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A Guide to Writing slog Handlers

This document is maintained by Jonathan Amsterdam


  1. Introduction
  2. Loggers and their handlers
  3. Implementing Handler methods
    1. The Enabled method
    2. The Handle method
    3. The WithAttrs method
    4. The WithGroup method
    5. Testing
  4. General considerations
    1. Concurrency safety
    2. Robustness
    3. Speed


The standard library’s log/slog package has a two-part design. A “frontend,” implemented by the Logger type, gathers stuctured log information like a message, level, and attributes, and passes them to a “backend,” an implementation of the Handler interface. The package comes with two built-in handlers that usually should be adequate. But you may need to write your own handler, and that is not always straightforward. This guide is here to help.

Loggers and their handlers

Writing a handler requires an understanding of how the Logger and Handler types work together.

Each logger contains a handler. Certain Logger methods do some preliminary work, such as gathering key-value pairs into Attrs, and then call one or more Handler methods. These Logger methods are With, WithGroup, and the output methods.

An output method fulfills the main role of a logger: producing log output. Here is an example call to an output method:

logger.Info("hello", "key", value)

There are two general output methods, Log, and LogAttrs. For convenience, there is an output method for each of four common levels (Debug, Info, Warn and Error), and corresponding methods that take a context (DebugContext, InfoContext, WarnContext and ErrorContext).

Each Logger output method first calls its handler‘s Enabled method. If that call returns true, the method constructs a Record from its arguments and calls the handler’s Handle method.

As a convenience and an optimization, attributes can be added to Logger by calling the With method:

logger = logger.With("k", v)

This call creates a new Logger value with the argument attributes; the original remains unchanged. All subsequent output from logger will include those attributes. A logger‘s With method calls its handler’s WithAttrs method.

The WithGroup method is used to avoid avoid key collisions in large programs by establishing separate namespaces.

This call creates a new Logger value with a group named “g”:

logger = logger.WithGroup("g")

All subsequent keys for logger will be qualified by the group name “g”. Exactly what “qualified” means depends on how the logger's handler formats the output. The built-in TextHandler treats the group as a prefix to the key, separated by a dot: g.k for a key k, for example. The built-in JSONHandler uses the group as a key for a nested JSON object:

{"g": {"k": v}}

A logger‘s WithGroup method calls its handler’s WithGroup method.

Implementing Handler methods

We can now talk about the four Handler methods in detail. Along the way, we will write a handler that formats logs using a format reminsicent of YAML. It will display this log output call:

logger.Info("hello", "key", 23)

something like this:

time: 2023-05-15T16:29:00
level: INFO
message: "hello"
key: 23

Although this particular output is valid YAML, our implementation doesn‘t consider the subtleties of YAML syntax, so it will sometimes produce invalid YAML. For example, it doesn’t quote keys that have colons in them. We'll call it IndentHandler to forestall disappointment.

We begin with the IndentHandler type and the New function that constructs it from an io.Writer and options:

type IndentHandler struct {
	opts Options
	// TODO: state for WithGroup and WithAttrs
	mu  *sync.Mutex
	out io.Writer

type Options struct {
	// Level reports the minimum level to log.
	// Levels with lower levels are discarded.
	// If nil, the Handler uses [slog.LevelInfo].
	Level slog.Leveler

func New(out io.Writer, opts *Options) *IndentHandler {
	h := &IndentHandler{out: out, mu: &sync.Mutex{}}
	if opts != nil {
		h.opts = *opts
	if h.opts.Level == nil {
		h.opts.Level = slog.LevelInfo
	return h

We'll support only one option, the ability to set a minimum level in order to supress detailed log output. Handlers should always use the slog.Leveler type for this option. Leveler is implemented by both Level and LevelVar. A Level value is easy for the user to provide, but changing the level of multiple handlers requires tracking them all. If the user instead passes a LevelVar, then a single change to that LevelVar will change the behavior of all handlers that contain it. Changes to LevelVars are goroutine-safe.

The mutex will be used to ensure that writes to the io.Writer happen atomically. Unusually, IndentHandler holds a pointer to a sync.Mutex rather than holding a sync.Mutex directly. There is a good reason for that, which we'll explain later.

Our handler will need additional state to track calls to WithGroup and WithAttrs. We will describe that state when we get to those methods.

The Enabled method

The Enabled method is an optimization that can avoid unnecessary work. A Logger output method will call Enabled before it processes any of its arguments, to see if it should proceed.

The signature is

Enabled(context.Context, Level) bool

The context is available to allow decisions based on contextual information. For example, a custom HTTP request header could specify a minimum level, which the server adds to the context used for processing that request. A handler's Enabled method could report whether the argument level is greater than or equal to the context value, allowing the verbosity of the work done by each request to be controlled independently.

Our IndentHandler doesn't use the context. It just compares the argument level with its configured minimum level:

func (h *IndentHandler) Enabled(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level) bool {
	return level >= h.opts.Level.Level()

The Handle method

The Handle method is passed a Record containing all the information to be logged for a single call to a Logger output method. The Handle method should deal with it in some way. One way is to output the Record in some format, as TextHandler and JSONHandler do. But other options are to modify the Record and pass it on to another handler, enqueue the Record for later processing, or ignore it.

The signature of Handle is

Handle(context.Context, Record) error

The context is provided to support applications that provide logging information along the call chain. In a break with usual Go practice, the Handle method should not treat a canceled context as a signal to stop work.

If Handle processes its Record, it should follow the rules in the documentation. For example, a zero Time field should be ignored, as should zero Attrs.

A Handle method that is going to produce output should carry out the following steps:

  1. Allocate a buffer, typically a []byte, to hold the output. It's best to construct the output in memory first, then write it with a single call to io.Writer.Write, to minimize interleaving with other goroutines using the same writer.

  2. Format the special fields: time, level, message, and source location (PC). As a general rule, these fields should appear first and are not nested in groups established by WithGroup.

  3. Format the result of WithGroup and WithAttrs calls.

  4. Format the attributes in the Record.

  5. Output the buffer.

That is how our IndentHandler's Handle method is structured:

func (h *IndentHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r slog.Record) error {
	buf := make([]byte, 0, 1024)
	if !r.Time.IsZero() {
		buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.Time(slog.TimeKey, r.Time), 0)
	buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.Any(slog.LevelKey, r.Level), 0)
	if r.PC != 0 {
		fs := runtime.CallersFrames([]uintptr{r.PC})
		f, _ := fs.Next()
		buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.String(slog.SourceKey, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", f.File, f.Line)), 0)
	buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.String(slog.MessageKey, r.Message), 0)
	indentLevel := 0
	// TODO: output the Attrs and groups from WithAttrs and WithGroup.
	r.Attrs(func(a slog.Attr) bool {
		buf = h.appendAttr(buf, a, indentLevel)
		return true
	buf = append(buf, "---\n"...)
	_, err := h.out.Write(buf)
	return err

The first line allocates a []byte that should be large enough for most log output. Allocating a buffer with some initial, fairly large capacity is a simple but significant optimization: it avoids the repeated copying and allocation that happen when the initial slice is empty or small. We'll return to this line in the section on speed and show how we can do even better.

The next part of our Handle method formats the special attributes, observing the rules to ignore a zero time and a zero PC.

Next, the method processes the result of WithAttrs and WithGroup calls. We'll skip that for now.

Then it's time to process the attributes in the argument record. We use the Record.Attrs method to iterate over the attributes in the order the user passed them to the Logger output method. Handlers are free to reorder or de-duplicate the attributes, but ours does not.

Lastly, after adding the line “---” to the output to separate log records, our handler makes a single call to h.out.Write with the buffer we've accumulated. We hold the lock for this write to make it atomic with respect to other goroutines that may be calling Handle at the same time.

At the heart of the handler is the appendAttr method, responsible for formatting a single attribute:

func (h *IndentHandler) appendAttr(buf []byte, a slog.Attr, indentLevel int) []byte {
	// Resolve the Attr's value before doing anything else.
	a.Value = a.Value.Resolve()
	// Ignore empty Attrs.
	if a.Equal(slog.Attr{}) {
		return buf
	// Indent 4 spaces per level.
	buf = fmt.Appendf(buf, "%*s", indentLevel*4, "")
	switch a.Value.Kind() {
	case slog.KindString:
		// Quote string values, to make them easy to parse.
		buf = fmt.Appendf(buf, "%s: %q\n", a.Key, a.Value.String())
	case slog.KindTime:
		// Write times in a standard way, without the monotonic time.
		buf = fmt.Appendf(buf, "%s: %s\n", a.Key, a.Value.Time().Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
	case slog.KindGroup:
		attrs := a.Value.Group()
		// Ignore empty groups.
		if len(attrs) == 0 {
			return buf
		// If the key is non-empty, write it out and indent the rest of the attrs.
		// Otherwise, inline the attrs.
		if a.Key != "" {
			buf = fmt.Appendf(buf, "%s:\n", a.Key)
		for _, ga := range attrs {
			buf = h.appendAttr(buf, ga, indentLevel)
		buf = fmt.Appendf(buf, "%s: %s\n", a.Key, a.Value)
	return buf

It begins by resolving the attribute, to run the LogValuer.LogValue method of the value if it has one. All handlers should resolve every attribute they process.

Next, it follows the handler rule that says that empty attributes should be ignored.

Then it switches on the attribute kind to determine what format to use. For most kinds (the default case of the switch), it relies on slog.Value's String method to produce something reasonable. It handles strings and times specially: strings by quoting them, and times by formatting them in a standard way.

When appendAttr sees a Group, it calls itself recursively on the group‘s attributes, after applying two more handler rules. First, a group with no attributes is ignored—not even its key is displayed. Second, a group with an empty key is inlined: the group boundary isn’t marked in any way. In our case, that means the group‘s attributes aren’t indented.

The WithAttrs method

One of slog's performance optimizations is support for pre-formatting attributes. The Logger.With method converts key-value pairs into Attrs and then calls Handler.WithAttrs. The handler may store the attributes for later consumption by the Handle method, or it may take the opportunity to format the attributes now, once, rather than doing so repeatedly on each call to Handle.

The signature of the WithAttrs method is

WithAttrs(attrs []Attr) Handler

The attributes are the processed key-value pairs passed to Logger.With. The return value should be a new instance of your handler that contains the attributes, possibly pre-formatted.

WithAttrs must return a new handler with the additional attributes, leaving the original handler (its receiver) unchanged. For example, this call:

logger2 := logger1.With("k", v)

creates a new logger, logger2, with an additional attribute, but has no effect on logger1.

We will show example implementations of WithAttrs below, when we discuss WithGroup.

The WithGroup method

Logger.WithGroup calls Handler.WithGroup directly, with the same argument, the group name. A handler should remember the name so it can use it to qualify all subsequent attributes.

The signature of WithGroup is:

WithGroup(name string) Handler

Like WithAttrs, the WithGroup method should return a new handler, not modify the receiver.

The implementations of WithGroup and WithAttrs are intertwined. Consider this statement:

logger = logger.WithGroup("g1").With("k1", 1).WithGroup("g2").With("k2", 2)

Subsequent logger output should qualify key “k1” with group “g1”, and key “k2” with groups “g1” and “g2”. The order of the Logger.WithGroup and Logger.With calls must be respected by the implementations of Handler.WithGroup and Handler.WithAttrs.

We will look at two implementations of WithGroup and WithAttrs, one that pre-formats and one that doesn't.

Without pre-formatting

Our first implementation will collect the information from WithGroup and WithAttrs calls to build up a slice of group names and attribute lists, and loop over that slice in Handle. We start with a struct that can hold either a group name or some attributes:

// groupOrAttrs holds either a group name or a list of slog.Attrs.
type groupOrAttrs struct {
	group string      // group name if non-empty
	attrs []slog.Attr // attrs if non-empty

Then we add a slice of groupOrAttrs to our handler:

type IndentHandler struct {
	opts Options
	goas []groupOrAttrs
	mu   *sync.Mutex
	out  io.Writer

As stated above, The WithGroup and WithAttrs methods should not modify their receiver. To that end, we define a method that will copy our handler struct and append one groupOrAttrs to the copy:

func (h *IndentHandler) withGroupOrAttrs(goa groupOrAttrs) *IndentHandler {
	h2 := *h
	h2.goas = make([]groupOrAttrs, len(h.goas)+1)
	copy(h2.goas, h.goas)
	h2.goas[len(h2.goas)-1] = goa
	return &h2

Most of the fields of IndentHandler can be copied shallowly, but the slice of groupOrAttrs requires a deep copy, or the clone and the original will point to the same underlying array. If we used append instead of making an explicit copy, we would introduce that subtle aliasing bug.

Using withGroupOrAttrs, the With methods are easy:

func (h *IndentHandler) WithGroup(name string) slog.Handler {
	if name == "" {
		return h
	return h.withGroupOrAttrs(groupOrAttrs{group: name})

func (h *IndentHandler) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler {
	if len(attrs) == 0 {
		return h
	return h.withGroupOrAttrs(groupOrAttrs{attrs: attrs})

The Handle method can now process the groupOrAttrs slice after the built-in attributes and before the ones in the record:

func (h *IndentHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r slog.Record) error {
	buf := make([]byte, 0, 1024)
	if !r.Time.IsZero() {
		buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.Time(slog.TimeKey, r.Time), 0)
	buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.Any(slog.LevelKey, r.Level), 0)
	if r.PC != 0 {
		fs := runtime.CallersFrames([]uintptr{r.PC})
		f, _ := fs.Next()
		buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.String(slog.SourceKey, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", f.File, f.Line)), 0)
	buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.String(slog.MessageKey, r.Message), 0)
	indentLevel := 0
	// Handle state from WithGroup and WithAttrs.
	goas := h.goas
	if r.NumAttrs() == 0 {
		// If the record has no Attrs, remove groups at the end of the list; they are empty.
		for len(goas) > 0 && goas[len(goas)-1].group != "" {
			goas = goas[:len(goas)-1]
	for _, goa := range goas {
		if != "" {
			buf = fmt.Appendf(buf, "%*s%s:\n", indentLevel*4, "",
		} else {
			for _, a := range goa.attrs {
				buf = h.appendAttr(buf, a, indentLevel)
	r.Attrs(func(a slog.Attr) bool {
		buf = h.appendAttr(buf, a, indentLevel)
		return true
	buf = append(buf, "---\n"...)
	_, err := h.out.Write(buf)
	return err

You may have noticed that our algorithm for recording WithGroup and WithAttrs information is quadratic in the number of calls to those methods, because of the repeated copying. That is unlikely to matter in practice, but if it bothers you, you can use a linked list instead, which Handle will have to reverse or visit recursively. See for an implementation.

Getting the mutex right

Let us revisit the last few lines of Handle:
_, err := h.out.Write(buf)
return err

This code hasn't changed, but we can now appreciate why is a pointer to a sync.Mutex. Both WithGroup and WithAttrs copy the handler. Both copies point to the same mutex. If the copy and the original used different mutexes and were used concurrently, then their output could be interleaved, or some output could be lost. Code like this:

l2 := l1.With("a", 1)
go l1.Info("hello")

could produce output like this:

hegoollo a=dbye1

See this bug report for more detail.

With pre-formatting

Our second implementation implements pre-formatting. This implementation is more complicated than the previous one. Is the extra complexity worth it? That depends on your circumstances, but here is one circumstance where it might be. Say that you wanted your server to log a lot of information about an incoming request with every log message that happens during that request. A typical handler might look something like this:

func (s *Server) handleWidgets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    logger := s.logger.With(
        "url", r.URL,
        "traceID": r.Header.Get("X-Cloud-Trace-Context"),
        // many other attributes
    // ...

A single handleWidgets request might generate hundreds of log lines. For instance, it might contain code like this:

for _, w := range widgets {
    logger.Info("processing widget", "name", w.Name)
    // ...

For every such line, the Handle method we wrote above will format all the attributes that were added using With above, in addition to the ones on the log line itself.

Maybe all that extra work doesn't slow down your server significantly, because it does so much other work that time spent logging is just noise. But perhaps your server is fast enough that all that extra formatting appears high up in your CPU profiles. That is when pre-formatting can make a big difference, by formatting the attributes in a call to With just once.

To pre-format the arguments to WithAttrs, we need to keep track of some additional state in the IndentHandler struct.

type IndentHandler struct {
	opts           Options
	preformatted   []byte   // data from WithGroup and WithAttrs
	unopenedGroups []string // groups from WithGroup that haven't been opened
	indentLevel    int      // same as number of opened groups so far
	mu             *sync.Mutex
	out            io.Writer

Mainly, we need a buffer to hold the pre-formatted data. But we also need to keep track of which groups we‘ve seen but haven’t output yet. We‘ll call those groups “unopened.” We also need to track how many groups we’ve opened, which we can do with a simple counter, since an opened group's only effect is to change the indentation level.

The WithGroup implementation is a lot like the previous one: just remember the new group, which is unopened initially.

func (h *IndentHandler) WithGroup(name string) slog.Handler {
	if name == "" {
		return h
	h2 := *h
	// Add an unopened group to h2 without modifying h.
	h2.unopenedGroups = make([]string, len(h.unopenedGroups)+1)
	copy(h2.unopenedGroups, h.unopenedGroups)
	h2.unopenedGroups[len(h2.unopenedGroups)-1] = name
	return &h2

WithAttrs does all the pre-formatting:

func (h *IndentHandler) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler {
	if len(attrs) == 0 {
		return h
	h2 := *h
	// Force an append to copy the underlying array.
	pre := slices.Clip(h.preformatted)
	// Add all groups from WithGroup that haven't already been added.
	h2.preformatted = h2.appendUnopenedGroups(pre, h2.indentLevel)
	// Each of those groups increased the indent level by 1.
	h2.indentLevel += len(h2.unopenedGroups)
	// Now all groups have been opened.
	h2.unopenedGroups = nil
	// Pre-format the attributes.
	for _, a := range attrs {
		h2.preformatted = h2.appendAttr(h2.preformatted, a, h2.indentLevel)
	return &h2

func (h *IndentHandler) appendUnopenedGroups(buf []byte, indentLevel int) []byte {
	for _, g := range h.unopenedGroups {
		buf = fmt.Appendf(buf, "%*s%s:\n", indentLevel*4, "", g)
	return buf

It first opens any unopened groups. This handles calls like:

logger.WithGroup("g").WithGroup("h").With("a", 1)

Here, WithAttrs must output “g” and “h” before “a”. Since a group established by WithGroup is in effect for the rest of the log line, WithAttrs increments the indentation level for each group it opens.

Lastly, WithAttrs formats its argument attributes, using the same appendAttr method we saw above.

It‘s the Handle method’s job to insert the pre-formatted material in the right place, which is after the built-in attributes and before the ones in the record:

func (h *IndentHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r slog.Record) error {
	buf := make([]byte, 0, 1024)
	if !r.Time.IsZero() {
		buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.Time(slog.TimeKey, r.Time), 0)
	buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.Any(slog.LevelKey, r.Level), 0)
	if r.PC != 0 {
		fs := runtime.CallersFrames([]uintptr{r.PC})
		f, _ := fs.Next()
		buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.String(slog.SourceKey, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", f.File, f.Line)), 0)
	buf = h.appendAttr(buf, slog.String(slog.MessageKey, r.Message), 0)
	// Insert preformatted attributes just after built-in ones.
	buf = append(buf, h.preformatted...)
	if r.NumAttrs() > 0 {
		buf = h.appendUnopenedGroups(buf, h.indentLevel)
		r.Attrs(func(a slog.Attr) bool {
			buf = h.appendAttr(buf, a, h.indentLevel+len(h.unopenedGroups))
			return true
	buf = append(buf, "---\n"...)
	_, err := h.out.Write(buf)
	return err

It must also open any groups that haven't yet been opened. The logic covers log lines like this one:

logger.WithGroup("g").Info("msg", "a", 1)

where “g” is unopened before Handle is called and must be written to produce the correct output:

level: INFO
msg: "msg"
    a: 1

The check for r.NumAttrs() > 0 handles this case:


Here there are no record attributes, so no group to open.


The Handler contract specifies several constraints on handlers. To verify that your handler follows these rules and generally produces proper output, use the testing/slogtest package.

That package's TestHandler function takes an instance of your handler and a function that returns its output formatted as a slice of maps. Here is the test function for our example handler:

func TestSlogtest(t *testing.T) {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	err := slogtest.TestHandler(New(&buf, nil), func() []map[string]any {
		return parseLogEntries(t, buf.Bytes())
	if err != nil {

Calling TestHandler is easy. The hard part is parsing the output. TestHandler calls your handler multiple times, resulting in a sequence of log entries. It is your job to parse each entry into a map[string]any. A group in an entry should appear as a nested map.

If your handler outputs a standard format, you can use an existing parser. For example, if your handler outputs one JSON object per line, then you can split the output into lines and call encoding/json.Unmarshal on each. Parsers for other formats that can unmarshal into a map can be used out of the box. Our example output is enough like YAML so that we can use the package to parse it:

func parseLogEntries(t *testing.T, data []byte) []map[string]any {
	entries := bytes.Split(data, []byte("---\n"))
	entries = entries[:len(entries)-1] // last one is empty
	var ms []map[string]any
	for _, e := range entries {
		var m map[string]any
		if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(e), &m); err != nil {
		ms = append(ms, m)
	return ms

If you have to write your own parser, it can be far from perfect. The slogtest package uses only a handful of simple attributes. (It is testing handler conformance, not parsing.) Your parser can ignore edge cases like whitespace and newlines in keys and values. Before switching to a YAML parser, we wrote an adequate custom parser in 65 lines.

General considerations

TODO(jba): reintroduce the material on Record.Clone that used to be here.

Concurrency safety

A handler must work properly when a single Logger is shared among several goroutines. That means that mutable state must be protected with a lock or some other mechanism. In practice, this is not hard to achieve, because many handlers won't have any mutable state.

  • The Enabled method typically consults only its arguments and a configured level. The level is often either set once initially, or is held in a LevelVar, which is already concurrency-safe.

  • The WithAttrs and WithGroup methods should not modify the receiver, for reasons discussed above.

  • The Handle method typically works only with its arguments and stored fields.

Calls to output methods like io.Writer.Write should be synchronized unless it can be verified that no locking is needed. As we saw in our example, storing a pointer to a mutex enables a logger and all of its clones to synchronize with each other. Beware of facile claims like “Unix writes are atomic”; the situation is a lot more nuanced than that.

Some handlers have legitimate reasons for keeping state. For example, a handler might support a SetLevel method to change its configured level dynamically. Or it might output the time between sucessive calls to Handle, which requires a mutable field holding the last output time. Synchronize all accesses to such fields, both reads and writes.

The built-in handlers have no directly mutable state. They use a mutex only to sequence calls to their contained io.Writer.


Logging is often the debugging technique of last resort. When it is difficult or impossible to inspect a system, as is typically the case with a production server, logs provide the most detailed way to understand its behavior. Therefore, your handler should be robust to bad input.

For example, the usual advice when when a function discovers a problem, like an invalid argument, is to panic or return an error. The built-in handlers do not follow that advice. Few things are more frustrating than being unable to debug a problem that causes logging to fail; our feeling is that it is better to produce some output, however imperfect, than to produce none at all. That is why methods like Logger.Info convert programming bugs in their list of key-value pairs, like missing values or malformed keys, into Attrs that contain as much information as possible.

One place to avoid panics is in processing attribute values. A handler that wants to format a value will probably switch on the value's kind:

switch attr.Value.Kind() {
case KindString: ...
case KindTime: ...
// all other Kinds
default: ...

What should happen in the default case, when the handler encounters a Kind that it doesn‘t know about? The built-in handlers try to muddle through by using the result of the value’s String method, as our example handler does. They do not panic or return an error. Your own handlers might in addition want to report the problem through your production monitoring or error-tracking telemetry system. The most likely explanation for the issue is that a newer version of the slog package added a new Kind—a backwards-compatible change under the Go 1 Compatibility Promise—and the handler wasn‘t updated. That is certainly a problem, but it shouldn’t deprive readers of the logs from seeing the rest of the output.

There is one circumstance where returning an error from Handler.Handle is appropriate. If the output operation itself fails, the best course of action is to report this failure by returning the error. For instance, the last two lines of the built-in Handle methods are

_, err := h.w.Write(*state.buf)
return err

Although the output methods of Logger ignore the error, one could write a handler that does something with it, perhaps falling back to writing to standard error.


TODO(jba): discuss

TODO(jba): show how to pool a []byte.