blob: d91d983370b362ba9b46bf7d822713754bbb0df5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// buildProxyDir constructs a temporary directory suitable for use as a
// module proxy with a file:// URL. The caller is responsible for deleting
// the directory when it's no longer needed.
// proxyVersions must be a map of module version true. If proxyVersions is
// empty, all modules in mod/ will be included in the proxy list. If proxy
// versions is non-empty, only those modules in mod/ that match an entry in
// proxyVersions will be included.
func buildProxyDir(proxyVersions map[module.Version]bool, tests []*test) (proxyDir, proxyURL string, err error) {
proxyDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gorelease-proxy")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
txtarPaths, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.FromSlash("testdata/mod/*.txt"))
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Map of modPath to versions for that modPath.
versionLists := make(map[string][]string)
for _, t := range tests {
versionLists[t.modPath] = []string{}
modDir := filepath.Join(proxyDir, t.modPath, "@v")
if err := os.MkdirAll(modDir, 0777); err != nil {
return "", "", err
for _, txtarPath := range txtarPaths {
base := filepath.Base(txtarPath)
stem := base[:len(base)-len(".txt")]
i := strings.LastIndexByte(base, '_')
if i < 0 {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid module archive: %s", base)
modPath := strings.ReplaceAll(stem[:i], "_", "/")
version := stem[i+1:]
mv := module.Version{
Path: modPath,
Version: version,
// User has supplied proxyVersions. Honor proxy versions by only
// accepting those versions supplied in proxyVersions.
if len(proxyVersions) > 0 {
if !proxyVersions[mv] {
// modPath@version is not in proxyVersions: skip.
versionLists[modPath] = append(versionLists[modPath], version)
modDir := filepath.Join(proxyDir, modPath, "@v")
if err := os.MkdirAll(modDir, 0777); err != nil {
return "", "", err
arc, err := txtar.ParseFile(txtarPath)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
isCanonical := version == module.CanonicalVersion(version)
var zipContents []zip.File
var haveInfo, haveMod bool
var goMod txtar.File
for _, af := range arc.Files {
if !isCanonical && af.Name != ".info" {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%s: version is non-canonical but contains files other than .info", txtarPath)
if af.Name == ".info" || af.Name == ".mod" {
if af.Name == ".info" {
haveInfo = true
} else {
haveMod = true
outPath := filepath.Join(modDir, version+af.Name)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(outPath, af.Data, 0666); err != nil {
return "", "", err
if af.Name == "go.mod" {
goMod = af
zipContents = append(zipContents, txtarFile{af})
if !isCanonical && !haveInfo {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%s: version is non-canonical but does not have .info", txtarPath)
if !haveInfo {
outPath := filepath.Join(modDir, version+".info")
outContent := fmt.Sprintf(`{"Version":"%s"}`, version)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(outPath, []byte(outContent), 0666); err != nil {
return "", "", err
if !haveMod && goMod.Name != "" {
outPath := filepath.Join(modDir, version+".mod")
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(outPath, goMod.Data, 0666); err != nil {
return "", "", err
if len(zipContents) > 0 {
zipPath := filepath.Join(modDir, version+".zip")
zipFile, err := os.Create(zipPath)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
defer zipFile.Close()
if err := zip.Create(zipFile, module.Version{Path: modPath, Version: version}, zipContents); err != nil {
return "", "", err
if err := zipFile.Close(); err != nil {
return "", "", err
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for modPath, versions := range versionLists {
outPath := filepath.Join(proxyDir, modPath, "@v", "list")
sort.Slice(versions, func(i, j int) bool {
return semver.Compare(versions[i], versions[j]) < 0
for _, v := range versions {
fmt.Fprintln(buf, v)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(outPath, buf.Bytes(), 0666); err != nil {
return "", "", err
// Make sure the URL path starts with a slash on Windows. Absolute paths
// normally start with a drive letter.
// TODO( use url.FromFilePath when implemented.
if strings.HasPrefix(proxyDir, "/") {
proxyURL = "file://" + proxyDir
} else {
proxyURL = "file:///" + filepath.FromSlash(proxyDir)
return proxyDir, proxyURL, nil
type txtarFile struct {
f txtar.File
func (f txtarFile) Path() string { return f.f.Name }
func (f txtarFile) Lstat() (os.FileInfo, error) { return txtarFileInfo{f.f}, nil }
func (f txtarFile) Open() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(f.f.Data)), nil
type txtarFileInfo struct {
f txtar.File
func (f txtarFileInfo) Name() string { return f.f.Name }
func (f txtarFileInfo) Size() int64 { return int64(len(f.f.Data)) }
func (f txtarFileInfo) Mode() os.FileMode { return 0444 }
func (f txtarFileInfo) ModTime() time.Time { return time.Time{} }
func (f txtarFileInfo) IsDir() bool { return false }
func (f txtarFileInfo) Sys() interface{} { return nil }
func extractTxtar(destDir string, arc *txtar.Archive) error {
for _, f := range arc.Files {
outPath := filepath.Join(destDir, f.Name)
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(outPath), 0777); err != nil {
return err
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(outPath, f.Data, 0666); err != nil {
return err
return nil