
type T1 struct{}
type T2 struct{}
func (T) m() {}
func (T2) m(int) {}
func typeswitches() {
var i int
var x interface{}
switch x.(type) {}
switch (x /* ERROR "outside type switch" */ .(type)) {}
switch x.(type) {
default /* ERROR "multiple defaults" */ :
switch x := x.(type) {}
switch x := x.(type) {
case int:
var y int = x
switch x := i /* ERROR "not an interface" */ .(type) {}
switch t := x.(type) {
case nil:
var v bool = t /* ERROR "cannot initialize" */
case int:
var v int = t
case float32, complex64:
var v float32 = t /* ERROR "cannot initialize" */
var v float32 = t /* ERROR "cannot initialize" */
var t I
switch t.(type) {
case T:
case T1 /* ERROR "missing method m" */ :
case T2 /* ERROR "wrong type for method m" */ :
case I2 /* ERROR "wrong type for method m" */ :
func typeswitch0() {
switch y := interface{}(nil).(type) {
case int:
// TODO(gri) y has the wrong type here (type-checking
// of captured variable is delayed)
// func() int { return y + 0 }()
func rangeloops() {
var (
x int
a [10]float32
b []string
p *[10]complex128
pp **[10]complex128
s string
m map[int]bool
c chan int
sc chan<- int
rc <-chan int
for _ = range x /* ERROR "cannot range over" */ {}
for i := range x /* ERROR "cannot range over" */ {}
for i := range a {
var ii int
ii = i
for i, x := range a {
var ii int
ii = i
var xx float64
xx = x /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
var ii int
var xx float32
for ii, xx := range a {}
for i := range b {
var ii int
ii = i
for i, x := range b {
var ii int
ii = i
var xx string
xx = x
for i := range s {
var ii int
ii = i
for i, x := range s {
var ii int
ii = i
var xx rune
xx = x
for _, x := range p {
var xx complex128
xx = x
for _, x := range pp /* ERROR "cannot range over" */ {}
for k := range m {
var kk int32
kk = k /* ERROR "cannot assign" */
for k, v := range m {
var kk int
kk = k
if v {}
for _, _ /* ERROR "only one iteration variable" */ = range c {}
for e := range c {
var ee int
ee = e
for _ = range sc /* ERROR "cannot range over send-only channel" */ {}
for _ = range rc {}
// constant strings
const cs = "foo"
for i, x := range cs {}
for i, x := range "" {
var ii int
ii = i
var xx rune
xx = x