blob: c15ac917d8849c343d3c95293283f37fca62040b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// method declarations
package decls2
import "time"
// T1 declared before its methods.
type T1 struct{
f int
func (T1) m() {}
func (T1) m /* ERROR "redeclared" */ () {}
func (x *T1) f /* ERROR "field and method" */ () {}
// T2's method declared before the type.
func (*T2) f /* ERROR "field and method" */ () {}
type T2 struct {
f int
// Methods declared without a declared type.
func (undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */) m() {}
func (x *undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */) m() {}
func (pi /* ERROR "not a type" */) m1() {}
func (x pi /* ERROR "not a type" */) m2() {}
func (x *pi /* ERROR "not a type" */ ) m3() {}
// Blank types.
type _ struct { m int }
type _ struct { m int }
// TODO(gri) blank idents not fully checked - disabled for now
// func (_ /* ERROR "cannot use _" */) m() {}
// func (_ /* ERROR "cannot use _" */) m() {}
// Methods with receiver base type declared in another file.
func (T3) m1() {}
func (*T3) m2() {}
func (x T3) m3() {}
func (x *T3) f /* ERROR "field and method" */ () {}
// Methods of non-struct type.
type T4 func()
func (self T4) m() func() { return self }
// Methods associated with an interface.
type T5 interface {
m() int
func (T5 /* ERROR "invalid receiver" */) m1() {}
func (T5 /* ERROR "invalid receiver" */) m2() {}
// Methods associated with non-local or unnamed types.
func (int /* ERROR "non-local type" */ ) m() {}
func ([ /* ERROR "expected" */ ]int) m() {}
func (time /* ERROR "expected" */ .Time) m() {}
func (x interface /* ERROR "expected" */ {}) m() {}