blob: bbad9c8d4eedc1cb5739f298c818acba1a9aad50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package zap_test
import (
var (
zapLog = bench.Hooks{
AStart: func(ctx context.Context, a int) context.Context {
zapCtx(ctx).Info(bench.A.Msg, zap.Int(bench.A.Name, a))
return ctx
AEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
BStart: func(ctx context.Context, b string) context.Context {
zapCtx(ctx).Info(bench.B.Msg, zap.String(bench.B.Name, b))
return ctx
BEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
zapLogf = bench.Hooks{
AStart: func(ctx context.Context, a int) context.Context {
zapCtx(ctx).Sugar().Infof(bench.A.Msgf, a)
return ctx
AEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
BStart: func(ctx context.Context, b string) context.Context {
zapCtx(ctx).Sugar().Infof(bench.B.Msgf, b)
return ctx
BEnd: func(ctx context.Context) {},
type zapKey struct{}
func zapCtx(ctx context.Context) *zap.Logger {
return ctx.Value(zapKey{}).(*zap.Logger)
func zapPrint(w io.Writer) context.Context {
now := eventtest.ExporterOptions().Now
ec := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
ec.EncodeDuration = zapcore.NanosDurationEncoder
timeEncoder := zapcore.TimeEncoderOfLayout(bench.TimeFormat)
ec.EncodeTime = func(t time.Time, a zapcore.PrimitiveArrayEncoder) {
timeEncoder(now(), a)
enc := zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(ec)
logger := zap.New(zapcore.NewCore(
return context.WithValue(context.Background(), zapKey{}, logger)
func BenchmarkZapLogDiscard(b *testing.B) {
bench.RunBenchmark(b, zapPrint(io.Discard), zapLog)
func BenchmarkZapLogfDiscard(b *testing.B) {
bench.RunBenchmark(b, zapPrint(io.Discard), zapLogf)
func TestZapLogfDiscard(t *testing.T) {
bench.TestBenchmark(t, zapPrint, zapLogf, `
2020/03/05 14:27:48 info a where A=0
2020/03/05 14:27:49 info b where B="A value"
2020/03/05 14:27:50 info a where A=1
2020/03/05 14:27:51 info b where B="Some other value"
2020/03/05 14:27:52 info a where A=22
2020/03/05 14:27:53 info b where B="Some other value"
2020/03/05 14:27:54 info a where A=333
2020/03/05 14:27:55 info b where B=""
2020/03/05 14:27:56 info a where A=4444
2020/03/05 14:27:57 info b where B="prime count of values"
2020/03/05 14:27:58 info a where A=55555
2020/03/05 14:27:59 info b where B="V"
2020/03/05 14:28:00 info a where A=666666
2020/03/05 14:28:01 info b where B="A value"
2020/03/05 14:28:02 info a where A=7777777
2020/03/05 14:28:03 info b where B="A value"
func TestLogZap(t *testing.T) {
bench.TestBenchmark(t, zapPrint, zapLog, `
2020/03/05 14:27:48 info a {"A": 0}
2020/03/05 14:27:49 info b {"B": "A value"}
2020/03/05 14:27:50 info a {"A": 1}
2020/03/05 14:27:51 info b {"B": "Some other value"}
2020/03/05 14:27:52 info a {"A": 22}
2020/03/05 14:27:53 info b {"B": "Some other value"}
2020/03/05 14:27:54 info a {"A": 333}
2020/03/05 14:27:55 info b {"B": ""}
2020/03/05 14:27:56 info a {"A": 4444}
2020/03/05 14:27:57 info b {"B": "prime count of values"}
2020/03/05 14:27:58 info a {"A": 55555}
2020/03/05 14:27:59 info b {"B": "V"}
2020/03/05 14:28:00 info a {"A": 666666}
2020/03/05 14:28:01 info b {"B": "A value"}
2020/03/05 14:28:02 info a {"A": 7777777}
2020/03/05 14:28:03 info b {"B": "A value"}