blob: c0d7f51224a85c6ffe6992481b8841c149d21089 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// type declarations
package decls0
import (
// we can have multiple blank imports (was bug)
_ "math"
_ "net/rpc"
// reflect defines a type "flag" which shows up in the gc export data
. "reflect"
// reflect.flag must not be visible in this package
type flag int
type _ reflect /* ERROR "not exported" */ .flag
// dot-imported exported objects may conflict with local objects
type Value /* ERROR "redeclared in this block by dot-import" */ struct{}
const pi = 3.1415
type (
N undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */
B bool
I int32
A [10]P
T struct {
x, y P
P *T
R (*R)
F func(A) I
Y interface {
f(A) I
S [](((P)))
M map[I]F
C chan<- I
// blank types must be typechecked
_ pi /* ERROR "not a type" */
_ struct{}
_ struct{ pi /* ERROR "not a type" */ }
// invalid array types
type (
iA0 [... /* ERROR "invalid use of '...'" */ ]byte
iA1 [1 /* ERROR "invalid array length" */ <<100]int
iA2 [- /* ERROR "invalid array length" */ 1]complex128
iA3 ["foo" /* ERROR "must be integer" */ ]string
type (
p1 pi /* ERROR "no single field or method foo" */ .foo
p2 unsafe.Pointer
type (
Pi pi /* ERROR "not a type" */
a /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ a
a /* ERROR "redeclared" */ int
// where the cycle error appears depends on the
// order in which declarations are processed
// (which depends on the order in which a map
// is iterated through)
b /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ c
c d
d e
e b
t *t
V *W
P1 *S2
P2 P1
S0 struct {
S1 struct {
a, b, c int
u, v, a /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32
S2 struct {
U // anonymous field
// TODO(gri) recognize double-declaration below
// U /* ERROR "redeclared" */ int
S3 struct {
x S2
S4/* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ struct {
S5 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ struct {
S6 struct {
field S7
S7 struct {
L1 []L1
L2 []int
A1 [10.0]int
A2 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ [10]A2
A3 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ [10]struct {
x A4
A4 [10]A3
F1 func()
F2 func(x, y, z float32)
F3 func(x, y, x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
F4 func() (x, y, x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
F5 func(x int) (x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
F6 func(x
I1 interface{}
I2 interface {
I3 interface { /* ERROR "multiple methods named m1" */
m1 /* ERROR "redeclared" */ ()
I4 interface {
m1(x, y, x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
m2() (x, y, x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
m3(x int) (x /* ERROR "redeclared" */ float32)
I5 interface {
I6 interface {
S0 /* ERROR "not an interface" */
I7 interface {
I8 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ interface {
// Use I09 (rather than I9) because it appears lexically before
// I10 so that we get the illegal cycle here rather then in the
// declaration of I10. If the implementation sorts by position
// rather than name, the error message will still be here.
I09 /* ERROR "illegal cycle" */ interface {
I10 interface {
I11 interface {
C1 chan int
C2 <-chan int
C3 chan<- C3
C4 chan C5
C5 chan C6
C6 chan C4
M1 map[Last]string
M2 map[string]M2
Last int