blob: 58f66cfdc988ea7eaee8d4e9e88017e4083e2ca0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !go1.12
package rand
func (pcg *PCGSource) add() {
old := pcg.low
pcg.low += incLow
if pcg.low < old {
// Carry occurred.
pcg.high += incHigh
func (pcg *PCGSource) multiply() {
// Break each lower word into two separate 32-bit 'digits' each stored
// in a 64-bit word with 32 high zero bits. This allows the overflow
// into the high word to be computed.
s0 := (pcg.low >> 00) & maxUint32
s1 := (pcg.low >> 32) & maxUint32
const (
m0 = (multiplier >> 00) & maxUint32
m1 = (multiplier >> 32) & maxUint32
mLow = multiplier & (1<<64 - 1)
mHigh = multiplier >> 64 & (1<<64 - 1)
high := pcg.low*mHigh + pcg.high*mLow
s0m0 := s0 * m0
s0m1 := s0 * m1
s1m0 := s1 * m0
s1m1 := s1 * m1
high += (s0m1 >> 32) + (s1m0 >> 32)
carry := (s0m1 & maxUint32) + (s1m0 & maxUint32) + s0m0>>32
high += (carry >> 32)
pcg.low *= mLow
pcg.high = high + s1m1