cmd/gorelease: add testdata/, explaining test format

Change-Id: I81cb0486b57796adfe735fdbd186c3f1431377a6
Run-TryBot: Jay Conrod <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: Bryan C. Mills <>
diff --git a/cmd/gorelease/testdata/ b/cmd/gorelease/testdata/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28e171b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/gorelease/testdata/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+This directory contains most tests for gorelease. Each test runs gorelease (the
+`runRelease` function) with a given set of flags in a temporary directory
+populated with files specified in the test itself or files from the module test
+proxy. The output is compared against a golden `want` file specified in the
+## Test flags
+A specific test may be run with a command like:
+    go test -run=TestRelease/basic/v0_patch_suggest
+where `basic/v0_patch_suggest` matches the file
+The `-u` flag adds or updates the `want` file in each test to match the output.
+This is useful for fixing tests after an intended change in behavior.
+    go test -run=TestRelease/basic/v0_patch_suggest -u
+The `-testwork` flag instructs the test framework to leave the test's temporary
+directory and module proxy in place after running the test. This is useful
+for debugging.
+## Test format
+Tests are written in `.test` files in `testdata` subdirectories. Each `.test`
+file is a valid txtar file (see ``). The comment section
+contains the test parameters, which are a series of `key=value` pairs. Blank
+lines and comments starting with `#` are allowed in this section. Valid keys
+* `mod`: sets the module path. Must be specified together with `version`. Copies
+  the content of a module out of the test proxy into a temporary directory
+  where `gorelease` is run.
+* `version`: specified together with `mod`. sets the version to retreive from
+  the test proxy.
+* `base`: the value of the `-base` flag passed to `gorelease`.
+* `release`: the value of the `-version` flag passed to `gorelease`.
+* `dir`: the directory where `gorelease` should be invoked. Useful when the test
+  describes a whole repository, and `gorelease` should be invoked in a
+  subdirectory.
+* `error`: true if the test expects a hard error. False by default.
+* `success`: true if the test expects a report to be printed with no errors
+  or diagnostics. True by default.
+* `skip`: non-empty if the test should be skipped. The value is a string passed
+  to `t.Skip`.
+Test archives have a file named `want`, containing the expected output of the
+test. A test will fail if the actual output differs from `want`.
+If the `mod` and `version` parameters are not set, other files will be extracted
+to the temporary directory where `gorelease` runs.
+## Module format
+Tests run with `GOPROXY` set to a local URL that points to a test proxy. The
+test proxy serves modules described by `.txt` files in the `testdata/mod/`
+Each module is a txtar archive named `$modpath_$version.txt` where `$modpath`
+is the module path (with slashes replaced with underscores) and `$version` is
+the version. If the archive contains a file named `.mod`, that will be used to
+respond to `.mod` requests; otherwise, `go.mod` will be used (`.mod` is only
+necessary for modules that lack `go.mod` files). If the archive contains a
+file named `.info`, that will be used to respond to `.info` requests; otherwise,
+`.info` is synthesized from the version. All other files in the archive are
+packed into a `.zip` file to satisfy `.zip` requests.