blob: 1d052a2e484544b8be4a9d759a20f0edb1496903 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocore
import (
// A Type is the representation of the type of a Go object.
// Types are not necessarily canonical.
// Names are opaque; do not depend on the format of the returned name.
type Type struct {
Name string
Size int64
Kind Kind // common dwarf types.
// Go-specific types obtained from AttrGoKind, such as string and slice.
// Kind and gokind are not correspond one to one, both need to be preserved now.
// For example, slices are described in dwarf by a 3-field struct, so its Kind is Struct and its goKind is Slice.
goKind reflect.Kind
// Go-specific types obtained from AttrGoRuntimeType.
// May be nil if this type is not referenced by the DWARF.
goAddr core.Address
// Fields only valid for a subset of kinds.
Count int64 // for kind == KindArray
Elem *Type // for kind == Kind{Ptr,Array,Slice,String}. nil for unsafe.Pointer. Always uint8 for KindString.
Fields []Field // for kind == KindStruct
type Kind uint8
const (
KindNone Kind = iota
KindPtr // includes chan, map, unsafe.Pointer
func (k Kind) String() string {
return [...]string{
// A Field represents a single field of a struct type.
type Field struct {
Name string
Off int64
Type *Type
func (t *Type) String() string {
return t.Name
func (t *Type) field(name string) *Field {
if t.Kind != KindStruct {
panic("asking for field of non-struct")
for i := range t.Fields {
f := &t.Fields[i]
if f.Name == name {
return f
return nil
func (t *Type) HasField(name string) bool {
return t.field(name) != nil
// DynamicType returns the concrete type stored in the interface type t at address a.
// If the interface is nil, returns nil.
func (p *Process) DynamicType(t *Type, a core.Address) *Type {
switch t.Kind {
panic("asking for the dynamic type of a non-interface")
case KindEface:
x := p.proc.ReadPtr(a)
if x == 0 {
return nil
return p.runtimeType2Type(x, a.Add(p.proc.PtrSize()))
case KindIface:
x := p.proc.ReadPtr(a)
if x == 0 {
return nil
// Read type out of itab.
x = p.proc.ReadPtr(x.Add(p.proc.PtrSize()))
return p.runtimeType2Type(x, a.Add(p.proc.PtrSize()))
// return the number of bytes of the variable int and its value,
// which means the length of a name.
func readNameLen(p *Process, a core.Address) (int64, int64) {
v := 0
for i := 0; ; i++ {
x := p.proc.ReadUint8(a.Add(int64(i + 1)))
v += int(x&0x7f) << (7 * i)
if x&0x80 == 0 {
return int64(i + 1), int64(v)
// runtimeType is a thin wrapper around a runtime._type (AKA abi.Type) region
// that abstracts over the name changes seen in Go 1.21.
type runtimeType struct {
reg region
// findRuntimeType finds either abi.Type (Go 1.21+) or runtime._type.
func (p *Process) findRuntimeType(a core.Address) runtimeType {
return runtimeType{
reg: region{p: p.proc, a: a, typ: p.rtTypeByName["internal/abi.Type"]},
// Size_ is either abi.Type.Size_ or runtime._type.Size_.
func (r runtimeType) Size_() int64 {
return int64(r.reg.Field("Size_").Uintptr())
// TFlag is either abi.Type.TFlag or runtime._type.TFlag.
func (r runtimeType) TFlag() uint8 {
return r.reg.Field("TFlag").Uint8()
// Str is either abi.Type.Str or runtime._type.Str.
func (r runtimeType) Str() int64 {
return int64(r.reg.Field("Str").Int32())
// PtrBytes is either abi.Type.PtrBytes or runtime._type.PtrBytes.
func (r runtimeType) PtrBytes() int64 {
return int64(r.reg.Field("PtrBytes").Uintptr())
// Kind_ is either abi.Type.Kind_ or runtime._type.Kind_.
func (r runtimeType) Kind_() uint8 {
return r.reg.Field("Kind_").Uint8()
// GCData is either abi.Type.GCData or runtime._type.GCData.
func (r runtimeType) GCData() core.Address {
return r.reg.Field("GCData").Address()
// runtimeItab is a thin wrapper around a abi.ITab (used to be runtime.itab). It
// abstracts over name/package changes in Go 1.21.
type runtimeItab struct {
typ *Type
// findItab finds either abi.ITab (Go 1.21+) or runtime.itab.
func (p *Process) findItab() runtimeItab {
return runtimeItab{
typ: p.rtTypeByName["internal/abi.ITab"],
// Type is the field representing either abi.ITab.Type or runtime.itab._type.
func (r runtimeItab) Type() *Field {
return r.typ.field("Type")
// Convert the address of a runtime._type to a *Type.
// The "d" is the address of the second field of an interface, used to help disambiguate types.
// If "d" is 0, just return *Type and not to do the interface disambiguation.
// Guaranteed to return a non-nil *Type.
func (p *Process) runtimeType2Type(a core.Address, d core.Address) *Type {
if t := p.rtTypeMap[a]; t != nil {
return t
// There's no corresponding DWARF type. Make our own.
// Read runtime._type.size
r := p.findRuntimeType(a)
size := r.Size_()
// Find module this type is in.
var m *module
for _, x := range p.modules {
if x.types <= a && a < x.etypes {
m = x
// Read information out of the runtime._type.
var name string
if m != nil {
x := m.types.Add(r.Str())
i, n := readNameLen(p, x)
b := make([]byte, n)
p.proc.ReadAt(b, x.Add(i+1))
name = string(b)
if r.TFlag()&uint8(p.rtConsts.get("internal/abi.TFlagExtraStar")) != 0 {
name = name[1:]
} else {
// A reflect-generated type.
// TODO: The actual name is in the runtime.reflectOffs map.
// Too hard to look things up in maps here, just allocate a placeholder for now.
name = fmt.Sprintf("reflect.generatedType%x", a)
// Read ptr/nonptr bits
ptrSize := p.proc.PtrSize()
nptrs := int64(r.PtrBytes()) / ptrSize
var ptrs []int64
kindGCProg, hasGCProgs := p.rtConsts.find("internal/abi.KindGCProg")
if hasGCProgs && r.Kind_()&uint8(kindGCProg) != 0 {
// TODO: run GC program. Go 1.23 and earlier only.
} else {
gcdata := r.GCData()
for i := int64(0); i < nptrs; i++ {
if p.proc.ReadUint8(gcdata.Add(i/8))>>uint(i%8)&1 != 0 {
ptrs = append(ptrs, i*ptrSize)
// Build the type from the name, size, and ptr/nonptr bits.
t := &Type{Name: name, Size: size, Kind: KindStruct}
n := t.Size / ptrSize
// Types to use for ptr/nonptr fields of runtime types which
// have no corresponding DWARF type.
ptr := p.rtTypeByName["unsafe.Pointer"]
nonptr := p.rtTypeByName["uintptr"]
if ptr == nil || nonptr == nil {
panic("ptr / nonptr standins missing")
for i := int64(0); i < n; i++ {
typ := nonptr
if len(ptrs) > 0 && ptrs[0] == i*ptrSize {
typ = ptr
ptrs = ptrs[1:]
t.Fields = append(t.Fields, Field{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("f%d", i),
Off: i * ptrSize,
Type: typ,
if t.Size%ptrSize != 0 {
// TODO: tail of <ptrSize data.
// Memoize.
p.rtTypeMap[a] = t
return t
// ptrs returns a sorted list of pointer offsets in t.
func (t *Type) ptrs() []int64 {
return t.ptrs1(nil, 0)
func (t *Type) ptrs1(s []int64, off int64) []int64 {
switch t.Kind {
case KindPtr, KindFunc, KindSlice, KindString:
s = append(s, off)
case KindIface, KindEface:
s = append(s, off, off+t.Size/2)
case KindArray:
if t.Count > 10000 {
// Be careful about really large types like [1e9]*byte.
// To process such a type we'd make a huge ptrs list.
// The ptrs list here is only used for matching
// a runtime type with a dwarf type, and for making
// fields for types with no dwarf type.
// Both uses can fail with no terrible repercussions.
// We still will scan the whole object during markObjects, for example.
// TODO: make this more robust somehow.
for i := int64(0); i < t.Count; i++ {
s = t.Elem.ptrs1(s, off)
off += t.Elem.Size
case KindStruct:
for _, f := range t.Fields {
s = f.Type.ptrs1(s, off+f.Off)
// no pointers
return s
func equal(a, b []int64) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i, x := range a {
if x != b[i] {
return false
return true
// A typeInfo contains information about the type of an object.
// A slice of these hold the results of typing the heap.
type typeInfo struct {
// This object has an effective type of [r]t.
// Parts of the object beyond the first r*t.Size bytes have unknown type.
// If t == nil, the type is unknown. (TODO: provide access to ptr/nonptr bits in this case.)
t *Type
r int64
// A typeChunk records type information for a portion of an object.
// Similar to a typeInfo, but it has an offset so it can be used for interior typings.
type typeChunk struct {
off int64
t *Type
r int64
func (c typeChunk) min() int64 {
func (c typeChunk) max() int64 {
return + c.r*c.t.Size
func (c typeChunk) size() int64 {
return c.r * c.t.Size
func (c typeChunk) matchingAlignment(d typeChunk) bool {
if c.t != d.t {
panic("can't check alignment of differently typed chunks")
return ( == 0
func (c typeChunk) merge(d typeChunk) typeChunk {
t := c.t
if t != d.t {
panic("can't merge chunks with different types")
size := t.Size
if ( != 0 {
panic("can't merge poorly aligned chunks")
min := c.min()
max := c.max()
if max < d.min() || min > d.max() {
panic("can't merge chunks which don't overlap or abut")
if x := d.min(); x < min {
min = x
if x := d.max(); x > max {
max = x
return typeChunk{off: min, t: t, r: (max - min) / size}
func (c typeChunk) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%x[%d]%s",, c.r, c.t)
// typeHeap tries to label all the heap objects with types.
func (p *Process) typeHeap() {
func (p *Process) doTypeHeap() {
// Type info for the start of each object. a.k.a. "0 offset" typings.
p.types = make([]typeInfo, p.nObj)
// Type info for the interior of objects, a.k.a. ">0 offset" typings.
// Type information is arranged in chunks. Chunks are stored in an
// arbitrary order, and are guaranteed to not overlap. If types are
// equal, chunks are also guaranteed not to abut.
// Interior typings are kept separate because they hopefully are rare.
// TODO: They aren't really that rare. On some large heaps I tried
// ~50% of objects have an interior pointer into them.
// Keyed by object index.
interior := map[int][]typeChunk{}
// Typings we know about but haven't scanned yet.
type workRecord struct {
a core.Address
t *Type
r int64
var work []workRecord
// add records the fact that we know the object at address a has
// r copies of type t.
add := func(a core.Address, t *Type, r int64) {
if a == 0 { // nil pointer
i, off := p.findObjectIndex(a)
if i < 0 { // pointer doesn't point to an object in the Go heap
if off == 0 {
// We have a 0-offset typing. Replace existing 0-offset typing
// if the new one is larger.
ot := p.types[i].t
or := p.types[i].r
if ot == nil || r*t.Size > or*ot.Size {
if t == ot {
// Scan just the new section.
work = append(work, workRecord{
a: a.Add(or * ot.Size),
t: t,
r: r - or,
} else {
// Rescan the whole typing using the updated type.
work = append(work, workRecord{
a: a,
t: t,
r: r,
p.types[i].t = t
p.types[i].r = r
// Add an interior typing to object #i.
c := typeChunk{off: off, t: t, r: r}
// Merge the given typing into the chunks we already know.
// TODO: this could be O(n) per insert if there are lots of internal pointers.
chunks := interior[i]
newchunks := chunks[:0]
addWork := true
for _, d := range chunks {
if c.max() <= d.min() || c.min() >= d.max() {
// c does not overlap with d.
if c.t == d.t && (c.max() == d.min() || c.min() == d.max()) {
// c and d abut and share the same base type. Merge them.
c = c.merge(d)
// Keep existing chunk d.
// Overwrites chunks slice, but we're only merging chunks so it
// can't overwrite to-be-processed elements.
newchunks = append(newchunks, d)
// There is some overlap. There are a few possibilities:
// 1) One is completely contained in the other.
// 2) Both are slices of a larger underlying array.
// 3) Some unsafe trickery has happened. Non-containing overlap
// can only happen in safe Go via case 2.
if c.min() >= d.min() && c.max() <= d.max() {
// 1a: c is contained within the existing chunk d.
// Note that there can be a type mismatch between c and d,
// but we don't care. We use the larger chunk regardless.
c = d
addWork = false // We've already scanned all of c.
if d.min() >= c.min() && d.max() <= c.max() {
// 1b: existing chunk d is completely covered by c.
if c.t == d.t && c.matchingAlignment(d) {
// Union two regions of the same base type. Case 2 above.
c = c.merge(d)
if c.size() < d.size() {
// Keep the larger of the two chunks.
c = d
addWork = false
// Add new chunk to list of chunks for object.
newchunks = append(newchunks, c)
interior[i] = newchunks
// Also arrange to scan the new chunk. Note that if we merged
// with an existing chunk (or chunks), those will get rescanned.
// Duplicate work, but that's ok. TODO: but could be expensive.
if addWork {
work = append(work, workRecord{
a: a.Add( - off),
t: c.t,
r: c.r,
// Get typings starting at roots.
fr := &frameReader{p: p}
p.ForEachRoot(func(r *Root) bool {
if len(r.pieces) == 1 && r.pieces[0].kind == addrPiece {
addr := core.Address(r.pieces[0].value)
if r.Frame != nil { = r.Frame.Live
p.typeObject(addr, r.Type, fr, add)
} else {
p.typeObject(addr, r.Type, p.proc, add)
} else {
// TODO(mknyszek): Support roots broken into pieces.
return true
// Propagate typings through the heap.
for len(work) > 0 {
c := work[len(work)-1]
work = work[:len(work)-1]
switch c.t.Kind {
case KindBool, KindInt, KindUint, KindFloat, KindComplex:
// Don't do O(n) function calls for big primitive slices
for i := int64(0); i < c.r; i++ {
p.typeObject(c.a.Add(i*c.t.Size), c.t, p.proc, add)
// Merge any interior typings with the 0-offset typing.
for i, chunks := range interior {
t := p.types[i].t
r := p.types[i].r
if t == nil {
continue // We have no type info at offset 0.
for _, c := range chunks {
if c.max() <= r*t.Size {
// c is completely contained in the 0-offset typing. Ignore it.
if c.min() <= r*t.Size {
// Typings overlap or abut. Extend if we can.
if c.t == t && c.min()%t.Size == 0 {
r = c.max() / t.Size
p.types[i].r = r
// Note: at this point we throw away any interior typings that weren't
// merged with the 0-offset typing. TODO: make more use of this info.
type reader interface {
ReadPtr(core.Address) core.Address
ReadInt(core.Address) int64
// A frameReader reads data out of a stack frame.
// Any pointer slots marked as dead will read as nil instead of their real value.
type frameReader struct {
p *Process
live map[core.Address]bool
func (fr *frameReader) ReadPtr(a core.Address) core.Address {
if ![a] {
return 0
return fr.p.proc.ReadPtr(a)
func (fr *frameReader) ReadInt(a core.Address) int64 {
return fr.p.proc.ReadInt(a)
func methodFromMethodValueWrapper(name string) (string, bool) {
return strings.CutSuffix(name, "-fm")
// ifaceIndir reports whether t is stored indirectly in an interface value.
func ifaceIndir(t core.Address, p *Process) bool {
typr := p.findRuntimeType(t)
return typr.Kind_()&uint8(p.rtConsts.get("internal/abi.KindDirectIface")) == 0
// typeObject takes an address and a type for the data at that address.
// For each pointer it finds in the memory at that address, it calls add with the pointer
// and the type + repeat count of the thing that it points to.
func (p *Process) typeObject(a core.Address, t *Type, r reader, add func(core.Address, *Type, int64)) {
ptrSize := p.proc.PtrSize()
switch t.Kind {
case KindBool, KindInt, KindUint, KindFloat, KindComplex:
// Nothing to do
case KindEface, KindIface:
// Interface.
// Load the data word first and back out if its a nil
// or typed-nil interface. We must do this because it's
// our only signal that this value is dead. Consider
// a dead eface variable on the stack: the data field
// will return nil because it's dead, but the type pointer
// will likely be bogus.
data := a.Add(ptrSize)
if r.ReadPtr(data) == 0 { // nil interface
// Use the type word to determine the type
// of the pointed-to object.
typPtr := r.ReadPtr(a)
if typPtr == 0 { // nil interface
if t.Kind == KindIface {
typPtr = p.proc.ReadPtr(typPtr.Add(p.findItab().Type().Off))
// TODO: for KindEface, type typPtr. It might point to the heap
// if the type was allocated with reflect.
typ := p.runtimeType2Type(typPtr, data)
if ifaceIndir(typPtr, p) {
// Indirect interface: the interface introduced a new
// level of indirection, not reflected in the type.
// Read through it.
add(r.ReadPtr(data), typ, 1)
// Direct interface: the contained type is a single pointer.
// Figure out what it is and type it. See isdirectiface() for the rules.
directTyp := typ
for {
if directTyp.Kind == KindArray {
directTyp = typ.Elem
continue findDirect
if directTyp.Kind == KindStruct {
for _, f := range directTyp.Fields {
if f.Type.Size != 0 {
directTyp = f.Type
continue findDirect
if directTyp.Kind == KindPtr {
p.typeObject(data, directTyp, r, add)
if directTyp.Kind == KindFunc {
add(data, directTyp, 1)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("type of direct interface, originally %s (kind %s), isn't a pointer: %s (kind %s)", typ, typ.Kind, directTyp, directTyp.Kind))
case KindString:
ptr := r.ReadPtr(a)
len := r.ReadInt(a.Add(ptrSize))
add(ptr, t.Elem, len)
case KindSlice:
ptr := r.ReadPtr(a)
cap := r.ReadInt(a.Add(2 * ptrSize))
add(ptr, t.Elem, cap)
case KindPtr:
if t.Elem != nil { // unsafe.Pointer has a nil Elem field.
add(r.ReadPtr(a), t.Elem, 1)
case KindFunc:
// The referent is a closure. We don't know much about the
// type of the referent. Its first entry is a code pointer.
// The runtime._type we want exists in the binary (for all
// heap-allocated closures, anyway) but it would be hard to find
// just given the pc.
closure := r.ReadPtr(a)
if closure == 0 {
pc := p.proc.ReadPtr(closure)
f := p.funcTab.find(pc)
if f == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("can't find func for closure pc %x", pc))
ft := f.closure
if ft == nil {
ft = &Type{Name: "closure for " +, Size: ptrSize, Kind: KindPtr}
// For now, treat a closure like an unsafe.Pointer.
// TODO: better value for size?
f.closure = ft
p.typeObject(closure, ft, r, add)
// Handle the special case for method value.
// It's a single-entry closure laid out like {pc uintptr, x T}.
if method, ok := methodFromMethodValueWrapper(; ok {
mf := p.funcTab.findByName(method)
if mf != nil {
for _, v := range p.dwarfVars[mf] {
if v.kind == dwarfParam {
ptr := closure.Add(p.proc.PtrSize())
p.typeObject(ptr, v.typ, r, add)
case KindArray:
n := t.Elem.Size
for i := int64(0); i < t.Count; i++ {
p.typeObject(a.Add(i*n), t.Elem, r, add)
case KindStruct:
if strings.HasPrefix(t.Name, "hash<") {
// Special case - maps have a pointer to the first bucket
// but it really types all the buckets (like a slice would).
var bPtr core.Address
var bTyp *Type
var n int64
for _, f := range t.Fields {
if f.Name == "buckets" {
bPtr = p.proc.ReadPtr(a.Add(f.Off))
bTyp = f.Type.Elem
if f.Name == "B" {
n = int64(1) << p.proc.ReadUint8(a.Add(f.Off))
add(bPtr, bTyp, n)
// TODO: also oldbuckets
for _, f := range t.Fields {
// hchan.buf(in chan) is an unsafe.pointer to an [dataqsiz]elemtype.
if strings.HasPrefix(t.Name, "hchan<") && f.Name == "buf" && f.Type.Kind == KindPtr {
elemType := p.proc.ReadPtr(a.Add(t.field("elemtype").Off))
bufPtr := r.ReadPtr(a.Add(t.field("buf").Off))
rTyp := p.runtimeType2Type(elemType, 0)
dataqsiz := p.proc.ReadUintptr(a.Add(t.field("dataqsiz").Off))
add(bufPtr, rTyp, int64(dataqsiz))
p.typeObject(a.Add(f.Off), f.Type, r, add)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type kind %s\n", t.Kind))
// forEachPointer iterates over each pointer in the type, emitting the offset of the
// pointer in the type.
func (t *Type) forEachPointer(baseOffset, ptrSize int64, yield func(off int64)) {
switch t.Kind {
case KindBool, KindInt, KindUint, KindFloat, KindComplex:
// Nothing to do
case KindEface, KindIface:
case KindString, KindSlice, KindPtr, KindFunc:
case KindArray:
n := t.Elem.Size
for i := int64(0); i < t.Count; i++ {
t.Elem.forEachPointer(baseOffset+i*n, ptrSize, yield)
case KindStruct:
for _, f := range t.Fields {
f.Type.forEachPointer(baseOffset+f.Off, ptrSize, yield)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type kind %s\n", t.Kind))