blob: 6aa9f90e9ff06dbd216d9f4b87e7a11760e7d41d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// embedded types
package decls3
// fields with the same name at the same level cancel each other out
func _() {
type (
T1 struct { X int }
T2 struct { X int }
T3 struct { T1; T2 } // X is embedded twice at the same level via T1->X, T2->X
var t T3
_ = t /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ .X
func _() {
type (
T1 struct { X int }
T2 struct { T1 }
T3 struct { T1 }
T4 struct { T2; T3 } // X is embedded twice at the same level via T2->T1->X, T3->T1->X
var t T4
_ = t /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ .X
func issue4355() {
type (
T1 struct {X int}
T2 struct {T1}
T3 struct {T2}
T4 struct {T2}
T5 struct {T3; T4} // X is embedded twice at the same level via T3->T2->T1->X, T4->T2->T1->X
var t T5
_ = t /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ .X
// Embedded fields can be predeclared types.
func _() {
type T0 struct{
f int
var x T0
_ =
_ = x.float32
_ = x.f
type T1 struct{
var y T1
_ =
_ = y.float32
_ = y.f
// Borrowed from the FieldByName test cases in reflect/all_test.go.
type D1 struct {
d int
type D2 struct {
d int
type S0 struct {
A, B, C int
type S1 struct {
B int
type S2 struct {
A int
type S1x struct {
type S1y struct {
type S3 struct {
D, E int
type S4 struct {
A int
// The X in S6 and S7 annihilate, but they also block the X in S8.S9.
type S5 struct {
type S6 struct {
X int
type S7 S6
type S8 struct {
type S9 struct {
X int
Y int
// The X in S11.S6 and S12.S6 annihilate, but they also block the X in S13.S8.S9.
type S10 struct {
type S11 struct {
type S12 struct {
type S13 struct {
func _() {
_ = struct /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ {}{}.Foo
_ = S0{}.A
_ = S0 /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ {}.D
_ = S1{}.A
_ = S1{}.B
_ = S1{}.S0
_ = S1{}.C
_ = S2{}.A
_ = S2{}.S1
_ = S2{}.B
_ = S2{}.C
_ = S2 /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ {}.D
_ = S3 /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ {}.S1
_ = S3{}.A
_ = S3 /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ {}.B
_ = S3{}.D
_ = S3{}.E
_ = S4{}.A
_ = S4 /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ {}.B
_ = S5 /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ {}.X
_ = S5{}.Y
_ = S10 /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ {}.X
_ = S10{}.Y
// Borrowed from the FieldByName benchmark in reflect/all_test.go.
type R0 struct {
type R1 struct {
type R2 R1
type R3 R1
type R4 R1
type R5 struct {
type R6 R5
type R7 R5
type R8 R5
type R9 struct {
type R10 R9
type R11 R9
type R12 R9
type R13 struct {
type R14 R13
type R15 R13
type R16 R13
type R17 struct {
type R18 R17
type R19 R17
type R20 R17
type R21 struct {
X int
type R22 R21
type R23 R21
type R24 R21
var _ = R0 /* ERROR "no single field or method" */ {}.X