tree: 5666daaa3116eee805b99780b2b5c475e378e2da [path history] [tgz]
  1. alreadyexists/
  2. basic/
  3. cgo/
  4. cycle/
  5. empty/
  6. errors/
  7. first/
  8. fix/
  9. generics/
  10. internalcompat/
  11. main/
  12. mod/
  13. nomod/
  14. patherrors/
  15. prerelease/
  16. private/
  17. regress/
  18. require/
  19. retract/
  20. sub/
  21. tidy/

This directory contains most tests for gorelease. Each test runs gorelease (the runRelease function) with a given set of flags in a temporary directory populated with files specified in the test itself or files from the module test proxy. The output is compared against a golden want file specified in the test.

Test flags

A specific test may be run with a command like:

go test -run=TestRelease/basic/v0_patch_suggest

where basic/v0_patch_suggest matches the file testdata/basic/v0_patch_suggest.test.

The -u flag adds or updates the want file in each test to match the output. This is useful for fixing tests after an intended change in behavior.

go test -run=TestRelease/basic/v0_patch_suggest -u

The -testwork flag instructs the test framework to leave the test's temporary directory and module proxy in place after running the test. This is useful for debugging.

Test format

Tests are written in .test files in testdata subdirectories. Each .test file is a valid txtar file (see The comment section contains the test parameters, which are a series of key=value pairs. Blank lines and comments starting with # are allowed in this section. Valid keys are:

  • mod: sets the module path. Must be specified together with version. Copies the content of a module out of the test proxy into a temporary directory where gorelease is run.
  • version: specified together with mod, it sets the version to retrieve from the test proxy. See more information below.
  • base: the value of the -base flag passed to gorelease.
  • release: the value of the -version flag passed to gorelease.
  • dir: the directory where gorelease should be invoked. Useful when the test describes a whole repository, and gorelease should be invoked in a subdirectory.
  • error: true if the test expects a hard error. False by default.
  • success: true if the test expects a report to be printed with no errors or diagnostics. True by default.
  • skip: non-empty if the test should be skipped. The value is a string passed to t.Skip.
  • proxyVersions: empty if the test should include all mod/ entries in the proxy, or else a comma-separated list of the modpath@version's it should include.

Test archives have a file named want, containing the expected output of the test. A test will fail if the actual output differs from want.

If the mod and version parameters are not set, other files will be extracted to the temporary directory where gorelease runs.

Populating module contents

When building a test in testdata/, there are two ways to populate the module directory being tested:

Option 1: inline

You can inline files in the .test folder as described in For example,

-- some.file --
the contents
of the file

Option 2: specify an existing file

Often, multiple tests want to share the same setup - the same files. So, users can write these common files in testdata/mod/, and use one of these files as the module directory contents.

To specify a file in testdata/mod/ to use as the module contents.

Module format

Tests run with GOPROXY set to a local URL that points to a test proxy. The test proxy serves modules described by .txt files in the testdata/mod/ subdirectory.

Each module is a txtar archive named $modpath_$version.txt where $modpath is the module path (with slashes replaced with underscores) and $version is the version. If the archive contains a file named .mod, that will be used to respond to .mod requests; otherwise, go.mod will be used (.mod is only necessary for modules that lack go.mod files). If the archive contains a file named .info, that will be used to respond to .info requests; otherwise, .info is synthesized from the version. All other files in the archive are packed into a .zip file to satisfy .zip requests.